Speaking Our Truth - Podcast For Change
Arts & Culture Podcasts
Safety and justice require action. As a movement, we can use our collective voices to engage and influence change. Speaking Our Truth is a podcast aimed at building joint action. An original podcast by the National Women's Resource Center (niwrc.org).
United States
Arts & Culture Podcasts
Safety and justice require action. As a movement, we can use our collective voices to engage and influence change. Speaking Our Truth is a podcast aimed at building joint action. An original podcast by the National Women's Resource Center (niwrc.org).
Breaking the Silence
Content FYI–
This podcast episode includes personal stories of domestic violence, violence, racism, and human trafficking. We encourage listeners to mentally prepare beforehand and reflect afterward to help process this information.
Nani Fay Paglinawan, Aunty as we call her, is a kūpuna (elder), a founding member of Women Helping Women, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Pouhana O Nā Wāhine and has been a long-time advocate in the domestic violence movement for over 40 years. Aunty, a recipient of the Women Helping Women Lifetime Achievement award, was honored on April 3 at the unveiling of a mural in her honor, designed by artist Oscar Lett. There’s a talk story and animation that explains the background of the mural. If you want to learn more, we encourage you to visit the Maui Public Art Corps at mouipublicart.org. Aunty participates in the Family Advisory Group for MMIW with NIWRC.
More Info
Mural Artist: Oscar Lett
Mural Info: MauiPublicArt.org
Song: “Ku'u Pua Paoakalani” by Queen Liliʻuokalani
Artist: Allison Leialoha Milham - SoundCloud, Etsy, and Bandcamp.
About the Music
Queen Liliʻuokalani composed this song while she was held prisoner in her home. The song honors her garden, which she looked out upon daily. A boy would come by with a bundle of flowers wrapped in the day’s newspaper so that the Queen could hear from her people. Even then, the Queen understood the power of language and communication to keep her culture alive.
This recording is by Allison Leialoha Milham, who generously donated the rights to use this beautiful tune. Please visit her website to view her art, work, and other musical recordings.
Mahalo, Allison, Oscar, and Aunty!
Listen to the whole song at the end of the episode!
This resource is made possible by grant 90-EV-0533-03 from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Understanding the Connections of Land and Body Violence
Happy Earth Day! Listen as we talk about “Oppenheimer,” “Killers of the Flower Moon,” and the devastating connection between violence against the land and Native and Indigenous Women. Tia shares examples of the negative effects of extractive industries on Native communities and what people can do to help.
The National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC) recognizes that the land and Indigenous women are sacred and connected and must be protected. In this episode of "Speaking Our Truth," NIWRC's Policy Specialist Tia Bahozhoni highlights this sacred relationship by discussing how exploitation and contamination of the land continue to harm Indigenous women and communities.
Join us this Earth Day as we honor and celebrate Mother Earth.
View our recent statement--
Commitments For Mother Earth: A Climate Sustainability Policy
NIWRC envisions having a role in the movement to stop violence against women that is sustainable, replicable, and serves as a model for other organizations to reduce their environmental footprint in order to create a more sustainable future. This vision and these commitments reflect who we are and who we want to be in this world. https://www.niwrc.org/commitments-mother-earth-climate-sustainability-policy
Osage Reign of Terror https://www.vox.com/culture/23920002/killers-flower-moon-true-story-osage-murders-reign-of-terror-mollie-burkhart-what-happened
Lithium Mining in Nevada https://www.firstnations.org/stories/one-native-groups-fight-to-protect-sacred-land-from-destructive-lithium-mining/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1713456054765671&usg=AOvVaw2XAg4P3L_uYIz83SzJa87E
The Gold King Mine Spill https://coloradosun.com/2020/08/05/gold-king-mine-spill-five-years-later/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1713456054767608&usg=AOvVaw0eJwLZ33OaqFrvsWc9X8Il
Man Camps https://www.colorado.edu/program/fpw/2019/03/14/new-report-finds-increase-violence-coincides-oil-boom&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1713456054768511&usg=AOvVaw2OV-GMuACccqjfnltB5-xN
History of Man Camps https://www.startribune.com/native-women-easy-prey-for-traffickers/218171361/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1713456054769279&usg=AOvVaw30QDkpYhlnQMD_55L9Vlel
“Garden of Truth” (MIWSAC) https://miwsacstg-media.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/01101738/Garden-of-Truth-Report.pdf
“Shattered Hearts” (MIWSAC) https://www.miwrc.org/publications/shattered-hearts
History of Uranium Mining https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222290/
Indigenous Stewardship https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31863549/
Indigenous Land and Data Stewards Lab https://www.indigenouslandstewards.org/
Tewa Women United - News Article on Oppenheimer https://tewawomenunited.org/2023/07/oppenheimer-and-the-other-side-of-the-story
Coalition to End Violence Against Native Women - resource on Land and Body Violence https://www.csvanw.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Land-and-Body-Violence.pdf
Violence on Indigenous Lands is Violence on Indigenous Bodies and Futures https://www.niwrc.org/resources/webinars/violence-indigenous-lands-violence-indigenous-bodies-and-futures
Indigenous Leadership to End Violence Panel - Part 2: Indigenous Reproductive and Maternal Justice Work Strengthens Advocacy to End Gender-Based Violence https://www.niwrc.org/resources/webinars/indigenous-leadership-end-violence-panel-part-2-indigenous-reproductive-and
Six Point Action Plan https://www.niwrc.org/sites/default/files/6-Point%20Plan%2002-17%20PNG.png
This resource is made possible by grant 90-EV-0533-03, from the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Kaysera, Four Years Later
Kaysera Stops Pretty Places went missing in 2019 at 18 years old. Five days later, her body was found near a busy thoroughfare. Fourteen days later, her family was notified. No investigation occurred. In this episode, we focus on Kaysera’s family. They have been organizing events for the past 4 years to bring awareness and ask for help in solving her case. This is a unique situation. It’s about what happens when you can’t rely on law enforcement.
Music: Theme song from NIWRC.
Pow wow drums recorded by NIWRC at Women Are Sacred, June 2023.
Families Taking Action in the Face of MMIW, Week of Action, Podcast 5
Patsy Whitefoot: Discussing barriers that families can face when a loved one goes missing or is murdered.
Moon Song · Phoebe Bridgers
Families Taking Action in the Face of MMIW, Week of Action, Podcast 4
Patsy Whitefoot: Speaking to of her work in the MMIW movement and the loss of her sister Daisy Mae Heath- and eventual recent recovery of her sister Daisy Mae Heath’s remains.
The Moon Song · beabadoobee · Oscar Lang
Families Taking Action in the Face of MMIW, Week of Action, Podcast 3
Dr. Grace Bulltail: Speaking of her work in the MMIW movement and bringing continued awareness to the unsolved murder of her niece Kaysera Stops Pretty Places.
Moon Song · Phoebe Bridgers
℗ 2020 Dead Oceans
Families Taking Action in the Face of MMIW, Week of Action, Podcast 2
Leanne, Charles and Velina Guy: Speaking about their work in the MMIW movement and the importance of healing.
Ceilings · Lizzy McAlpine
My Mother and I · Lucy Dacus
Families Taking Action in the Face of MMIW, Week of Action, Podcast 1
Introduction: Information and statistics about MMIW and challenges facing families.
STTARS Part 1 Caroline LaPorte Gwendolyn Packard
On this episode of Speaking Our Truth, we listen Part 1 of STTARS' presentation introducing the new Indigenous Safe Housing Center from NIWRC's Specialty Institute held in June 2022.
STTARS Part 2 Caroline LaPorte Gwendolyn Packard
On this episode of Speaking Our Truth, we listen Part 2 of STTARS' presentation introducing the new Indigenous Safe Housing Center from NIWRC's Specialty Institute held in June 2022.
SCOTUS Denezpi Brief
On January 18, 2022, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center filed an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court in United States v. Merle Denezpi. On this episode of Speaking Our Truth, Podcast for Change, we will dig deeper into this case and what this amicus brief is all about
Savanna’s Act and AK Tribal Jurisdiction
The state of Alaska is considered one of the most violent states in the country. The state also has the highest number of missing Indigenous people, according to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System.
Grassroots advocates from American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes calling for justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women have finally started gaining national attention. In fact, after years of grassroots advocacy, in October 2020, Congress passed Savanna’s Act. This Act is meant to improve the response to missing and murdered Indigenous women across federal, state, Tribal and local law enforcement agencies. On this episode of Speaking Our Truth, Podcast for Change, we will talk about the current status of Savanna’s Act and what this legislation means for our Alaska Native sisters.
Wendy Schlater: Carrying Our Medicine
In November, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center will reflect on its first 10 years of the movement for the safety of Native women. As a special podcast series, we are talking with members of NIWRC’s board of directors about the highlights and accomplishments made over the past decade. On this special episode of Speaking Our Truth, we will talk with NIWRC’s Board Treasurer about what it means to carry our medicine in this work, past, present and future.
Music: "I Am Light" | Album: Songversation (2013) | Artist: India.Arie
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL-gxfx2QtY
Cherrah Giles: Carrying Our Medicine
In November, the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center will reflect on its first 10 years of the movement for the safety of Native women. As a special podcast series, we are talking with members of NIWRC’s board of directors about the highlights and accomplishments made over the past decade. On this special episode of Speaking Our Truth, we will talk with NIWRC’s Board Chairwoman about what it means to carry our medicine in this work, past, present and future.
Music: "Calling The Spirit Back" | Album: I Pray for My Enemies (2021) | Artist: Joy Harjo
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKJzNymGOIQ
Leanne Guy: Carrying Our Medicine
This year, 2021, marks a decade of advocacy by the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center. This is an important milestone as NIWRC reflects back on its first 10 years and looks forward to the next ten. As a special podcast series of Speaking Our Truth, we are speaking with members of our board of directors about the past decade of this work. In this episode, we are talking with NIWRC’s Board Secretary about carrying our medicine forward in the movement for safety for Native women and strengthening sovereignty for Tribal Nations.
Music: "Calling The Spirit Back" | Album: I Pray for My Enemies (2021) | Artist: Joy Harjo
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKJzNymGOIQ
StrongHearts Native Helpline Becomes Independent
Over the past four years, StrongHearts Native Helpline has responded to more than 11,000 calls, texts and chat requests from Native peoples in need. As the first, culturally grounded domestic violence, dating violence and sexual violence helpline by and for Native people, it has rapidly grown, establishing itself as a strong, vocal advocate in the movement for safety in tribal communities. Today on Speaking Our Truth, we will talk about the road to StrongHearts Native Helpline becoming an independent organization.
Music: "Si Hasapa" | Album: Ksa (2007) | Artist: Tiokasin Ghosthorse
SAAM Sexual Assault Advocacy
From the beginning of the pandemic, advocates sounded the alarm about the risk of increasing domestic violence and sexual violence. Those who were hurting were now confined to their homes with their abusers for longer periods of time. Fueled by these realities, our relatives at StrongHearts Native Helpline have been working around the clock to increase staffing and add services to assist Native people during this crisis.
SAAM Sexual Assault Issues in Alaska
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, but the crisis of sexual violence against Native women is ongoing, remaining one of the lasting effects of the colonization of Indigenous peoples. On this episode of Speaking our Truth, Podcast for Change, we will talk about the high rates of sexual violence against our Alaska Native sisters in particular, as well as the action needed to turn the tide of sexual assault in Alaska.
Issues of Violence Against Native Women
Native American Heritage Month is an important time for recognizing the rights and sovereignty of Indigenous people and Native Nations. On this episode of Speaking Our Truth, Podcast for Change, we will talk to some prominent voices in the work for Indigenous peoples rights and the challenges facing our people today, tomorrow, and for the next generation.
Music: Robert Mirabal's "The Dance" performed with Rare Tribal Mob on PBS
Song: The Dance
Artist: Robert Mirabal
Album: Music From A Painted Cave
Licensed to YouTube by: A Train Entertainment (Masters) (on behalf of Silver Wave Records); ARESA, LatinAutorPerf, SOLAR Music Rights Management, CMRRA, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, ASCAP, Sony ATV Publishing, and 6 Music Rights Societies
VAWA Sovereignty Initiative
VAWA Sovereignty Initiative Update:
SCOTUS Victory: Affirmation of the Muskogee (Creek) Nation’s Reservation
(McGirt v. Oklahoma)