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Tekoa Manning
Premium Audiobooks
Satan Unmasked
2023 NYC Big Book Award Distinguished Favorite:Satan Unmasked examines passages of scriptures concerning Satan and the origins of how he evolved into doctrines and belief systems, taking on many different forms as the embodiment of evil. In...
Spirits Unveiled
2023 Literary Titan Gold Book Award and 2023 Reader Views Five Star Review:Spirits Unveiled is an in-depth study of angelic beings, ghosts, and demonic entities and the deliverance from such spirits. The book engages angelology and demonology to...
Wolves Unseen
Wolves Unseen uncovers false prophets, wolves in sheep's clothing, covert cults, the prosperity gospel, the tithe, the role of women, and a system that has pulled the wool over the eyes of Christians for centuries. Tekoa Manning exposes the...