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Dating Funnies - Actual stories of dating

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Real life stories, mostly funny things that have happened, while trying to date


United States


Real life stories, mostly funny things that have happened, while trying to date





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Stupid is as stupid does, Netflix - Sexy beast, Hawk Tuah girl on TicTok, and more

Hope you had a great long holiday weekend here in the US. Todays podcast talks about being honest, transparent, and respect pertianing to ALL relationship dynamics.


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Our guest this week - Dating Profile Secrets for Men By James Newberry

Was invited by James Newberry, the author, to read his book and after reading a few chapters I started processing the things I could do better in my dating profiles so that I too would be successful in dating and in meeting someone that truly would enjoy being in a relationship me and I with her - All very good suggestions in the book.


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My renter hiding her BF, Ashley Madison Fraud, and White or Black "caulk"?

Oh Boy! Been an interesting past few weeks.


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Got to get you into my Life (Beatles), Boyfriend Application, past client I like, Red Flags, Dating stability and Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!

Lots of stuff these past couple of weeks - me trying to date "in the wild", the scam of, Dead beat dads, liars, and "dating stablility". Where has Lisa gone, she disappeared on me!!!


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Dating in the Wild, the Golden Bachelor, Farmer Wants a Wife, Love is Blind, my problem tenant, Sugar dating, and people needing to be more being respectful

Really not much to share on my dating challenges, more on my thoughts on things I have heard or watched on TV.


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Love is Blind #6, Liars, Cheaters, and renting a room in my home disaster

Happy be-lated Valentines Day! Hope eevryone is doing well.


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Happy New Year - Me Elderly? Am I looking for a Nurse or Purse? my subtle flirts with a client

Hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season? Been an interesting last few weeks with people I have chatted with on Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, Zoosk, Match, Fet, and ALT. Nothing seems to surprise me much any more...HA HA


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My thoughts on being home for the holidays, Golden Bachelor, Ethnic dating, Netflix shows

If you have not watched the following on NetFlix I highy recommend them: Longest 3rd Date (true story), and Love in the Wild. This is the last time I will be discussing the GB, I promise...LOL


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THE "Cheescake Factory date", My Tacoma 1st and 2nd date, and my thoughts on the Golden Bachelor

Just rambling a little about the mow infamous Cheescake Factory date and how she treated her date - a 1st date for them, my thoughts and opinions of the Golden Bachelor TV series and some of the contestants on teh show and of course the train wreck of a date I had this past week.


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Love is Blind Season 5,The Golden Bachelor, Tawkify, Bumble, and Please DO NOT date Real estate agents

Just me rambling as I am not getting much attention on Match or Zoosk as I must have a face that only a mother can love...LOL. I am being told, again, that I am damged goods because I am not in a relationship, yet if married people only knew how difficult it is today in trying to meet and date someone maybe they would be more empathetc.. married people should work on being "curious" instead of judgemental. Had a few conversations and situations lately that left me scratching my head


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Paying for dates? Building a Sex room? Another BAD Tawkify date and more

Yes, I thought I would try buying a date, and that failed! Yes, another BAD tawkify date, I swear they do not read my profile as the people they choose are not what I describe in my profile on their site. How about building or have someone design and build you a room specifically for sex? So many options in the land of dating..LOL


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Summer Lov'n had me a blast - Not me, but someone I am sure is having a lov'n Summer!

A liitle bit about my Tawkify Zoom date with a woman in Scottsdale, AZ and my renewed efforts on Match, Bumble, Tinder and Hinge. Also shared a thought about when you realize that we have 2 lives and the 2nd life starts when you realize you only have 1 life. I do need to start living the 2nd life, as do all of us!!


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Hmmmmmmm, so much but so little - and all sooooo confusing!

"Online dating is just as murky and full of lemons as finding a used car in the classifieds. Once you learn the lingo, it’s easier to spot the models with high mileage and no warranty" - Laurie Perry


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Run Forest Run! I was told I am broken, I need to be fixed!!

Dating will always keep me on my toes, the far reaching expectations of other people just will never end for me.


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The Awaken Man! My guest Riannah Roach shares her thoughts on Masculine and Femine roles

Riannah is an amazing person that understands the dynamics of masculine and femine roles. Her videos are very informative and insightful. Find her on TicTok or IG, under her name Some of her topics have been as follows: Look and Learn Ladies Frog Farming Real Men equl "King Energy" An Awaken Man does not need a woman 5 things a Femine womn wants 5 things a Masculine man wants


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2nd Date Disaster, a Matchmaker Failed Date, and am told I am a serial dater - WOW!

Get tired of people saying I am a serial dater just because I am meeting people, for the 1st time, over coffee - Seriously?! Since when does trying not count for anything? Especially when you first meet someone and you try to impress them with finding things to do that they like? Honesty, in ALL things is HUGE! Actions speak louder than words in ALL things!!


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My Zombie came, and went - Again! New dating trends, Alpha Male and Femininity, Double standards in dating

This past week I dealt with "My" Zombie - she came and she went, again! What is with the double standard in dating and in relationships? Women have prefrences and men have something wrong with them - Seriously, this has got to stop!! New dating trends and terms - getting hard to keep up with all of them - so confusing Are you an Alpha Male? A Beta Male? As a woman, can you really relax into your feminine nature with an Alpha Male?


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The Tinder Swindler - actual story of disception and manipulation!

Thought I would share a story I viewed on NetFlix about a man that was deceiving and manipulating women in Europe and sadly this story plays out all the time - The Tinder Swindler. I thought I would share with you my thoughts on this story as well as sharing some of my most recent dating challenges.


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Welcome our guest Christiana - The author of the Unapologetic Spinster

She has a great and remarkable story on her mission to meet and find her "forever partner". Her jouney and her story of the challenges in dating You can get all of her information, as well as be able to buy her book at: www.Unapologetic


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I am BACK! MY Dinner and Wine event, Non Vanilla dating, Matchmaker and Upsidedown Pineapple

Not too many dating challenges as it has been a very busy past few months, but I do have a few stories to share on today's Podcast
