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Three Old Hacks

Arts & Culture Podcasts

Mihir Bose – former BBC Sports Editor, David Smith – Economics Editor of the Sunday Times and political commentator Nigel Dudley have been friends since they first met while working at Financial Weekly in 1980s. They have kept in touch regularly, setting the world to rights over various lunches and dinners. With coronavirus making that impossible, what do journalists do, deprived of long convivial lunches over a bottle of red wine or several? Why, podcast of course.Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Mihir Bose – former BBC Sports Editor, David Smith – Economics Editor of the Sunday Times and political commentator Nigel Dudley have been friends since they first met while working at Financial Weekly in 1980s. They have kept in touch regularly, setting the world to rights over various lunches and dinners. With coronavirus making that impossible, what do journalists do, deprived of long convivial lunches over a bottle of red wine or several? Why, podcast of course.Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!



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“The ‘We’re here to serve’ mantra sounds a bit trite, but I think he really means it”

The Three Old Hacks, aka prolific author and former BBC Sports editor Mihir Bose, Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley give their analysis of Keir Starmer’s first few days in Government. “The whole focus is on quiet competence, no flashiness.” Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Three Old Hacks on the “boring” election campaign

The Three Old Hacks, aka prolific author and former BBC Sports editor Mihir Bose, Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley, can scarcely remember a more boring election campaign. “Boring, but important” says David Smith, as all three agree that Thursday’s election will bring significant change to our country. Veterans of many campaigns as journalists – “Much more fun in the days without mobile phones” says Nigel, hear what they have to say on the Three Old Hacks podcast on The Chiswick Calendar website and all the usual podcast platforms. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Three Old Hacks on the general election

The past week has seen things go from bad to worse for Rishi Sunak, being called out for lying in the debate against Keir Starmer on the claim that Labour would increase taxes by £2,000 per household, then being accused of a lack of respect for coming home early from the D-Day celebrations, for which he has apologised. He cancelled media interviews at the weekend as support for the Conservatives dipped even further in the polls, with a clear 22% gap between Labour and the Tories, and Reform picking up support after the announcement from Nigel Farage that he would after all be standing as its leader. Also this week we hear from pollsters Techne UK that Britain is heading for the lowest general election turnout in modern history, reflecting mass apathy, particularly amongst young people, fed by a general mistrust of politicians. David Smith, Economics Editor of the Sunday Times for over 30 years, records the Three Old Hacks podcast with fellow journalists Mihir Bose and Nigel Dudley, for The Chiswick Calendar. They have decades of experience and knowledge of election tactics, having been in the thick of reporting it all since the 1980s. "What makes me quite ... angry about this is that Sunak knows completely it's wrong", says David. "He knows enough about the numbers to know this is not a way you should present any figures of this sort, and yet still says it and denies he’s lying." In this week's Three Old Hacks podcast, David unpicks the figures and explains exactly why it was wrong for Sunak to have made the claim, and for Penny Mordaunt to have repeated it in the second TV debate. If you used the same misleading methodology on the Conservatives' claims, says David, you would cost their policies at £3,000 per household. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Thank you Mr Crombie

Mihir Bose, former BBC Sports News editor, talks to David Smith, Economics Editor of the Sunday Times, and political commentator Nigel Dudley about his memoir Thank you Mr Crombie - Lessons in Guilt and Gratitude to the British. Mihir grew up in India, just after Independence, part of a wealthy family with a hierarchy of servants, where as a child he was treated like a little prince. Had he stayed there and taken over his father's business he might have made millions as the country developed. Instead he came to Britain to pursue his passion for journalism. He met David and Nigel not long after he settled in London, and having been subjected to the usual 1960s racism - violence from National Front skinheads, landladies refusing to rent him a room, he finally found his niche on the Financial Weekly and his tribe, journalists, who did not care about his colour, and they have remained good friends ever since. In this podcast they talk about how multicultural Britain has changed since those days, the impact of immigration, the legacy of Empire and Mihir's personal journey. Mihir's Memoir Mihir is publishing his memoir. From growing up in India to making a name for himself as a journalist in Britain, he recounts how he is ever grateful to Mr Crombie, the official who gave him 'indefinite leave to remain'. Come and see Mihir talking about his memoir on Wednesday 29 May at George IV pub in Chiswick. Tickets: Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Prime Ministers in election mode - from the pipe-smoking Harold Wilson to the dishwasher-stacking Rishi Sunak

The Three Old Hacks have long memories. Former BBC Sports News editor Mihir Bose, Economics Editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley have been covering the nation's major events for decades and are well placed to compare and contrast the pre-election antics of politicians. Harold Wilson smoked a pipe in public, in an attempt to appear a 'man of the people', but smoked cigars in private, recalls Nigel. There was that excruciating video of Ed Milliband attempting to eat a bacon sandwich in public, and the video with Tony Blair eating cereal with his kids in his kitchen which put the 'corn' in 'cornflakes. So a prime minister attempting to cosy up to the public by telling us how he loads the dishwasher and turn down the bed ("all a bit clumsy" - David) is nothing new to them. Other subjects on the agenda in this week's podcast are whether or not we can expect another Budget before the next election and how much the Government can expect to influence our votes with it, the absence of specific promises from Labour and the Princess of Wales - whether the papers were right to go big on the dodgy Mother's Day photograph in the light of what we now know, that she has cancer. Mihir's Memoir Mihir is publishing his memoir. From growing up in India to making a name for himself as a journalist in Britain, he recounts how he is ever grateful to Mr Crombie, the official who gave him 'indefinite leave to remain'. Come and see Mihir talking about his memoir on Wednesday 29 May at George IV pub in Chiswick. Tickets: Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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But is it democracy?

The Three Old Hacks discuss the power of the people. Recorded the day after the chaotic Gaza vote in Parliament, they consider the safety of MPs, the leverage voters have to influence them, the impact of a powerful grassroots movement supported by social media and also the power of TV drama to galvanise public opinion, as evidenced by the TV drama Mr Bates and the Post Office. They discuss the leadership of the Conservative Party. "It always used to be said that the great success of the Tory party was that the membership didn't really have a say on anything" says Nigel. "Now the membership has a voice through Conservative Home and they have a say in choosing the party leader. That's something you can't put back." Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Piers Morgan, hacking and the unseemly side of journalism

The intrusions into the private lives of celebrities rehashed by the phone hacking case brought by Prince Harry against Mirror Group Newspapers represent a "dreadful low" in the history of British journalism, says Mihir Bose. The High Court ruled that Harry was a victim of phone hacking on multiple occasions, as were his friends. Former BBC Sports News editor Mihir discusses the "cheap and tawdry" tactics of their fellow hacks with Economics Editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley in this week's Three Old Hacks podcast. Thank you to Bill Kay for writing in and you can view his full letter here: Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Holding the line for a free press

The Culture and Media Secretary Lucy Frazer has intervened to scrutinise the sale of the Daily Telegraph to a company backed by the Abu Dhabi ruling family, over concerns around public interest. Would they interfere with the editorial in pursuance of their interests? It wouldn't be the first time a newspaper owner had tried it, with more or less success. The Three Old Hacks, aka Sunday Times Economics editor David Smith, political analyst Nigel Dudley and former BBC Sports News editor Mihir Bose, compare notes on interfering owners with whom they have worked over their long careers. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Three Men in a Boat navigating British Journalism

Our podcast with The Three Old Hacks, aka former BBC Sports News editor Mihir Bose, Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith, and political analyst Nigel Dudley, has been described as ‘the modern equivalent of Jerome K Jerome’s book Three Men in a Boat‘ by broadcaster and journalist Lucy Beresford. Like George, Harris and Jerome they are old friends who consider themselves overworked and in need of a holiday (always). Like the River Thames, they have a tendency to meander. Theirs is not so much a travel guide as a commentary on the state of British journalism based on their experiences over the past 40 years, delivered with warmth and humour and that slight edge of competitiveness that journalists never lose. This week it is the rich hinterland of Nigel’s knowledge which they rely on to discuss the situation in Israel, as he has spent many years reporting from the Middle East. They disagree on whether the BBC was right not to label Hamas as ‘terrorists’ and lament the vogue for ‘showbiz personality’ foreign reporting, while praising some of the outstanding reporting from those on the ground in Gaza. Listen to the podcast on all the usual podcast platforms or on The Chiswick Calendar website. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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A perfect profession for spying

Former BBC Sports News editor Mihir Bose, Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley continue setting the world to rights with their podcast Three Old Hacks. This week their subject is spies, and how the journalistic profession lends itself to approaches from foreign powers. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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What the Nigel Farage ‘debanking’ saga tells us about British journalism

Much has been written and said about the Nigel Farage ‘debanking’ story. Thinking a client is a ‘disingenuous grifter’ or a xenophobic racist is not supposed to be a good enough reason for a bank to deny someone an account. But what about the journalism involved in breaking the story? Was the BBC’s Business Editor Simon Jack right to have broadcast a story based on the word of a very senior figure within the bank? Yes, the Three Old Hacks - aka former BBC Sports News editor Mihir Bose, Sunday Times Economics Editor David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley - are unanimous that he should have been able to trust the word of the chief executive Dame Alison Rose, and yes he should have published the story. The British public wouldn’t know the half of what went on without such leaks to journalists. But how does a journalist know when they are being led up the garden path? The Three Old Hacks have broken many stories and all at some time or another followed that well-trodden path. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Gamesmanship and Protest

The Three Old Hacks, aka Sunday Times Economics Editor David Smith, former Sports News editor at the BBC and author of many books about sport, Mihir Bose, and political commentator Nigel Dudley, have been chewing over the week's news - in particular the cricket, and whether or not the Australians have behaved abominably. Warming to their theme, they discuss gamesmanship, colonialism, the Just Stop Oil protests and the efficacy of protests at international sporting fixtures in general, recalling disrupted matches now lost in the mists of time. (And yes, irritating though they may have been, they were quite successful). Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Is the coronation still going on? Sorry, I missed a bit, the dog needed a walk

Flags flying upside down, Rishi Sunak being criticised for 'not being grounded in our culture' despite his perfect reading from the scriptures at the coronation, and Nigel being accused of being a Marxist for taking the dog for a walk during the ceremony. The Three Old Hacks chew over the coronation, the national anthem (time for a new one?) and the admirable state of Penny Mordaunt's biceps. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Gwyneth, Boris and the economy, stupid!

From Gwyneth Paltrow to the protests in France and Israel and the perennial subjects of Boris Johnson’s career and the state of the economy, the Three Old Hacks, aka former BBC Sports News editor Mihir Bose, Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political commentator Nigel Dudley, discuss the week’s news. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Three Old Hacks consider the week’s news

As the war in Ukraine marks its grim one-year anniversary, the Three Old Hacks, aka former Sports News editor at the BBC Mihir Bose, Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith and political commentator Nigel Dudley, discuss whether we have clear aims in this war and how it might end. 1:09 They talk about the SNP leadership battle and whether religion and politics mix in the 21st century. 13:25 They look at the Roald Dahl controversy and compare the re-writing of his books with Thomas Bowdler’s attempts to sanitise Shakespeare and language used by George Orwell which most certainly would not be published today. 24:18 Finally, the conversation turns to football, as it often does, and their thoughts on who is a fit and proper owner for an English football club. 38:13 Listen to the podcast on The Chiswick Calendar website or any of the usual podcast platforms. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Nadhim Zahawi, tax avoidance and embarrassing the Prime Minister

Mihir Bose – former BBC Sports Editor, David Smith – Economics Editor of the Sunday Times and political commentator Nigel Dudley discuss the hot topic- Nadhim Zahawi’s tax affairs They thought he should jump, and apologise for embarrassing the Prime Minister, but as it turned out he was pushed, a couple of days after they recorded the podcast. They talk about the way he tried to turn the story around, attacking the media for concerning themselves with his ‘private; affairs, and whether it makes a difference that our top politicians at the moment are so rich. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Opinions of superior excellence

“No nation in Europe is more haughty and disdainful, nor more conceited in an opinion of its superior excellence.” This quote from a French Viscount about Britain some 400 years ago reminds us nothing much has changed, says political analyst Nigel Dudley. He’s been reading “a wonderful book about the Stuarts”, Devil-Land by Dr Clare Jackson. In the first podcast of 2023 Nigel and his two old mates, sports journalist Mihir Bose and Economics editor of the Sunday Times David Smith discuss the Christmas books they were given and are now reading, the state of the nation and whether they should have a flutter on the next election. The English are inclined to “adore all their own opinions and despise those of every other nation” and had “contracted all the instability of the element by which they are surrounded, namely water.” The podcast seems the perfect medium. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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A World Cup and a Budget

A football World Cup and a Budget, what better subjects could Mihir Bose, former sports news editor at the BBC, Sunday Times Economics Editor David Smith and political analyst Nigel Dudley wish for, to talk about? Let's just say, in a pub quiz if either of those subjects came up, you would want these guys on your team. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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The revolving door of Number 11

The Sunday Times Economics Editor David Smith was with fellow ‘old hacks’ Mihir Bose, former sports news editor at the BBC, and political analyst Nigel Dudley recording their podcast for The Chiswick Calendar when the news broke on Friday that Kwasi Kwarteng had been jettisoned. New Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has already unpicked the growth strategy which David described as “a gamble that had failed spectacularly. “It was obvious to me it would go wrong” he said. “The lesson is to listen to your institutions – the Treasury and the Office for Budget Responsibility.” Mihir asked him how key economic advisers had felt about being sidelined. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!


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Delivery, Delivery, Delivery

The Three Old Hacks, who regularly review the week's news for us, recorded a podcast on Thursday morning, before the Queen's death was announced. "Spare us from this false positivism", says Nigel Dudley, commenting on Liz Truss's keynote speech after she was elected Leader of the Conservative Party and our new Prime Minister. "She sounded like a midwife on speed" he said. Political commentator Nigel Dudley joins Sunday Times Economics Editor David Smith and former BBC News sports editor Mihir Bose to discuss Trussonomics and whether she should be Trussssted. Get in contact with the podcast by emailing, we’d love to hear from you!
