Media & Entertainment Podcasts

The human mind has over 6,000 thoughts a day. With the modern world & its oversaturation of information, it’s easy to become overwhelmed--from processing what news matters to your day-to-day life, to finding time to explore the wonders within each of our own curiosities. VIBRATIONS is a space I created to talk about current events across the global spectrum as well as having a dialogue on eccentric topics such as: human consciousness, ancient civilizations, the history of our universe, & more. Whether you’re tuning in for the latest updates on the financial markets or you’re obsessed with the Pyramids of Giza, VIBRATIONS is the podcast for you.


United States


The human mind has over 6,000 thoughts a day. With the modern world & its oversaturation of information, it’s easy to become overwhelmed--from processing what news matters to your day-to-day life, to finding time to explore the wonders within each of our own curiosities. VIBRATIONS is a space I created to talk about current events across the global spectrum as well as having a dialogue on eccentric topics such as: human consciousness, ancient civilizations, the history of our universe, & more. Whether you’re tuning in for the latest updates on the financial markets or you’re obsessed with the Pyramids of Giza, VIBRATIONS is the podcast for you.





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Cataclysms On Earth | Lost History Of The Ancients

Welcome to episode 3! Youtube version Become a Patron to get exclusive merchandise & content! With great respect to the one and only Randall Carlson, this episode of VIBRATIONS divulges into the lost records of modern human history. I expand on the mysteries presented by Mr. Carlson as well as what the ancients foretold of, of those before them and into mythological history. The concept of time in relation to our human capabilities are also discussed when brought into the light of our modern world. e:


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2022 Housing Market Crash Predictions | My Favorite Physics Theory: Wave Particle Duality

Welcome to episode 2! Youtube version Become a Patron to get exclusive merchandise & content! In this episode of VIBRATIONS, I expand on the issues we currently face in the housing market; interest rates, supply shortages, affordability, and how we got to this point after the 2008-2009 bubble burst. The second half of this podcast dives into my favorite physics theory -- the infamous wave particle duality and how this translates to our universe existing as a quantum. e:


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STARGATE 2022 | What is Remote Viewing? A Dialogue on ESP, CIA Experiments, & Shamoot’s Trials on Mars

Welcome to episode 1! Youtube version Become a Patron to get exclusive merchandise & content! Remote viewing is a lengthy topic to say the least. Please read the precursor below to get an idea of the work I did prior to my STARGATE, 2022 remote viewing trial that targeted the planet Mars in 1,000,000 B.C. My first Reddit post was in regards to using ARV to predict the movement of stocks during a specified time period: Here is how it's going so far: For those who are unaware of the 1984 remote viewing session (it's included in my report) - the CIA performed an experiment where a remote viewer was given coordinates to Mars with the time period specifying 1,000,000 B.C.. The viewer described pyramid-like megaliths and structures that were built in a violent landscape of dust storms. He sees tall figures covered in special kind of clothing that seem to communicate to the viewer that their planet is dying and their time in this universe has come to an end. There were more entities among them but they had left on a search looking for a new living environment for their people. My experiment (STARGATE, 2022), recorded an almost identical description, however, we were able to compile much more detail since we ran 3 trials within a close time period. The target locations were not revealed to my viewer until after I finished with my report. This whole experience has given me an existential crisis that kept me glued to my computer for 12 hours writing this up. Please, have a read: My hopes is to connect with more agencies and representatives in this field of study, feel free to reach out to me for any questions:
