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Science Podcasts
The Show About Science is an awesome adventure into the wondrous world of scientific discovery! Each episode is filled with fascinating information from scientists and educators around the globe. Together with his guests, Nate explores everything from chemistry to aliens and from human brains to bat biology. Learn more at pinna.fm.
067: Youth v. Climate Part 2 with Dr. Sylvia Earle
Nate returns to the Coal+Ice stage with his second guest, Sylvia Earle, for another live taping of The Show About Science. Dr. Earle is an oceanographer, explorer, and author working to protect the ocean and its wildlife. This episode was recorded in front of a live audience at Fort Mason in San Francisco on September 15, 2018. Special thanks to Tom Corwin, Marlene Saritzky, and everyone at the Coal+Ice Festival. The Coal+Ice Festival is focused on amplifying the conversation about climate change through art and ideas.
066: Youth v. Climate Part 1 with Captain Don Walsh
065: Parasites and Viruses with Shannon Bennett
Shannon Bennett is the Chief of Science and the Harry W. and Diana V. Hind Dean of Science and Research Collections at the California Academy of Sciences. When Shannon Bennett traveled to Liberia in college, she never guessed the experience would launch her lifelong fascination with microbiology. She shares that story with Nate on the first ever live episode of The Show About Science.
This episode was recorded at the Apple Store in San Francisco on September 12th, 2018 as part of...
064: Space Junk with John Crassidis
After graduating with his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, John Crassidis went to work at the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center. Now he's a professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo, where he builds satellites and researches the massive amount of man-made space junk. He joins Nate on this episode to talk about the trash orbiting the earth, and what might be done to clean it up.
063: Be Straw Free with Milo Cress
Milo Cress was 9 when he started the Be Straw Free project. Now 17, Milo's research and activism have convinced organizations like Starbucks and the Shedd Aquarium to stop offering customers plastic straws. Milo joins Nate on this episode of The Show About Science to talk about his interests in the environment and conservation, and explains how kids can act to change the world.
062: Black Holes with Bob McNees
In outer space, there are objects so powerful that nothing can escape their gravitational pull. They're called black holes. Bob McNees is a physicist at Loyola University who studies gravity, general relativity, and the physics of black holes. Bob joins Nate on this episode of The Show About Science to talk about quantum mechanics, the work of Stephen Hawking, and of course, black holes.
061: CryptoKitties with Dieter Shirley
CryptoKitties is a game centered around breedable, collectible, and oh-so-adorable creatures called CryptoKitties! CryptoKitties is one of the world’s first games to be built on blockchain technology—the same breakthrough that makes things like Bitcoin and Ethereum possible. The creator of CryptoKitties, Dieter Shirley, joins Nate on this episode to talk about creating games on the blockchain.
Find out more about CryptoKitties at: https://www.cryptokitties.co/
060: Organic Farming with Verd Nolan
Verd has been growing food for as long as he can remember, beginning in his family’s backyard garden in Oak Park, Illinois. At age sixteen, he left home to live and work on a communal farm in Austin, Texas, where he stayed for ten years and met his future wife, Jeanne.
In 2005, Verd and Jeanne started The Organic Gardener Ltd., a company that creates beautiful and productive organic edible gardens throughout the Midwest. Today, Verd lives on a little farm called Middlefork with Jeanne and...
059: Manatee Research with Sheri Barton
Manatees are large marine mammals found in shallow coastal waters near Florida, Brazil, and the west coast of Africa. Manatees are occasionally called sea cows, because, like cows, they are slow, peaceful, and graze on plants. Sheri Barton is a Senior Biologist at the Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium in Florida, where she studies these fascinating creatures. On this episode of The Show About Science, Sheri joins Nate to talk about her research.
058: The Microbiome with Stefan Green
Did you know that there are tiny microbes that call our bodies home? These microorganisms live on and inside of us. You can even take a test to learn which ones make up your microbiome. Stefan Green is a microbial ecologist who runs the DNA Sequencing Lab at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Stefan joins Nate to talk about what the microbiome is and why these tiny little microbes are so important for our health.
057: Happy Atoms with Jesse Schell
Jesse Schell is a video game designer and a professor of entertainment technology at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also the creator of “Happy Atoms,” a game that helps kids learn how atoms bond to form new molecules. Jesse joins Nate on this episode to talk about how “Happy Atoms” uses technology like augmented reality to teach kids about chemistry.
056: 3D Printed Organs with Anthony Atala
When organs like kidneys and livers fail, it can be scary—especially for kids. But the science of regenerative medicine, where new organs are created from a patient's own cells and tissue, is a promising new field in medicine. Dr. Anthony Atala is the Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine and he joins Nate on this episode to talk about how new organs can be created in the lab using 3D printers.
055: Cicada Killer Wasps with Blake Newton
Last summer, Nate was walking to the train when he spotted a giant wasp carrying a cicada. Later he discovered that the insect he saw was a cicada killer wasp. These insects will paralyze cicadas with their venomous sting, but luckily rarely sting humans. Blake Newton is an entomologist at the University of Kentucky. He joins Nate on this episode of The Show About Science to talk about these fascinating creatures.
054: Rust and Corrosion with David Shoesmith
David Shoesmith is a professor of electrochemistry and corrosion science at the University of Western Ontario in Canada. He joins Nate on this episode of The Show About Science to explain why metal rusts and how it corrodes. They also talk about an experiment that you can conduct at home to see rust form.
053: Amazing Kids Do Amazing Things
Kids can do amazing things. And if you need proof of that, look no further than this episode of The Show About Science! First up is kid inventor Allie Weber, the host of the YouTube channel Tech-nic-Allie Speaking. After that is the story of Sophia Spencer, who inspired the hashtag #BugsR4Girls and co-authored a research paper for Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Finally, Nate chats with Olivia Van Ledtje (better known as LivBit), who hosts The Kidlit Show on Pinna and is an...
052: Baby Teeth with Tanya Smith
What can we learning from studying teeth? As it turns out, quite a bit! Dr. Tanya Smith is working to understand how teeth grow, why they vary, and how this information can advance the field of human evolutionary biology. Dr. Smith joins Nate on this episode to talk about her work.
051: Learning to See the World Around Us with J Steele-Louchart
J Steele-Louchart is a Perceptual Navigation Instructor with World Access for the Blind. Blind from the age of 12, J began teaching himself Perceptual Navigation based on materials published online by World Access For The Blind Lead Founder and President Daniel Kish. Now J teaches others how to see the world around them using their ears and a technique called flash sonar. He joins Nate on this episode to explain how it all works.