Episode 188 – Making Sense Of Life & Leadership with Ian Simkins
Episode 188 - Making Sense Of Life & Leadership with Ian Simkins Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Have you ever had that social media influencer who always posted and never seemed to miss? The quality of their content and insight was next level? Well...that's the case for most of the individuals who follow and engage with Pastor Ian Simkins. And that was never his intended goal. His goal was to simply share his daily insights and musings, hoping that they would inspire and encourage others. And the result is him going viral over and over again...just from his daily brain dumps. Pastor Ian Simkins is Lead Pastor of Teaching and Vision at a wonderful church called The Bridge just outside of Nashville, TN. A native of Detroit, he formerly served in Chicago and other ministries throughout the Midwest. You can learn more about him here: https://iansimkins.com/about You can connect with Pastor Ian here: Website | LinkedIn | Church Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 187 – Persuading Audiences & Presenting Better With Dr Charles Stone, Part 1
Episode 187 - Persuading Audiences & Presenting Better With Dr Charles Stone Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The ability to persuade, particularly in a public setting, is the single greatest skill you can develop to accomplish your dreams. Many people, however, lack the skills, insight, and confidence as a public speaker, including trainers, teachers, and even preachers. There are many ways to improve public speaking abilities, but in the new compelling book, If Jesus Gave A TED Talk, popular speaker Dr. Charles Stone offers a new approach—a way to move past your limitations and become a more confident speaker and stellar persuader. Stone blends the latest neuroscience research on communication and learning with how Jesus, the Master Teacher, persuaded his audiences. It’s a revolutionary new method capturing the attention of speakers who want to lift their skills to the next level. We welcome Dr Stone back to our podcast for a rich discussion on his latest research. You can connect with Dr Stone here: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 186 – Married Life With Gary Thomas, Part 2
Episode 185 - Married Life WIth Gary Thomas, Part 2 Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Marriage and Married Life is a journey. And...marriage is often on the job training. Insight, Help, Wisdom, and helpful Content will be a part of the tools that God can and will use to empower your marriage. We welcomed Gary Thomas, international speaker and author of more than twenty (20) books on marriage, married life, family, and spiritual formation. You can listen to Part 1 of the discussion here. Gary is the author of 20 books that together have sold over two million copies, have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and won numerous awards . His writings have established him as a thought-leader in the areas of marriage, parenting, and spiritual formation. Gary holds a B.A. in English Literature from Western Washington University, an MA degree in systematic theology from Regent College (Vancouver, BC), and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Western Seminary (Portland, OR). He has served on the teaching team at Second Baptist Church, Houston and as an adjunct faculty member at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon and Houston Theological Seminary in Houston Texas. Gary’s speaking ministry has led him to speak in 49 states and nine different countries, and on numerous national television and radio programs, including multiple appearances on Focus on the Family and Family Life Today. Gary’s interviews on Focus on the Family have been chosen among the “Best of 2013,” “Best of 2014” and “Best of 2017.” Gary is a lifelong advocate of using the Christian classics to bring people closer to Christ. Gary enjoys running in his spare time and has completed 14 marathons, including the Boston Marathon three times. He and his wife Lisa have been married for 35 years and they have three adult children and the smartest, cutest, most adorable grandchildren on the planet. You can connect with Dr Gary Thomas here: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharr...
Episode 185 – Married Life With Gary Thomas, Part 1
Episode 185 - Married Life WIth Gary Thomas, Part 1 Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Marriage and Married Life is a journey. And...marriage is often on the job training. Insight, Help, Wisdom, and helpful Content will be a part of the tools that God can and will use to empower your marriage. We welcomed Gary Thomas, international speaker and author of more than twenty (20) books on marriage, married life, family, and spiritual formation. Gary is the author of 20 books that together have sold over two million copies, have been translated into more than a dozen languages, and won numerous awards . His writings have established him as a thought-leader in the areas of marriage, parenting, and spiritual formation. Gary holds a B.A. in English Literature from Western Washington University, an MA degree in systematic theology from Regent College (Vancouver, BC), and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Western Seminary (Portland, OR). He has served on the teaching team at Second Baptist Church, Houston and as an adjunct faculty member at Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon and Houston Theological Seminary in Houston Texas. Gary’s speaking ministry has led him to speak in 49 states and nine different countries, and on numerous national television and radio programs, including multiple appearances on Focus on the Family and Family Life Today. Gary’s interviews on Focus on the Family have been chosen among the “Best of 2013,” “Best of 2014” and “Best of 2017.” Gary is a lifelong advocate of using the Christian classics to bring people closer to Christ. Gary enjoys running in his spare time and has completed 14 marathons, including the Boston Marathon three times. He and his wife Lisa have been married for 35 years and they have three adult children and the smartest, cutest, most adorable grandchildren on the planet. You can connect with Dr Gary Thomas here: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ Thank You’s:
Episode 184 – Raising Sons, Parenting and Problems During The Pandemic with Roland Warren
Episode 184 - Raising Sons, Parenting and Problems During The Pandemic with Roland Warren Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Being a parent and parenting can be a challenge. It's a full time job and you're never off duty. Today's world hasn't often been kind to the dynamics of fathers and sons and mothers and sons. Here's where our guest today steps in. Roland Warren, himself the child of a single mother, invites single moms on a journey not only to heal their hearts but also to parent their boys to become healthy men, good husbands, and strong fathers. He offers guidance and wisdom to moms who want to raise sons who will make and keep their commitments. His latest book is a part of the focus of today's conversation. He recently released Raising Sons of Promise: A Guide for Single Mothers of Boys. Warren is the CEO of Care Net, one of the largest networks of crisis pregnancy centers in North America. A graduate of Princeton University and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, Roland spent eleven years as president of the National Fatherhood Initiative. His national media appearances include The Oprah Winfrey Show, The TODAY Show, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Ebony, Christianity Today, and Essence. He is the author of Bad Dads of the Bible You can connect with Roland Warren here: LinkedIn | Twitter | Amazon Author Page If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 183 – Spiritual Formation For the Global Church
Episode 183 - Spiritual Formation For The Global Church With John Frederick and Ryan Brandt Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The church is called to grow in Christ. Yet too often, it ignores the practical dimensions of the faith. The church is one in Christ. Yet too often, it is divided by national, denominational, theological, and racial or ethnic boundaries. The church is a global body of believers. Yet too often, it privileges a few voices and fails to recognize its own diversity. In response to this and this conversation our host welcomes authors John Frederick and Ryan Brandt to the podcast to discuss and dialogue about their recent book, Spiritual Formation For the Global Church: A Multi-Denominational, Multi-Ethnic Approach. This edited volume offers a multi-denominational, multi-ethnic vision in which biblical scholars, theologians, and practitioners from around the world join together to pursue a cohesive yet diverse theology and praxis of spiritual formation for the global church. This book will allow you to be fed in your faith by brothers and sisters from around the world. You can connect with John Frederick here: Author Page | Amazon Website | You can connect with Ryan Brandt here: LinkedIn | Academic Website | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 182 – Forming Resilient Children With Holly Catterton Allen
Episode 182 - Forming Resilient Children With Holly Catterton Allen Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Parenting and raising children can be tough work. Parenting and Raising RESILIENT children is an entirely different conversation. Yet, it's a NECESSARY conversation. In the middle of a pandemic, with all of the challenges that we're facing as a world, we cannot forget to lean into the issues that our children are facing and navigating. Our Host, Christopher J Harris, welcomes Dr Holly Catterton Allen, author of the book Forming Resilient Children and she herself a Mother and Grandmother, for an incredibly hopeful, engaging, and inspiring discussion around raising and rearing children in a way that empowers them to thrive. More importantly, this discussion raises the conversation to deal with healthy childhood development through spiritual formation. David Csinos, founder of Faith Forward and Associate Professor at Atlantic School of Theology said, “Forming Resilient Children is a much-needed addition to the field of children’s spirituality. Especially now, as we continue to face the ongoing effects of a once-a-century pandemic, children need adults who can help them recover from trauma, process grief, and nurture hope. Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, pastor, teacher, or children’s ministry volunteer, Holly Allen’s superb research will help you understand connections between spirituality and resilience. What is more, she offers strategies and resources that you can use to foster resilience among the children that God has placed in your life.” You can connect with Dr Allen here: Website | Conference Website | Amazon Page | Facebook | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to e...
Episode 181 – Soul Care with Dr Barbara L Peacock, Part 2
Episode 181 - Soul Care with Dr Barbara L Peacock, Part 2 Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Self-Care is all the rave in today's time. And yet, "You can have self-care without soul care...but you can't have soul care without self-care." This was a quote from Dr Peacock in today's conversation. SOUL CARE, the practices and habits of tending to your soul and ensuring that your soul is healthy was the focus of this conversation. It was such an enriching conversation and one for all to hear. To provide wisdom, and raise an often silent discussion, and discuss her latest book, Soul Care In The African American Practice, our host Christopher J Harris welcomed Dr Barbara L Peacock, a Professor, Conference Speaker, Podcaster, and Author, with an earned Doctorate. Her dissertation emphasis was Spiritual Direction and Soul Care. Dr Peacock lives in North Carolina with her husband and together they have an adult daughter, son-in-love, and two grandchildren. You can listen to Part 1 of the discussion here. You can connect with Dr Peacock here: Website | Facebook | Instagram If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 180 – Soul Care with Dr Barbara L Peacock, Part 1
Episode 180 - Soul Care with Dr Barbara L Peacock, Part 1 Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Self-Care is all the rave in today's time. And yet, "You can have self-care without soul care...but you can't have soul care without self-care." This was a quote from Dr Peacock in today's conversation. SOUL CARE, the practices and habits of tending to your soul and ensuring that your soul is healthy was the focus of this conversation. It was such an enriching conversation and one for all to hear. To provide wisdom, and raise an often silent discussion, and discuss her latest book, Soul Care In The African American Practice, our host Christopher J Harris welcomed Dr Barbara L Peacock, a Professor, Conference Speaker, Podcaster, and Author, with an earned Doctorate. Her dissertation emphasis was Spiritual Direction and Soul Care. Dr Peacock lives in North Carolina with her husband and together they have an adult daughter, son-in-love, and two grandchildren. You can connect with Dr Peacock here: Website | Facebook | Instagram If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 179 – A Story & Recovery Of Domestic Violence, Part 2
Episode 179 - A Story & Recovery Of Domestic Violence, Part 2 Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com October was / is Domestic Violence Month. We invited Ms Dana Anthony, a survivor and victor from Domestic Violence. According to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (just a sample of statistics on Domestic Violence): On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime. On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries. Source (and MORE statistics) Beyond these statistics, Dana shares her personal story. In Part 1 of this story, she sits down with our host, Christopher J Harris and shares honestly and transparently about being married to her abuser and how she navigated getting free and back on her feet. If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1. You can contact the Domestic Violence Hotline - For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/
Episode 178 – A Story & Recovery Of Domestic Violence, Part 1
Episode 178 - A Story & Recovery Of Domestic Violence, Part 1 Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com October was / is Domestic Violence Month. We invited Ms Dana Anthony, a survivor and victor from Domestic Violence. According to National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (just a sample of statistics on Domestic Violence): On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, and/or intimate partner stalking with impacts such as injury, fearfulness, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner. This includes a range of behaviors (e.g. slapping, shoving, pushing) and in some cases might not be considered "domestic violence." 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been victims of severe physical violence (e.g. beating, burning, strangling) by an intimate partner in their lifetime. On a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. Only 34% of people who are injured by intimate partners receive medical care for their injuries. Source (and MORE statistics) Beyond these statistics, Dana shares her personal story. In Part 1 of this story, she sits down with our host, Christopher J Harris and shares honestly and transparently about being married to her abuser and how she navigated getting free and back on her feet. If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1. You can contact the Domestic Violence Hotline - For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/
Episode 177 – Value In Your Voice With Ashaala Shanae
Episode 177 - Value In Your Voice With Ashaala Shanae Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Many of those in our Tribe, Wisdom Walkers, are Communicators, Speakers, Pastors, Podcasts Host, and more - their voice is their instrument and in some cases, their most valuable tool. To empower them, provide wisdom, and raise an often silent discussion, our host Christopher J Harris welcomed Ms Ashaala Shanae, an International Gospel Recording Artist, Celebrity Vocal Health Expert and Pedagogy Performance Coach, Mental Health Advocate, Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur, Mentor, and Purpose Coach for Creatives. Ashaala Shanae is the Creative Director and CEO of The Music and Arts Healing Institute (aka The M.A.H.I.), located in Miami, Florida. Through The M.A.H.I., Ashaala has attained over 18 years of professional and educational study, as well as music industry experience, and has worked with notable influencers, artists, labels, producers, and clinicians on a national and international level. A highlight of her professional career involves the launch of The M.A.H.I. Pro-Voice Masters Affiliate Network and Online Certification courses, in which Ashaala has been able to credibly certify vocal coaches from all over the world, as well as mentor creatives seeking career and financial stability through entrepreneurship. Ashaala is a member of The Grammys™ Recording Academy, the National Association of Teachers of Singers (NATS), and an affiliate of The Voice Foundation. She has been featured in media outlets such as Blackdoctors.org, ‘Get Up Mornings’ with Erica Campbell, ShoutOut Miami, Root Magazine, VoyageMIA, Elev8 Magazine, and many others. She has also appeared on The Grammys on CBS, Starz Network, Telemundo, Univision, and BET. She has either vocally coached, produced, arranged, worked with, and/or traveled the world as a professional touring backing vocalist for celebrities and recording artists in various genres such as: Patti LaBelle, the late Betty Wright, Jon Secada, Queen Latifah, Yolanda Adams, Martha Munizzi, Jonathan Nelson, Todd Galberth, KJ Scriven, Q Parker from Bad Boy’s 90’s RnB band, 112, and 2020 Grammy Nominated Recording Artists, Tarriona “Tank” Ball from the acclaimed New Orleans Band, 'Tank and The Bangas'. Being bilingual has also afforded Ashaala the opportunity to work and partner with major label Latin Artists such as Grammy-nominated, Universal Music Latin Recording Artist, Manu Manzo; Latin Grammy Nominated and award-winning Latin Sensation, Natti Natasha, Warner Music Group Latin Artist, Pitingo, Sony Music and Latin Pop Recording Artist, Carla Mauri, Universal Music - Italian Model, Entertainer, and Television Personality, Elettra Lamborghini, as well as a plethora of others. As a Mental Health Advocate, Ashaala is the Founder and President of LOVESTRUCK, Inc., a faith-community based non-profit organization that provides viable counseling and psychotherapy resources, programs, and community accountability to creatives challenged with suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional health stressors. As a Singer-Songwriter, Ashaala has released musical works such as her album, Matters of the Heart, as well as an international single, ”Big God,” which features Award Winning Gospel Reggae Icon, Papa San. Both Matters of the Heart and “Big God” are available worldwide on all digital retail outlets, including iTunes, AmazonMP3, and Google Play. Ashaala is soon to release new music in early 2021 and has launched her first Vocal Health Instructor Certification Online Course for aspiring Vocal Coaches as well as her anticipated upcoming books, The Business of Vocal Coaching - Ten (10) Keys Every Aspiring Vocal Coach Should Know and The 4 M’s to Six Figures for Creative Entrepreneurs. You can connect with Ashaala here: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter If you need further assistance or have questions,
Episode 176 – Marriage In The Middle With Dorothy Greco
Episode 176 - Marriage In The Middle With Dorothy Greco Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Are midlife marriages destined to descend into endless crises, distance, and unhappiness? Contrary to the current cultural narrative, no! Marriage in the Middle normalizes the challenges and surprises of this time frame and then comes alongside couples to help them thrive. Through story, Scripture, and hard-won wisdom, Dorothy Greco offers readers and listeners hope that midlife can be a season of recalibrating, shoring up vulnerabilities, and imagining new ways to create a mutually fulfilling marriage. Dorothy joins our host, Christopher J Harris, for an incredibly warming and insightful discussion on marriage in general and then marriages who are seasoned specifically. This conversation will leave you with that sense that you just saw down with your best friend, a counselor/therapists, and a Pastor all at the same time...well...because you did. You'll smile...you'll laugh...but you may get a little misty-eyed...and you'll want to take notes as well. Since graduating from Boston University in 1983, Dorothy has been working as a photographer, author, writer, and speaker. She feels equally at home speaking in front of hundreds or standing behind her camera without saying a word. Her words and images offer hope and encouragement to those longing for healing, reconciliation, and joy. Dorothy's writing has been featured in Christianity Today, Missio Alliance, MOPs, Relevant Magazine, Christians for Biblical Equality, The Mudroom, Sojourners, Biola Center for Marriage and Family, Christine Cain’s Propel for Women, Perennial Generation, Patheos, and The Englewood Review of Books. Making Marriage Beautiful, her first book, was published by David C Cook in January of 2017. Her second book, Marriage in the Middle, was published by InterVarsity Press in September of 2020. Past and present photography clients include: The National Geographic, New England Home Magazine, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, Yankee Magazine, Mass General Hospital, Harvard University, Boston University, Knopf Publishers, Lexington Christian Academy, Boston Trinity Academy, Arnold Arboretum, Houghton Mifflin, and many more. Dorothy has won several awards from Communication Arts Photography Annual and National Press Photographers. Dorothy Greco is also a member of Redbud Writers’ Guild and the Pelican Project. Dorothy and her husband, Christopher, have been married for 29 years. They have three grown sons and two amazing daughters-in-law. They love walking on beaches, traveling, seeing great theater, and kayaking. Dorothy also enjoys spending time with friends and figuring out how to make awesome paleo meals. You can connect with Dorothy here: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Chu...
Episode 175 – After College With Erica Young Reitz
Episode 175 - After College With Erica Young Reitz "The first year out was one of the hardest years of my life." —Curt The years after college can be some of the most uncertain, unstable times of life. Recent graduates grieve the loss of community, question their place in the world and struggle to find meaningful work. It can be shocking to discover that college did not fully prepare you for the challenges you now face. "It's much rougher than I thought. I thought things would just play out, and they didn't. I don't have friends, I don't have a job and I hang out with my parents every night." —Kate But you are not alone. For more than a decade, Erica Young Reitz has specialized in helping college seniors and recent graduates navigate the transition to post college life. Drawing on best practices and research on senior preparedness, she offers practical tools for a life of faithfulness and flourishing during a critical, transitional time. This practical guide addresses the top issues graduates face: making decisions, finding friends, managing money, discerning your calling and much more. Discover how you can thrive beyond your undergraduate years. If you feel lost in transition, here are resources to help you flourish as a Christ-follower in a complex world. Erica Young Reitz directs Senior EXIT, a one-year experience that prepares graduating college seniors for the transition into the next phase of life. She works for the CCO (Coalition for Christian Outreach), reaching out to students at Penn State University. Erica has an MA in higher education from Geneva College, with a graduate research focus on the senior-year transition. She and her husband, Craig, live in State College, Pennsylvania, with their two children. Read more about Erica's work with CCO and Senior EXIT. You can connect with Erica and her work here: WEBSITE | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Amazon Book Link ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.
Episode 174 – Finding Your Yes With Christine E. Wagoner
Episode 174 - Finding Your Yes With Christine E. Wagoner Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com Finding your yes is all about living a life of openness to the invitations of God in our lives. Christine Wagoner, a senior leader with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, invites readers to be attentive to the movements of the Spirit and engage with opportunities God gives them. She shares about her own yes moments as well as those of others. And she offers practical tools for moving toward yes. There is a significant journey that gets us from no to yes. It is a profound journey of heart, soul, and mind. A journey filled with risk, excitement, pain, and joy. A journey of growing our character and knowing God intimately. And—with questions both large and small—it's a journey we take again and again throughout our lives. Would you like to live into your yes? Join our host, Christopher J Harris, as he welcomes Christine to the podcast to discuss the nuances, strategies, and insights of living your life that moves you towards a yes. Christine E. Wagoner is an associate regional director with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, where she directed their national women's leadership development program. She received her master of arts in counseling ministries from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Christine is married to Kurt and lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. You can connect with Christine here: Book Link | Instagram | Twitter | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here?
Episode 173 – Conversations About Children’s Ministry With Esther Moreno
Episode 173 - Conversations About Children's Ministry With Esther Moreno Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The last few months have been an incredibly insightful ride and a BEHIND THE SCENES tour of Church and Ministry work. We've been going behind the scenes and looking at things that make churches, ministries, and ministry leaders run. It has essentially been a masterclass in ministry leadership. Today, we take it further and welcome Esther Moreno, Founder of Child's Heart Children Ministries to the podcast to discuss her insight, energy and excitement around children's ministry and Next Gen discussions. Esther Moreno has dedicated her life to reaching the next generation for Christ. She has over 15 years of Children's Ministry experience across various churches and denominations. She is one of the hosts of Children’s Ministry Today on Fishbowl Radio Network. In addition to hosting monthly live webinars on social media, she leads virtual trainings for Children’s Ministry departments all over the country. Esther is a gifted speaker, teacher, and author. She holds a Masters in Christian Education from Ashland Theological Seminary. Esther currently attends Life Church of Huntsville, Alabama, where she resides with her husband Guylando and their two beautiful children, Grace and Gideon. You can connect with Esther here: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 172 – Making Sense of Tech & Communications In Ministry With Kenny Jahng
Episode 172 - Making Sense of Tech & Communications In Ministry With Kenny Jahng Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The last few months have been an incredibly insightful ride. We've been going behind the scenes and looking at things that make churches, ministries, and ministry leaders run. It has essentially been a masterclass in ministry leadership. Today, we take it a step further and invite Kenny Jahng to the podcast to discuss his insight and wisdom around the most current ideas of churches, reaching new people and embracing technology and addressing church communications. Kenny Jahng is the founder and CEO of Big Click Syndicate, a strategic content marketing agency that helps nonprofits, cause-driven & faith-based ministries / churches build and engage their core audiences. Big Click Syndicate has created and managed performance-based marketing campaigns for brands such as American Bible Society, Biblica, California Baptist University, Redeemer Presbyterian Church and the United Methodist Church. Connect with Kenny @KennyJahng on Twitter or Instagram, KennyJahng.com or on LinkedIn through his #DailyKJTV vlog. You can connect with Kenny here: Website | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 171 – The Intentional Church & Intentional Approach of Worship With Judith Christie McAllister
Episode 171 - The Intentional Church & Intentional Approach of Worship With Judith Christie McAllister Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The last few months has been an incredibly insightful ride. It has essentially been a masterclass in ministry leadership and church strategy. Today, we take it a step further and invite Dr Judith Christie McAllister to the podcast to discuss her life story, insight, wisdom, and thoughts around the most current ideas of churches, reaching new people and embracing the mandate of worship. She tackles the tough topics of gaps in worship, worship ministry challenges and more. Judith Christie-McAllister is without question one of the most influential music ministry leaders of our time. Born in Harlem NY, this Grammy-nominated choir director, songwriter, producer, author, and Oral Roberts University scholar, is most noted as being a forerunner of the Praise & Worship Movement in the late 70’s. With a career span of over 30 years, Dr. J’s fingerprints can be found on the hearts and lives of millions across the globe. Dr. J’s music-alone has broken social and racial barriers in the church as her signature songs like, ‘High Praise’ and the ever popular, ‘Hallelujah You’re Worthy’ can be heard around the world in multi-racial, Sunday morning worship services. Her theory is, “Worship is the answer to racism.” A portion of Judith’s incredible catalog of music includes 4 albums: Sound The Trumpet (Judah Music, 2011); Raise The Praise (Judah Music, 2007); In His Presence (Judah Music, 2002); and Send Judah First (Judah Music, 2000). Judith’s recording collaborations include: Bishop T.D. Jakes (Woman Thou Art Loosed-Run to the Water...The River Within), Tye Tribbett-Stand Out, J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise-Exalted, and most notably, West Angeles COGIC Mass-No Limit, just to name a few. Dr. McAllister served for 17 years as the worship leader for West Angeles Church of God in Christ and 13 years as the church’s Executive Director of the Music & Worship Arts Department. (Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. is the pastor of the 25,000 plus member church.) It was at West Angeles church where she initiated and co-produced West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir’s project, No Limit, in which she earned a Grammy nomination. In 2009, McAllister was elevated to the office of Departmental President and Minister of Music for the 6.5 million-member, Church of God in Christ denomination. The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the United States; with more than 12,000 congregations. In this assignment, she oversees the music ministry for major conferences and works with music leaders within various jurisdictions in the U.S. and around the world. As Minister of Music and leader of the legendary COGIC International Mass Choir, Judith has produced 4 music projects: The St. Louis Experience; The St. Louis Experience LIVE DVD; This is the Church of God in Christ (Single); and the recently released, We Must Never Forget (Full Album), a tribute to COGIC’s heritage and founder, Bishop Charles Harrison Mason. Judith also wrote a book entitled, Harmony, a music ministry guide to aide music and worship leaders in personal and professional development. Judith, a loving wife and mother of 3, is the CEO of 3 entities: Judah Music Group LLC, Inheritance of Judah Ministries, and Never Ending Worship (N.E.W.) Enterprises LLC. Her mission is to unite and advance the Kingdom of God through the vehicles of education and music. Reach Dr McAllister here: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play,
Episode 170 – Helping The Church Reach More People With Technology – With Chris Abbott
Episode 170 - Helping The Church Reach More People With Technology - With Chris Abbott Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The last month has been an incredibly insightful ride. It has essentially been a masterclass in ministry leadership. Today, we take it a step further and invite Chris Abbott to the podcast to discuss his insight, wisdom, stories, and some laughter around the most current ideas of churches, reaching new people and embracing technology. He tackles the tough topics of Facebook (and instagram), why we should be reaching people and prioritizing our why. Chris Abbott’s extensive years of experience as a pastor, marketer, and church leader have given him unique and practical insight on how to use social media to attract new visitors. He has been a part of 4 local church plants and coached thousands of pastors through his online coaching programs. He now runs the Church Growth Agency and helps pastors around the country grow their church through Facebook Ads, online marketing and digital ministry. You can connect with Chris here: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)
Episode 169 – The Realities Of Online Church, Online Ministry, and In Person Impact With Nils Smith
Episode 169 - The Realities Of Online Church, Online Ministry, and In Person Impact With Nils Smith Episode sponsored by DiverseChurchJobs.com The last month has been an incredibly insightful ride. It has essentially been a masterclass in ministry leadership. Today, we take it a step further and invite Nils Smith to the podcast to discuss his insight, wisdom, stories, and some laughter around the most current ideas of online church, what online ministry has been in the past and what it could look like in the future, and just as important, what in person ministry may need to look like in the future. After serving for more than a decade in full-time ministry, Nils began to support ministries, nonprofit organizations and small businesses as a digital marketing and ministry consultant. He has also had the privilege of being a partner in several technology startup companies, including Mere Technology and Amplify Social Media. You can connect with Nils here: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn If you need further assistance or have questions, feel free to email us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com ================== For Coaching, Questions, or Additional Information: You can contact us at info@thewiseideapodcast.com - Subscribe via: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, RSS Feed, and Spotify Enjoy what you're hearing & seeing? Do you mind Rating & Reviewing This Podcast? Your ratings and reviews help us place the podcast in front of new leaders and listeners. Your feedback also lets me know how I can better serve you. If you have the desire to donate financially to The Wise Idea Podcast, you can do so here. A donation of any amount will be helpful in allowing us to creating the movement to INSPIRE WISDOM. DONATE HERE! About Our Host: Christopher J. Harris, a native of Palatka, Fla., is currently Executive Pastor of Crossover Church of Tampa, Fla. He is also the Director of Administration & Vision Implementation working collaboratively with the Presiding Bishop's Office and Administration for Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. He's served at ministries in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Chicago,IL. He’s an author and blogger with two books, Temporary Assignments and Church Strategies and Ministry Systems. He's an alumnus of Florida State University, University of South Carolina, special studies at Princeton Theological Seminary and doctoral work at Nova Southeastern University. He is the Founder / CEO of DiverseChurchJobs.com, a platform helping people of color in ministry to find ministry opportunities. Harris currently resides in Florida with his wife Dr Carmen J Harris and their children. You can check him out here: www.ChristopherJHarris.com You can see his Social media here on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, and LinkedIn ALL at @CJHarrisOne Here are Christopher’s Theological Beliefs: http://christopherjharris.com/what-i-believe/ He is affiliated with the following organizations (among others): www.CrossoverChurch.org , https://www.fullgospelbaptist.org/, and https://www.biblicalleadership.com/ Thank You’s: My family for their commitment to the vision to inspire wisdom in others and release me to endeavors like this. To my Producer, Kevin Scullion, our Guests, our Wise Idea Family and our many, many listeners from around the world. (Note: Want your name listed here? Leave a review of this podcast and you may find your name listed here…)