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Aspects of Writing

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Every week "Aspects of Writing," hosted by James Kelly, brings you an informative look at every aspect of the writing industry; novels, scripts, newspaper and magazines, promoting, editing, and more. Aspects of Writing is geared toward the novice writer. Our intention is to inspire, encourage and enlighten anyone interested in becoming a writer.


United States


Every week "Aspects of Writing," hosted by James Kelly, brings you an informative look at every aspect of the writing industry; novels, scripts, newspaper and magazines, promoting, editing, and more. Aspects of Writing is geared toward the novice writer. Our intention is to inspire, encourage and enlighten anyone interested in becoming a writer.





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The Disciplined Author with guest Roger Deblanck

In this episode, Author Roger Deblanck joins us to discuss the discipline needed to become a novelist. Everyone is different. Some authors have a daily ritual, while others write from inspiration. We will discuss whether the character or the author should direct the story, and how to discover what works best for you.


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The Benefit of a Book with Lavelle Carlson, Joyce Gatchenberger and Erica Zake

In this episode, Lavelle Carlson joins me, Joyce Gatchenberger and Erica Zake to discuss the joy of holding and reading a paper bound book. In today's computer based technology, many people forget what it is like to hold a book and turing the pages.


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Alternative Ways to Market your Book with guest Temple Kinyon

This episode guest Temple Kinyon joins Cynthia De Boer and me to discuss various ways to market your book. We also talk about a new format for self-published authors, "". Finding ways to market a book is often more difficult than the process of writing it.


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Getting the Word Out with guest Pat Ritter

Australian Author Pat Ritter joins us on the internet to discuss how to get the word out about your book. A former detective turned writer, Pat's writing career spans a few decades. Morgan St. James co-hosts this episode. Morgan has written 17 novels on her own and has written more than 600 articles for newspaper and magazine.


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From Book to Script with Cher Chidzey and Adam J.A. Cass

Playwright, novelist, producer and actor Adam J. A. Cass, and author Cher Chidzey join us on the internet from their location in Australia to talk about how to get your book noticed by producers. Adam explains how he came to meet Cher in her quest to have her novel transformed from book into a play. Cher is both a traditionally published author and self-published.


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Discovering Your Talent for Writing with Eliot Parker and Tonya Todd

Radio host and author Eliot Parker joins Tonya Todd and me via the internet to discuss how to discover your talent for writing. Eliot is the author of several novels and Tonya is currently working on her first. Every author has a different path they took to get to the point of writing their first novel. In this episode, we discuss what it took for us, and what anyone with the desire to write can do to achieve the goal of becoming a published author.


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Finding the Right Publisher with RJ Waters and Ned Barnett

RJ Waters and Ned Barnett join me in the studio to talk about their experience with finding the right publisher. Ned is a member of a writers group and promotes other authors. He has penned 17 books of his own. RJ Waters is a retired detective who has written two books and is working on a third. Both men have self published and are traditionally published. Many of us self publish to have control over our work, or simply because we were tired of receiving rejection letters. Others seek a...


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The Importance of a Book with Judith C. Owens-Lalude and Lori Piotrowski

In this episode we will discuss the necessity of getting physical books into the hands of young readers. Judith C. Owens-Lalude and Lori Piotrowski join me in the studio to share their adventures in writing, education and the experience and importance of holding a real paperbound book in your hands. Both Lori and Judith are educators. Both have shared a passion for writing most of their adult life. In addition, both write in more than one genre. Please join us as we discuss life as an...


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Script Writing with Brenda Daly and Mike McKenna

IMDB accredited Actress, Writer, Producer Brenda Daly and Playwright and Actor Mike McKenna join me to discuss script writing. In this episode, we talk about what inspired them to become a script writer. Mike shares his experience as a playwright that was able to get his work produced off-off-off Broadway, We talk about how his new found addition to writing has inspired him to work on his first novel and movie script. Brenda is Known for Watch Jessica Die (2021), Unintended (2015), Project...


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Finding Your Motivation

Sports Collectibles guru Brandon Steiner joins us from New York to talk about finding your motivation. Brandon has a new book, Living on Purpose: Stories about Faith, Fortune, and Fitness That Will Lead You to an Extraordinary Life. His experience with life has been an interesting one. Growing up poor in New York (started working at age 10) he decided he was going to change his life. This is an extraordinary story form an extraordinary man.


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Why an Audio Book

Guests Carla Masterson joins us in the studio, and Adele Park joins us via Messenger from Utah to talk about Audio Books. Adele is the owner of, a studio set up to record books for audio distribution. Audio books are the fastest growing segment of the book industry. Joyce Gatschenberger and Janet Coursey are also present as we discuss what it takes to produce an audio book, and is it advantageous.


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Creative Writing - Passion and Purpose

Author Rena Winters joins us in the studio to talk about the creative writing process. She is an instructor of creative writing at a local university. In addition, Rena spent over 40 years in Hollywood as a writer for both television and movies. She has penned three novels of her own, the latest being Holy Cause: Target America, and one with her husband, Robert Crawley. Finding your passion for writing may come from having a purpose, or vice versa. We all write for different reasons....


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Charities and Authors

Lori Piotrowski joins Joyce Kaye Gatschenberger and me in the studio, and Walt Smith joins us from Hawaii via Messenger, to talk about connecting a charity to your book project. If you can find a charity to donate a portion of your book profits to may help drive sales. Walt created his own charity to help the oceans, and Lori is part of a group that targets the youth of our nation.


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Finding the Time to Write

Michal Stawicki joins us from Poland to talk about finding the necessary time to write. Some authors are disciplined, others, not so much. In this episode, we talk about the habits some authors have developed for writing, or where to find that extra hour or two during the day to write. Many authors write by inspiration. Therefore, they may not have a set time each day set aside for writing. Finding what makes you comfortable as a writer is the overall objective. Joyce Kaye Gatschenberger and...


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Making the Connection

13-time Amazon bestselling author Paul Brodie joins us from Arlington, Texas to talk about "Making the Connection." On the panel for this show are Janet Coursey and Joyce Kaye Gatschenberger. There will be times when an author may not do well at a book-signing event. However, more times than not, the connections you make far out weight the book sales. In addition, you never know when you will make a good connection. That is what makes the art of writing fun and interesting.


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How to Present Yourself as an Author

In this episode, Ned Barnett and Joylynn M. Ross join Janet Coursey and me in the studio to talk about presenting yourself as an author. To the public, how we look is everything. Perception about an author can make a difference for how well your book sales go during an event or book signing. You should always look the part. In addition, the interaction between you and the book buyer is very important. Should you stand, or sit? How do you handle friends if they come by and stay to support you...


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Promoting Your Book to the Public

R. Thomas Mc Pherson and Anthony Marcisofsky join us in the studio to talk about promoting your book in person. R. Thomas is the owner of New Atlantic Industries, a publishing company out of Austin, Texas. Anthony is the owner of an independent book store called Copper Cat Books, located in Henderson, Nevada. In this episode, we talk about the importance of events, networking, and book signings. In particular, we discuss presenting yourself at the independent stores and large events.


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What Makes a Writer

Today Scott Decker and Alan Livingston, along with my co-host for the show, Joyce Kaye Gatschenberger, join me in the studio to talk about "What Makes a Writer". We all come from different backgrounds, different family dynamics, and different views on life. So what does it take to become a writer. Does just being a writer makes you an author, or is that reserved just for the novelist? There are various forms of writing, and we explore several of those aspects. Perhaps most authors will...


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Developing Your Brand

Jennifer Hart joins Joyce Kaye Gatschenberger and me in the studio to talk about developing your brand as an author. Jennifer offers insight into what it takes as a self-published author to get you noticed and how to build a following. Branding is one of the most important aspects of promoting your work. Jennifer has created marketing campaigns for several companies. In addition, she is a self-published author. Therefore, she understands what it takes to create an audience from scratch....


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The Power of Words - The Common Thread Radio Show Premier

Premier Show of The Common Thread Radio Show "The Power of Words" with Tonya Todd, Gretta Jones and Joyce Gatschenberger. Words can hurt or bring joy, depending on how we use them. Some words have transformed over the years to take on a different meaning from their origin. Many words started out as a positive and have taken on negative connotations. Others have morphed in the opposite direction. Nevertheless, we have the power to change words to compliment society instead of degrade. By...
