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The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

A show of darkness with a lot of heart, plenty of chuckles made both of metaphors and bad puns. As Dark Shadows lifted story lines from a zillion old books of the Gothic variety, what would it be like if they shared time with the current classics? And what if these newer characters could help them lift all the curses? (Contains intros delving into the writing process as well as information and commentary about the various programs and key players.) Essentially a condensed Re-write from a particular point, to tie up loose ends and pair up everyone. Positive feedback, including laughter, can be sent to xoiscythe (at) (Send a message for the info to which episodes apply to the different characters if you only want those specific bits. It has gotten rather wildly Multi-fandom. Just leave a comment to the email address listed asking for which you'd like.) So far the fandoms are: Dark Shadows, The Kids in The Hall, Clue (Wadsworth), The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Addams Family, Bewitched, The Munsters, Psycho, and cameos with Slimer, Norman Bates, Dr. "Hawkeye" Pierce, and hopefully in the future a large role with Doctor Who.


United States


A show of darkness with a lot of heart, plenty of chuckles made both of metaphors and bad puns. As Dark Shadows lifted story lines from a zillion old books of the Gothic variety, what would it be like if they shared time with the current classics? And what if these newer characters could help them lift all the curses? (Contains intros delving into the writing process as well as information and commentary about the various programs and key players.) Essentially a condensed Re-write from a particular point, to tie up loose ends and pair up everyone. Positive feedback, including laughter, can be sent to xoiscythe (at) (Send a message for the info to which episodes apply to the different characters if you only want those specific bits. It has gotten rather wildly Multi-fandom. Just leave a comment to the email address listed asking for which you'd like.) So far the fandoms are: Dark Shadows, The Kids in The Hall, Clue (Wadsworth), The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The Addams Family, Bewitched, The Munsters, Psycho, and cameos with Slimer, Norman Bates, Dr. "Hawkeye" Pierce, and hopefully in the future a large role with Doctor Who.



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Episode 103: Retrospective: Episode Six (May 2024)

Continuing old retrospectives on to EPISODE SIX! "Coffee, Tea and Cribbage"! The audio drama begins as Tony and Carolyn find the perfect place to stow away Angelique’s painting, and Carolyn ponders on a pen, wondering if it’s one that took up too much air time in contemplation long ago. Captain Daniel Gregg inquires of his old friend, Andre’ DuPres, well… what the heck is going on and why is he within this Sam Evans guy? Elizabeth continues to investigate the history of the Seaview property with a far more laid back Roger. And… AT LAST! Barnabas Collins and Dr. Julia Hoffman *finally* play that game of cribbage suggested in a likely forgotten episode, coming to certain conclusions about Victoria Winters, Maggie Evans, and Willie Loomis. Wadsworth looks on, amused, and concerned. As for Victoria and Peter, certain unfortunate circumstances have them fleeing from The Bates Motel in panic, of course… and this leads them… to another household, perhaps? And then the Narrative discussion!


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Episode 102: Retrospective: Episode Five (April 2024)

Background sound provided by podcast Skull Bottle Sorcery #184 WITH kind permission! (On Soundcloud and youtube) Brief updates with me and why we’re still focusing on the earlier Radio Drama episodes in retrospection. This podcast coincides with the original script release date. Why “The Prisoner” element was added, it was NOT just-for-fun: It was due to Josette’s Music Box tune being lifted from an episode of The Prisoner. Trivia, plain and simple. The podcast explains a few things relating to how the ghost of Captain Gregg manages to help in this interruption to Dark Shadows. Also topics on Josette’s earings being given to Maggie, but in this series it’s the butler, Wadsworth, who bestows them rather than Willie and for different reasons. Carolyn’s troubled discussion of trying to fill out college applications with Tony and why it’s troubled. A brief stop via “The Prisoner” and how it ties into the episode. Next Barnabas and Prof. Stokes engage in a discussion involving some befuddling correspondence, as well as the whereabouts of Willie Loomis. Meanwhile, the Evans Cottage is busy with Maggie and Sam discussing her possible employment as David’s new governess, as well as her soured relationship with Joe. Upon Maggie leaving for her waitress shift, Capt Gregg appears and much is revealed of a supernatural bent after that. Angelique arrives to take back her painting but… Whoops! …wait…Where is it? Further explanation of how Captain Gregg and the reincarnation of Andre duPres can know each other... Barnabas, waking up from a dream in a setting from “The Prisoner”, proceeds to the coffee shop with the aid of Wadsworth. Maggie and Barnabas have a catch up discussion of all the bizarre circumstances, as well as her trepidation about switching employment. On the West Coast, Peter and Victoria’s road trip bring them to a familiar location also brought to the screen in the 1960’s. All seems fine enough until the proprietor reveals his name. Then: Narrative Discussion!


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Episode 101: Retrospective: Episode Four (March 2024)

Brief updates with me and why we’re still focusing on the earlier Radio Drama episodes in retrospection. Focus on Ghost and Mrs. Muir fandom and it’s loose relationship with Dark Shadows. Reactions and non-reactions I received. Ghosts and Mrs. Muir novel understanding, etceteras. Background details of how Episode Four “Captain Gregg Gets Bent” was conjured, including the title. Gong through what happens in the episode from start to finish. Then eventually the responses from kind friends and acquaintances.


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Episode 100: Pit Retrospective: Ep. Three (2024 Feb.)

Describing what the entire show is about and an aside about hard copies of shows, etc. being better but more difficult to obtain. (DVD’s LIVE!) Why I’ve become calmer even as it might disappoint listeners(?) Describing both the episode and the very first review I ever received, yay! Some rambling of how everyone gets hopped up on hype. Also the incident back in 2014 on a group and how the design of FB messed things up insisting to show me things I did NOT wish to observe. Love to Helena and Osheen for being understanding of blowing gaskets means you are Human NOT evil... On to “The Strega of Brooklyn” and our cameo with The Golden Girls and how it was conjured and encouraged. Going into explaining Sophia’s story of meeting up with her “old friend” Mrs. “Gabby” Johnson. (I invented the nickname.) How Freddy Kruger is mixed in and eventually foils the dream curse. (Since he’s good at that kind of thing.) Then? The JOY of Narrative discussion, at last! ^_^ (Pardon for all my yawning. Late night’s work, as per usual.) Confusion between Foley and Dave Foley. Appreciation to those who’ve clearly expressed I am doing much more that “writing”, THANK YOU! Discussion keeps up with fans enjoyment of “The Golden Girls” and how she’s easily seen as good friend with Collinwood’s housekeeper. How James Burke continues to blow my mind. We sort of wrap up with the review I received from Mad Margaret with appreciation and apologies for all the sour that came about, much outside of either of our control, alas. If someone wants to write to me about that topic? Sure! Please do! (Especially just to let me know if she has passed away or not.) Various forms of gratitude I still hold toward her. Apologies to pen pals and to phone friend: Thank you for being a friend!


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Episode 99: Retrospective: Episode Two (January 2024)

Going over the summary of the second radio drama episode in The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows. Then eventually I discuss the commentary as well as why changes for the better are occurring. How the Kids In The Hall hosts are acclimating to the differences and oddities. Drips of how knowingly being “despised” I just keep going? Well? It’s happened before! Going through various options with the supernatural, what to add, what to discard and what to keep. Vocal characterizations, etcetera. Josette’s chamber pot? Blending in the 1960 Time Machine film character. Hoffman and Barnabas butting heads over Wadsworth, and Dry Ice. Oscilloscopes? Special Effects = Crap your Dad has in the Garage... Racing up the stairs with Doctor Hoffman. If soap characters are so stressed out? Maybe drink LESS COFFEE?!? Examples of how Wadsworth understands how to handle Barnabas Collins “issues” fivefold. Wadsworth comparing Willie and Barnabas to each other from episode two and episode fourteen and how he goes about it. Doctor HJoffman and Carolyn having “a moment”. Mummies are gross... because. Throwing in Miss Cleo. Discussion details. Lemon curd over jam. Extra explanations over how I figured out the gossip and hate-speak was happening. How to get in touch and why it is important along with narrative chat being important. Hopefully all will work-out. Hope the ocean waves aren’t too loud. Take care!


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Episode 98: 2023 December

Another Update what I've been working on and a Farewell to Lara Parker. Rest in Peace! My usual attempt to figure out what people want to hear and what about and how I really don't know and why and HOWDY get in touch and here is how, etceteras. My standard blather, really. Take care everyone! (And read Henry Huggins, get some true pain!)


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Episode 97: Episode One Retrospective (Octobery 2023)

After I introduce the usual show description I continue to blab with irritation at something that will likely shock people (minus the haters who will be pleased) when I tear-up the untouchable covenant of “Freedom-Of-Choice” which is not bestowed at all human births but given in a very delicate balance of many things we rarely take into account. Many people who were denied several choices as teenagers will be gratified to hear this bit. :) Freedom of choice comes further into play as I describe how the radio drama gives this delicate balance to the fictional characters according to the helper characters escorting them there. Rather than my usual retrospective where I describe the scenes, I eventually go straight to the narrative discussion given because for Episode One: There is the MOST discussion from people and there isn't time for me to explain the scenes. I wanted to focus on what most people contributed instead. Plenty of narrative blab in between all the comments from myself. I DO explain the confusion in the sixth inquiry on the list for Episode One. I decided to tell my bad treatment at school story not for the sob-content but for the ten-years-later-weirdness that happened between myself and those who'd been cruel all that time with the understanding this has happened again on a grander scale with The Pit and me and people being group-think-cruel for the sake of gaining "approval" from others, but sadly what was a bigger culprit was Big Tech using vulnerabilities to make money from this "resource" and from full-grown adults, rather than kids who are gleaning a rite-of-passage in life through the bad experience. I’d like to believe this will help you all but I, of course, have my doubts. (Good luck all y’all!) As always, I hope the people who love the show get in touch to discuss it with me as I would enjoy that as I have with the precious few who have done so in the past. However, I understand many who wish to talk to me about it often have the big problem: “I don’t know where to start!” I have a very old-fashioned suggestion, start with: “Dear Daryl,” and go from there. :)


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Episode 96: (August 2023) Retrospective Ep. 19

The usual rigmarole of what the show is about and why it was originally shared, of course. From scene scene in episode 19 is explained and discussed going through listeners thoughts to each scene one at a time. Plenty of emphasis on Bewitched characters Samantha and Endora and how they feel about what they're witnessing via DS characters. Diabolos gets plenty of attention as well, along with Nicholas Blair and how our hosts feel about him. Recognition of the source material and how it was put together and why trivial pursuit of the details is very important. From Dark Shadows to The Ghost & Mrs. Muir to Bewitched. Pardon for the length of this but there is so much to explain and express in the details


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Episode 95: Episode 18 Retrospective (Late June 2023)

Diving into the details of how Episode 18, Braving The Waters was created, including the goofy stuff for Sir Simon Milligan ala Mad Max and a recent loss. Additives of The Kids In The Hall references and characters for this episode will be included. Further explanation of Andre DuPres and Captain Gregg’s ghost-time friendship prior to and after Andre’s reincarnation as Sam Evans in The Pit series. Building up the friendship of Sarah Collins and Captain Gregg. Explaining how Endora and Captain Gregg encountered each other, as well as consulting all this with Maggie Evans as the reincarnation of Josette DuPres. How Bill Malloy’s character is reintroduced from original Dark Shadows into The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows, even as a ghost. Much help from Osheen Nevoy in real life and Lily Munster in fiction! Commentary from others shared throughout all scenes. Long description of layered scenes at Morning Glory Circle with Sam Evans, Captain Daniel Gregg, Samantha Stephens and, eventually, Endora, as well as the marvellous culmination! Whatever I could gather from Bewitched to make this all work AND the *retroactive saving* of Bathia Mapes from Dark Shadows as woven into the Bewitched playing field. How Gregg makes up with Endora and much gratitude towards Harpies Bizarre website. Introducing Chris Jennings character and the multifaceted fun of this, going as verbatim to original DS but with hilarious additives. (Admittance to how long I’ve had a crush on actor Don Briscoe and where that previously led.) Julia Hoffman losing-it for a while and then gaining-it-back, with Stokes maintaining his appreciation. Amy knowing more and why. Much fun with Victoria Winters at The Addams Family abode as well as why she had the visions she had in episode 18, only explaining so much. Focusing on time period contexts; and Wednesday bonding with Victoria during this scene. How Chris requesting a different room to Mr. Wells at The Collinsport Inn is altered with the help of Sam Evans, The Beach Boys and Saramonster’s permission of joke usage. ^_^ Saving Mr. Wells and a cameo with Mr. Tizick. If you care about scandal more than accuracy? This show is NOT for you, nor am I. For people who want to talk narrative? Get in touch. Wrapping up with the personal and recent stuff, ideas, problems, and hopes for the future, as well as a most favourite Douglas Adams quotation I discovered in recent years. Thank you, Mr. Adams.


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Episode 94: Retrospective for Episode 17 (June 2023)

Hello and I dive into a pep-talk about anti-fans and the unfortunate lack of choices we had in this situation. (Hopefully the previous podcast caught you up with the main topic of the whole show.) Next I go for the scene by scene topics hitting on a little love for The Kids In The Hall with Milligan and Hecubus. Plenty of trivia involving all fandoms from Beetlejuice to The Munsters to Dark Shadows. (And even Star Trek!) How the big-fight was put together with BJ versus V’Angelique. Plenty of love for Roger, and in many ways The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows is meant for fans of Roger Collins. (If you are a fan of DS but not of Roger Collins? I’d say you’re S.O.L. for what I have.) Throughout this show reveals various helps from Osheen Nevoy! ^_^ Fun adoration for Lester from The Munsters compared to DS werewolves. Also attention to Carolyn’s feelings and Victoria’s potential connection to her. Lengthy introspection with the Evans/duPres reincarnation duo. Andre duPres’ strong feelings about Josette and Barnabas resounds from the 1790s. Continuing on to Wadsworth and Willie Loomis bonding further as well as Willie and Sarah’s ghost. Two romantic dates ensue from Tony and Carolyn interrupted by The Shriners to Hoffman and Stokes having a fancy dinner with supernatural topics they are so good at. Helping Milligan and Hecubus to catch up the audience with historical potentials, doing our best to get Lily and Liz on the boat, so the rush job on Bill’s ghost with how long this episode took to produce is the standard affliction known as “Hurry Up And Wait!” Wrapping up with what happiness came for the episode, and the koo-koo that’s plaguing us all with unhappiness. Tips on how to protect oneself against surveillance and persuasive technology. Hopes for anti-fans becoming ex-anti-fans.


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Episode 93: May 2023: Episode 16 Retrospective

Introduction to me and the podcast, what it was originally created to present. (This will likely sound even more calm than my first six episode intros.) Some of the pitfalls and touching on the anti-fans as well as an invitation to turn this show off if you don’t enjoy it. ^_^ Recognizing how freedom and choice were removed in recent years thanks to surveillance and persuasive technology. This takes a very, very long time to learn about and how it alters people. Why “The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows” radio drama is *not* a binge-able show. Good to discover and important to keep in mind! Chat about Barnabas and Josette: seeing the Jean and Lionel connection, yes, but more Doctor Who fun in establishing which of the two, Barnabas or Josette, is closer to a Timelord. Josette is the answer, of course! When I mention Josette being dismissed in DS as similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi being dismissed in Star Wars, you may want to say, “But, I’ve never heard anyone dismiss Obi-Wan Kenobi!” Exactly. Neither have I. So why do fans dismiss Josette duPres as an unimportant Dark Shadows character? It makes no sense. How we work with Josette duPres as a resolved character based on original Dark Shadows and other DS productions with her character. Moving on to the retrospective in The Pit, Ep. 16 “A Death In The Family”. Scenes, comments and reviewing the narrative content. The stress of working with BJ’s character with a segue into the goofy stuff posted on FB and the hilarity of posting bogus information in the disbelief anyone would “buy” it. Lots of fun pen pal chat I discuss in this one via various people over the years with this episode and more recent fun. Hopes for good fortune in our future, and all of us finding more and more wellness in the coming year. Lots of love, y’all. Take care!


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Episode 92: 2023 February – Second Season, Pseudo-Retrospective

What my show is about, etceteras. Addressing the unfortunate topic of Anti-Fans… How my show is very different to the soap-opera it is based on, accordingly to what we all need to do to heal: CHANGE THE DESIGN. It’s not to decimate “villains”, it’s to alter the DESIGN of everything! :) Persuasive tech works easier on fans of soap operas due to the continuation-with-no-resolution. It is, sadly like, shooting fish in a barrel :( Going through my Dreamwidth journal and the focusing tips show… Discussing the non-canon stuff, factions and so forth and why on EARTH, etceteras. (Professional Wrestling comparisons.) Overall the main point is having FUN with the narrative rather than waging silly “wars” that amount to nothing but wasting more time. (Outside the time we INTENDED to waste.) For anyone who wants to argue that canon or non-canon is a “matter of perspective”? OH, SHUT UP! I don’t want to HEAR that “argument” anymore. You fooled TONS of DS fans with that nonsense for decades, but you AIN’T gonna fool THE REST OF US! :P (We don’t CARE who “should” love who, we just care about who DOES love WHO… DUH!) Then we go through the second season of Pit episodes in brief. Take care.


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Episode 91: Episode 23: Trip My Wire

Milligan and Hecubus appear to discourse their usual updates and introduction. Amy and David enter the Collinwood breakfast room in which David’s father, Roger, responds to their questions very distractedly. Mrs. Johnson has more to serve along with some sage words. Prior to her governess role, Maggie stops at home in the Evans Cottage to inquire for help from Captain Gregg via her father, Sam. Cousin Lily tests a theory with her cousin, Elizabeth Stoddard, on the RMS Queen Elizabeth, in which they play “Kings In The Corner” with the ghost of Bill Malloy. Much repartee ensues. As Sam continues painting his still-life, Maggie enters relaying one personal problem and the two continue to request Captain Gregg in order to discover what he’s observed. Captain Gregg is well informed, if a little agitated, leaving Maggie in want of warning Roger Collins about an upcoming danger to his person. Wadsworth interrupts the thankful Willie as he is calligraphically scripting pangrams. Between shared updates, Wadsworth manages to proffer old assurances they’d agreed upon, including the trousers replacement he promised Willie Loomis. Since Wadsworth has recently visited Wyndcliff with Barnabas, he has further information about Nurse Jackson to bestow, which catches Willie’s interest further. After Milligan and Hecubus cascade the endless soap operas of the 1960’s, Maggie goes to warn Roger Collins about his upcoming doom, to which Roger manages to be very accommodating about. Onward and upward at Professor Stokes house, we meet with said Professor Stokes and Dr. Hoffman, after their night at Collinwood, and reliving their past lives to the best of their abilities. When impatience arrives due to continual changes, our collegiate couple decides it is time to consult a medium. Suggestions of romance occur. (The doctor agrees to remain the night if the professor contacts Madam Findley.) Arrangements are made, including Julia staying the night within Elliot’s abode. Roger receives the delirious pointers to his own demise upon the stairwell and takes a trusty pistol toward this endeavour, only to decide on an old fashioned method of sliding down the stairs to accompany his decision. As he trundles forward, Maggie wonders if he is dead and Roger reassures her that he is fine and she plays it up. (Much fuss continues from there…)


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Episode 90: September 2022 Rebuilding Attention (Focusing Tips)

Introduction to what my show is about. The difference between “The News” and “Hype” Solving problems could be much faster after all of that. Tools: Turning off all distractions. Relaxation comes next… (Suggestion of a free noise-canceling album. ) Little Kids or Children’s books/stories. (I kid you not.) Daydreaming Words: day-dreaming the word you’re listening to. Going up the ladder: Working from shorter to longer: Simple versions to longer versions. Take pieces of something longer step-by-step. How I work through it as well. I hope this helps. Love, Daryl “Gift to Simple” at the end performed by: Barbara Gallagher. Thank you, m’dear! <3


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Episode 89: June 2022 Josette DuPres - Madam

On the off-chance this is the most important character in the World... So here we are encountering Dark Shadows fans who felt ostracized for, um, knowing all the trivia? Yep! HOW BIZARRE! If you understand who Josette duPres IS? No, you aren’t “all-alone”. It means: You are a fan. (duh) “NO ONE is gonna ‘come and get-ya’... it’s fricken TEEVEE!” Insisting on Julia/Barnabas in “Dark Shadows” is AS absurd as insisting on Jo/Laurie in “Little Women”. Little Women novels? DRY AS A BONE! Jungian Shadow comparisons... Dissecting Dark Shadows to establish new episodes in “The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows”. (Joel Crothers screams a lot...) Discussion as to my “Madam” collage. Fun stuff with Madam Findley... Explaining various actresses performing Josette: Kathryn Leigh Scott, random people, Mary Cooper, Joanna Going, Marley Shelton, and Bella Heathcote. Reincarnated characters: Was Princess Serenity identical to Serena (Usagi)? No. Going through other reincarnation stories to get Josette duPres correct. Also going through what humour works as well, which makes accuracy important. How humour is also important in accuracy. How fanfiction would, obviously, be hit first compared to current affairs and regular fiction. (Chain breaks at the weakest link.) Gratitude for Josette/Barnabas fans and why... And why I hope you’ve been viewing “As Time Goes By” in relation to Barnabas and Josette’s reincarnation... Getting tired of Barnabas Collins:: Hand-Staple-Forehead... And now? I get to sit back and look: THAT’S a happy man, FINALLY! How Sam as Andre has befriended Capt. Gregg: They were both ghosts at the time. Then in “The Pit” attempts to offer certain power-learning to Maggie (as Josette) and she decides as we go along. ^_^ A little something for people wanting to comment on “The Pit..” and how to do it... My email address, please get in touch: xoiscythe [AT] hotmail [dot] com


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Episode 88: 2022 April Update Show

Just some whatever crap updating you of what we're working on with Madam Findley = Andrea Martin... things like that, and Darrin Stephens being influenced by Roger Collins on the order of "In order to cope, you just crack jokes, like I do!" And various other things about the various things to make sense of things. And "The Exponential Growth of Laura Collins". That was feckin' FUNNY, people! What the heck, really? DIANA MILLAY FRICKEN ROCKS! ! ! And then? I don't even know! Just... I don't know! ENJOY! There ya go! Q: "Who does Barnabas Collins love?" A: JOSETTE DUPRES! D-U-H-!-!-! Done deal! And other stuff amidst our "Doctor Who" viewing... Music: "Rainbow's End" Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka Spel and "Less Than Human" by Bestial Mouths (Chameleons cover) please purchase! Thanks!


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Episode 88: The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows: 10th Anniversary Special

Delegating the dates and times of when textual episodes and when audio episodes are shared.. Then when further fandoms are included: The Kids In The Hall, Clue, The Ghostbusters, Poltergeist, The Golden Girls, The Ghost And Mrs. Muir, The Addams Family, The Munsters, Beetlejuice, MASH, and so forth… Hawkeye, Beetlejuice, and we continue onward… Saving Mr. Wells, and adding “Bewitched”, of course, for the resolution ideas… Why I created “Constructive Praise” when I didn’t realize what “Narrative Discussion” was and what we had been doing, which was that, in the 20th Century… If most people are being “rewarded” for “Trash Talk”: BYE! Don’t want to know you, don’t want to look at you: No, thank you! Later-Days! BYE! If you can come up with Narrative Discussion on your own? GREAT! An Intermission to the future in The Pit of Ultimate Dark Shadows: Season Sixteen of Doctor Who! Boo-Yah! Then we get to “What if?’ with Romana regenerating into another Time Lord from on Romana to the Next: Oh well! The next understanding Josette DuPres… if you understand Spock? Josette DuPres should be a piece of cake. But we shall go through the general idea of Josette DuPres: 1790s, 1890s, Astral Projection, 1960s, and so on… The chronology of what we understand about Josette DuPres is as follows… And then there are little bits, and little bits, and little bits in the DS series on TV with Maggie being the Reincarnation of Josette DuPres, while the Ghost of Josette Collins is Maggie’s Astral Projection… Happy Birthday, Pit! And Happy Valentine’s Day! Wrapping up this podcast with hopeful affiliations and my email address. Take care, Everyone… And get in touch when you can!


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Episode 88: EPISODE 22: "The Endless Night At Collinwood"

Milligan and Hecubus appear to discourse their usual updates and introduction. Returning to the West Wing, Amy wonders about Quentin as David wanders in. David convinces Amy to leave and return to her room and have a séance in which they could bring Quentin to them. As they do, the new governess, Maggie Evans, approaches to both send David to bed and tuck Amy in, with memories about Amy’s brothers to share with her. Even as strange things are afoot in The Great House, the ghost of Sarah Collins finds Barnabas in bed at The Old House to warn him of what she senses going on between David and his new friend. Yet again Amy Jennings is awoken from slumber, hearing strange voices at her window, then leaps toward Maggie’s room for comfort. Venturing to the fountain in the back garden, Maggie, as Josette, discusses a few upcoming details with The Widows. Mention of Captain Gregg occurs here.) And here we finally are with a reincarnation talking to old friends still in spirit, but very akin to the one-sided listening of a telephone discussion a person might hear. (As our hosts might express: “To boldly go where EVEN Bella Heathcote’s Josette has never gone before!”) As Maggie returns to her room she meets with Carolyn Stoddard walking through the upstairs hall. A bit more catch-up between the supernatural and the mundane ensues. At last Maggie returns to her bedroom to both explain and not explain to Amy Jennings what occurred. The harpsichord is heard at The Addams Family residence as Peter, Victoria and Morticia are engaged in a game of Parcheesi. Meanwhile our patriarchal Gomez is on the telephone elevating his determination to have a problem solved: that of Peter Bradford’s “legal” identity. Maggie Evans reaches The Old House, encountering Wadsworth, Willie and Barnabas, in order to explain the previous night’s events, as well as the advice she received of what to do next via The Widows. Further clues in discussion come up as well as Barnabas revealing Sarah’s warnings. Later, Maggie meets with Professor Stokes and Doctor Hoffman at The Great House of Collinwood, with plans to perform a séance to approach Quentin Collins and discover why the children are interacting with his ghost. Roger Collins enters, as acerbic as ever, and accepts the invitation to join the séance. As they conjure up whatever spirits might be present, it is Doctor Hoffman that “gives up the ghost” and creates wonder in all our other participants. Rakosi and non Rakosi make themselves known. Professor Stokes agrees to whatever his sweetheart will reveal, as Maggie Evans leaves one glass of water as a way of testing her own astral manifestations before our lovers may continue forward in their journey together. *Special Guest Star: MAGDA RAKOSI!*


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Episode 88: A Conversation With Tito (October 2021)

You wanted it? You got it! This podcast is marked [EXPLICIT!] We know Tito from my husband’s high school days… Tito very much enjoys the Dark Shadows 2012 film because he doesn’t know the old show and frankly, doesn’t care! He came over as my husband and I were playing dominoes. It was pretty cool! Instructions on how to differentiate real hate from “manufactured hate”. (It’s actually pretty simple, fellow fans…) Then my consultation with Melissa about the “confusion” about the confusion itself. :D Tito’s 1960’s Nostalgia is good enough for me. We begin with a “garbled” discussion between my husband, Tito and I. ^_^ Next we start with “The Kids In The Hall”, then “Clue: The Movie” (with a segue about “Murder By Death” that hopefully wasn’t too long). Proceeding with “The Time Machine”, “The Golden Girls” and other cameos in The Pit narrative, a likely a too long segue explaining who Edward Mulhare played on “Knight Rider”. Then “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir”, a Prisoner cameo scene, “The Addams Family” (lots of conversation here including Charles Addams original drawings in The New Yorker) and “The Munsters”. (Bonus Points to Tito for knowing Fred Gwynne from another production!) M*A*S*H and Beetlejuice mentions. Almost neglected “Bewitched” but caught myself in time! (Some focus on Paul Lynde.) Finalizing in bringing out the “Dark Shadows” box set to place on Tito’s lap. ^_^ Determining how one could ‘marathon’ the whole of “Dark Shadows”. Darrin Stephens hanging-out with Roger Collins ideas… Then I wrap up with various potential scholastic pointers including: Don’t focus on the negative and, dare I say it? Don’t focus on the positive? Focus on the *NARRATIVE*. Themes for this show: “Katip Arzvhalim Yaz Yare Boyle” by Mogollar, “waltzinblack” by The Stranglers (a favourite band between Tito and my husband) and if one enjoys the background music on the stereo while we chatted? That was a compilation called “Beautiful Noise” by Sunday Records. BUY ‘EM ALL! *wink*


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Episode 87: Sept/Oct 2021 Spoilercast-Update

Plenty of “Doctor Who” study updates here… Touching on Douglas Adams and the compliments I received over the years with my own creations that were similar to his. “Stones of Blood” commentary enjoyment and “The Key To Time” scenarios we’re watching currently… Discussing our loss of ability in digesting the narrative form. Very, very tragic! (If one is being rewarded to be rude, yeh, y’arent’ gonna get anything good… really.) Being relieved of anxiety through “Your Undivided Attention” podcasts and why. Working out how to reach “Doctor Who” after the Turn of The Screw and 1897 portion in “Dark Shadows” along with the obvious pairing of Quentin and Angelique and how much Angelique desired this in the original series of “Dark Shadows”. (Which one can view in my novel already: The two of them together, and making it.) Angelique argues with Barnabas about her wanting Quentin in “Dark Shadows”. If that’s doesn’t convince you? I don’t know what does! Some stuff about Pit #24 and Osheen’s splendid help and some stuff about Pit #25 too. Whatever we can add with Madam Findley surviving and the fun of that in the story, and Milligan and Hecubus’ glorious additives to that as well. ^_^ (How about a Henry James novel?) Wee bit of a rant against people making you pay to have your personality removed: $60-$100 a month? To have all this high tech stuff taking away your personality? THAT’S RIDICULOUS! And I say so! A fun listener getting back in touch for the sake of 1960’s nostalgia, and isn’t that bloody awesome? Lots of details about Wadsworth from “Clue: The Movie”. I never believed the 3rd ending and I don’t believe I ever will. How we consider “Clue: The Movie” canon and how easily Wadsworth can be included, and the glory of that: Happy news, eh? For folks who don’t know how to choose for themselves? Leave! Go away! Get out of my way! I don’t care about this popularity stuff! I really don’t! I just want 25 listeners and FIVE substantial comments per episode so I can FINISH THIS THING! (Seriously…) Next on the agenda is the very strange and very British story of how I could uncork “Margaret Josette Dupres” and the potential of a complex relationship involving reincarnation. (Jean & Lionel for the win!) Re-Cap of the June show with the online-diary websites and re-stating those… (Because the best defense you have against “surveillance” is surveying yourself.) More non-canon romance stuff and how I and my dear friend, Helena, dealt with that over the years. Julia/Barnabas, “Little Women” and “Twin Peaks” explanation. (Introducing my ‘idea’ of “Human-Defragmentation” and how that might work.) Why I haven’t been able to do a retrospective show for Pit #16, and making sure you all tune-in to: … Going against social media addition is not “quitting”. I call it “escape”, for good reasons. (Donation based alternatives…) My optimism in The Future is still in the words of James Burke and Robert Ornstein’s book, ‘The Axemaker’s Gift’: "Above all we have been persuaded to think that it is unacceptable to be different or even to acknowledge that differences in abilities exist between us. But our survival may depend on the realization and expression of humanities immense diversity. Only if we use what may be the ultimate of the many axemaker's gifts—the coming information systems—to nurture this individual and cultural diversity, only if we celebrate our differences rather than suppressing them, will we stand a chance of harnessing the wealth of human talent that has been ignored for millennia and that is now eager, all around the world, for release." Let’s solve problems together, not detract ourselves from the solutions. Peace. D.W.
