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The IN with the TWO Øutsiders

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John Vlismas and Carmen Murray unite as two formidable forces and visionary thinkers to unlock your inner Øutsider. It's time to get off the couch into the arena, disrupt your thinking and get real in this chaotic world. Be the catalyst for change and question everything. The one thing that makes Outsiders powerful, is the ability to turn their back to the crowds and face the music they want to create. The IN with the TWO Outsiders podcast is about two underdogs, John Vlismas and Carmen Murray who find other underdogs, misfits, professional trouble makers, activists, and uncover their underdog story looking from the outside in. They have meaningful conversations with people that are changing the way we see the world, one word, one day, one act at a time. If you are an Underdog, then you are an Outsider. If you are a rebel, then you are an Outsider. If you are a trouble maker, you are an Outsider. If you want to expand your mind, you are an Outsider. If you are awakened, you are an Outsider. Recorded and produced at #BeHeard

