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Susan Tarcov
Premium Audiobooks
Maya Prays for Rain
It's a sunny fall day in Maya's neighborhood, and all her neighbors are busy with outdoor activities, from releasing some young butterflies to organizing a birthday scavenger hunt. But Maya learns that today is Shemini Atzeret, when the Jewish...
Professor Buber and His Cats
Nine is just the right numberKetem the cat is looking for a new home. Professor Buber’s house looks like a good place to live, but the local cats tell Ketem the famous writer doesn’t want any pets. He once let his cat distract him when a man came to...
Raisins and Almonds
Scribble-scrabble. Scribble-scrabble. What is the noise coming from under Annie's bed? It's a little white goat, says her mother. Together mother and child create a fantastical adventure in an imaginary world. Based on the much-loved Yiddish lullaby...
The Rabbi and His Donkey
Hamor the donkey proudly takes Rabbi Moses Maimonides to the sultan’s palace every day, until he is replaced by a faster horse. Then the wise rabbi and the old donkey are reunited, as each learns a lesson from the other. Author - Susan Tarcov....
Tyrannosaurus Tsuris
All the dinosaurs are getting ready for Passover, but no one will come to Tyrannosaurus Rex's seder because they think he will eat them. This gives him terrible tsuris, the Yiddish word for "worry." "You think you have tsuris?" Stegosaurus asks. "I...