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The Chelsae Zirna Podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Join host Chelsae Zirna as she interviews thought leaders, best selling authors, and human experience experts on purpose, power, and prosperity to help you create massive impact in the world stemming from a place of true self confidence, self worth, and authentic expression.


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Join host Chelsae Zirna as she interviews thought leaders, best selling authors, and human experience experts on purpose, power, and prosperity to help you create massive impact in the world stemming from a place of true self confidence, self worth, and authentic expression.



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Creating Your Quantum Reality with Founder of Quantum Being Thomas Strange Angell

Today, I engage in a deep and enlightening conversation with Thomas Strange Angell, the founder of Quantum Being. In this episode, Thomas shares his journey of awakening into a quantum state of being, drawing from his diverse experiences in therapy, hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, ancient wisdom, and business ventures. He delves into spiritual awakening where he challenges the notion of a singular awakening moment, suggesting that every moment is an opportunity for ascension and growth. We also explore the concept of death, dreams, and transcendence, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life experiences and the importance of embracing every moment as a step towards awakening. Furthermore, Thomas introduces the concept of quantum mechanics and its relevance to human consciousness, highlighting principles such as superposition, entanglement, and wave-particle duality. He explains how aligning with the natural rhythms of the universe, maintaining alkalinity in the body, and exploring various modalities of perception can lead to a deeper understanding of reality and the self. I invite you to listen to the full episode to dive deeper into these profound insights and discover more about the transformative journey of becoming a quantum being. Key takeaways from this enlightening conversation: ------------------------------------------------------------ Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Founders Podcast with Jessica Marshall on Emotional Resilience

Welcome back to the Chelsae Zirna podcast, Season Four: Emergence! On our launch episode, we dive deep into the intricacies of creating the life you truly desire alongside my cofounder, Jessica Marshall. Together, we explore the themes of chrysalis, dream life, emotional resilience, and the art of orchestrating one's reality. In this episode, we delve into the struggle between chasing perfection and embracing imperfection as part of the dream life journey. I also share my personal challenges, highlighting the tendency to move houses frequently in search of an ideal living environment. Jessica provides profound insights, unraveling patterns of suffering and attachment that hinder progress. We also discuss distinguishing between a dream and a fairytale. We explore how societal conditioning often leads to unrealistic expectations, causing individuals to chase illusions rather than creating their dream life from within. We encouraged you to reflect on your own attachments and patterns of suffering, challenging them to shift their mindset from seeking perfection to embracing the journey and choosing resilience. Key takeaways: ------------------------------------------------------------ Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Living the Waking Dream Through The Kundalini with Bryant Wood

Dive into the transformative power of breathwork with our Master Breathwork instructor, Bryant Wood! In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of breathwork, dream training, and spiritual awakening. Bryant, who has been an integral part of Chrysalis for the past three years, shares his profound insights and experiences, offering a deep dive into the realms of consciousness. Bryant candidly discusses his initiation into breathwork, describing it as a response to a profound existential crisis that led him to seek answers about life's meaning and healing. He humorously recounts his journey from "playing in the mud, naked, meditating with Buddhist monks, and doing witchcraft" to becoming a respected figure in the breathwork community. We also discuss the intricacies of breathwork, meditation, and movement as tools for emotional and energetic regulation. Bryant highlights breathwork's ancient origins, emphasizing its role in preparing the mind and heart for deeper meditative states. Bryant also shares his personal experiences of navigating intense spiritual awakenings, including Kundalini awakenings and dream training. Together, we explore the nuances of dream symbolism, lucidity, and the transformative power of dream experiences. Key takeaways: ------------------------------------------------------------ Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Living an Authentic Life with Authentic Alex

In this episode of the Chelsae Zirna podcast, join Authentic Alex as she shares her profound journey of authenticity and spiritual awakening. From leaving the corporate world to embarking on a deep exploration of self-discovery, Alex delves into her experiences of grief, healing, and transformation. We touch on the concept of integration and how returning to familiar environments can be a test of our authenticity and integrity. Authentic Alex shares her insights on how to remain true to oneself in spaces that may not always foster that level of authenticity. Join us as we discuss the importance of remaining true to oneself in all aspects of life, even in environments that may not foster authenticity. Dive into the depths of self-awareness, embodiment, and the ongoing quest for unconditional love and authenticity. Key Points Discussed: ------------------------------------------------------------ Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Embodied Masculinity with Amir Khalighi

In this episode, we engage in a deep and transformative conversation with Amir Khaligi, the visionary founder of Embodied Masculine. Amir's unique approach combines Jungian psychology, Somatics, and embodiment to guide men toward their truest selves, fostering purpose-driven lives. This episode delves into Amir's chrysalis moment during a journey to Mount Sinai, where he faced the unknown and found solace. He recounts how releasing attachments and confronting shadows led him to realign with his purpose. The conversation explores the significance of transitions as rites of passage and emphasizes the power of shadow work and the integration of masculine and feminine energies for holistic growth. Amir's initiation program for men is a central focus, offering a four-month transformative journey that helps men bridge the gap between boyhood and mature masculinity. Listeners gain insights into Amir's guidance on embracing both masculine and feminine aspects and the pivotal role of the body in connecting with the divine. Tune in to this enlightening episode as Amir and Chelsae dive into the nuances of true transformation, the journey from darkness to purpose, and the powerful wisdom that emerges from deep within. Discover how to navigate the path of embodied masculinity and unlock your potential for a purpose-driven life. Keypoints: 2:50 Climbing the mountain of transformation 9:09 Navigating Endings and Embracing Transformation 15:26 Importance of the rite of passage in indigenous cultures 21:03 The profound journey of self-discovery, shadow work, and the path to embodied power 26:10 What to do when the body's intricate relationship with energy and intuition takes center stage 31:57 Men in a frozen state of awareness 37:11 The concept of celibacy 42:02 Amir’s Vision for New Earth leadership Resources Mentioned: "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine" by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette. Connect with Amir and Embodied Masculine: Website: Instagram: @embodiedmasculine


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Facing The Fear of Death with Our Echo

Are you ready to explore the depths of facing your fears, embracing vulnerability, and understanding the true essence of life and death? In this intimate conversation with Echo, an integration guide and shadow worker, we peel back the layers of our personal narratives, bravely exploring the terrain of trauma, identity, and the existential dread that often accompanies the contemplation of mortality. Together, we lay bare our authentic narratives, reflecting on pivotal moments of ego dissolution, existential questioning, and the profound repercussions of confronting our deepest fears. Join us as we delve into the depths of the human psyche, exploring the nuances of vulnerability, authenticity, and the perpetual quest for self-realization. This episode serves as a sanctuary for introspection, offering a safe haven for you to explore your own emotions and experiences. Key Takeaways: Timestamps: 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:05:22 - Overcoming Disconnection and Embracing Emotions 00:11:04 - The Impact of Trauma and Health Scare 00:20:29 - The Process of Facing Death and Transformation 00:30:08 - The Journey of Emptiness and Full Expression 00:40:41 - Seeking Support and Embracing Vulnerability Connect with Echo: Website: Instagram: ------------------------------------------------------------ Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Liberation Through Kali Tantra with Isabell Froe

Welcome to another episode of The Chelsae Zirna Podcast. Today we're delving into the profound realm of Tantra, a spiritual path that holds the keys to unlocking our inner truths and uniting the polarities within us. I'm absolutely thrilled to be joined by an incredible guest today, someone who has not only embraced the teachings of Tantra but also embodies its transformative power, Isabell Froe. Isabell Froe is an experienced international tantra facilitator and is the founder of Kali Academy. She learned from the source of the teachings in the Himalayan mountains in India, has a Master’s Degree in Indian Studies, completed various Tantra Trainings, studied Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda Medicine, and runs workshops & retreats all over the world. She is a teacher of Kaula and Shaktism and has studied under respected masters in this tradition. “Isabell is an embodiment of a Dakini with the spirit of Kali and is deeply devoted to empowering the masculine on the path to their highest potential.” She combines her knowledge of tantra with highly intuitive channeling work to support those who long for truth, love, authenticity, and freedom. Today, we'll explore Tantra, the dance between the feminine and masculine energies, and how facing our shadows can lead to ultimate liberation. Isabell will share her insights into the different paths within Tantra, from the orthodox right-hand path to the unorthodox left-hand path, each offering a unique perspective on self-discovery and union. We'll also dive into the role of Kali in Isabell's journey and how embracing the fierce energy of the goddess can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our path. She will shed light on the practices that help us integrate the feminine and masculine within us, both individually and in our relationships. So get ready for a captivating conversation as we journey into the heart of Tantra and the power of embracing our shadows to step into the light. More of what we talked about: Connect with Isabell: Website: Instagram: *********** Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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The Forbidden Fruit of Feminine Awakening with Amyann Faul

In this episode Chelsae Zirna is joined by Amyann Faul, a pleasure coach and facilitator of Kingmaking and Queenmaking. Amyann shares her powerful and unique journey of self-discovery, awakening, and embracing the Divine Feminine and sacred sexuality. Raised in a fundamentalist evangelical Christian community, Amyann struggled with the restrictive beliefs surrounding her femininity and sexuality. However, she embarked on a courageous path of transformation, delving into the unknown and reclaiming her true essence. Episode Highlights: Key Takeaways: Connect with Amyann: Website: Instagram: *********** Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Kundalini Awakening to Sxx Priestess with Nadine Lee

In this episode, Nadine takes us on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing, exploring the concept of the dark night of the soul and the significance of embodying spirituality. From her early experiences of spiritual and sexual connections to her transformative awakening, Nadine shares how she turned her traumatic past into a powerful spiritual path. Highlights: Key Points: Connect with Nadine: Website: Instagram: Facebook: *********** Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Shedding Shame & Embracing Self-Love with Krystal Aranyani

In this episode, we sit down with the remarkable Krystal Aranyani, a master coach for stage two and metamorphosis, specializing in self-love and sensuality. Krystal is also a traditional Tantra teacher and the author of six books, including "Awakening the Goddess" and "The Empress Codes." Krystal's journey is a testament to the power of self-discovery and empowerment. Join us as she candidly shares her inspiring path, from growing up in a small Canadian town to breaking free from an abusive relationship and embarking on a transformative odyssey that took her to various corners of the world. Highlights: Connect with Krystal: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Breaking Free From the 3D Debris with Charles Clay

How can cultivating personal sovereignty through movement, breathwork, and meditation create a sacred space within ourselves for safety, empowerment, and connection? In today's episode, I'm joined by Charles Clay, an inner peace coach, as we explore the power of vulnerability and authentic expression. Our goal is to create a space where others feel safe enough to be themselves and can share their own stories and truths. Charles cultivates sovereignty through a harmonious fusion of movement, breathwork, and meditation. This transformative alchemy allows him to clear emotional debris, connecting him to the wellspring of life force energy. As we visualize the flowing ocean of source energy, symbolized by the turquoise hue, we create a sacred space within ourselves that fosters safety, empowerment, and connection. It is from this sovereign state that we process emotions, release what no longer serves us, and return to the very essence of our being. As our awareness shifts from the mind to the heart space, we transcend problem-centric thinking and embrace a solution-oriented approach to life. Within our hearts lies an electromagnetic field of immense power, surpassing the influence of the mind. By taking the elevator ride into our heart space, we unlock limitless possibilities and greet challenges with empowerment and gratitude. What are some key questions of sovereignty? How is this happening to me? By shifting from victimhood to curiosity, we invite new perspectives and profound lessons into our lives. What are the lessons and blessings to gain from this experience? Embracing the wisdom bestowed upon us allows us to progress and liberate ourselves from unnecessary suffering. What needs to change? Tuning into the intelligence of our bodies, we identify areas that require transformation, aligning ourselves with the highest expression of our beings. By honoring these insights and courageously taking inspired action, we embark on a path of fulfillment and purpose. Even amidst the messiness and discomfort, we uncover the seeds of profound liberation and freedom. Key Points of what we talked about: Connect with Charles: Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Exploring the Path of Spiritual Awakening with Tori Madison

Join us as we dive deep into the stages of awakening, guiding us through the seven transformative phases that every individual experiences on their path to enlightenment. Through engaging conversations and personal anecdotes, Chelsae shares her own awakening journey and the profound impact it had on her life. She reveals how the world's collective experience during the pandemic became a catalyst for global transformation and the unmasking of our true selves. She emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for exploration, healing, and expression, and how the power of community plays a pivotal role in our spiritual growth. 3 Key topics they talked about: Key Points: Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Unhooking From Shame Spirals with Tiffany Mertens

Unhooking from Shame Spirals with Tiffany Mertens In today’s episode, we have the privilege of delving into the transformative journey of our guest, Tiffany Mertens, founder of Mystic Mentorship and Essential Magic. In this empowering episode, we delve into the realms of sensuality, sexual liberation, and magnetism. Tiffany shares her inspiring journey and awakening process, taking us through her dark night of the soul and the transformative moments that led her to personal power and sovereignty. She also shares her personal journey of rediscovering her love for dance and how it helped her overcome self-doubt and bring her unique energy to the world. Join us on this deeply inspiring episode as we guide you on a journey of self-discovery, stepping into the unknown, offering practical insights and empowering stories to help you embrace the transformative power of awakening, your own sensuality, find sexual liberation, and unlock your magnetism. Episode Highlights: Download your FREE Sensual Rituals workbook here! https://tiffany-mertens/sensualrituals Connect with Tiffany: Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more and secure your place, visit Follow on IG:


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Creating Relationship Sovereignty with Kevin Crenshaw

In this episode, Chelsae sits down with Kevin Crenshaw, also known as the "Heart Guy," to delve into his remarkable awakening story and the profound path he's embarked upon. Listen closely as Kevin recounts the heartache he encountered through painful betrayals in past relationships, leading him to question his own role in attracting these experiences. Curiosity and a yearning for understanding propelled him to explore the realms of masculine and feminine energies, trauma, and the intricacies of intimate human connections. As he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, Kevin found himself grappling with depression, contemplating the purpose of life itself. Discover how Kevin's relentless pursuit of self-love became his guiding light, transforming his perspective from a cognitive understanding to a deeply integrated and embodied experience. Through his own trials and triumphs, Kevin's story reminds us of the transformative power that lies within each of us. We invite you to immerse yourself in this captivating episode, where vulnerability meets wisdom, and where wounds become the catalysts for growth. Prepare to be inspired and empowered as Kevin Crenshaw shares his remarkable story of heartache, resilience, and the transformative potential of self-love. Get ready to spread your wings and emerge from the chrysalis on this profound journey of healing and growth. Key points of what we talked about: -1:49 How Kevin started with his healing journey -4:43 The importance of trauma healing in relationships -10:23 Diving deeper into the dark night -12:34 Somatic experience and trauma in relationships -19:17 Healing trigger-somatic and what it looks like -21:59 Accepting your shadow -24:31 Anchoring sovereignty into the shadow integration process -29:15 Effective rituals or practices to strengthen your relationship with your partner Connect with Kevin: Website: Instagram: Facebook: Podcast: The Heartbeat *********** Embark on a transformative journey like no other with our "Metamorphosis Program" - a profound rite of passage through the 7 stages of transformation. Step into the chrysalis and witness your own metamorphosis unfold. To learn more, visit


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Discovering Your Purpose & Evolving Your Emotional Consciousness Solocast

It’s been a long time since I've recorded a solocast and I have some exciting news to share— I want to take you on a journey through my recent experiences, including Burning Man updates and my shift from Tulum to Mexico City. These changes have brought me to a new chapter in my life, and I'm thrilled to share it with you. But first, I want to ask you these questions: Throughout my journey, I've come to understand that purpose isn't a destination; it's an ongoing process of self-discovery and alignment. We all have unique paths, but we share the common thread of seeking meaning and understanding in our lives. I hope my experiences and insights resonate with you on your own journey of transformation. In today's episode, we'll delve into the essence of purpose and transformation. I'll share the story of how I embarked on a path of self-discovery and found my own purpose, which ultimately led to the creation of the Chrysalis. We'll explore the concept that purpose isn't just about what you do; it's about who you become. I'll also touch on the importance of taking responsibility for our emotions and how this ties into our personal growth journey. By the end of this podcast, you'll have a deeper understanding of the relationship between purpose, personal growth, and emotional well-being. You'll also get a glimpse into the transformative stages of the Chrysalis journey and how it can empower you to awaken to your true self. _________________________ As we embark on this season of the Chelsae Zirna podcast, I invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Whether you're already on a path of self-discovery or just beginning to explore your purpose, there's something here for you. Stay tuned for inspiring stories from our master coaches and valuable insights into the stages of awakening. Don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends who might find it valuable. Thank you for tuning in, and let's explore the depths of purpose and transformation together. Until next time, stay curious and keep evolving!


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Introducing Season 3: Chrysalis

You’re listening to the Chelsae Zirna Podcast, Season 3 - Chrysalis… on this season we will be bringing you raw and vulnerable stories of personal transformation… I’m your host, Chelsae Zirna, and I am thrilled to give you a sneak peek into what's coming in Season 3 of our podcast. In every season, we've explored the incredible journeys of people who have faced adversity, embraced change, and emerged stronger than ever. But this season, we're taking it to a whole new level. We are inviting experts and coaches to share their stories of breakdown to breakthrough and how it led them to step into their purpose and live their greatest lives. Ashtehe.


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Healing the Sisterhood Wound & Entering Partnership ft. Lara Rayborn

Introduction: Welcome to the Chelsae Zirna podcast, where we explore self-love, self-care, and personal development. Segment 1: Meet Lara Rayborn Segment 2: Understanding the Sisterhood Wound Segment 3: Entering Partnership Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Chelsae Zirna podcast. Remember, healing from the Sisterhood Wound is possible, and by entering partnership, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations. Don't forget to follow us on social media and subscribe to our podcast for more inspiring content. If you want to go deeper into these topics, join our free online Emergence Festival at


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Sovereignty & New Earth Leadership Codes

New Earth Leadership Codes & Embodying Sovereignty for conscious leaders. Listen to our awakening stories and how our paths led us to creating our dream businesses through deep listening and embodied leadership.


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Our Chrysalis Founders Story

Founders Chelsae Zirna & Jessica Marshall share their 3 year journey in creating their dream company, Chrysalis. Listen as they share the creative process from gestation to birth and everything in between. They also reveal hidden gems from their discoveries in consciousness and share the 7 Stages of Transformation. For information about our free Emergence festival head over to: For information about the 7 Stages of Transformation head over to: Ashtehe!


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Un-Hooking From the Shame Spiral Matrix with Karina Dharma

Welcome to the Chelsae Zirna Podcast, a podcast that inspires conscious leaders to live meaningful lives and get in touch with the deepest part of the human experience. Each week I have a conscious conversation diving into the truths of life. This week, we have Karina Dharma on the podcast discussing vulnerability, shame, and unhooking from the matrix. Find us on IG: chelsaezirna iamkarinadharma Visit my Website: Tune in for the deepest rawest juiciest truths of the human experience each week.
