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John Riley Project

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Pursue Happiness. John Riley discusses San Diego news stories and interviews politicians, community leaders, athletes, coaches, authors and influencers. Topics including free market economics, entrepreneurism, politics, leadership, current events, sports, history and philosophy. We discuss living your life on your own terms, having the political freedom to make your own choices, and a variety of topics that give life meaning and joy. We broadcast from Poway CA in the San Diego metropolitan area.


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Pursue Happiness. John Riley discusses San Diego news stories and interviews politicians, community leaders, athletes, coaches, authors and influencers. Topics including free market economics, entrepreneurism, politics, leadership, current events, sports, history and philosophy. We discuss living your life on your own terms, having the political freedom to make your own choices, and a variety of topics that give life meaning and joy. We broadcast from Poway CA in the San Diego metropolitan area.





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Pete Neild Poway District 1 Appointment Candidate and Poway Candy Cane Courts

Pete Neild joins me to discuss his candidacy for appointment to Poway City Council representing District 1. We will discuss Pete's reason for running, election vs appointment process, district elections, Candy Cane Courts and so much more. Got a question or comment for Pete? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, X or YouTube and we'll get you involved in the conversation. It’s Wednesday, January 8, 2025. This is what John Riley thinks. What an enjoyable conversation with Pete Neild as we discuss his innovative approach to listening to citizens and representing the neighborhoods in Poway District 1. Hiram Soto: San Diego County must hold special election. Poway should as well. #SanDiego #poway #lifetimefitness #thefarm #propertyrights #stevevaus #caylinfrank #jennymaeda #brianpepin #peterdehoff #jaredwilson #tonyblain #vanessaspringett #peteneild #candycanecourts #hiramsoto Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Monday and Thursday at 1pm PT on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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Poway 2024 Elections Review, Amit Asaravala, Appointment vs Vote to replace Brian Pepin

Amit Asaravala joins me in a wide-open discussion of local politics here in Poway 92064. Amit serves as the President of the Poway Democratic Club and has great insight on local elections and candidates. We will discuss the next step for Poway District 2 to replace the resigning Brian Pepin. Should this go to a vote or simply a council appointment? We review Jenny Maeda's upset win over Caylin Frank in District 4 by just twelve votes. Plus, we look at new District 2 councilmember Tony Blain. Are things changing in our City in the Country? Participate in the Community Forum. Type your comments and questions in the live chat on YouTube, Facebook, or X to get involved. It’s Tuesday, December 10, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. What a great conversation with Amit Asaravala as we review the recent Poway 2024 elections! Amit is president of the Poway Democratic Club. #SanDiego #poway #gop #democrats #lifetimefitness #thefarm #propertyrights #amitasaravala #powaydems #stevevaus #caylinfrank #jennymaeda #brianpepin #lincolnclub #stevevaus #peterdehoff #anitaedmonston #jaredwilson #tonyblain #vanessaspringett Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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Johnny’s 2024 Ballot – National, San Diego, Poway, Propositions

I decided to make a podcast out of filling out my ballot. I will go through each race, offer my thoughts, and then fill in the circle. This is your last chance to change my mind! Got a question or comment? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, X or YouTube to get it presented on the podcast. It’s Wednesday, October 30, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. If you are interested in a long form article, you can visit my recent blog post: If you want to cut to the chase, here’s my short list: PRESIDENT – ABSTAIN. US SENATOR – ABSTAIN. US REPRESENTATIVE CA48 – ABSTAIN. STATE ASSEMBLY CA75 – ABSTAIN. COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD – ABSTAIN. PALOMAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRUCT A4 – HAMILTON-BLEAKLEY. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS D2 – ABSTAIN. PROP 2 – NO – $10B SCHOOL BONDS PROP 3 – YES – CONSTITTUIONAL RIGHT TO MARRIAGE. PROP 4 – NO – $10B WATER BONDS PROP 5 – NO – 55% THRESHOLD FOR LOCAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING BONDS. PROP 6 – YES – ENDS INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE IN PRISON. PROP 32 – NO – RAISE MINIMUM WAGE. PROP 33 – NO – EXPAND LOCAL GOVT RENT CONTROL POWER. PROP 34 – NO – RESTRICTS SPENDING OF PRESCRIPTION DRUG REVENUE. PROP 35 – NO – PERMANENT FUNDING MEDI-CAL. PROP 36 – NO – FELONY CHARGES FOR CERTAIN DRUG AND THEFT CRIMES. MEASURE G – NO – HALF CENT SALES TAX INCREASE MEASURE H – YES – FARM IN POWAY – LIFE TIME FITNESS. Plus, comments on Poway District 2 and 4 races. That’s my 2024 ballot. Vote Harder. #SanDiego #poway #trump #gop #democrats #joebiden #donaldtrump #maga #tariffs #incometax #lifetimefitness #thefarm #propertyrights #inalienablerights #unalienablerights #pursuitofhappiness #GVCA #GreenValleyCivicAssociation #stevegarvey #adamschiff Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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Irrationality in Politics, Poor States with High Homeownership, Poway News

The election season is really hot, and we are hearing more and more irrationality from candidates, the media and party supporters. What ever happened to thinking for yourself? People who live in poor states have higher homeownership levels. Does this seem counter intuitive to you? Poway Life Time Fitness survey and proposal to City Council. Poway Unified School District in trouble again. Got a question or comment? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, X or YouTube. It’s Wednesday, July 10, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. Irrationality in Politics It’s an election year and the propaganda is thick. Candidates and their supporters put forward outrageous lies or completely irrational ideas in the hope of supporting their candidate or defeating others. The news media has been helpful in pointing out some of this, but in other ways complicit in spreading the disinformation. It’s easy to get caught up in the flurry of irrationality, particularly if you are a partisan for the Democratic or Republican parties. Tribalism is so strong, that people completely throw reason out the window. It is more important to remain loyal to one’s tribe than to dig for the truth. What ever happened to “Question Authority?” What ever happened to “Think for Yourself?” Instead, politicians, the media, and their supporters all are reading from a common set of talking points. Examples: Biden’s mental state, Marie Kondo Trump’s criminal past and demands for dictatorship. Mass deportation NIMBY vs Property Rights Housing prices are rising because corporations are buying all the homes or too many vacant homes. Social Security, Project 2025, blame GOP, denial about fiscal crisis. EV myths (can’t drive long range, burn fossil fuels, etc.) Many people mistakenly believe these common political myths... or they throw them around as scare tactics to frighten or trick voters. In fact, none of these myths are true. Republicans are for small government, spending cuts. Republicans are for getting the govt out of your personal life. Republicans are for low taxes. Republicans are conservative. Bush tried to privatize Social Security Clinton reduced the national debt. Democrats are against corporate welfare. Democrats are for equality. Democrats are pro-choice. Democrats are fiscally responsible. Democrats are liberal. None of these are true. But many people still think they are. It's irrationality! Homeownership Rates Lee Hacksaw Hamilton Poway Lifetime GVCA Amateur Actors Needed Poway Historical and Memorial Society will produce a play. “A Hearty Poway Legend” At their 60th Anniversary Celebration on September 14, 2024, at Old Poway Park To Join the Team - Auditions will be held on July 15th in Poway at Old Poway Park Templars Hall located at 14114 Midland Road starting at 5:30 PM. If you are interested in auditioning or have any questions, email Please send a headshot and list of acting experiences. Make sure the subject line reads Poway Audition. All Actors will receive a modest stipend. PUSD Superintendent #SanDiego #poway #trump #gop #democrats #joebiden #donaldtrump #maga #tariffs #incometax #lifetimefitness #thefarm #propertyrights #inalienablerights #unalienablerights #pursuitofhappiness #scotus #chevron #potus #presidentialimmunity #powayschools #PUSD #PowayUnified #GVCA #GreenValleyCivicAssociation Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates,


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Independence Day Memories, Poway Term Limits, Biden vs Trump Debate, SCOTUS Cases

Tomorrow, we celebrate America's birthday! I share some of my Independence Day memories and invite you to share yours. We also discuss Poway term limits, Poway Voices, Biden vs Trump debate, SCOTUS cases and more. Got a question or comment? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, X or YouTube to get involved in the San Diego Community Forum. It’s Wednesday, July 3, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. Poway News Term limit campaign suspended. Haters hating People in denial about the cause of the housing crisisHousing crisis because of lack of inventorySystem rigged for landlords, investors, homeowners.They love NIMBYism, drives up prices. Then other people can subsidize the rent. More micromanagement July 16th General News Debate performance. Debate reaction.Biden drop out.If drop out, can he hold job down now? Irresponsible for Dems to stick with him given threat of Trump. Supreme Court CasesChevron (fisherman, eviction moratorium, vaccine mandate, immigration, etc.)Separation of power: legislative, executive, judicialRegulatory state, unaccountable, conflict of interestFishermanEviction moratoriumTrump ImmunityLaw and Order POTUSQualified immunity (POTUS, police)Kavanaugh, Alito said Nobody above the law.HomelessnessCities can remove homeless.Local control Reminds me of the Ben Sasse comments: Schoolhouse Rock, separation of powers, etc. My Independence Day Stories All through my youth, the 4th of July always represented summertime and fireworks. It was never Independence Day to me. Always 4th of July. Watching fireworks on the street in front of Burlingame house as a kid. That great trip every year to the Red Devil fireworks stand. Fuzzy memories of seeing fireworks in Guerneville. 9 years old in Kearns Utah. Only allowed sparklers and caps. We used a hammer to blow up caps, often a whole role at a time. Learning about illegal fireworks at around 11 years old. Here stories about people blowing up toilets with M-80s. The Bicentennial quarters. About 12-13 years old we knew a guy who knew a guy and we would get some firecrackers and bottle rockets. Around 16 years old make the trip to China Town and buy fireworks. Do a deal in a back alley. Big fireworks show at La Jolla Cove freshman year at UCSD. Big fireworks show a much bigger thing here in San Diego than I remember in Burlingame. Fireworks from Kate Sessions Park with synchronized music Shooting bottle rockets from UCSD A-2 into B-16. Must have been left over from the summer. With the kids, always attending a softball or baseball tournament somewhere. Watching fireworks from our home in North Poway. Little by little they would not get high enough over the hill to see them. Driving to Flaming Gorge WY and seeing the fireworks store right when we passed the state line. Then having leftovers back in Poway. I took them to the hazardous materials dump site. I always wondered if the workers there actually kept them. Then as I became more politically aware and learned more about the true meaning of America’s founding, I really started to focus on the Declaration of Independence as a radical, innovative, groundbreaking idea. That we all have rights that precede the govt. And the govt’s role is to secure those rights. Excerpts from Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Objections to the King: He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations...


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Poway Life Time Fitness, Presidential Debate

I enjoy covering local news issues, so we will be doing a deep dive on the latest with the planned Life Time Fitness at The Farm in Poway. Some locals are opposing the project and micromanaging the details. Plus, we will discuss the upcoming presidential debate, SCOTUS social media ruling, and Trump on Green Cards. Got a question or comment? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, X, or YouTube and I will get you involved in the San Diego Community Forum. It’s Wednesday, June 26, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. Developments at Life Time Fitness at The Farm in Poway Constant Micromanaging of Life Time Fitness (square footage, traffic, wages, parking, fees, etc.) Measure P reset New Life Time plan considered by City Council July 16thWill Council approve package? Approve it to go to ballot? Or reject it?Updated application submitted May 29th. Not a minor modification. Will require a majority vote of the people. (Nov 5th) Chris Cruse recommended contacting the council and making memes. Good Idea! Sent email to council, everyone responded except my representative! Read letter. Share responses. Poway City Council ( there is another movement of opposition to the Life Time Fitness facility in The Farm. Certain community organizers are encouraging Powegians to write to the City Council expressing opposition.I would like to offer an alternative point of view.I support Property Rights. People across Poway shouldn’t have the right micromanage how a property owner chooses to manage his/her property.America’s founding values are expressed in our inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Property rights are a natural extension of your right to your own life. If one cannot use their property resources for productive purposes (particularly if there are no damages created to others), then an interference in one’s property is an interference in one’s right to their own life.Legally speaking, I realize that the Measure P situation likely means that it will need to go to a public vote. But from a moral point of view, I object.Also… the proposed plan by Life Time looks pretty good to me and my family. In fact, we were just discussing this over the weekend. Both my wife and daughter are hopeful the project is approved. They like all of the proposed amenities.Thank you.John RileyResponsesCaylin FrankHi John, Nice to hear from you. Thank you for your thoughts. My understanding is that the voter initiative requires major modifications to go back to the voters so I feel that needs to be honored. But I understand your perspective on it. Hope you are doing well! CaylinBrian PepinHi John, Hope you’re doing well! Thanks for emailing. I always appreciate your perspective; I’ll take it into consideration when LifeTime presents their proposal to the City Council this summer. Thank you. -BrianAnita EdmonstonHi John. Good hearing from you – I hope you’re doing well! And thanks for weighing in on the Life Time Fitness proposal from your point of view. I appreciate your insights. As you are aware, the application is currently under review by city staff and council has not yet received a report or recommendation. I will be taking all input into consideration if/when the matter comes before council. In case you didn’t already receive the attached information directly from the city, I am including it here. It provides additional background on the application, the process, and its relationship to The Farm development. Best regards, Anita EdmondsonSteve VausThanks John - good to hear from you. SV Peter DeHoff (my representative in District 3) No Response. LOL Made a meme.Support Property rights. How to frame it?First political issue I considered was School Choice.Then abortion while in college.Adult topic! (some discussion at Catholic Church as a kid)Growing up!Your body is your own. You own you. Your choice.Not that different from School Choice issue.


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Trump and Libertarians, Election Propaganda, Vacation in Ireland

There's not much to discuss at the local level here in San Diego or Poway, so I thought I would comment on some of the bigger national stories. We will discuss Donald Trump, Trump's attempt to partner with the Libertarian Party, breaking down political myths, and a review of our vacation in Ireland. Got a comment or question? Type it in the live chat on Facebook, X or YouTube. It’s Wednesday, June 12, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. Donald Trump and the Libertarian Party The headlines in the media are about the rowdy libertarians booing Trump. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg in what made this event so nuts. Libertarians were trying to negotiate with a con man. They were hoping that by supporting Trump, Trump would in turn support some of their causes. There can be no advancement of liberty when dealing with an authoritarian con man. It’s like Chamberlain trying to appease Hitler. It’s like negotiating with terrorists. Breaking Down Political Myths: Trump lowered taxes for the middle class! Trump raised tariffs. Trump raised income taxes by limiting SALT deductions. Trump wants to raise tariffs much, much more. Don't tell me Trump lowered your taxes. GOP says, “Prices have now risen by 20.1 percent since Biden took office.” Prices will rise even more when Trump radically increases tariffs. Heather Cox Richardson: Just a reminder that what has driven us into debt is not Social Security and Medicare, but rather the George W. Bush tax cuts and the Trump tax cuts, both of which disproportionately benefited the wealthy and corporations.Even with those tax cuts, revenue is up. The problem with debt is mostly a spending problem. With rare exception, they run deficits nearly every year, even before those tax cuts. Trump and Bush tax cuts impacted revenue about $200B/yr. each, yet the deficit is nearly $2T. Biden: Time for billionaires to pay their “fair share”!Never defined, never explained, just means more. What is a fair share? Ireland Vacation Highlights Our Ireland vacation was splendid. Beautiful countryside villages and small fishing harbors. Mizen Head, Garnish Island, Cliffs of Moher, Kinsale Scilly Walk were highlights in Ireland. #SanDiego #poway #trump #gop #democrats #joebiden #donaldtrump #maga #angelamcardle #davesmith #misescaucus #lp #libertarianparty #russulbricht #edwardsnowden #julianassange #tariffs #incometax #inflation #nationaldebt #taxcuts #gwb #heathercoxrichardson #fairshare #berniesanders #kamalaharris #elizabethwarren #ireland #guiness #stpatrickscathedral #kinsale #fortcharles #scillywalk #mizenhead #garnishisland #eyeries #glengariff #cliffsofmoher #ronpaul #flattax Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡


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Poway Term Limits, Tony Blain, Poway Unified School District Superintendent Marian Kim Phelps Firing

What’s going on in Poway? John shares stories about Poway City Council Term Limits, Tony Blain, and Poway Unified Marian Kim-Phelps’s termination and demand for her job back. Plus, John shares what he’s watching on streaming media. It’s Wednesday, June 5, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. Poway Term Limits What are your thoughts on term limits? We have them for President, and in many state and local political races. But not here in Poway. Now Tony Blain is circulating a petition to get term limits on the November 2024 ballot. Is this the right approach? Or can “term limits” simply happen by voting against the incumbent? Terminated Poway Unified Superintendent, Marian Kim-Phelps, Wants her Job Back Imagine getting fired from your job as the top school official in the 3rd largest school district in San Diego County because you got into a bullying war with the local mean girls? That’ what happened with Kim-Phelps. She said she was fired unjustly, and she has hired an attorney. Why is PUSD always in the news for the wrong reasons? Relevant Articles: Fired Poway Unified superintendent asks judge to reinstate her, block disclosure of why she was fired. #SanDiego #poway #stevevaus #caylinfrank #brianpeppin #anitaedmondson #peterdehoff #barryleonard #jimcunningham #termlimits #tonyblain #powayschools #pusd #powayunified #mariankimphelps #meangirls Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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Fernando Garcia, San Diego City Council Candidate, District 9

Fernando Garcia returns to the JRP Podcast Studio. Fernando is a candidate for San Diego City Council District 9. We discuss a range of issues affecting San Diego including: Homelessness Housing (SB10, high density, ADUs) Energy (SDG&E, solar) Mass Transit (SANDAG, EVs, busses, trolley) Election Reform (Rank Choice Voting, Democracy Dollars) For more information about Fernando Garcia: Recorded Friday, January 12, 2024. #SanDiego #fernandogarcia #homelessness #housing #sb10 #adu #sdge #solar #energy #masstransit #sandag #ev #trolly #rankchoicevoting #rcv #salestax #democracydollars #andrewyang #seanelorivera Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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Poway 2023 Year in Review, 2024 Outlook

We take a look at some of the big news stories in Poway in 2023 and plans for 2024. Topics include The Farm, Life Time Fitness, Homelessness, Traffic Safety, water, hate litter, Poway Community Foundation, and more. Got a question or comment? Drop your take in the live chat on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. It’s Wednesday, January 10, 2024. This is what John Riley thinks. Relevant Articles: 2023 Year in Review: Top news stories in Poway Look Ahead: Poway leaders see challenges and opportunities for the city in 2024 San Diego Community Forum Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers San Diego Sales Tax Increase Poway Housing Development Elizabeth Warren Wants More Housing #SanDiego #poway #stevevaus #caylinfrank #brianpeppin #salestax #lifetimefitness #anitaedmondson #peterdehoff #elizabethwarrent #infrastructure Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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San Diego Most Expensive City in USA, San Diego Sales Tax Hike?, Govt takeover of SDGE?, Poway News

What's new in San Diego? Lots of things! In one study San Diego was ranked as the most expensive city to live in the United States. Surprised? San Diego officials are considering a sales tax increase. We remember the 20-year anniversary of the Cedar Fire. Plus, new developments in the Poway Life Time Fitness controversy. Got a comment or question? Drop your take in the livestream on Facebook or YouTube. It’s Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: San Diego is the Most Expensive City to Live in USA. Surprised? San Diego Leaders Consider Sales Tax Increase. They want to make San Diego more expensive. Cedar Fire 20 Year Anniversary. We remember and consider the impact on housing. San Diego Socialists Want to Socialize SDG&E. This won’t solve the problem. Poway Community Meeting for Life Time Fitness. Likely Heading to 2024 Ballot. Poway Needs to Change Its Motto. “City in the Country” no longer applies. Anti-Trump podcaster Fired from Government Job. This is a First Amendment Violation. San Diego Community Forum California Elections Rigged? FDA spreading false information about vaping. Should Poway put in an Applebee’s instead of a Raising Cane’s? How different are Republicans and Democrats? #SanDiego #poway #raisingcanes #stevevaus #caylinfrank #brianpeppin #stevegarvey #salestax #cedarfire #scrippsranch #sdge #socialism #lifetimefitness #trump #1A Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡ DONATE ➡ MUSIC ➡


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San Diego News Update Oct 11: Poway Raising Canes, San Marcos Bike Park, Joe Biden Junk Fees

In this week's John Riley Project, we discuss the proposed Raising Canes on Poway Rd, the plans for the San Marcos Bike Park, a teacher quitting her job and making 50% more at Costco, Steve Garvey running for Senate, and Biden's War on Junk Fees. It’s Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: Poway Raising Cane over Raising Canes Chicken Restaurant The Poway City Council gave their thumbs up to a chicken restaurant replacing a vacant lot. Some Poway locals are upset. They say it makes Poway less walkable and encourages more carbon emissions. Will these people ever be happy? Who should decide what gets built on private property? San Marcos Bike Park Great move by San Marcos to transform an empty lot in a city park into a bike park with berms and jumps for riders of all skill levels. Teacher Quits Job to Work at Costco, Make 50% More A teacher was unfulfilled in her job and still feeling stress from teaching through the pandemic. She decided she had enough and went to work at Costco. Now she makes 50% more than she did as a teacher. Why don’t teachers make more money? Should you seek fulfillment from your job? Steve Garvey Makes it Official. He’s Running for Senate in CA. The Garv is officially getting into politics. Does a Republican have a chance in California? I doubt it. But it’s interesting to me when sports and politics intersect. President Biden and FTC to Crack Down on Junk Fees Who likes junk fees? You know, those extra “convenience fees” that are added to your price for concert tickets, sporting events, hotel rooms and rental cars. Biden and the FTC want to make junk fees illegal. But isn’t the government the worst offender? San Diego Community Forum California Bullet Train $20/hr. minimum wage Are Republicans and Democrats significantly different? Should I think unions for my lunch break? Or do I decide? #SanDiego #poway #raisingcanes #stevevaus #caylinfrank #brianpeppin #chriscruse #sanmarcos #bmx #bikepark #pumptrack #teacherpay #costco #fulfillment #stevegarvey #diannefeinstein #adamschiff #barbaralee #katieporter #biden #ftc #junkfees Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ SPONSOR ➡


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San Diego News Update Oct 4: Sports Arena Housing, El Cajon Granny Flats, Escondido Cannabis

The Midway Rising project at the site of the San Diego Sports Arena has changed their plan on housing and San Diego City Council representatives are angry! We also discuss El Cajon ADUs, Escondido Cannabis, new CA Senator Laphonza Butler, and Gavin Newsom vetoing UE benefits for striking workers. It’s Wednesday, October 4, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: Midway Rising Dumps Middle Income Homes, Hotel The San Diego Sports Arena construction project now has a few changes. Due to mortgage rates and other economic conditions, they are dropping 2,500 “middle income” housing units and replacing them with “market rate” housing. What do you think? Is this a betrayal of the deal made with the City of San Diego? El Cajon Housing Crisis Fix? Mayor Bill Wells and the City Council have a plan to expand Granny Flats, aka Accessory Dwelling Units. This should be a great program to provide more affordable housing, right? Their plan will only benefit 6 property owners. Why not just deregulate construction? California Governor Gavin Newsom Vetoes Unemployment Pay for Striking Workers Should striking workers be eligible for Unemployment Benefits? Gavin Newsom vetoed a plan to do just that, but not for the reasons you might think. Escondido Considers Cannabis Tax, Hotel Tax, Parcel Tax There is trouble with the City of Escondido’s budget. They need to raise revenue and/or reduce expenses to erase their structural deficit. The city is conducting a survey to see if locals would consider allowing cannabis dispensaries so the city can enjoy a special tax. They are also considering a Transient Occupancy Tax and a Parcel Tax. Escondido voters have already rejected a Sales Tax increase. Laphonza Butler to replace Dianne Feinstein as California Senator Laphonza who? This progressive activist has been appointed by Gavin Newsom to replace the recently deceased Dianne Feinstein. It seems that we hear she is Black, a woman, and LGTBQ well before we understand her background and experience. What exactly should qualify a candidate for this position? San Diego Community Forum California Bullet Train $20/hr minimum wage Government Grocery Stores Automation Thomas Sowell San Diego Taxi vs Uber #SanDiego #midwayrising #sportsarena #marnivonwilpert #elcajon #grannyflat #adu #billwells #uber #yellowcab #minimumwage #california #fastfood #bullettrain #gavinnewsom #unemployment #escondido #cannabis #danewhite #gavinnewsom #diannefeinstein #laphonzabutler #barbaralee #katieporter #adamschiff #poway Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube,


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San Diego News Update Sep 27: SANDAG scraps mileage tax, Uber & Yellow Cab, Fast Food Minimum Wage

We break down San Diego and national news stories here in the John Riley Project. Topics include the SANDAG mileage tax, Uber, public restrooms, minimum wage for fast food, CA Bullet Train update, Target shutting down stores, Amazon monopoly?, and the looming Government Shutdown. Got a question or comment? You can drop your take in the live chat on Facebook or YouTube to get involved in the San Diego Community Forum. It’s Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: SANDAG Mileage Tax Scrapped Voters opposed this privacy intrusion and higher cost of living from SANDAG. Elected politicians listened. Uber and San Diego Yellow Cab Taxi Join Forces Capitalism is more about cooperation than competition. This partnership is a win for both companies and consumers that need a ride. I Need a Bathroom… NOW! A San Diego technology company, Rest Space, has come up with an app that gives you access to private restrooms while in downtown San Diego or on the road. It’s like Airbnb, but for restrooms. California Politicians are Considering an Increase of the Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers What do you think of a $20 minimum wage just for fast food workers? Local economists in San Diego offer their opinions. So does John. California Bullet Train Update 15 years later, still a boondoggle. Target Shutting Down Stores due to Crime Shoplifting is becoming a national sport. Now Target is opting out of communities where they are getting ripped off. Can you blame them? Federal Government Suing Amazon Is Amazon a monopoly? Should they be broken up? Or is Jeff Bezos an American hero? Are they really going to Shut Down the Federal Government? No. It’s all political theater. San Diego Community Forum Govt grocery stores Pledge of allegiance Gas prices and EVs. Andrew Yang self-driving trucks #SanDiego #sandag #mileagetax #evs #electricvehicles #uber #yellowcab #capitalism #restspace #publicrestrooms #minimumwage #california #fastfood #bullettrain #gavinnewsom #amazon #ftc #jeffbezos #joebiden #kevinmccarthy Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts.


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San Diego News Update Sept 22: Gas Prices, Water Rates, Coach Prime/Blenders, Self Driving Trucks

Can you believe these San Diego gas prices? It’s over $6/gallon. Who is to blame for this mess? It’s expensive to live in San Diego. Water rates are going up 20%. Don’t get me started on housing prices in America’s Finest City! We also discuss Coach Prime’s deal with Blenders Eyewear in Pacific Beach, Poway Politics, self-driving trucks, government run grocery stores and the Pledge of Allegiance. It’s Friday, September 22, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: $6/gallon – San Diego gas prices It’s insane what gas costs these days. How are you coping with this? Is there a way to avoid it all? Yes, there is! John will show you the way. San Diego Water Rates going up 20% The San Diego Dept of Water is in chaos. Their billing system is a shambles. The infrastructure is crumbling. Plus, they need more money for their Pure Water initiative. Rates are going up and people are really upset. Pacific Beach Entrepreneur cashing in on deal with Coach Prime Imagine selling sunglasses one at a time, barely getting by, and then suddenly sales are up 1000%. That’s what happened to Chase Fisher when he signed a deal with Coach Prime in Colorado. Poway Chieftain: Politics Harming Us Columnist Harry Levine suggests we find leaders that will avoid trying to harm the other team. Instead, he wants to see candidates that understand and recognize the Common Good. Driverless Trucks with a Driver Just in Case? California law makers are considering a plan that would require a human in driverless trucks. This is an example of a law that drags down progress just to protect jobs. Government Grocery Stores in Chicago Supermarkets are shutting down in Chicago due to theft and homelessness. Now the Mayor wants the government to get into the grocery business. Iowa Requires Pledge of Allegiance Is the Pledge of Allegiance anti-American? I think so. But that doesn’t stop nationalists from indoctrinating kids in schools. San Diego Community Forum Sports talk radio at the Mighty 690 Captain Charles MacVean, Seawolf Pt Loma Gay Marriage North Park Micro Units Poway Development San Diego Vacancy Tax CA flavored tobacco ban backfire #SanDiego #homelessness #housingcrisis #poway #northpark #microunits #vacanthomes #vancouver #ptloma #gaymarriage #gasprices #waterrates #pledgeofallegiance #grocerystores #driverlesstrucks Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm ...


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San Diego News Update – Sept 6: Poway Road Canyonization, San Diego Housing Crisis, Pt Loma Gay Marriage, Ben Kalasho

I'm back! I took a 2-month vacation but now I am back with my San Diego Local News podcast. We will cover Poway Road Canyonization, San Diego Housing Crisis, Micro Units, Vacant Homes, Pt Loma Gay Marriage, Ben Kalasho in El Cajon, Escondido Joor Muffler Man, National City Bike Lanes, Snapdragon Stadium, CA's Flavored Tobacco Ban Backfiring and more! It’s Wednesday September 6, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: Poway Road Canyonization Powegians are freaking out about all the development along Poway Rd. The 4-story Fairfield development is going in at the site of the former Poway Bowl and thrift stores. A recent letter to the editor said it was the “canyonization” of Poway Rd with tall buildings on either side. North Park Micro Units An apartment building in North Park has an innovative approach to helping solve the San Diego Housing Crisis. Their micro units of approx. 600-800 sq ft offer an upgraded, minimalist living environment. The complex has very few parking spaces. They hope residents will use mass transit, bikes, or walking. San Diego Vacant Homes Are evil rich people squatting on vacant homes and keeping them off the market? Well, there are 16 million vacant homes in America and only 500,000 homeless. That makes sense in the Rust Belt, but not in San Diego. Less than 1% of housing units are vacant for more than 6 months a year. Even if they were fully occupied it would barely put a dent in the housing crisis. Pt Loma Gay Marriage A pastor at Point Loma Nazarene University was fired from his post for disagreeing with church doctrine on gay marriage. Wait… didn’t Christ preach about loving thy neighbor? Why is the church so slow to evolve? Ben Kalasho, former El Cajon Councilman, wanted for arrest Former El Cajon City Councilman, Ben Kalasho, is wanted by the police. He and his wife were busted for contempt of court and failed to show up for his 8-day jail sentence. This is a guy that used fake social media profiles to disparage local residents and business… while he was on city council. He also runs the Miss Middle East USA Pageant and reportedly failed to pay the winner the prize money…. And, get this, offered another contestant a rigged win if she slept with him. Where is Dog the Bounty Hunter? Escondido Joor Muffler Man Every time I drive through Escondido I smile when I see that big statue of the guy holding the muffler. It’s a time warp to another era. The Joor Muffler Man was recently featured on CBS Sunday Morning’s website. National City Bike Lanes More bike lanes! Hooray! Cities are evolving as suburban areas become more urban. Plus, with the e-bike revolution, more people are riding bikes. Snapdragon Stadium experience I went to Snapdragon Stadium for the first-time last Saturday. What a great experience! Really nice concessions, amenities, digital signage, and sight lines. The Aztecs football program deserves our support!


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San Diego News Update – June 28: Poway Fraud, Encinitas e-bike, Coronado Richard Bailey, SANDAG

We have lots of San Diego topics on the table including a federal fraud case in Poway, winners and losers in CA budget, the future of Coronado mayor Richard Bailey, Jim Desmond and Congestion Pricing on Freeways, and much more. It’s Wednesday June 28, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: Poway Social Security Fraud A Poway man defrauded the Social Security system and the VA system of over $830,000 over 3 decades as he schemed to collect using his dead mother’s name. WTF? Crazy story. Social Security will not be solvent starting in 2034. Poway seems to be in the news for all of the wrong reasons. Gavin Newsom’s CA Budget – Winners & Losers (housing, climate, auto dealers, education) California had to spend less than they wanted due to the pending deficit. The CA budget is loaded with examples of winners and losers. Isn’t that what government policies always do? Some win at the expense of others. Some lose, so others can win. What ever happened to free trade and win-win outcomes? Tragic Teen e-Bike Death in Encinitas Collision While we mourn the loss of a young man in an e-bike accident, we look more broadly at the innovation in the e-bike market. Could this be a solution to help cities transition from suburban to urban? Do we have enough bike lanes? Coronado Mayor Richard Bailey is Running for County Board of Supervisors Maybe you have seen Richard Bailey’s social media and direct mail messages. He has a lot to say about “The San Diego Comeback”. Why is a mayor of little ol’ Coronado commenting about issues beyond his city? Because he is running for office! Plus we discuss some proposed tax increases under consideration. Jim Desmond and SANDAG Congestion Freeway Tax They are already planning to charge a per-mile tax for road usage. It’s not a bad idea, but it will be difficult to implement fairly. Now San Diego is considering a Congestion Tax for freeway usage to subsidize mass transit. What’s going on here? This is a tax on the many to benefit the few. Mass transit ridership is in decline, so why are we subsidizing it? Paloma Aguirre, Imperial Beach, and the Problem of Tijuana Sewage Seems this sewage problem in the South Bay has going on for decades, yet they still can’t fix it. Now the County Board of Supervisors has declared a state of emergency. San Diego congressional delegates are pushing President Biden to solve the problem. Meanwhile some beaches in Imperial Beach have been closed for a year and a half. San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria: Corporate Welfare vs Road Repair Todd Gloria flip flopped. City officials and business leaders lobbied for San Diego to host a design event. Todd Gloria vowed to ensure it was privately funded. Now he is singing a different tune. He wants to use taxpayer dollars to subsidize corporations in town in order to generate more tax revenue. Should the city be run as a business? Should those resources instead be used to repair roads? San Diego Community Forum We discuss San Diego homelessness, eminent domain, Poway’s Billion Dollar Bond, Steve Garvey as a California Senator, and this kerfuffle over Democrat vs Democratic. #SanDiego #homelessness #homeless #ranchobernardo #republicans #democrats #Poway #SteveGarvey #Westwood #richardbailey #coronado #encinitas #ebikes #toddgloria #jimdesmond #sandag #congestiontax #tijuana #sewege #imperialbeach #socialsecurity #babyformula #tariffs #education JRP0324 Relevant Links: A Poway man’s mother died in 1990. He accepted $830K of benefits in her name for 32 years. Winners and losers in the California budget deal San Diego County leaders call on Biden to fix Tijuana sewage crisis


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Ed Franklin, No Limits: What works in podcasting?

No Limits podcaster Ed Franklin is back on the John Riley Project. Always great having Ed as he offers so much to help us improve our personal and business lives. No Limits - Overcoming Limitations We can often be our own worst enemy. We create our own roadblocks that prevent us from succeeding. Sometimes it is driven by fear. Other times laziness. But most often, it’s due to not doing what is best for yourself. Clarity - What do you want? It’s not easy figuring out what you really want. Yet so many people go through life drifting from day to day without having clarity of purpose. Take the time to define what you really want. Set clear goals. Then you stay focused on achievement. Be Better – Constant Improvement Growth is a constant process of learning, failing, and learning again. We need to always push ourselves to attain higher goals and better outcomes. But it requires tremendous thought and work to do it properly. Podcasting – What works? It’s one thing to get behind a microphone and talk about a topic for an hour on a podcast. How is that working for you? Ed Franklin and I discuss branding, messaging, podcast show format, and the work required to distribute your message across social media and other channels. Podcasters are more than just mere podcasters. To do it right you have to craft your brand and communicate your message to your target audience. The podcast is just one of many channels to deliver your message. #EdFranklin #Poway #SanDiego #selfimprovement #selfesteem #NoLimits #podcasting #socialmedia #influencer #publicspeaking Ed Franklin Info: Ed Franklin LinkedIn: Ed Franklin Facebook: Ed Franklin No Limits YouTube: Ed Franklin No Limits Apple Podcasts: Ed Franklin email: Ed Franklin website: Get proven and easy-to-implement strategies to build your business and pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ► FACEBOOK ➡ TWITTER ➡ INSTAGRAM ➡ Sponsorship Inquiries Donations Music


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San Diego News Update June 7: Poway Politics, Homelessness, Archie Moore, Steve Garvey

Last night I attended the Poway City Council meeting. I have lots to talk about including Poway banning homeless encampments, the replacement of Barry Leonard, money in politics, and Life Time Fitness at The Farm. Plus, we discuss Archie Moore, San Diego Roads, Steve Garvey for CA Senate, Ed Franklin, and more. We will take your comments and questions in the San Diego Community Forum. It’s Wednesday June 7, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: Poway City Council Observations I hadn’t been to a city council meeting in a while. It was great hearing some of the issues hashed out by both public speakers and elected officials. As a podcaster, it was special meeting some folks that listen or watch my show. Nice to make those human connections. Poway chooses to replace Barry Leonard with an Appointment/Election Hybrid Poway has a history of appointing people to council to fill out a person’s term. I figured this was the route they would take in replacing resigning councilmember Barry Leonard. The public was overwhelmingly for an election. Steve Vaus proposed a hybrid model. They will appoint someone with a pledge they will not run in the November 2024 election. Money in Poway Politics California’s new SB1439 bill requires that elected officials recuse themselves from voting on issues that involve a donor that gave over $250. But $250 is the campaign donation limit for Poway. Does that mean SB1439 is moot in Poway? Or do indirect funds to PACs and non-profits count too? Life Time Fitness Update at The Farm in Poway The Poway City Council says they cannot do anything since there is no formal proposal before them. That’s true. But locals know the developer’s plan is to put in a Life Time Fitness center that likely violates the voter’s will with Measure P. Mayor Vaus says there is a lot of misinformation swirling in social media. Is JRP part of the problem? LOL Poway Bans Homeless Encampments San Diego implemented a rule that authorities can remove homeless encampments if there is a shelter bed nearby. Now Poway has enacted a similar rule. After all, the San Diego homeless could end up in Poway. Archie Moore, Any Body Can Youth Foundation What a great fundraiser hosted by the ABC Youth Foundation for troubled youth. I attended a very well run and safe youth boxing match at St. Augustine High School. Bravo to the athletes, families and organizers that made this event possible. San Diego Finally Repairing Roads in Rancho Bernardo, Westwood The Witch Creek Fire was in 2007 but the damage to the roads has still not been resolved. The reconstruction has been over for some time, but then authorities had trouble coming up with the $5M to fund this project in the Westwood community of Rancho Bernardo. Why is it so hard to get local government officials to focus on their primary tasks? Steve Garvey for CA Senate? Former Dodger and Padre, Steve Garvey, is flirting with the idea of running for US Senate as a Republican. After his career ended in 1987, he considered running for senate, but his flirting with extramarital affairs derailed his political future. These days that’s no longer a disqualifier. Ed Franklin Livestream Podcast, Tuesday June 13th at 7pm Join Ed and I as we discuss podcasting and a wide range of other topics. We’ll take your questions and comments in the livestream. San Diego Community Forum We discuss San Diego roads, Cox Cable, cutting the cord, Carlsbad Gay Pride Flag, Highway 56, mass transit, electric vehicles, Poway politics and Rickey Henderson. Closing Quote From Chrissy on The Sopranos (not original author): “Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. There was no one there. #SanDiego #homelessness #homeless #ranchobernardo #BarryLeonard #SteveVaus #republicans #democrats #Poway #Padres #sb1439 #dodgers #SteveGarvey #WitchCreek #Westwood #ArchieMoore #AnyBodyCan #lifetimefitness #stevevaus #sopranos JRP0322 Relevant Links:


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San Diego News Update May 31: Debt Ceiling, Local Govt Campaign Finance, Poway, Bally Sports, Santee

Today we will be discussing the Debt Ceiling Circus in Washington DC, a new rule with local govt campaign finance that may play a huge role in future elections, the replacement for Poway Councilmember Barry Leonard, Bally Sports and the Padres, and the future of the Santee Drive In. Plus, we will take your comments and questions in the San Diego Community Forum. It’s Wednesday May 31, 2023. Here’s what John Riley thinks: Debt Ceiling Circus: Republicans and Democrats Fiscally Irresponsible All this drama with threats of blowing up the economy. What does Joe Biden and Kevin McCarthy do? They agree to eliminate the debt ceiling (not raise it, eliminate it) without any serious spending cuts. These two parties are sinking America. Campaign Finance Reform Will Impact La Mesa, Poway, other San Diego County Cities A new law from Sacramento demands that politicians recuse themselves from votes if they are voting on a bill that involves a political donor of over $250. How will this be policed? Corporations donate tens of thousands of dollars to politician’s non-profit organizations (see Poway Mayor Steve Vaus and La Mesa Vice Mayor Colin Parent) allegedly to win political favors. Corporate dollars also flow into Political Action Committees to drive campaign ads. Interestingly, government employee unions are given a pass. They can donate as much as they want, and politicians can return the favor with a vote for a raise. How will Poway replace Barry Leonard? Poway has a history of filling vacancies on city council with an appointment. Poway folks see this as a violation of democracy. We will find out Poway’s plan at their meeting on June 6. San Diego Padres no longer on Bally Sports We discuss the chaos created by the Padres Bally Sports breakup, including reviewing various streaming options. Santee Drive-In May Shut Down Many of us have warm feelings for drive-in movie theaters. But the one in Santee may be about to close. The property is in escrow. The plan is to replace the drive-in theater with a huge warehouse. People’s movie content consumption habits have radically changed. San Diego Community Forum We discuss homelessness in San Diego, Highway 67, the terrible quality of San Diego roads, a payroll tax to subsidize housing and much more. #lamesa #SanDiego #homelessness #homeless #housingfirst #jimdesmond #ranchobernardo #santee #drivein #BarryLeonard #SteveVaus #ColinParent #POTUS #debtceiling #nationaldebt #deficit #KevinMcCarthy #republicans #democrats #Poway #PUSD #Padres #BallySports #DirecTV #MLBTV #barryleonard #campaignfinance JRP0321 Relevant Links: No, the Santee Drive-In hasn’t sold. But it’s moving in that direction. Politics Report: Campaign Finance Rocked by New Law Thank you to our livestream participants in the Community Forum. Thank you to all that listen and view. Get San Diego news and newsmaker updates, plus proven and easy-to-implement strategies to pursue your happiness. Sign up now. It is FREE! Be sure to share this video with a friend! Sponsors: – your source of gear that celebrates Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. – your source for Poway T–shirts, gifts, and other Poway swag. I also co-host a podcast with legendary sports talk icon, Lee Hacksaw Hamilton. Check out Lee Hacksaw Hamilton’s podcast every Thursday at 3pm on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or wherever you get your podcasts. ☆☆ STAY CONNECTED ☆☆ SUBSCRIBE for more reactions, upcoming shows and more! ►
