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the 2020 summer academy podcast

Arts & Culture Podcasts

exploring new horizons on waves Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts a sound expedition over the seas, creating connections far beyond the horizon by building relation-ships. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ For many people this year, the horizon has become a blurred line; the Summer Academy, too, is being held under special circumstances. Many teachers and students, unable to come to Salzburg, are participating from a distance. Time for a personal outlook: what do I focus on at present, and how far does this go? What are my expectations for the future – and will I have to change them? Am I interested in the immediate, or rather in the more distant? A project idea by ohnetitel – netzwerk für theater&kunstprojekte


United States


exploring new horizons on waves Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts a sound expedition over the seas, creating connections far beyond the horizon by building relation-ships. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ For many people this year, the horizon has become a blurred line; the Summer Academy, too, is being held under special circumstances. Many teachers and students, unable to come to Salzburg, are participating from a distance. Time for a personal outlook: what do I focus on at present, and how far does this go? What are my expectations for the future – and will I have to change them? Am I interested in the immediate, or rather in the more distant? A project idea by ohnetitel – netzwerk für theater&kunstprojekte



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final credits

©ohnetitel 2020


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no. 4 ~ Land ho!

Our journey across the ocean has come to an end, we‘re heading for new territory and new perspectives … Time to look back, ahead and in all possible directions. How are we going to proceed from here … ?


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no. 3 ~ Rough sea

In the middle of the ocean and exposed to the moods and conditions around … of nature, destiny, everyone on board. What else ...? What to do? Where‘s the route going? And is there any hope …?


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no. 2 ~ On the ship deck

Having left the harbour we have changed location, ground and state of being … We are travelling: where from? Where to? If the ship is our community … what is the ocean? And where do we imagine the horizon?


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no. 1 ~ In the harbour

All ship travels start from the harbour … Connecting to harbours in different places of the world: How is the view over the sea? The personal outlook? Prospects? Are you ready for departure …?


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exploring new horizons on waves ~ trailer

under the patronage of: Miss A. Ship, expert in Ship Fiction ~
