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The Biblical Anarchy Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

The Biblical Anarchy Podcast was created by Jacob Winograd as a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute, with the purpose of making the case for a free society and decentralized governance based on Biblical principles of limited authority and imitating Christ’s example of the leader/servant. If we render unto God what is God’s, we cannot bow down to Caesar or render anything unto him except that which he deserves. The podcast consists of exploring different Bible passages, anarchist theory, Austrian Economics, and finding the connection and harmony between them. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians for Liberty Network, a coalition of shows that promote human flourishing by spreading the message of liberty. Find other shows at


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The Biblical Anarchy Podcast was created by Jacob Winograd as a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute, with the purpose of making the case for a free society and decentralized governance based on Biblical principles of limited authority and imitating Christ’s example of the leader/servant. If we render unto God what is God’s, we cannot bow down to Caesar or render anything unto him except that which he deserves. The podcast consists of exploring different Bible passages, anarchist theory, Austrian Economics, and finding the connection and harmony between them. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians for Liberty Network, a coalition of shows that promote human flourishing by spreading the message of liberty. Find other shows at



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Does the Bible Support the Concept of a National Morality?

In this episode, Jacob delves into the intersection of Christian theology and government actions. Through exploring the writings of influential Christian figures, distinctions between ecclesiastical and secular authority, and discussions on just war theory, social contract theory, and the idea of 2 kingdoms theology, Jacob challenges the notion of "national morality." He argues for the universal application of God's moral law, rejecting moral dualism and advocating for Christians to hold governments accountable using scripture and biblical principles. Main Points of Discussion: 00:00 | Introduction 04:10 | Debate over different moral standards for individuals and nations. 10:32 | Exploring just war theory and self-defense in moral context, including Christian figures and social contract theory. 13:44 | Implicit competition of moral rules in society, influenced by state and education. 16:46 | Commentary on Two-Kingdoms Theology 21:50 | The need for clear universal morality to be able to pray for and hold leaders accountable 33:54 | OT points to our need for a savior, and the failures of state and warcraft 36:41 | Christ is the supreme authority over all mankind and human institutions 41:18 | Recognizing that all state action is individual action, & universality of God's moral decrees for individuals Additional Resources: Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 62: Stephen Wolfe and the Debate on Christian Nationalism: An Analysis

Today I reflect on my recent, thought-provoking discussion with Stephen Wolfe, author of "The Case for Christian Nationalism," and my fellow LCI contributor, Alex Bernardo, host of the Protestant Libertarian podcast, where we discussed the complexities of Christian nationalism, libertarianism, and their interplay with biblical teachings and how Christians ought to live. I critique the ideas presented by both Wolfe and Bernardo, particularly focusing on the challenges of reconciling different Christian political perspectives, such as two-kingdom theory vs. the unified kingdom theory. I seek to find common ground while clarifying the differences that shape our respective views on governance, community, and the role of the state. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 61: Sphere Sovereignty & Lesser Magistrates: Blending Biblical Authority and Social Autonomy

In today's complex society, how do we understand the role and limits of authority in different areas of life? This episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast dives into the concept of sphere sovereignty, as developed by theologian Abraham Kuyper, examining its biblical roots and relevance to modern Christianity. We also look at the Magdeburd Confession and the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate as another important historical development of reformed/Christian political theology. Main Points of Discussion: Additional Resources: Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 60: The Libertarian Christian Response to the Hamas Terror Attack on Israel

This episode provides a comprehensive libertarian critique of the war in Gaza, discussing historical contexts, current events, and internal debates within libertarian circles about the application of their principles to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It emphasizes the importance of consistency in applying libertarian ideals, regardless of the political or cultural context, to advocate for peace and justice in international relations. Link to full debate here: The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 59: Is Christian Nationalism Compatible with Biblical Civil Government?

How does a Christian discern the fine line between faith and nationalism in the political realm? In Episode 59 of The Biblical Anarchy Podcast, we explore the nuanced realm of Christian nationalism and its varying degrees. What is the proper role of the civil magistrate in law enforcement? How can governance exist without overstepping biblical principles? We delve into the complexities of executing laws and the potential misuse of force in areas like Sabbath laws, Blasphemy laws & etc. Can language camouflage the real intentions behind political movements, and how does this affect the call for individual accountability over collective judgment? Join us as we unravel the reality behind conservative rhetoric and examine controversies surrounding blasphemy, hate speech laws, and the appropriate use of force. Where does sincere Christian belief end and extremism begin? Jacob Winograd and David Liley confront the concerns about extremism in all its forms and discuss the implications for Christians. Seeking insight into biblical governance and anarchy? We discuss how law and authority can align with scripture, emphasizing doctrines like the lesser magistrate and sphere sovereignty, and avoid crossing into extremism. In this episode, we challenge the compatibility of Christian nationalism with the biblical mandate to love all—including neighbors and enemies. Don't miss the continuation of this provocative discussion on David's podcast. Tune in to this episode then for a critical examination of authority through a libertarian Christian lens, and help support our mission within the Christians for Liberty Network. Your engagement through subscriptions, ratings, and sharing makes all the difference. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 58: What Fuels Evil Regimes? A Closer Look at Collectivism versus Biblical Values

In today's fragmented world, how do we reconcile our understanding of history with the complex issues of our time? With ideologies, conflicts, and historical events so intricately woven into the fabric of our society, it can be challenging to separate truth from misinformation and historical fact from revisionist narratives. This episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast delves deep into these issues, examining the layers of history that often go unspoken or misunderstood. How do we, as followers of Christ, navigate the morally gray areas of historical context, especially when looking at events such as the rise of Nazi Germany or the repercussions of Zionism? This episode takes us through a careful examination of historical events that have shaped our understanding of good and evil, shedding light on the often uncomfortable truths that aid in our pursuit of righteousness. How do we approach controversial subjects such as sexual morality and transgender issues from a biblical standpoint? How can we address growing concerns in our society without falling into the same patterns of historical atrocities? With compassion and clarity, Jacob addresses these difficult questions and aims to discern the underlying grievances that can give rise to sinister movements. Are sacrifices of personal freedom and moral integrity ever warranted in the quest to maintain societal order, or does Christ's kingship call us to a higher standard? The episode draws a compelling line between understanding and action, urging Christians not only to cognize historical events but also to become vocal advocates for godly principles in a world that so desperately needs them. Is it possible to honor the memory of the Holocaust while not also recognizing the suffering of the Palestinian people? Winograd demonstrates that remembrance and empathy are not mutually exclusive to one group or event, advocating for a Christ-like view where each individual is cherished and the collective is not vilified. Join us as we unravel the nuanced answers to these complex questions, urging our brothers and sisters in faith to awaken to the dangers of collectivism and embrace individuality through the love of Christ. Listen to this episode for an impassioned plea to view history through the lens of the Gospel and Scripture—to overcome evil with good, to judge fairly, and to stand firmly in the truth that is rooted in God's word. Tune in and let us together find the courage to stand against the tide, resist the allure of collective dogma, and remember that we serve a God who transcends history—a king who calls us to be informed, prayerful, and proactive agents of His unending love and justice. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 57: How Candace Owens is Leading the Charge Against Identity Politics on the Right, feat. Kyle Matovcik

In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, join host Jacob Winograd as he unpacks the thought-provoking controversy surrounding Candace Owens' departure from The Daily Wire and the subsequent scrutiny of her stance on the war in Gaza. Through a detailed exploration, Jacob delves into the moral and ethical complexities of the conflict, emphasizing the parallels between historical events and contemporary viewpoints. By addressing the criticisms directed at Candace, he prompts listeners to reconsider traditional perspectives, urging them to navigate the intricate landscape of geopolitical issues through the lens of their faith. Jacob then plays a clip from a recent LCI Greenroom livestream he did with Kyle Matovcik, host of the “In Liberty & Health” podcast. In that stream, Kyle and Jacob played the video released by Daily Wire’s Andrew Klavan following Candace's firing, in which Andrew slanders Candace. Kyle and Jacob demonstrate the faulty logic behind these claims and showcase how identity politics and collectivism are tools that both the left AND right will employ to distract people from the truth. If you're ready to engage in a stimulating and challenging discussion on the intersections of faith, politics, and morality, this episode is a must-listen. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 56: Divine Authority vs. Civil Power: Examining 1 Samuel 24

As Christians, we frequently grapple with the nature of civil authority. It's no secret that authorities aren't absolute, and today we'll explore the intricate dance between submission and resistance in the light of biblical teachings. We'll take a challenging walk through the moral landscape, where the principles laid out in Scripture guide us, but the real-world applications often leave us with tough decisions to make. Our focus will be on the timeless narrative of David and Saul. Just like David faced the temptation to assert his own judgment over King Saul, we too face situations where authority might clash with moral decree. How do we respond? In this episode, we unpack the story of David's restraint, his recognition of Saul as the Lord's anointed, and what that means for us when we encounter unjust laws or persecution. We'll consider whether there's ever a time for defiance, drawing parallels between biblical accounts and historical events such as the resistance in Nazi Germany, and what sphere sovereignty really entails when it comes to the power of civil rulers. Is there a one-size-fits-all Christian response to the authorities that govern us, or is the answer a nuanced fidelity to God's moral decree? Let's get into it and seek understanding through scripture, logic, reason, and philosophy, and ask ourselves: How does the story of David and Saul instruct us in our own interactions with powers and principalities? So then, listen to this episode as we dissect these themes, advocate for a scripture-rooted world view, and commit to applying God's unchanging principles to the ever-evolving circumstances of our time. Additional Resources: - - - The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 55: Dave Smith: Immigration & Applying Libertarianism to the Real World

In this week’s episode, we are playing a clip from a recent livestream conversation with Dave Smith, comedian and host of Part of the Problem. We tackled tough questions on the state's role in migration, the clash between open borders & opposing positions within libertarianism, and the search for pragmatic solutions that respect individual freedoms. Dave Smith shares his journey from minimum wage advocate to libertarian leader, revealing hard truths about public policy and immigration. He reminds us that any ideology, including libertarianism, must be grounded in common sense to impact culture and policy. As we consider the mismanagement of public property and a decentralized approach to immigration, we seek a balance that honors both libertarian principles and the realities of governance. Matthew Bellis chimes in on infusing libertarianism with a 'do no harm' philosophy. We can point to the negative consequences of an open borders policy & also highlight the plight of immigrants and the government's imperfect custodianship of public resources. Join us for a candid conversation that cuts through ideological extremes, as we commit to facing real-world problems with mature libertarian perspectives right here on the Biblical Anarchy Podcast. LCI Greenroom Full Episode with Dave: The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 54: Pornography Addiction: It is Christ Who Sets Us Free, Not the State

In this episode, we explore the compelling narrative of finding freedom in Christ opposed to seeking to legislate morality through the state. I open up about my own struggles with sin and the quest for redemption that required something beyond worldly solutions. We confront the reality that laws alone cannot initiate cultural and spiritual renewal; rather, it's through the gospel and Christ's sacrifice that we experience true liberation. I share my journey of making Christ the authority in every aspect of life, revealing the transformative power of His reign. We discuss the significance of church community, the strength found in vulnerability, and the enduring truth that only through Jesus Christ do we achieve sincere and lasting change. This episode is a poignant reflection on personal growth, theological insights, and how we as Christians should look at ourselves and our allegiances/citizenship, being torn between the world and the Kingdom of God. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 53: A Proper Christian Understanding of Modesty, Purity, Lust, and Sex, with Kerry Baldwin

In this episode, we tackle some subjects on which Christians love to disagree! What does the Bible really teach us about modesty, purity, lust, sex, and how men and women should conduct themselves regarding each other? Kerry Baldwin is never shy about speaking about these issues or standing up to people who are belligerently wrong about them, so I thought she'd be the perfect person to talk to about them. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 52: How Should Christians Question Authority? Responding to Tucker Carlson's Putin Interview, with Kyle Anzolone

In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, Jacob introduces a new podcast feed called the LCI Green Room, Open and Unscripted, and explains how it will impact the content of the show. He describes it as a place for long-form, uncut conversations, and roundtable discussions, providing a platform for diverse formats and longer interviews that may not fit the traditional style of the main feed. Jacob discusses the release of his first episode in the Green Room, featuring an interview with Kyle Anzalone about the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, revealing insights into the dynamics, international perspectives, and the impact on innocent lives caught in the crossfire. He encourages listeners to question mainstream narratives, consider the broader context, and pray for peace amidst the chaos of conflicting empires. Tune in to this thought-provoking episode as Jacob delves into the complexities of global conflicts and the Christian perspective on seeking a kingdom beyond the realms of man's empire. Additional Resources: Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 51: How Does God Use the State To Advance His Kingdom? Re:Romans 13

In this episode of Biblical Anarchy, we confront the complexities of Romans 13 and the nature of governing authorities. We'll also scrutinize the presuppositions associated with state power and the conduct of Christians under different types of governance. Acknowledging the diverse Christian perspectives on this issue, we'll juxtapose our own interpretations with those from other Christian perspectives, including other libertarian and anarchist viewpoints. Specifically, I talk about Stephen Rose of the Anarcho-Christian podcast and some interactions we've had over our different interpretations. We delve into the significance of good conduct in relation to state authority and challenge the conflation of governance with the state apparatus. Our discussion goes beyond a mere exploration of the text to question the effectiveness of political power in upholding righteousness. With an eye towards the history of nations and the calling of our faith, we'll encourage a focus on Jesus Christ as the ultimate hope and leader. Join us as we search for a deeper understanding of governance, authority, and our place as Christians in this world. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 50: The Israel of God is Jesus? How Jesus Absolutely Fulfills Biblical Prophecy, with Pastor Tommy McMurtry

In this episode, we engage with Pastor Tommy McMurtry to uncover the influences behind his theological journey and discuss his venture into the YouTube space, which has significantly impacted the religious community. The focal point of our conversation is Dispensationalism, a topic Pastor McMurtry has passionately critiqued, especially in his YouTube series "Debunking Dispensationalism." He shares his personal evolution from accepting to challenging this doctrine, highlighting its implications within Evangelical and IFB KJV contexts. We delve into three critical aspects of Dispensationalism: "rightly dividing Scripture", the Church-Israel distinction, and the notion of multiple Gospels, offering insightful counterarguments. Connecting these theological discussions to current geopolitical scenarios, particularly regarding Israel, Pastor McMurtry provides a nuanced view on Christian stances and their impact on global politics and the Gospel's message. The episode concludes with his thoughts on the church's role in politics and governance, inviting listeners to explore more through his online platforms. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 49: How Socratic Thinking Can Aid Christians in Faith and Politics, with Kerry Baldwin

In this episode of the Biblical Anarchy Podcast, host Jacob Winograd engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Kerry Baldwin, a fellow host at the Christians for Liberty Network and a prominent figure in the Libertarian Christian Institute. They delve into recent events and changes in Kerry's work life, including a grassroots liberty organization's controversial endorsement of a candidate who Kerry argues is antithetical to libertarianism, as well as Christian values. The episode also features an in-depth exploration of the Socratic Method and its application in various aspects of life, including theology, parenting, and critical thinking. Show-notes and related links here: The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 48: Will All of Ethnic Israel Be Saved? Romans 11 Against Dispensationalism (Romans 9-11 pt. 2)

In this episode we continue our exploration of Dispensationalism and Romans 9-11, focusing on Romans 11 and the line of "all Israel will be saved." Does this mean what dispensationalists claim? We'll further explore the true meaning of Israel in the Bible and how the promises of the Abrahamic covenant have been fulfilled through Christ. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 47: Who is the True Israel? Correcting the Dispensationalist Reading of Romans 9-11

Dispensationalist theology pushes many incorrect and dangerous readings of Scripture, which has many far-reaching and perilous consequences. Today, we take on the dispensational reading of Romans 9-11. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 46: The Truth About the Oklahoma City Bombing, with Jose Gallison

Jose Gallison joins me to discuss the issues with the "official narrative" surrounding the OKC bombing, Timothy McVeigh, Terence Yeeke, and other related figures and events. We get into how the media shaped public perception of this event and also discuss other events with "conspiracy theories" that actually make better sense of the facts than the narratives put forward by the government and media. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast is part of the Christians For Liberty Network, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Check out Jacob's other podcast at: Audio Production by Podsworth Media.


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Ep. 45: Restoring the Church's Counter Culture Calling: A Year in Review of Biblical Anarchy

In this episode, Jacob reflects on the journey of the podcast over the past year. He discusses the transition from his previous podcast, 'The Daniel 3 Podcast', to the current project under the Libertarian Christian Institute, highlighting the enriching experience of collaborating with the team. This episode delves into the core mission of the podcast: exploring the intersection of Christian faith with libertarian and anarchist philosophy, emphasizing a biblical approach to government authority, human relationships, and counterculture living. Additional Resources In this episode, Jacob Winograd mentioned several key resources and episodes that listeners may find insightful be. Here's a list for easy access: The Daniel 3 Podcast: Explore the earlier works of Jacob Winograd, available on various audio feeds and YouTube: Silver Screen Biases Podcast: Hosted by Nelson, featuring a discussion with Jacob Winograd about Schindler's List and Christian libertarianism. Faith Seeking Freedom Podcast: Jacob Winograd guest hosts to answer questions about Christians in the military and political involvement. Libertarian Christian Institute's FreedomFest Interviews: A collection of interviews from the event, including discussions with various libertarian figures. Interview with Caryn Ann Harlos: Secretary of the Libertarian National Committee. Interview with Spike Cohen, founder of You are the Power and former LP VP candidate. Conversations with Scott Horton, Connor Freeman, and Kyle Anzalone: Discussions on geopolitical situations, focusing on Ukraine, Russia, and more. Scott Horton on Russia/Ukraine. Scott Horton on Israel/Gaza History. Kyle Anzalone, Connor Freeman and Scott Horton at Freedom Fest discussing Ukraine, China and War Propaganda. Kyle Anzalone on Israel/Gaza current conflict. Episodes on Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2: Deep dives into these biblical passages and their teachings on governance and authority. Render Unto Caesar: Romans 13 and Other Objections to Christian Anarchism w/John Odermatt. Honor the Emperor: Does 1 Peter 2 Require Christians to Pledge Allegiance to the State? What Does Romans 13 Teach Us About Earthly Powers? Sphere Sovereignty: How Has God Ordered Society? Why Isn’t the State Biblically Justified? Resolving Romans 13 Objections, with Greg Baus. Dave Smith Podcast Episode: A conversation about biblical stories, libertarianism, and peaceful parenting strategies....


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Ep. 44: Is the Non-Aggression Principle True? Is it Useful? A Christian Perspective, with James Jenneman

In this thought-provoking episode of "The Biblical Anarchy Podcast," we delve into the depths of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) with our esteemed guest, James Jenneman, host of the Blackbird Podcast. Join us as we engage in a critical discussion about the truth and compatibility of the NAP within a Christian worldview. The Biblical Anarchy Podcast ( is part of the Christians For Liberty Network (, a project of the Libertarian Christian Institute ( Audio Production by Podsworth Media -
