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Robert Fuller
Premium Audiobooks
A Better Game Than War
Recovering the natural way and restoring balance to life provides the theme for the Fosters’ extraordinary explorations. In the eye of the hurricane there is calm, and the Fosters’ living expression during turbulent times inspires and challenges us to...
Afghanistan: Another Holocaust?
Here two principals of the Mo Tzu Project, a citizens diplomacy endeavor, who have recently visited the Afghan refugee camps on the Afghan-Pakistani border, report the facts as they have observed them. What emerges is an astounding story of chaos and...
Beyond Rankism: Democracy For All
Rank has legitimate rights. When rank has been earned and signifies excellence, then it's generally accepted, and rightfully so. But the power of rank is often abused. The abuse of rank, or of power, is rankism. Treating others as invisible, as...
From Physics to Peace: Finding New Truths
This is an inspiring, engrossing tale of one man's odyssey from physics professor and college president to citizen diplomat, searching for "a better game than war." Fresh, candid and compassionate, he challenges us all in new ways to find our passion...
Full Heart--No Self: Being A Nobody
We all want to "be somebody." But often, those who become somebody become statues, trapped in an identity that doesn't allow them to change or grow. Robert Fuller talks about his own struggle with being a nobody between periods of high recognition and...
Peaceful Warrior
As the founder of the Mo Tzu Project, Bob Fuller travels the planet as a citizen diplomat, searching out the roots of conflict in the hope of learning what can be done to make peace a reality, not just a dream. He has the rare ability to cut through...
Pulling Rank
What happens when one spouse intimidates his or her partner day after day after day? What impact does it have if an employee's dignity is stripped away by abusive corporate policies? When a powerful government flexes its muscle against weaker nations,...