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Igniting Hope Ministries

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Equipping individuals with hope, joy, and divine strategies for success.


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Equipping individuals with hope, joy, and divine strategies for success.



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Focusing on Our Top 20%

The Pareto principle says that 80% of our outcomes come from 20% of our causes. In this message, Steve Backlund helps us identify the most important 20%'s in our lives so we can have increased victory spiritually, emotionally, relationally, financially, and more.


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Called to Bless

Join Steve Backlund as he inspires and encourages you to speak life to those who are closest to you and to many others


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5 Ways to Have More Energy

In this podcast, Steve Backlund gives five spiritual ways to increase your energy for yourself, your family, your leadership teams, and your organizations.


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Live While You Are Waiting

Faith people with hope live while they are waiting for their desires to be fulfilled. Faith people without hope are waiting for something to change before they live. In this riveting message, Steve Backlund releases a great truth for people who want to see their dreams fulfilled.


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Daisy's Fear Issues

Steve Backlund shares a valuable insight for healthy relationships, restorative leadership, and greater discipleship of people. He uses his dog Daisy's struggle to trust people as the foundation for this important message


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He Is Our Example

Abram, who became Abraham, an Old Covenant character is held up to us as the example of how to live in the New Covenant. He pulled a New Covenant experience into the Old Covenant. Unfortunately, many Christians pull an Old Testament way of thinking into the New Covenant. In this podcast, Steve Backlund explores five of the most important verses (Romans 4:17-21) describing Abraham's process of believing and then experiencing God's promises. In these verses, you will find keys to experience God's promises for you as well.


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Build and Increase Anyway

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). This famous verse is part of a greater word for the Children of Israel that is important for us to understand. This podcast will encourage those who battle disappointment, mediocrity, fatalism, and the victim mindset.


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The Blessing of Closed Doors

We all love open doors (to be chosen or to enter into a seemingly great opportunity) but closed doors can create disappointment and a victim mindset unless we see things from a higher perspective. Join Steve Backlund in this powerful teaching that will be a now word for many who listen.


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The Word Works

"The word of God is living and powerful" (Hebrews 4;12). In this message, Steve Backlund shares how we can live powered by God's word, rather than by human strength. Get ready to see some familiar Bible verses in a new way that will help you increase your faith in what God is saying rather than what you need to do.


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Winning the Thinking Battle in the Morning & Evening

Steve Backlund gives part two of last week's podcast, "Goliath's Morning and Evening Taunts", Lies often sound more real in the morning and evening. Joshua was instructed by the Lord (Joshua 1:8) to have a strategy for these times. "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night . . . " This podcast will help you develop or strengthen your own plan for these important parts of the day.


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Goliath's Morning & Evening Taunts

"And the Philistine (Goliath) drew near and presented himself forty days, morning and evening" (1 Samuel 17:16). Lies fueling our self-talk tend to sound more real in the mornings and evenings. In this message, Steve Backlund will inspire and equip you to execute a good plan to make mornings and evenings your most powerful truth times of the day


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Don't Just Try to Fix Things

If we are only trying to fix what's wrong in our lives and not strengthen what is right, we will have difficulty advancing. In this message, Steve Backlund shares insights in how to focus on the things that will truly make a difference.


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Words To Ignite Your Faith

In this thermostatic message, Steve Backlund puts on his coaching hat and speaks life into the listener. If we are going to experience something higher, we must believe something higher. If we are going to believe something higher, we must hear something higher than what we are feeling and experiencing. This podcast will cause you to hear necessary truths that will dismantle self-limiting beliefs in your life.


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What Are You Doing Here, Elijah?

In 1 Kings 19, Elijah was in a physical cave and in a spiritual cave. When we are in a spiritual cave, what we think is true is not true, even though it feels really true. In this message, Steve Backlund uses Elijah's experience to help us get out of or stay out of spiritual caves.


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You Can Do It!

In Joshua chapter one, God repeatedly encouraged Joshua, the new leader of the Israelites, that he could be strong and courageous In essence, He was saying, "You can do it!". In this podcast, Steve Backlund puts on his coaching hat and inspires you, like Joshua, that you can do it too.


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There Is Always a Solution

Self-limiting beliefs are not just to be resisted but are to be replaced with specific truths that will demolish these limitations. In this podcast, Steve Backlund shares the life-changing belief, "There is always a solution."


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This IS the Moment!

Our feelings of shame, regret, disappointment, unworthiness, insecurity, discouragement, bitterness, offense, victimhood, and frustration are almost always a bigger issue than what seems to be causing them. In this podcast, Steve Backlund will inspire you to see the moment these emotions manifest in us as an exciting opportunity to pull down a stronghold in our lives.


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Thankful But Not Satisfied

Thankfulness and a hunger for positive change create a catalytic combination. In this podcast, Steve Backlund shares the importance of each and how to combine them effectively for inner victory and maximum impact.


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Overcoming the Poverty Mindset

"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not lack" (Psalm 23:1). David had an abundance mindset that inspires us to think higher about the resources that will flow to us and through us. In this message, Steve Backlund shares some root reasons for a poverty mindset, and he gives wisdom for how to break out of it.


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Colonel Sanders and Your Finances

"And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth" (Deuteronomy 8:18). Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders did not open his first restaurant until he was 62 and did not receive funding for franchises until he was 74. It is not too late to move forward with dreams that will bless others and profit you (and others). In this podcast, Steve Backlund inspires you to believe for incredible ideas in the days ahead. He also shares three keys to increase your finances in the days ahead.
