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Stephanie Cozart
Premium Audiobooks
Flirtation on the Hudson
Cornelia Rose, determined to make her own way, shuns the limited vocations available to proper women in New York in the 1850s.> WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Best Historical Fiction“Marry well and become a lady—is that all I can do?”...
Pioneer Passage
Life on the Oregon Trail is full of more deprivations and difficulties than Cornelia Rose ever imagined, in spite of her research and preparations for the rough road ahead.> WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Best Historical FictionCornelia...
Walk Away West
Cornelia Rose eschews the glories of New York City and the wonders of the 1850s modern technology, and heads out to unknown territory in the Wild West.> WINNER: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award – Best Women’s FictionCornelia Rose has embraced the...