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She-Ra: Progressive of Power

Arts & Culture Podcasts

She-Ra: Progressive of Power is a rewatch podcast with a political twist. Each week, hosts Lauren Faits and Eric Garneau watch an episode or episodes of the 1985 cartoon She-Ra: Princess of Power and discuss its surprising relevance to modern politics — as well as its disastrously ’80s messages.


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She-Ra: Progressive of Power is a rewatch podcast with a political twist. Each week, hosts Lauren Faits and Eric Garneau watch an episode or episodes of the 1985 cartoon She-Ra: Princess of Power and discuss its surprising relevance to modern politics — as well as its disastrously ’80s messages.




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100: "We Say 'Good Journey'"

One last spin around the block. We recount the Secret Origin of this podcast, recall our favorite episodes of both our show and the show, and leave with a fun little surprise. MUSIC IN THE EPISODE: Scorpions - "Wind of Change" w/ the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 a very special "Listen to Your Heart"


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"What She-Ra Means to Me" featuring a Bunch of Lovely People

We're tired of talking. We want to hear from y'all -- the people who really made this iteration of She-Ra something special. About a dozen and a half really incredible, thoughtful, open listeners send us audio recordings that tell their own story about how She-Ra, the Princess of Power has better helped them find acceptance, create art, understand the world, or even understand themselves. Thanks to everyone who sent recordings in; we can't thank you enough for sharing your stories. This...


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The Exit Interviews, Part 1 feat. Jen Bennett, Josie Campbell, Phil Lomboy, Noelle Stevenson, Sharon Sun, and M. Willis

As we near the end of our podcast, we wanted to put a nice bow on our time covering She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and fortunately, Dreamworks was down to help! In this, the first of two Twitch streams we're calling the "Exit Interviews," we've got a bevy of guests from SPOP ready to answer burning fan questions like "could Angella be alive?" and "does Catra shower?" This interview features: Jen Bennett (director) Josie Campbell (story editor) Phil Lomboy (editor) Noelle Stevenson...


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Flashback Week: "Into the Abyss" (He-Man 1983 -- Eric's favorite episode)

Flashback Week ends with a very special episode (at least to one of us) -- Eric's favorite piece of Hemanimation, the 1984 classic "Into the Abyss," a super early look at what a character-driven story might look like for our favorite Twins of Power. Then we circle around to a wider discussion of nostalgia, criticism, and pushing cultural narratives forward, because of course we do. You can watch "Into the Abyss" here.


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Flashback Week: "Save Our City" (New Adventures of He-Man -- The Original Mara!)

Our tour through He-Men of the past continues with this stop in, uh, the future to check on the origins of Mara. In Dreamworks' She-Ra she was an unforgettable character -- were the '90s as kind? Probably not. If anyone's curious, you can watch "Save Our City" here but, uh, that's your choice to make.


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Flashback Week: "The Power of Grayskull" (He-Man 2002 - A Different Horde!)

Our week of classic flashbacks starts with a look at the rarely discussed 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe reboot! We're discussing the episode "The Power of Grayskull," which contains that series' only look at the Horde (they sadly would never get their own season), as well as the first-ever appearance of Despondos! Plus lots of neat lore about what Grayskull could actually be! We'll be back Wednesday with another throwback! If you're curious, you can watch "The Power of...


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"Heart Part 2" with AJ Michalka

The kiss. Redemption. The power of love. The future. Endings. Plus an interview with the one and only AJ Michalka! We talk Catra (of course), her forthcoming record, AND Celebrity Family Feud. What an episode. MUSIC IN THE EPISODE: R.E.M. - What's the Frequency, Kenneth? Heart - Alone Dio - Rainbow in the Dark Taylor Swift - All You Had to Do Was Stay


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"Heart Part 1" with Matt Young

This week, the incredible Matt Young (Hello from the Magic Tavern, Improvised Star Trek) joins us for a deep chat about what basically becomes Adora's emotional climax for this series. We also talk about important ways the 2018 She-Ra improves on the classic (of which Matt is also an avowed fan), AND a hatchet gets buried...! MUSIC IN THE EPISODE Heart - Never


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"Failsafe" with Nero and Jane from the Podcast of Power!

Yo, there's another She-Ra podcast in town, and that's awesome!! This week, we're joined by Jane and Nero, hosts of Podcast of Power, a podcast that's just begun its own journey back through the entire She-Ra series. They were gracious enough to jump ahead to the penultimate episode of the series with us this week; we spent a LOT of time talking about Catra/Adora/Shadow Weaver and you will probably have opinions about what we say! Get episodes of Podcast of Power here, please!! MUSIC IN THE...


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"Return to the Fright Zone" with Bailey Meyers

We're stoked to welcome streamer and She-Ra fan Bailey Meyers to the show this week to dive into an episode about friendship, love, helping in any way you can, and I guess learning what Grayskull is in this universe?? Also, Lauren, Eric, and Bailey launch their brand-new podcast! Catch Bailey's Goosedrunks as well as her Twitch stream! MUSIC IN THE EPISODE: Best Coast - Who Have I Become? David Bowie - Cat People (Putting Out Fire)


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"An Ill Wind"

Lauren and Eric get feisty on this guestless episode that recalls classic She-Ra tropes (remember "Duel at Devlan"?), and then there's some stuff about cancel culture, too. We are not on JK Rowling's side here. MUSIC IN THE EPISODE: Roxette - The Look


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"Shot in the Dark" with Jen Bennett and Kiki Manrique

Directors Jen and Kiki return for part two of their interview as Catra adventures with the Best Friends Squad for the first time! We meet the adorable Melog, and Eric and Lauren wade into the fandom's more contentious waters. MUSIC IN THE EPISODE: Ozzy Osbourne - Shot in the Dark Karen Fukahara & Sydney Mikayla - Heroes on Fire


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"Perils of Peekablue" with Kiki Manrique and Jen Bennett

Once upon a time, we'd have as many guests on the show at one time as we wanted. It was a lawless period of vigilante podcasting. We return to those days with the first of TWO episodes featuring TWO wonderful episode directors for She-Ra, Kiki Manrique and Jen Bennett, who happened to work on the next two episodes we're covering, "The Perils of Peekablue" and "Shot in the Dark." This week, a classic POP character makes an appearance, Scorpia sings, and Lauren finally comes around on Sea...


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"Taking Control" with Laura Sreebny

This week, staff writer extraordinaire Laura Sreebny joins Lauren and Eric to discuss "Taking Control," a heck of an episode that has serious implications for our friends both in space and on Etheria. Also, Eric gets some validation re: shipping Glimmer and Catra. Music in the episode: Springtime Carnivore - "Under the Spell" The Mountain Goats - "No Children"


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"Save the Cat" with Keston John

There is SO MUCH to talk about this week. Not only are we rescuing Catra, not only are we fighting against the homogenizing terror of Horde Prime, but we're also talking to Keston John, the incredible actor behind Hordak, Horde Prime, and, making his stunning debut, WRONG HORDAK. You better believe we asked some stuff about The Good Place too (and Avatar, and Fortnite, and Killmonger). MUSIC IN THE EPISODE: Spice Girls - Wannabe The Good Place theme


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"Stranded" with M. Willis

She-Ra goes sci-fi and meets the Star Siblings in this week's episode, where Lauren and Eric are joined by staff writer M. Willis for an in-depth discussion of Bow and Glimmer's reconciliation, the power of genre fiction, and also Star Trek. Lots about Star Trek. For anyone interested, I cannot recommend enough that folks watch "Far Beyond the Stars" from Deep Space Nine. It is especially relevant this week. It's on Netflix! Music in the episode: Skunk Anansie: Intellectualize My Blackness


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"Corridors" with James D'Amato

The guests are back! This week, friend and roleplay podcaster extraordinaire James D'Amato joins us for a discussion of one of the season's heaviest episodes. We're gonna talk a lot about cults, space, and apologizing. To check out James' podcasts, make sure to visit the One Shot Podcast Network online! For Noelle Stevenson's One Shot episode, you can listen here. Music in the episode: Sylvan Esso - Radio Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now Tegan and Sara - Closer Hootie and the Blowfish...


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Entrapta gets absolution, Horde Prime shocks Glimmer, and for some reason we talk a lot about the Office.


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"Horde Prime"

The season premiere is here, and it's all about the terrifying new threat facing Etheria! Lauren and Eric talk about the series' new Big Bad, and a tangent about 90s cartoons gets them thinking about the political landscape when they were young. Hey, remember Bill Clinton?


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Season 5 Preview, Part 2 - Predictions Bingo

In this (much more focused) second half of our return episode, Lauren and Eric generate a literal Bingo card's worth of predictions on what they think will, may, and possibly-but-wouldn't-that-be-crazy happen in season 5! Here's a custom Bingo card generator you can use! Our predictions: 1. Catradora becomes canon 2. Glimmatra becomes the new key ship 3. NEW sword 4. Adora transforms without sword 5. Entrapdak fanservice 6. Hordak "restored," becomes hero 7. Castle Grayskull appears 8. Adora...
