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History's Great Speeches
Premium Audiobooks
Civil War in the Roman Republic, 106 to 44BCE
IntroductionWhile compiling and narrating these speeches, I've often been struck by how easily they could be translated into a modern day context. Frequently, a speech has reminded me of the news of the day, somewhere in the world. Nowhere has this...
Demosthenes is generally acknowledged as the greatest orator in history. He overcame a stammer and the theft of his inheritance by his legal guardians to become as foundational to oratory as his contemporaries Plato and Aristotle are to...
From Enlightenment To Revolution
History is often concentrated into short bursts of change, with long periods of shifting before and waves of alteration afterwards. Nowhere is this more obvious than the thirty year interregnum between the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution....
The Birth of Anarchism
Mankind can rule itself without the force of top-down authority, and freedom is more than just choosing how to meet the needs and demands of capital. Inequality is structural and intentional, not inevitable and necessary.It does not have to be this...
The End of Empire
No discussion of the 19th Century is complete without Napoleon. We begin with Charles Phillips’ eulogy, summarizing the strangeness and contradiction of the most influential man of his time. Followed by 7 brief speeches by Napoleon himself.Two...
The Era of Faith
Five speeches from a millennium shaped by faith and empire.632CE. In Muhammed’s farewell address, he lauds his people for their achievements and virtues, and gives them his final instructions for living within the faith.In 1095, Pope Urban II’s...
The Era of Liberation
The late 19th Century was a time of liberation. After the collapse of empires, people of all creeds demanded their equality.We begin with two speeches that represent the old order, by Bismarck. Between the two speeches he went from being Prussia’s...
The Era of Revolution
Six speeches about freedom and revolution from the American, French and Irish revolutions.The first two speeches are from the American Revolutionary war (1775-1783). Patrick Henry’s “Give me Liberty or give me death” is recognized even today, two...
The Graeco-Roman Era
Five speeches from the legendary orators Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Cicero, and Pericles.431 BCE: Pericles’ Funeral Oration is a valedictory and eulogy for the great age of Athenian democracy. Reported by Thucydides, it was given at the first...
The Great American Socialist: Eugene Debs
Six months ago, I had never heard the name Eugene Debs. Today, I believe he is one of the greatest orators in history, ranking alongside Napoleon, Robespierre, Lincoln, and Cicero. More importantly, he was a genuine hero, a man to believe in and...
The Reformation 1495-1553
Martin Luther and John Calvin are household names, of a type where people have no idea about them other than knowing their importance in Christian thought and culture. It is surprising, therefore, how closely their language and concerns reflect modern...
The Rise of Socialism
The birth of liberation movements in the C19th saw a rise in fighting for the rights of workers.William Morris believed decries the belief “not that Commerce was made for man, but that man was made for Commerce”, with the profit motive that renders...