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1 (One) Minute Wonder

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Each episode is an invitation to new possibilities. One minute to rewire your brain into creating a different reality. Will you take this adventure? Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joelfilip


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Each episode is an invitation to new possibilities. One minute to rewire your brain into creating a different reality. Will you take this adventure? Cover art photo provided by Joel Filipe on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@joelfilip



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You are not stuck!

I heard a simple, yet powerful phrase today that I choose to share with you as a reminder... Here it is .... "You are not stuck unless you stop" you don't have to be perfect ... just keep on going for the thing your heart desires to pull out of you!


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Let go of fixed ideas about who you are

Do you want to live in a box of your own making? Or are you willing to let go of your old self to discover new possibilities?


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Are you hostage to someone else's ideas about you?

Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to be hostage to their moods or emotions. Are you constantly placating them? Are you ready to stop doing that? What if you chose instead to focus on creating your life, and let them be them and you be you. It may feel uncomfortable at first, and they may not like it, but you will get over it. Go ahead and dream a bigger dream for you!


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How good is your follow-through?

How committed are you to following through on the promises you make to yourself and others? So long as you have breath it is not too late to pick yourself up and fulfill the promises you make to yourself.


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What is the very first thing you tell yourself in the morning?

How you start your day can have a strong influence on what happens throughout the day. What happens throughout each day is shapes the pattern of your life, and the joy and fulfillment you experience in life. We live in a world with other people. What other people do and say can affect us both positively and negatively. You can't control everything that happens to you but you can choose how your day starts.


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Does life feel tough right now?

lf life feels tough right now, just hold on. It means that you are going through a period of growth but may not be fully aware of the outcome yet. Everything can change. Nothing is fixed. Hold on and look for clues that will help you to transform your life. This period in time will not last forever, but it is up to you to start the shift. Movement is required in order for things to change, and that initial action has to come from you.


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You do not have to be perfect

The strive for mastery is a wonderful ideal to aim towards. Perfection on the other hand, is an idea that stops many people from starting. If you cannot start, it's impossible to reach your goal. You do not have to be perfect. The truth is, that you have to make a start in order to attain the skills required for the rest of the journney. You do not have to be perfect to start your journey. The journey itself will teach you what you need to know.


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Give yourself a reason to get up and go.

Things can happen that dampen your spirit. Plans don't always go according to plan. Big and small dissappointments can be devastating, affect your self-esteem, and whittle away your confidence. These are the times you have to give yourself a reason to get up and get going, or just open your eyes.


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Mental wellness... Are you taking care of yours?

Our minds go with us wherever we go, and either suport us in living a great life, or can make life feel not worth living. Care for yourself by taking care of your mental health. Listen up..


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Mother or not Happy Mother's Day

Women you are amazing, and so is your body. With or without children you deserve to be celebrated just for being you. Happy Mother's Day.


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Are you waiting for answers?

If you're waiting for all the answers before you choose to upgrade your life it will never happen... So what can you do?


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How kind are you?

How kind are you to yourself? No matter how thoughtful you think you may be towards other people, if you think badly of yourself, you are setting yourself up to under achieve. Yes, do reflect on how you can do even better, but also give yourself credit for what you have achieved, and how far you've come.


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Do you go sit in the past?

How often do you go sit in the past and stay there? Does your mind continually wander back to a hurtful event or conversation? Be honest with yourself about this, does it continue to hurt? Brendon Burchard spoke on a similar topic and suggested the following simple, yet effective affirmation. He said "today you have a choice". That affirmation brings you back to the present moment. Make a note of it: "today I have a choice!". When your mind wanders back to a past hurt, say it out loud. Say it 10 times everytime the story comes to mind. Let the affirmation help extinguish the story's I fluency and power to hurt you. Remember that today you have a choice. What do you choose your day to look like, today?


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When was the last time you risked exploring life?

Has your life become very circular, doing the same things day after day, year after year? Have you become too comfortable and stopped exploring life? When was the last time you took a risk? I'm not referring to reckless behavior, but decisively doing something different, outside the normal everyday of life. When was the last time you spoke with someone you don't already know? Speaking with a stranger is easier for some, but not others. That could be an important challenge you accept. If you don't explore life, it will keep on going, but not change too much. However, you will miss out on so much that life has to offer. What would you choose for your future? Your future life needs your input to bring it into being. Are you ready to explore? What do you have to lose?


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Episode 31: Two words that can change your life

What are two words we must master as part of our success? Listen to the podcast to hear more....
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Episode 32: What are you holding onto, that if you give up, would free you to be more authentically who you be?

All of our thoughts, feelings, no feelings and emotions, lock us into a particular reality. Is your current reality working for you? The question then is, what else could you choose as a reality if you knew you had a choice?
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Let the challenge spur you on.

How many times have you stopped yourself from bringing your ideas to life because someone else couldn't see it? Grow through the challenge.


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When was the last time you took a moment to just be?

We like to get busy doing, achieving, and setting goals, but taking time to just be in the moment is equally important. When was the last time you took a moment to soak in the beauty and inspiration that surrounds you?


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What is the fastest way to climb a mountain?

I've encouraged you in previous episodes to think about your big dreams, but today, I'm asking you to think small. Big dreams change your life, but figuring out how to bring those big ideas to life, can seem daunting. Big dreams don't materialise out of nowhere. Little steps make the big dreams happen. One of the people that inspire me is Brendon Burchard, a leading motivational coach. If you are looking for a deeper level of growth, copy and paste the link below into a browser for information about his award winning Growth coaching program where you can receive coaching, prompts and daily reminders on how to achieve excellence in all areas of your life. https://www.growthday.com/?via=gwyneth47


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What commitments are you making that you should be breaking?

We all do it, or have done it... give our time to people, places, projects, ideas or things that do little to move your life forward. Time is so precious! How would you feel if one day you woke up to realize that you ran out of time and no longer had the opportunity to do the things you would have loved to do? You no longer had time to put your ideas into action? You've made and kept commitments to other people, how might your life change if you made just one commitment to yourself?
