Reconnecting Roots
Arts & Culture Podcasts
We dive deep into American history, showcasing unique stories that are often overlooked.
United States
Arts & Culture Podcasts
We dive deep into American history, showcasing unique stories that are often overlooked.
Season 2, Episode 7 - “Is There Still a Place for Trains?"
With so much focus on cars and planes, it seems like trains have quietly faded into the background. But they're not gone by any means; in fact, people are putting new spins on this tried-and-true technology that may be taking us into the future.
Special guests include Russel Low (Author of "Three Coins", descendant of Chinese immigrant railroad workers) and Patrick Goddard (President of Brightline high-speed rail).
Season 2, Ep. 6 - “How Native Americans Are Taking Back Their Land"
On this episode, we look at our complicated relationship with our land and the many ways Native Americans are taking it back for their tribes.
Special guests include Aaron Lapointe (manager of Ho-Chunk Farms) and Mark Charles (Navajo pastor/U.S. presidential candidate)
Season 2, Ep. 5 - “How Hunting Fuels the Outdoors"
Protecting the environment in America has been more challenging over the years, partially due to hunters. Why? Because there aren't ENOUGH of them. The majority of conservation funding comes from hunting-related activities. But since the amount of hunters declines every year, how will we continue to pay to protect our land?
Special guests include Steven Rinella, Ryan Callaghan (both from Netflix's "MeatEater"), and Tyler Sharp (CEO of Modern Huntsman).
Season 2, Ep. 4 - “How New Methods of Travel Change Society"
Our methods of travel don't just change how we get from one place to another. It changes the way we work and how we socialize. Quite frankly, it changes our lives. So how exactly has travel changed our country...and the world?
Special guests include Mickela Mallozzi ("Bare Feet" series on PBS), Anthony Toth (Pan-Am Experience), Talaat Captan (CEO/Found of Air Hollywood), and Bibop Gresta (Co-Founder of HyperloopTT).
Season 2, Ep. 3 - "The Long History Between America and Ireland"
Irish American immigrants helped shape the country America is today - but the history Ireland shares with America goes back further than a lot of people think. Today, we look at some of the deep connections between our two countries, including the remarkable story of how the Choctaw tribes helped out the Irish when they were in need.
Special guests include Chief Gary Batton (Chief of the Choctaw Nation) and Gregory de la Haba (of McSorley's, the oldest Irish pub in the U.S.)
Season 2, Ep. 2 - “Can We Really Separate Church from the State?"
Religious freedom has been a core part of American culture since the beginning of its formation. But to what extent is the church separate from the state? Where are the lines and boundaries when it comes to expressing your faith?
Special guests include Michael Gungor (co-founder of “The Liturgists”) and Sister Simone Campbell (Executive Director of NETWORK).
Season 2, Ep. 1 - "Why Vinyl Still Matters in the Digital Age"
Vinyl records allow us to listen to music that goes back several generations. But how did this audio format stay relevant for decades, while other formats came and went? Why is it still so popular? We dive deep into the history and the current state of the music industry to find out! Special guests include Steve Young ("Bathtubs Over Broadway"), Bill Skibbe (Third Man Records), and Jack Conte (CEO of Patreon, member of Pomplamoose)
Bonus Episode - Ryan Callaghan Interview (Reconnecting Roots Live 2019)
In July 2019, Reconnecting Roots hosted a live event called "Concerts & Conversations" at Music Ranch Montana. Gabe McCauley sat down with Ryan Callaghan (from MeatEater) to talk about hunting, nature and the challenge of conservation.
Bonus Episode - Rory Feek Interview (Reconnecting Roots Live 2019)
In July 2019, Reconnecting Roots hosted a live event called "Concerts & Conversations" at Music Ranch Montana. Host Gabe McCauley sat down with Rory Feek to talk about his experience building his own one-room schoolhouse and the lessons he's learned after finishing their first year of school.
Season 1, Ep.6 - "How National Parks Help America and How They Might Need Our Help"
America's land has been here for centuries - but what does it take to preserve it for centuries to come? It's an often unseen task happening in the background but is vitally important for maintaining this country's legacy.
In this episode, we look at the history of America's National Parks and the challenges they currently face, featuring interviews with Trudy Patton and John Garder.
Season 1, Ep. 5 - "How One-room Schoolhouses Laid the Foundation for Education"
Education comes in many different flavors: public, private, charter, and even online. All of these variations can be traced back to the American one-room schoolhouse, which at one point, numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Join us as we dive into the history of education and speak with country-star/filmmaker/author Rory Feek about the new one-room schoolhouse he recently built.
Season 1, Ep. 4 - "The Social Impact of the Bicycle Craze"
For many kids out there, a bicycle is a fun toy to ride around on. But for some Americans, it’s the difference between having a job and not being able to pay rent or buy groceries. In this episode, we look at the bicycle craze and how this two-wheeled invention democratized travel, enabling citizens of all backgrounds/classes the ability to chase the American dream.
Season 1, Ep. 3 - "Horses in the Military"
Our history in America has long been tied to horses. They've helped us travel from coast to coast, hauled goods and even helped us grow all of the food we've needed. But one part of their history that's often overlooked is how integral horses have been in our military. In this episode, we look at how wars were won thanks to these animals and how they continue to serve in the police and military today.
Season 1, Ep. 2 - "Victory Gardens"
What would you do if the U.S. government told you it needed your help to plant as many fruits and vegetables as possible? Would you dive in and grow food for your family? Well, that's what happened during both World Wars - and millions of Americans participated. We discuss the Victory Gardens movement that was a wild success before vanishing once World War II was over.
Season 1, Ep. 1 - "Technology Addiction"
Technology has long been a part of American culture but we're only just starting to notice the long term effects. Are we too dependent on it or is it making our world a better place? We speak with experts and former addicts about our current dependence on technology and what the future holds.
Reconnecting Roots Podcast - Series Trailer
Listen to our trailer to find out what Reconnecting Roots is like! We dive deep into the past, present, and future of a given topic related to American culture. Looking at the good AND the bad to try and see what we've lost over the years - or what's improved. We chat with experts every episode to get their insights on why these things are so important.