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Typical Teenager
This podcast is basically just about what being a teenager feels like. The things that we go through. Little things that make us happy or even sad. All will be talked about.
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Lasher Tools
Lasher Tools is a South African hand tool manufacturing company and the largest one in Southern Africa, with an established global footprint. Being over 90 years old –we offer a range of over 1200 tools, serving 6 industries (Mining, Forestry,...
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Threads of Healing - With Dr. Ela Manga
The world is in the midst of a transformative storm. How we emerge will depend on the courageous choices that we make today and the commitment to both our individual and collective healing. Healing is a process of change. It is an undoing. A...
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How Louw Can You Go?
We learn the most from our mistakes. Join Albert (Oubie) Louw & Tamsyn Louw for conversations with successful business owners and entrepreneurs who share their worst decision or worst day in business. Many investors want to see a track record from...
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Bedvogels is een cultuurhistorische podcast over seks. Wat leren we over onze seksbeleving als we de tijdmachine instappen en ons verplaatsen door tijd en ruimte? De centrale thema’s van de afleveringen zijn afgeleid uit gesprekken met twintigers en...
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Human - Sales, Stories and Sincerity.
We are a sales-first brand building business. We discuss how to turn your business into a brand and your brand into a better businesses. We unpack sales, marketing and leadership and in a world of change and uncertainty our aim is to help you build...
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Talkin bout Somethin
here we describe books we were assinged in school this currently includes House of the Scorpion, Professor and the housekeeper
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Anime supremacy
This is an anime podcast.
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