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The Don't Assume Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

In this weekly pod we address the assumptions we all make about each other, whether those assumptions are based on how we look, where we live, or who we vote for. We’ll see which of those assumptions are right, and which are not. I’m a regular dude with regular friends, and, just like everyone else, you can make assumptions about me. Some would be right, and some would be dead wrong. I hope we’ll all leave each episode with something new to think about. Because, as the old saying goes, you know what assumin’ makes out of you and me!


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In this weekly pod we address the assumptions we all make about each other, whether those assumptions are based on how we look, where we live, or who we vote for. We’ll see which of those assumptions are right, and which are not. I’m a regular dude with regular friends, and, just like everyone else, you can make assumptions about me. Some would be right, and some would be dead wrong. I hope we’ll all leave each episode with something new to think about. Because, as the old saying goes, you know what assumin’ makes out of you and me!





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Episode 53 - Psychedelics

I’ve been surprised by the number of people I know who have used or are currently using psychedelics in some form or another. Some people I know used them recreationally in their youth, but I know of multiple people who have used them as adults for therapeutic purposes. I also keep hearing about celebrities and people of influence who have used them in recent months. Famous comedian and podcaster Joe Rogan has been a major influence in that category, for sure, but the people I personally...


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Episode 52 - Firefighters

I saw the movie Backdraft as a kid, and it scarred me for life. I was a pretty emotional and frankly scared boy, and it has taken a lot of years of swallowing my emotions and putting on a mean face to convince myself I’m not still that tender and frightened little ginger. But I knew then just as clearly as I know now that I am not cut out for such harrowing work. I am not an adrenaline junky, I do not like blood or guts, and I’m certain the firesuit would spark my claustrophobia. Oh, and I...


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Episode 51 - Ghost Stories

I believe there is purpose to this life and that something awaits us after death. My personal religious dogma gives me some insight into what that may be, but even then the details are fuzzy. There have been a few times in my life where I believe I may have felt a deceased loved one near, but I’ve never seen a ghost, personally. I’ve known a few people who say they have, though. I’m a skeptic when it comes to the traditional portrayals of spooky spirits unable to move on to whatever comes...


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Episode 50 - Professional Musicians

FIFTY EPISODES! What?!? For such a momentous occasion I had to have an awesome topic with maybe the coolest guest we’ve had yet. I love music, though I am not musically inclined. I played the trumpet in fifth grade for a bit, but dropped it when I got braces and had to choose between band and Spanish in junior high. But thankfully I’ve been able to make a few friends over the years who are musically inclined, and I’ve been able to peek behind the curtain of the music industry just a...


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Episode 49 - Salespeople

This week’s topic is quintessential Don’t Assume territory because EVERYONE has an opinion about our subject, and practically no one I talked to in preparation for the episode had an opinion that was positive. We’re talking about salespeople. The pushy, manipulative, money-hungry, arrogant “sweet bros” who are always looking for the easy mark. That’s at least the picture that most of the people I talked to had in their minds when sharing with me their assumptions about “those people” (in all...


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Episode 48 - Plant-based Diets

So I started my Year of Health this week. At the time of this recording I’m three days in, and I’ve already failed. Okay, failure is relative, but I haven’t yet done perfectly what I set out to do. Specifically I haven’t started my meditation yet, but I’m going to do it today! I also haven’t switched to the high intensity interval training workouts yet, but I’m starting that tomorrow! I have exercised, and I have done well on the diet side of things. At least dieting according to what I...


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Episode 47 - Year of Health Kickoff

I’ve mentioned in previous episodes that my 40th year will be a focused year of health. I turn 39 this week, so now is the time. This episode is the kickoff of a year focused on improving myself in mind, body, and soul. It’s a preview to the types of episodes that will be coming at least once a month over the next year. I’m going to diet and exercise like I’ve never done before to improve my physical health. I’m going to meditate and study to improve the health of my soul. I’m actually going...


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Episode 46 - Dentists

When I was in college and people would tell me they were interested in going to dental school, I never really understood it. I mean, they had to take a bunch of chemistry and biology classes just to be considered for dental school where they would go and take more chemistry and biology classes. Taking the DAT, the dental school admittance test, seemed so incredibly daunting for a guy skating by on his way with words. But dentistry was a solid career choice with stability and very good...


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Episode 45 - Flipping Houses

The housing market where I live is bananas right now. There’s a severe home shortage, and experts are not projecting for it to get any better any time soon. It means great things for our home equity, not great things for property taxes. And I have wondered what this crazy market has meant for home flippers. I imagined it was difficult to even get homes to flip, and with all of the TV shows on flipping properties the market has to be super crowded… right? But there is some allure to the risk...


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Episode 44 - Airline Pilots

What do you think goes on inside an airplane’s cockpit when you’re 30,000 feet in the air? When I’m actually flying I rarely if ever think about that, and I think that’s a good thing. I feel pretty safe up there, especially now that most airlines have pretty decent in-flight entertainment to distract passengers. But when I do stop to think about it, I picture the plane doing most of the work and the pilots shooting the breeze (although I really hope there are no literal shots or breezes up...


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Episode 43 - Personal Injury Lawyers

Thankfully I’ve never needed a personal injury lawyer. I’ve known several people who have needed the services provided by one, and I recognize that need may arise at any time for any of us. And while I’ve never needed to call one, I can tell you the slogans of the top firms in my area because they advertise like crazy. I think that advertising plays a part in the general stigma that follows PI lawyers. They have a reputation of being “bottom dwelling” lawyers who prey on the weak and...


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Episode 42 - Covid Round 2

Listen, I know we all have Covid fatigue. You just want to listen to something fun and interesting. Well, so do I. And it’s not every day that I get a chance to talk to an actual epidemiologist about the things I’ve heard and questions I have. Like how worried should we be about the Delta variant? Is this new MRNA technology really safe? How is the rest of the world handling this, and did this virus come from bats or a lab? John Hustedt is not a TV pundit, but he is an epidemiologist based...


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Episode 41 - Diabetes

I’m pretty sure I had full blown diabetes some years back. I would get the shakes when I didn’t eat frequently enough, and had these weird dips I would fall into. I saw a doctor about it, and he said I was not diabetic. I came to find out later that while he did test my blood sugar on the day (which was in the normal range), he did not actually test my A1C. A person’s A1C number is the true indicator of diabetes. Regardless of my diagnosis at the time, I started eating a little better and...


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Episode 40 - Living with a Disability

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live with a disability? Have you thought about what it would be like to be cognitively impaired? Or blind, deaf, or paralyzed? Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live with a disability that is a very real part of your life, but is difficult to detect by others? Well, to be honest, the thought had crossed my mind, but I’d never really taken time to think about it. I tried to be sensitive to people I met, but it frankly was...


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Episode 39 - Kids and Parents

This was a personal episode for me. I love being a dad. There are a few things I think I’m doing pretty well in that arena. Honestly, there are many more that I’m afraid I’m totally botching. My mom and siblings moved mountains to give me a great life and provide strong examples of healthy behavior to me as I grew up. I also had some examples of what not to do, but I don’t think I’m unique in that at all. But as a dad of four trying to raise productive members of society, I figured my own...


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Episode 38 - Non-degree Professions

I’ve worked a lot of jobs, most of which did not require a college degree (or even a high school degree, for that matter). I worked on a cement crew, renovated the interiors of elevators, wore a cumberbund to RENT VHS tapes to people who DROVE to the STORE to pick them, sold newspapers, and worked the receiving side of a warehouse. And then I graduated high school. I spent that summer cleaning and inspecting sewer lines, and made an obscene amount of money for an 18-year-old kid. I then...


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Episode 37 - High School Teachers

I used to think I might want to be a high school teacher. There’s something about shaping young minds, staying hip to the latest trends (like not saying “hip to…”), and having the summers off, etc. But as I got older, I realized how much harder it must be than that. There’s drama. There are punk smart alecs who think they know everything (that was me… maybe still is). There is maximum effort for seemingly little thanks or reward. But what do I know? Is it really that bad, or really that...


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Episode 36 - Hypnotherapy

I’m 100% pro therapy. Physical therapy, emotional and psychological therapy. Just, all the therapies. It’s great to get help when needed, and there’s absolutely no shame in speaking up about one’s needs. AND, if I’m being honest, I’m terrified to actually do it myself. I’ve got all my issues wrapped up in boxes with chains and locks on them buried deep inside, and I’m afraid of how much opening them up will hurt. Stuff seeps out of them at times, and it’s not pleasant. A full-scale rummage...


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Episode 35 - Teenagers

Episode 35 - Teenagers I was a teenager once. Some of the time it was really hard, and some of the time it was really awesome and fun. Once during my long-Kurt-Cobain-hair phase I was with some people from my neighborhood helping a family move into a home they just purchased. I was lifting a washing machine down some stairs with one of the older fellas, and he commented on how surprised he was to see me there. He didn’t think kids who looked and dressed like me could be kind, hardworking,...


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Episode 34 - The Police

I’ve never been arrested. I’ve received several traffic tickets, but that’s the extent of my legal infractions… for which I’ve been caught. Duhn duhn DUHN! The night before my friend turned 18 he wanted to do a little light vandalising while he couldn’t be tried as an adult, so we put some duct tape on a local town sign that promptly fell off the next day. We were wild. But, seriously, there are bad and dangerous things that happen everywhere. In this episode I tell the story of the first...
