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The Makers Rage Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

A podcast exploring the history of ideas and creativity with topics chosen from the Arts, Sciences, and "everything in between." Upcoming episodes will include the following titles: What Is Enlightenment, Western Canons, Accidental Genius and a series on Muses. Please feel free to suggest topics on IG, Twitter, or Facebook.




A podcast exploring the history of ideas and creativity with topics chosen from the Arts, Sciences, and "everything in between." Upcoming episodes will include the following titles: What Is Enlightenment, Western Canons, Accidental Genius and a series on Muses. Please feel free to suggest topics on IG, Twitter, or Facebook.



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The Muses: Calliope or Epic

In this episode of The Makers Rage Podcast, I'll be continuing my series on the Muses by discussing the chief of the nine sister, Calliope, who presides over the Epic. I'll therefore exploring this vast and enduring genre in literature and its powerful influence across time. From the ancient verses of the Iliad and the Mahabharata to the groundbreaking narrative techniques in James Joyce's Ulysses, I'll explore how these monumental works have shaped storytelling and how the epic genre persists in other media like film. Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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What Is Enlightenment?

Today, let's explore Immanuel Kant's "What is Enlightenment?" This 1784 essay questioned our perception of enlightenment itself. Kant suggested that enlightenment emerges from self-imposed immaturity, urging us to "Dare to Know." He criticized reliance on external guidance, advocating for independent thinking. Kant warned against surrendering autonomy to societal guardians, urging us to challenge complacency. Reflecting on his essay, I wonder if Enlightenment is ongoing. Despite revolutions and technological leaps, the spirit of Enlightenment endures. Kant's legacy challenges us to embrace reason, guiding us towards a brighter future. The essence of Enlightenment lies not in a historical period but in an enduring ethos—an attitude of questioning, exploring, and seeking truth. Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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The Muses: Series Introduction

In this Introductory episode on a new series, I delve into the intricate evolution of our perception of muses, focusing particularly on the ancient Greek Nine Muses. I challenge traditional notions, questioning the gendered and divine characteristics attributed to muses, while reflecting on their absence in certain artistic domains. Tracing historical references from Homer to Shakespeare, I examine how various artists invoked muses through history. The podcast explores the challenges of preserving art forms like painting and music, discussing Plato's skepticism and the role of memory or Mnemosyne, who is the mother of the muses. Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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The Body in Art

Discussing examples of how the human body has been depicted in the visual arts throughout history, from the ancient world through the middle ages and Renaissance to the present. Introduction: In this episode, we delve into the captivating world of the human body in art, exploring its evolution, representations, and significance across various historical periods and cultures. From the idealized forms of ancient Greece to the raw realism of the Renaissance and the challenging perspectives of contemporary artists, the body in art reflects not only aesthetics but also cultural and societal values. Segment 1: Archaic Greek Sculpture Segment 2: Classical Sculpture Segment 3: The Body of Christ Segment 4: Renaissance Man Segment 5: Anatomy Segment 6: Impressionism and Beyond Segment 7: Contemporary Perspectives Conclusion: The journey through the body in art reveals a rich tapestry of cultural, historical, and individual perspectives, highlighting the ever-evolving nature of artistic expression. Works Referenced: Cover: Alison Lapper and Parys by Marc Quinn Aphrodite of Knidos by Praxiteles Getty Kouros (Young Man) Peplos Kore (Young Maiden) The Artemision Bronze Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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The Limitations of Human Achievement

A reading of Samuel Johnson's brief essay on the limitations of human achievement with commentary and discussion of his life and times. Introduction: Talent Alone Doesn’t Guarantee Success Samuel Johnson: A Productive Genius The Idler and Literary Choices Dictionary Johnson: A Scholar and Wit Reading: 'The Limitations of Human Achievement' Commentary: Johnson's Self-Reproach and Reflection Epilogue: Contentment in Smaller Accomplishments Conclusion: The Wisdom of a Sage Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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A.I. Creativity

Discussing the role of A.I. in human creativity and its future implications. Also, will a computer ever become conscious, be able to create original art, literature, music, etc.? I. The Luddites and Historical Resistance to Technology II. The Writer’s Strike 2023: A Modern Parallel III. Language & Consciousness: Chomsky's Perspective IV. The Imitation Game and Searle’s Chinese Room V. Emergence in Complexity Theory VI. The Uncanny and Human Recognition VII. Generative AI and the Tendency to Hallucinate VIII. Transhumanism and the Integration of AI IX. AI Poetry and the Role of Imagination X. Conclusion: Optimism and Collaboration Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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Thought Experiments

When Einstein was 16, he appears to have conducted his first thought experiment, imagining what things would look like if he travelled on a beam of light. This was an approach he'd continue to use throughout his career of using thought experiments to investigate the mysteries of the universe, an approach other great Theoretical Physicists of the 20th century like Bohr and Schrodinger would emulate to explore the mysteries of the quantum. Indeed some of the greatest experiments of the 20th century didn't happen in the lab but in the imaginations of some of the most gifted scientists in history. Exploring Quantum Frontiers - From Light Beams to Bell's Theorem Segment 1: Thought Experiment (Physics) Segment 2: Riding a Light Beam Segment 3: Speeding Trams Segment 4: The Twin Paradox Segment 5: Bronowski & Science Communication Segment 6: Double-Slit Experiment Segment 7: Wave-Particle Duality Segment 8: Bohr vs Einstein Segment 9: EPR Segment 10: Schrödinger’s Cat Segment 11: Quantum Weirdness Segment 12: Bell’s Theorem Segment 13: Non-Locality Proven (for now!) Segment 14: Bell’s Final Assessment Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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Pacts With The Devil

The pros and cons of making a deal with the devil, particularly for musical talent. Introduction: Segment 1: Adam, Eve, Jesus Segment 2: Lucifer Segment 3: Hermes, Apollo Segment 4: Devil’s Bridges, Crossroads Segment 5: Hoodoo, Voodoo Segment 6: The Blues Segment 7: Bob Dylan Conclusion: See playlist of music mentioned below: Don Giovanni (Commendatore Scene): Berlioz (Damnation of Faust): Giuseppe Tartini (Devil's Trill Sonata): Paganini (24th Caprice): Liszt (Totentanz): Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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What is it? Where does it come from? 1. What is Inspiration? Dreams: Our journey begins with the surreal landscapes of dreams. How do these nocturnal adventures contribute to the wellspring of inspiration? We explore the connection between dreams and creative insights, examining the role of the subconscious mind in shaping innovative thoughts. Muses and Daemons: Delving into ancient mythology, we uncover the concept of muses and daemons as sources of inspiration. From the inspirational whispers of muses to the mischievous nudges of daemons, these mythical beings have long been intertwined with human creativity. Lightbulb Moment: The episode progresses to the famed "lightbulb moment," a metaphorical spark that ignites groundbreaking ideas. We explore historical instances such as Kekule's Serpent and Paul McCartney's dream, highlighting how seemingly unrelated events can converge to birth profound insights. 2. Breath The Symbolism of Breath: Shifting gears, we explore the symbolic significance of breath in the context of inspiration. From the ancient Egyptian ritual of 'the opening of the mouth' to the poetic connection between inspiration and the intake of breath, we reflect on the life-giving essence associated with creative inspiration. Anyone Can Be Inspired: Demystifying the notion of inspiration being reserved for a select few, we emphasize that anyone has the potential to be inspired. By understanding the diverse sources and forms of inspiration, we empower listeners to tap into their creative reservoirs. 3. Neuroscience of Inspiration Incubation in the Mind: Drawing on the insights of cognitive neuroscientist Mark Jung Beeman, we explore the neuroscience of inspiration. The distinction between exhaustive problem-solving and sudden breakthroughs is dissected, revealing that moments of insight may be brewing in the mind, often unbeknownst to the individual. Enrichment through Collective Minds: Examining the collaborative aspect of inspiration, we showcase how external influences enhance the incubation process. From Einstein's realization during a mundane observation to Paul McCartney's creative misinterpretation, we illustrate how diverse minds contribute to the birth of groundbreaking ideas. In conclusion, the episode paints a vivid picture of inspiration as a multifaceted phenomenon, blending mythology, symbolism, and neuroscience. Join us next time as we continue our exploration into the fascinating realms of creativity and the human mind. Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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The Makers Rage

Introductory episode endeavoring to answer what I mean by 'the makers rage' and its relation to creativity. 1. The Maker’s Rage 2. What’s In a Name 3. Creativity Today 4. Creativity as Evolutionary Advantage 5. Need for Leisure Time 6. Beethoven’s Rage 7. “The Maker’s Rage” – Wallace Stevens, Whitman, Dylan 8. Know your Song Well 9. Astronomy and Maths 10. Art of Science 11. Creativity as Divine Injunction 12. The Heart Has its Reasons 13. The Book of Nature 14. Begin it Now! 15. Pascal's Limits 16. Conclusion Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay


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The Makers Rage Trailer

Trailer for The Makers Rage Podcast on the history of ideas and creativity. Key Points: Defining the Makers Rage:Creativity as Play:Title Inspiration: Wallace Stevens' Poem:Purpose of the Podcast:Teasing Upcoming Episodes:Acknowledging Diversity in Creativity:Engaging Audience: Music by LiteSaturation from Pixabay
