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Disasters: Deconstructed Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Reflecting on human society from diverse disciplinary and ideological perspectives to understand the root causes of disasters.


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Reflecting on human society from diverse disciplinary and ideological perspectives to understand the root causes of disasters.



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S9E7 - Sajag-Nepal (Part 3)

Sajag-Nepal's "Notes from the Field" is a three-episode podcast for "Disasters: Deconstructed" This special episode will introduce listeners to the work and scope of the "Sajag-Nepal: Planning and Preparedness for the Mountain Hazard and Risk Chain in Nepal" project. Most importantly it will explore Sajag-Nepal project’s approaches to interdisciplinary and intercultural research on multi-hazards and risk chains in Nepal. In our final episode (of 3) we will focus on Slope Monitoring Equipment, which aims to study slope movement. Additionally, we will engage in discussions with community members from Bhotekoshi to better understand their perspectives on slope movement. The goal of this episode is to facilitate a dialogue between scientific knowledge and community insights regarding slope movement. We hope you enjoy the discussion! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Hosts: Nyima Dorjee Bhotia, Dipak Basnet, Anuradha Puri & Tek Bahadur Dong Speakers: Dr. Megh Raj Dhital, Dr. Nick Rosser, Dr. Mukta Lama, Ramesh Shrestha (PhD student at Geography Department, Durham University, UK) the participants from Marming workshop, Bhotekoshi, Sindhupalchowk Translation of the Nepal folk song The landslide occurs every year. What is the government doing? We are worried- where to go, What to eat, what to wear. Landslides bring sorrow. While the government watches, landslides have increased. We are worried- where to go, What to eat, what to wear. Acknowledgement We would like to thank the people of Marmin in Bhote Kosi Rural Municipality who kindly participated in our workshop and who gave their time to be interviewed for our project and the podcast. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. We also acknowledge our colleagues at Social Science Baha for their time to give a voice over in the Nepali interview recording Prasansa Thapa Sujit Maharjan Rajib Neupane Sanjit Shrestha Sachin Karki Sakar Sapkota Further Info: Sajag-Nepal: Twitter, project website Social Science Baha: Website, Twitter Sajag-Nepal project film produced by BBC Media Action (Film on Phagam)


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S9E6 - Sajag-Nepal (Part 2)

Sajag-Nepal's "Notes from the Field" is a three-episode podcast for "Disasters: Deconstructed" This special episode will introduce listeners to the work and scope of the "Sajag-Nepal: Planning and Preparedness for the Mountain Hazard and Risk Chain in Nepal" project. Most importantly it will explore Sajag-Nepal project’s approaches to interdisciplinary and intercultural research on multi-hazards and risk chains in Nepal. Welcome to Episode 2 (of 3), where we will explore the understanding of multi-hazards from the perspectives of both the local community and scientists. To do this, we will take the episode to Temal and engage in conversations with local community members to gain insights into their understanding of hazards/multi-hazards. Additionally, we will interview anthropologist Mukta Tamang, geographer Gopi Basyal and geologist Megh Dhital on the topic. We hope you enjoy the discussion! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Hosts:Tek Bahadur Dong, Anuradha Puri, Nyima Dorjee Bhotia, Dipak Basnet, Speakers: Prof. Megh Raj Dhital, Dr. Gopi Krishna Basyal, and Dr. Mukta Singh Lama Further Info: Sajag-Nepal: Twitter, project website Social Science Baha: Website, Twitter Sajag-Nepal project film produced by BBC Media Action (Film on Phagam) NSET: Website


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S9E5 - Sajag-Nepal (Part 1)

Sajag-Nepal's "Notes from the Field" is a three-episode podcast for "Disasters: Deconstructed" This special episode will introduce listeners to the work and scope of the "Sajag-Nepal: Planning and Preparedness for the Mountain Hazard and Risk Chain in Nepal" project. Most importantly it will explore Sajag-Nepal project’s approaches to interdisciplinary and intercultural research on multi-hazards and risk chains in Nepal. In the first episode, we discuss cascading hazards in Nepal, with a focus on earthquakes and monsoon-triggered hazards like landslides. This episode will center around the project’s approaches to interdisciplinary and intercultural research. We hope you enjoy the discussion! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Hosts: Nyima Dorjee Bhotia, Dipak Basnet, Anuradha Puri & Tek Bahadur Dong Speakers: Dr. Katie Oven, Dr. Amy Johnson, and Dr. Jeevan Baniya Further Info: Sajag-Nepal: Twitter, project website Social Science Baha: Website, Twitter Sajag-Nepal project film produced by BBC Media Action (Film on Phagam)


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S9E4 - Fishlake (Part 3)

Welcome to the final part of our Disasters: Deconstructed mini-series from Fishlake, UK! Thank you so much to Dave Angel for producing this wonderful local artifact, and sharing his creative process with us. I hope you all are inspired as much as we are!! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Dave Angel’s contact: d.angel@lboro.ac.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-angel-5444a6226/ Loughborough HOME CDT doctoral research project https://meaningofhome.uk/ The Meaning of Home CDT Podcast: our monthly podcast on the subject of home https://meaningofhome.uk/podcast/


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S9E3 - Fishlake (Part 2)

We are back with Dave Angel for the second episode of our Disasters: Deconstructed mini-series from Fishlake, UK. Thanks for joining us! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Dave Angel’s contact: d.angel@lboro.ac.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-angel-5444a6226/ Loughborough HOME CDT doctoral research project https://meaningofhome.uk/ The Meaning of Home CDT Podcast: our monthly podcast on the subject of home https://meaningofhome.uk/podcast/


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S9E2 - Fishlake (Part 1)

Welcome to the first episode of our Disasters: Deconstructed mini-series from Fishlake, UK. Your host for this series is Dave Angel, a musician-composer who has spent most of his life in the area. The series draws on his PhD work "‘Effing Awful!’: Deep, Dirty, Dangerous Water. Developing an audio representational method to develop empathy around post-flood experiences in two South Yorkshire villages." Over to Dave for the mini-series! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Dave Angel’s contact: d.angel@lboro.ac.uk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-angel-5444a6226/ Loughborough HOME CDT doctoral research project https://meaningofhome.uk/ The Meaning of Home CDT Podcast: our monthly podcast on the subject of home https://meaningofhome.uk/podcast/


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S9E1 - Season Overview

Happy New Year and welcome back for Season 9 of Disasters: Deconstructed!!! We can't wait to spend time with you again - or for the first time - as we explore why disasters really happen. This season we will be exploring local stories through 3 mini-series from around the world. Tune in to hear more about what we have in store :) Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Music this week from "Thinking of You" by Oliver Michael.


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S8E9 - Season Wrap

We really appreciate you all tuning in for Season 8 of Disasters: Deconstructed! In this Season Wrap we look back at some of the best bits from our discussions and the key themes emerging. Join us again in a few months for Season 9 when we concentrate on local stories from communities living with risk around the world Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Music this week from "Continent" by AMBR.


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S8E8 - Scholar Activism

Thanks everyone for joining us this season! We have really enjoyed speaking with our incredible guests who taught us about solidarity from so many angles. This is our penultimate episode, and we are super excited to spend it with our season 4 co-host, Darien Alexander Williams! Since he was last on the podcast, Darien completed his doctorate and is an incoming Assistant Prof. at Boston University. As many of you know, he is an urban planner who studies Blackness, Islam and disaster. Being an active part of community in Boston is a priority for him, and we are so glad he joined us to discuss the complicated space of scholar activism. Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Queer Muslims of Boston Our guests: Darien Alexander Williams (@nigreaux) Music this week from "chimera soldiers" by Max H.


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S8E7 - Solidarity through music

Today we welcome indie singer/songwriter David Rovics to Disasters: Deconstructed! David has produced an incredible body of anti-capitalist and community-grounded work, emerging as a prominent social critic on issues that we care about on DD, militarism, globalisation, environmental crisis, consumerism and gentrification. In this episode we talk about how music can bring people together in struggle! Thanks for listening. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: David's website Our guests: David Rovics (@drovics) Music this week from "6 feet under" by John Isaac.


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S8E6 - Vulnerability and Mutual Aid

Welcome back to Disasters: Deconstructed! Today A.J. Faas is joining us to discuss his new book, In the Shadow of Tungurahua, and how some of its key themes link to our season on solidarity. We consider minga, deservingness, and vulnerability - thanks for joining us! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: In the Shadow of Tungurahua: Disaster Politics in Highland Ecuador Our guests: A.J. Faas (@ajfaas) Music this week from "Lioness" by Kevin Graham.


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Special Episode: Turkey-Syria Earthquake Revisited (Arabic language)

في هذه الحلقة نواصل مناقشتنا (بالعربية) حول الزلزال المدمر الذي ضرب تركيا وسوريا في فبراير 2023. نتحدث عن آخر الإحصائيات والتحديثات حول الكارثة ، ونناقش مواضيع مهمة مثل انتشار المعلومات كاذبة في أوقات الكوارث. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، نشرح كيف يمكن للناس معرفة ما إذا كانت منازلهم مصممةضد مثل هذه المخاطر الطبيعية ، ونقدم المشورة للأشخاص الذين يرغبون في بناء أو شراء منازل جديدة في هذا الصدد. In this episode, we continue our discussion (in Arabic) about the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in February 2023. We talk about the latest statistics and updates on the disaster, and we discuss critical topics such as the spread of false information in times of disaster. Additionally, we explain how people can know if their houses are designed to survive such natural hazards, and we give advice to people who want to build or buy new houses in that regard. عامر حمد عيسى أبو خلف مرشح دكتوراه و باحث مساعد في معهد فلوريدا لمرونة البيئة المبنية. عامر مهندس إنشائي ويبحث في إدارة المخاطر وتصميم السلامة مع التركيز على المخاطر الطبيعية ، والبيئة المبنية ، وإدارة الأزمات ، والتخطيط للطوارئ. عامر أيضًا مؤلف في أهم المجلات العلمية في هذا المجال ، بما في ذلك المجلة الدولية للحد من مخاطر الكوارث ، والوقاية من الكوارث وإدارتها ، والمخاطر الطبيعية مجد برقاش مهندس مدني وطالب دراسات عليا في كلية الأمير حسين بن عبد الله الثاني للدراسات الدولية ، الجامعة الأردنية ، متخصص في حل النزاعات. مجد حاصل على شهادة معهد إدارة المشاريع ولديه أكثر من 12 عامًا من الخبرة في صناعة البناء. عمل مجد في العديد من مشاريع الطاقة النظيفة والنفط والغاز بين الشرق الأوسط وأمريكا الجنوبية Amer Hamad Issa Abukhalaf is a Ph.D. candidate and research assistant at the Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience. Amer is a structural engineer and he researches risk management and safety design with a focus on natural hazards, built environment, crisis management, and emergency planning. Amer is also a published author in top journals in the field, including the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Prevention and Management, and Natural Hazards. Majd Bargash is a civil engineer and a grad student at Prince Hussein Bin Abdulla II College of International Studies, University of Jordan, majoring in Conflict Resolution. Majd is a Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified practitioner and has over 12 years of experience in the construction industry. Majd worked in several clean energy and oil and gas projects between the Middle East and South America Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Our guests: Amer Abukhalaf (@AbukhalafAmer) Majd Bargash (@majdbargash89) Music this week from "Falling Forward" by Kevin Graham.


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S8E5 - Art for Solidarity

Welcome back to Disasters: Deconstructed! As we continue our exploration of solidarity in season 8, we are really happy to share this conversation we had with Dr Areum Jeong. Areum holds a PhD in Theater and Performance Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her training consists of a thorough grounding in the history of theater and performance, and her work takes a transnational approach to twentieth and twenty-first-century Asian and Asian American cinema, theater and performance. Areum is currently working on an upcoming book on the aftermath of the Sewol ferry disaster. Listen in to this conversation about the Sewol Ferry Disaster and how the victims' families - particularly mothers - have organized and agitated politically using artistic expression. Thanks to Dr. Jeong for spending time with us! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Beyond the Sewol: Performing acts of activism in South Korea Representing the Unrepresentable in South Korean Activist Performances Dr. Jeong webpage Our guests: Dr. Areum Jeong (@DrAreumJeong) Music this week from "Stand Down" by Luminar.


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S8E4 - Comrades

Welcome back to Disasters: Deconstructed. We have a really special episode for you today, which we hope will highlight International Women's Day tomorrow, March 8th! Joining us is Dr Charisse Burden-Stelly. Charrise is an Associate Professor of African American Studies at Wayne State University and a critical Black Studies scholar of political theory, political economy, intellectual history, and historical sociology. Charisse’s work focuses on the transnational entanglements of U.S. racial capitalism, anticommunism, and antiblack structural racism. Charisse is the co-author, with Dr. Gerald Horne, of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Life in American History and the co-editor of the recent book Organise, Fight, Win: Black Communist Women’s political writings, with Jodi Dean. Listen in as we discuss what it is to be a comrade, and how to push back on liberal notions that might equate it with allyship. We learn more about Black Communist Women in the U.S. and unpack tensions around political education and organizing. Thanks to Dr. CBS for spending time with us! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Organize, Fight, Win: Black Communist Women’s Political Writing W.E.B. Du Bois: A Life in American History Reproducing Domination: On the Caribbean Postcolonial State Dr. CBS webpage Our guests: Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly (@blackleftaf) Music this week from "Lioness" by Kevin Graham.


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Special Episode: Turkey-Syria Earthquake Discussion (Arabic language)

في هذه الحلقة ، ولأول مرة باللغة العربية ، نتحدث عن الزلزال المدمر الذي ضرب تركيا وسوريا يوم الاثنين 6 فبراير 2023 ، مخلفًا وراءه أكثر من 28000 حالة وفاة. نناقش تأثير الزلازل على البيئة المبنية في الشرق الأوسط ، وفي بلاد الشام على وجه الخصوص ، ونتحدث عن العوامل المختلفة التي تساهم في تحويل هذه الأخطار الطبيعية إلى كوارث واسعة النطاق In this episode, and for the first time in Arabic, we talk about the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on Monday, February the 6th, 2023, leaving behind more than 28,000 deaths. We discuss the impact of earthquakes on the built environment in the Middle East, and in the Levant particularly, and we talk about the different factors that contribute to turning such natural hazards into large-scale disasters. عامر حمد عيسى أبو خلف مرشح دكتوراه و باحث مساعد في معهد فلوريدا لمرونة البيئة المبنية. عامر مهندس إنشائي ويبحث في إدارة المخاطر وتصميم السلامة مع التركيز على المخاطر الطبيعية ، والبيئة المبنية ، وإدارة الأزمات ، والتخطيط للطوارئ. عامر أيضًا مؤلف في أهم المجلات العلمية في هذا المجال ، بما في ذلك المجلة الدولية للحد من مخاطر الكوارث ، والوقاية من الكوارث وإدارتها ، والمخاطر الطبيعية مجد برقاش مهندس مدني وطالب دراسات عليا في كلية الأمير حسين بن عبد الله الثاني للدراسات الدولية ، الجامعة الأردنية ، متخصص في حل النزاعات. مجد حاصل على شهادة معهد إدارة المشاريع ولديه أكثر من 12 عامًا من الخبرة في صناعة البناء. عمل مجد في العديد من مشاريع الطاقة النظيفة والنفط والغاز بين الشرق الأوسط وأمريكا الجنوبية Amer Hamad Issa Abukhalaf is a Ph.D. candidate and research assistant at the Florida Institute for Built Environment Resilience. Amer is a structural engineer and he researches risk management and safety design with a focus on natural hazards, built environment, crisis management, and emergency planning. Amer is also a published author in top journals in the field, including the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Prevention and Management, and Natural Hazards. Majd Bargash is a civil engineer and a grad student at Prince Hussein Bin Abdulla II College of International Studies, University of Jordan, majoring in Conflict Resolution. Majd is a Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified practitioner and has over 12 years of experience in the construction industry. Majd worked in several clean energy and oil and gas projects between the Middle East and South America. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Our guests: Amer Abukhalaf (@AbukhalafAmer) Majd Bargash (@majdbargash89) Music this week from "Falling Forward" by Kevin Graham.


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S8E3 - Justice

Thanks for joining us again as we explore solidarity! Today we are joined by Kim Fortun, a Professor in the University of California Irvine’s Department of Anthropology. Her work focuses on environmental risk and disaster, and on experimental ethnographic methods and research design. You may know her from the Disaster-STS Research Network or as past-President of the Society for Social Studies of Science. Kim is also one of the editors of the new Journal of Disaster Studies that we have mentioned on Disasters: Deconstructed! We hope you enjoy this discussion on justice, research methods and ethics, and how to collaborate better. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Disaster-STS Research Network Advocacy After Bhopal Environmentalism, Disaster, New World Orders Profile @ Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography Kim's profile page Our guests: Kim Fortun (@kim_fortun) Music this week from "Impavid" by Charlie Ryan.


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S8E2 - Anarchism

Today we continue our explorations under the theme of solidarity! We are so pleased to be in conversation with Dr. Alexandre Christoyannopoulos, who is a Reader in Politics and International Relations at Loughborough University. Alex’s research focuses on religious anarchism and increasingly anarcho-pacifism, he is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pacifism and Nonviolence, and he is the author of a recently published book ‘Tolstoy's Political Thought: Christian Anarcho-Pacifist Iconoclasm Then and Now’. Hope you enjoy our discussion of anarchism, Tolstoy, and non-violence! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: A pacifist critique of the red poppy Alex's open access chapter summarising the book Alex in The Conversation Anarchist academics mailing list Anarchist Studies Network Journal of Pacifism and Nonviolence Our guests: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos (@alex_christoy) Music this week from "Still Holding On" by Tristan Barton.


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S8E1 - What is Solidarity?

We are so happy to wish you all a Happy New Year and welcome you back for Season 8 of Disasters: Deconstructed!!! We can't wait to spend time with you again - or for the first time - as we explore why disasters really happen. In season 8 we will be bringing you fresh content all around the theme of solidarity. And to help us get started, we have Dr. Jacob Remes here to help us introduce the season today! Jacob is a historian of urban disasters, working-class organizations, and migration, at Gallatin, New York University. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Further information: Jacob's website (with links to his work) Journal of Disaster Studies Our guests: Jacob Remes (@jacremes) Music this week from "Believe the Hype" by Slpstrm.


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Christmas Special 2022

Thank you all so much for joining us again or for the first time in 2022 - We hope you enjoyed seasons 6 and 7 and and learned a thing or two like we did! Thanks to all of our amazing guests and friends of the show. So, here is our annual Christmas Special! As always, join us for games, jokes and stories! We appreciate you all for listening and supporting our work. Jason & Ksenia Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Music from "Christmas Wish" by Bamtone.


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S7E9 - Season Wrap

Thank you all for joining us for another Season of Disasters: Deconstructed! We appreciate everyone who listens and engages, joins our livestreams, and of course the amazing guests who bring fresh ideas to challenge and inspire us. In the Season Finale we discuss why reading outside of disaster studies is so important, with some help from our listeners! Further information: L'envers Des Catastrophes Podcast (Disasters: Deconstructed - French language version) Desastres: Deconstruidos Podcast (Disasters: Deconstructed - Spanish language version) Season 7 note: As you may have noticed, we are recording this season as a series of livestreams. You can see the recordings on our Youtube channel. Also, please join us in reading: 1. Malcom Ferdinand (2019) “Decolonial Ecology. Thinking from the Caribbean world” 2. Max Liboiron (2021) “Pollution is colonialism” 3. Paolo Freire (2015) “Pedagogy of Indignation” 4. Silvia Federici (2021) “Patriarchy of the wage” Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @DisastersDecon Rate and Review on Apple Podcasts Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!
