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Pierce through the propaganda



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Interview Dr. Joseph Sansone: Legal Battles and Learned Helplessness

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: DR. JOSEPH SANSONE LEGAL BATTLES AND LEARNED HELPLESSNESS MAY, 26TH, 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 71 SHOW NOTES: (AI generated) Can the fight for constitutional rights and public health intersect in a battle against mRNA injections? That's the question Dr. Joseph Sansone, a psychotherapist turned legal activist, answers as he recounts his journey from a resolution to ban mRNA injections with the Republican Party in Florida to facing censorship and his own health battles. In this Episode, we tackle the complexities of resisting perceived medical tyranny, the pivotal role of grassroots political engagement, and how to turn away from mainstream narratives to uncover deeper truths. As society grapples with apathy and the ominous shadow of learned helplessness, our discussion ventures into the realms of judicial review, strategic legal maneuvering, and the indispensable power of individual action. We dissect the psychological underpinnings of resistance, the impact of diffusion of responsibility on societal engagement, and the imperative of a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to confronting critical issues that threaten our fundamental rights and human dignity. Wrapping up our thought-provoking session, we probe the delicate interplay between faith, health, and morality in the face of global crises. Dr. Sansone imparts his wisdom on navigating life's challenges with resilience, advocating for faith as a beacon of hope and the significance of acting on one's convictions. It's an episode that not only shines a light on pressing controversies but also empowers you with the belief that every individual is capable of making a tangible, real-world impact. SPOTLIGHT AND DR. SANSONE LINKS: Karen Kingston: Dr. Ana Michalcea: Dr. Joseph Sansone: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview James Roguski: Silence is Consent

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW JAMES ROGUSKI: SILENCE IS CONSENT MAY, 12TH, 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 70 SHOW NOTES: (AI generated) When Mother's Day rolled around, we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than by inviting James Roguski back to The subtlecain Podcast. His passion for natural health advocacy and personal health sovereignty align perfectly with the nurturing spirit of the day, offering a wealth of knowledge to empower our listeners in making informed healthcare decisions. Throughout the episode, we peel back the deceptive layers of health regulations, exposing how easily we can be lulled into complacency by comforting yet misleading terms like "One Health." With James's expertise, we confront the historical narrative that has led to a healthcare system prioritizing profit over patient care. We share stories that highlight the stark contrast between personalized healthcare and a one-size-fits-all approach, urging a return to treating individuals, not just symptoms. We wrap up with an urgent call to action, encouraging our community to embrace their voices in advocating for transparency and ethics in medical treatments. As we navigate the complexities of global health agreements and potential misinformation, we emphasize the significance of community involvement and informed consent. Join us to explore how each of us can take steps towards not only protecting our health rights but also holding our government officials accountable for the decisions that impact our well-being. SPOTLIGHT AND JAMES ROGUSKI LINKS: James Roguski's phone number (his request): 1 (310) 619-3055 Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview Doc Malik: Don't Fall for the Fear

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW DOC MALIK: DON'T GIVE IN TO THE FEAR MAY, 5TH, 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 69 SHOW NOTES: (AI generated) As I, Aaron Smith, join forces with Dr. Ahmed Malik—a former surgeon who swapped his scalpel for the mic—we strip away the veneer of healthcare conformity to share his raw, transformative journey. Together, we navigate the choppy seas of speaking out against medical norms, daring to pull back the curtain on the industry. The costs and triumphs of such audacity are laid bare in our candid, sometimes explicit conversation, which might not be suitable for our younger listeners but is true to the spirit of challenging the status quo. This episode isn't just about the personal—it's a reflection on the societal threads unraveling as civil debates decay into acrid disputes. I share my own dust-ups with contentious figures, including Chris Elston, to showcase the emotional landmines that litter the landscape of modern dialogue. From digital echo chambers to the courage it takes to stand steadfast in one's convictions, we dissect the importance of embracing authenticity and engaging in discussions that respect our differences. Because maintaining the ability to respectfully disagree could be the cornerstone of our society's future. Our health—often relegated to a footnote in traditional education systems—takes center stage as we champion the power of sleep and the potential of fasting. We raise concerns about the gaps in our institutions where well-being should be paramount and consider the ancestral wisdom that might just hold the keys to a healthier life. From fasting's role in tackling insulin resistance to the nurturing embrace of sleep, we encourage a reconnection with knowledge often overlooked yet crucial for optimal health. Dr. Malik and I don't just share insights; we impart experiences, hoping to empower you on a path less traveled, but perhaps more fulfilling. SUBTLECAIN SPOTLIGHT AND LINKS TO DOC MALIK'S WORK: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview Patrick Wood: Mad World

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW PATRICK WOOD: MAD WORLD APRIL, 22ND, 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 68 SHOW NOTES: (AI generated) Prepare to be captivated as Patrick Wood, renowned author and expert on the fusion of technocracy and transhumanism, joins us on The subtlecain Podcast. With a keen historical lens, Patrick unravels the complex tapestry of technocratic and transhumanist thought, tracing its evolution from the 1930s to its current manifestation. As we examine the legacy of Howard Scott and the ideological battles of the past century, our conversation reveals how these historical threads are woven into the fabric of today's societal challenges. Venturing further into our discussion, Patrick and I dissect the seductive yet deceptive nature of technological advances and their intersection with the green movement. The pursuit of god-like status through transhumanism echoes the ancient narrative of Babel, but with Silicon Valley's twist. We lay bare the spiritual ramifications of such ambitions, contemplating the implications for individuals and society as a whole. This segment of our dialogue offers an eye-opening perspective on the very essence of human progress and the potential pitfalls of blind technological worship. In a world increasingly enamored with the promises of artificial intelligence, Patrick and I explore how to anchor ourselves in reality. We consider the power of human connection, love, and service as antidotes to the isolating and disorienting effects of an AI-centric society. As our conversation concludes, we leave listeners with an empowering message: amidst the encroaching cold mechanics of a science-driven world, it is our innate capacity for compassion and connection that remains our strongest bastion of hope. LINKS/SUBTLECAIN SPOTLIGHT-PATRICK WOOD: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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For Prion Out Loud Part 1

Send us a Text Message. FOR PRION OUT LOUD PART 1 APRIL, 7TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 67 SHOW NOTES: (AI generated) Have you ever wondered just how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to the science and satire surrounding public health policies? I'm Aaron Smith, and this episode pulls back the curtain on the controversial topic of mRNA COVID vaccines, with a sprinkle of humor to start us off. We kick things off with a spoof recording that might make you chuckle, but then we get down to the nitty-gritty. Why have I chosen to steer clear of the jab? It's not a decision I've made lightly, and I'm here to share the peer-reviewed research that's had me thinking twice. Together with special contributor Brock Tanslacks, we're stirring up a crucial conversation about vigilance and personal choice in the face of experimental medical treatments. Strap in for a chapter that shifts gears from playful banter to the pressing issue of potential health risks that accompany uncharted scientific territory. Adopting the mindset of 'guilty until proven innocent,' we examine the principle of doing no harm in the face of emergency medical interventions. And as we ponder the hypothesis correlating the spike protein in COVID vaccines with prion diseases, it's clear that this is no laughing matter. The stakes are high, and the need for greater scrutiny is evident. By the end of this episode, you'll have a whole new perspective on the delicate balance of information and the implications our health choices today could have for years to come. LINKS: NIH- A Potential Role of the Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Narrative Review Wikipedia UK Mad Cow Disease: Deadly Feasts: Brain Trust: Pinky and the Brain: THE SUBTLECAIN SPOTLIGHT: MOE FACTZ WITH ADAM CURRY Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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They Blinded us with Science: Revisited

Send us a Text Message. THEY BLINDED US WITH SCIENCE REVISITED MARCH, 24TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 66 SHOW NOTES: Back in December of 2021, I released an Episode called, They Blinded us with Science. This little talk was about Scientism as a religion, rather than the scientific method being applied to the natural world in order to discover replicable and reliable inferences about the world we live in. I believe that it’s aged well and, since I have picked up many new listeners, I thought I’d bring it forward. I cleaned it up a little and tried to add a little flavor at the beginning and the end for you. So, please indulge me this short holiday. I hope you enjoy this flashback episode. In the very near future, I will be going over some medical information that I’ve come across and I think that this is an important precursor to that. PLEASE CONSIDER RATING AND REVIEWING! IT HELPS! You can always email me at The subtlecain Podcast Telegram: Substack: THE SUBTLECAIN SPOTLIGHT: DOC MALIK-HONEST HEALTH Please check out Doc Malik's work. My personal choice for the Spotlight this episode! "Ex orthopaedic surgeon with 25 years experience Cancelled for speaking up for common sense, medical ethics, and calling out the tyranny. Host of the Doc Malik Honest Health Podcast" Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview Hrvoje Moric: Happy Warrior

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW HRVOJE MORIC: HAPPY WARRIOR MARCH, 10TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 65 SHOW NOTES: Today, we speak with Hrvoje Morić about the importance of being a Happy Warrior, being grounded, being connected to people in our communities, and embracing the joy found in the little things. We also discuss various aspects of the globalist schemes and related geopolitical dynamics. Hrvoje is a Geneva School of Diplomacy graduate, former Professor of International Relations, proud Croatian-American-Mexican, and founder of The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast. With the assistance of experts from around the world, he seeks to critically analyze global affairs and is devoted to examination of the perilous truths of our time. You can always email me at The subtlecain Podcast Telegram: Substack: LINKS: HRVOJE MORIC LINKS: THE SUBTLECAIN SPOTLIGHT: DR. ROBERT EPSTEIN DR. ROBERT EPSTEIN ON GEOPOLITICS & EMPIRE: DR. ROBERT EPSTEIN American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview Iain Davis: The Disillusioned Blogger

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW IAIN DAVIS: THE DISILLUSIONED BLOGGER FEBRUARY, 25TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 64 SHOW NOTES: Today, we speak with Mr. Iain Davis, who is a researcher, journalist, book author, blogger, and autodidact of the highest caliber. I find Iain to be a thoughtful, engaging writer who shares my high regard for the importance of sifting and winnowing through the evidence. He presents his arguments with the explicit desire to inspire curiosity in his audience, so they will enter with him into the arena of ideas. I believe you’ll enjoy this thought-provoking and hope-invoking conversation, in which we discuss Iain's views on geopolitical movements, CBDCs, the unjust treatment of UK journalist Richard D. Hall, and the globalists' strategic implementation of technocracy. See below for links to Iain Davis and Richard D. Hall! You can always email me at The subtlecain Podcast Telegram: Substack: IAIN DAVIS: The subtlecain Spotlight: This episode we feature journalist Richard D. Hall. Please follow the links to learn more about his situation and how you can support him. IAIN'S OFFGUARDIAN ARTICLE: Here's the link to his legal fund: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Day in the Life: Digital Deities

Send us a Text Message. DAY IN THE LIFE: DIGITAL DEITIES FEBRUARY, 28TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 63 SHOW NOTES: Ever wondered if our devotion to the latest gadgets mirrors the ancient worship of golden idols? Join me, your host, to navigate the treacherous waters of our technologically-saturated culture, guided by insights from Neil Postman's "Technopoly." It's time we scrutinize how our daily lives, once rich with personal convictions, are now being subtly sculpted by the invisible hands of digital deities. You can always email me at Telegram: V4V: This episode we feature author Iain Davis and call for support for his work. IAIN DAVIS: LINKS TO RECENT INTERVIEWS: ANTIJANTEPODDEN-MIRIAM EKELUND, FRODE BURDAL KLEVSTUL: CORBETT REPORT-SOLUTIONS WATCH: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: Terry Wolfe-War of the Words

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: TERRY WOLFE-WAR OF THE WORDS JANUARY, 28TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 62 SHOW NOTES: Imagine a world orchestrated by the intellectual elites, a place where technocracy reigns supreme over passion and chaos. Isn't that just a utopian dream or perhaps a prelude to a dystopian nightmare? Terry Wolfe, a mind whose intellect dances on the pages of his acclaimed works, graces us once again to unwrap the intellectual tussle between H.G. Wells and George Orwell. Spiraling through Wells's vision of an orderly New World Order and contrasting it with Orwell's somber warnings in "1984," we carve a path through the dense forest of their ideologies, drawing lines that connect to the roots of today's global power plays. As the world spins on the axis of progress, are we inching closer to the brink of a society that is too controlled, too designed? Terry and I navigate the intricacies of Orwell's fear of a technocracy that chokes the natural, untamed parts of humanity. We dissect the aspirations and anxieties that echo in the halls of modern thought, legacies left by Wells and his contemporaries. This isn't just a casual chat; it's a deep-sea exploration into the abyss of societal reform and the chilling ripples it sends across our collective consciousness. We don't just stop at the cerebral, though. This episode sails into the speculative seas of Wells's allegories, discussing their startling relevance in an age grappling with global warming and UFOs. Could the rise in public interest in extraterrestrial life signal a cosmic shift in consciousness? We touch upon the spiritual and the speculative, questioning the existence of interdimensional beings and their possible impact on global transformation. Join us on this profound journey as we examine the threads that weave together politics, spirituality, and human belief, culminating in a conversation that's as much about personal awakening as it is about the societal metamorphosis we all find ourselves a part of. VIDEO OF INTERVIEW: TERRY WOLFE SUBSTACK: LUCIANO FAMILY: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: James Roguski-Don't Quit While You're Ahead!

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: JAMES ROGUSKI-DON'T QUIT WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD! JANUARY, 14TH 2024 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 61 SHOW NOTES: This week, in Episode 61, returning guest James Roguski and I unearth the truths behind the World Health Organization's covert maneuvers. We peel back layers of obscurity to reveal the fact that pivotal amendments to international health regulations, previously reported as adopted, were never actually voted on. Prepare for an eye-opening discussion about the implications of this perchance intentional oversight and about the critical need for transparency in global health governance. JAMES ROGUSKI LINKS: DAMASCUS ROAD PROJECT: GREATER RESET: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: Frode Klevstul-Audio Goat

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: FRODE KLEVSTUL-AUDIO GOAT DECEMBER 31, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 60 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 60 of The subtlecain Podcast, we speak with Frode Klevstul about his recent release of the audio version of his book Bill Goats and the Forest. Frode shares some his of his trials and tribulations over the course of the last year and how he has retained his sense of hope and encouragement, while facing censorship and financial hardship. Bring in the New Year with this insightful and delightful author and entrepreneur. FRODE'S WORK: JAMES CORBETT: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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More Humane than Human

Send us a Text Message. MORE HUMANE THAN HUMAN DECEMBER 17, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 59 SHOW NOTES: Have you ever thought about how our media consumption has become a barrier to our active participation in the community? Imagine a day, a week, or even a whole life without media – a provocative thought, right? It behooves us to consider our society's deep reliance on media and its effects. In today's episode, we ponder the possibilities of a world where our energies are invested in fostering positive changes in our communities, rather than being lost in the vortex of consumerism. After a peek into our media-obsessed culture, we transition into a thoughtful discussion on the essence of charity. Challenging conventional wisdom, we ponder the notion of a society without poverty, inspired by CS Lewis's words. Despite this vision, the importance of continued generosity is stressed, emphasizing the need to give more than we can afford to spare. As we conclude this heartwarming conversation, we leave you with a profound reminder that each one of us is cherished, valuable, and loved. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a life filled with abundant blessings. Tune in for this captivating message as we challenge societal norms and promote a sense of community and generosity. Day by Day Warming Shelter: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: William Ramsey-The Smiley Face Killers

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: WILLIAM RAMSEY-THE SMILEY FACE KILLERS NOVEMBER 02, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 58 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 58, we are joined by William Ramsey to talk about his new book, The Smiley Face Killers, which explores the question of who is abducting and murdering young men in the US and UK. William Ramsey is an attorney, author, researcher, documentarian, and broadcaster. He has written multiple books, including Prophet of Evil (Aleister Crowley, 911 and The New World Order) and Abomination (Devil Worship and Deception in the West Memphis Three Murders). He has also made five documentaries and worked as a producer for three years of the Ed Opperman Report. His top-rated true crime podcast is called William Ramsey Investigates. You are welcome to email me with questions or comments at Links to William Ramsey's work: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: Terry Wolfe

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: TERRY WOLFE NOVEMBER 19, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 57 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 57, we are joined by author and independent researcher, Terry Wolfe. We discuss his book, Fire in the Rabbit Hole and his other work. Terry warns that "The Great Awakening" may actually be a false dichotomy set up in contrast to "The Great Reset." I think you'll enjoy this discussion. See the links below to his website and Substack. You are welcome to email me with questions or comments at Links to Terry Wolfe's work: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: Hrvoje Moric-Geopolitics and Empire

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: HRVOJE MORIC-GEOPOLITICS AND EMPIRE NOVEMBER 5, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 56 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 56, we are joined by Hrvoje Moric of the Geopolitics and Empire podcast and the Hrvoje Moric show on TNT Radio. Hrvoje is a brave truth-seeker who leads by example and who daily enters the arena of ideas on his radio show and podcast. Please, take the time to follow the links below and familiarize yourself with his work. You can always email me at "Propaganda cease where simple dialogue begins"- Jacques Ellul HRVOJE MORIC LINKS: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Interview: James Roguski-Stop the WHO!!

Send us a Text Message. INTERVIEW: JAMES ROGUSKI-STOP THE WHO!! OCTOBER 22, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 55 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 55, we are joined by author, researcher, health advocate and activist James Roguski. The topic of our discussion is the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Zerodraft of the WHO CA+ initiative, commonly referred to as "the Pandemic Treaty." Please share this information with others. The links provided below will help you further understand this complex but extremely significant content. JAMES ROGUSKI SUBSTACK: LINKS FOR RESEARCHING AND ACTION: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Venmo: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Crosstown Traffic

Send us a Text Message. CROSSTOWN TRAFFIC OCTOBER 08, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 54 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 1 of Season 2, we discuss the disproportionate focus on catastrophe in the media and the reality of our lives. We also discuss what authority and leadership are, as well as the power of symbols. Clowns abound, my friends, clowns abound, but we must not allow ourselves to be lured into believing that just because something is outlandish, it isn't dangerous. Suggested Reading: Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes- Jacques Ellul The Crowdsourced Panopticon- Jeremy Weissman The Rape of the Mind- Joost Meerloo The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind- Gustav Le Bon Amusing Ourselves to Death- Neil Postman Feel free to email me at with any questions or suggestions. Your support is always appreciated! Substack Articles: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Venmo: Support the show You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Coming Back to Life

Send us a Text Message. Today, in Episode 53, I shoot from the hip and offer a personal message that deviates from the usual more scripted presentation. I thought it prudent to share a recent experience I had in the hope that you would be encouraged. I appreciate each and every one of you for sharing your valuable time with me. Take heart, "the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it". Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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Synchronicity Part 3

Send us a Text Message. SYNCHRONICITY PART 3 JUNE 23, 2023 AARON SMITH SEASON 1 EPISODE 52 SHOW NOTES: Today, in Episode 52, we finish up the series covering Jacques Ellul's book, Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes. We cover the difference between vertical and horizontal propaganda, why it is significant, and what the implications are. We also consider the way advances in information technology have augmented and accelerated the impact propaganda has on our lives. Suggested Reading: Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes- Jacques Ellul The Crowdsourced Panopticon- Jeremy Weissman The Rape of the Mind- Joost Meerloo The Crowd: The Study of the Popular Mind- Gustav Le Bon Feel free to email me at with any questions or suggestions. Your support is always appreciated! Substack Articles: You can support the show in these ways: GiveSendGo: Venmo: Support the Show. You are valued, you are loved, and you are worthy. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
