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Mark Reads A Quite Good Book

Books & Literature

Experience magical tales from the literary world using your ears. Listen to stories from the fantastic imaginations of both classic authors as well as from authors who are as yet unpublished. There is many a treasured tale to be discovered. The readings will be across all genres and for all ages. Each week there will be two audio only podcasts. One will be a weekly serialised reading from one of the great classics of English Literature, think Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, Animal Farm etc. The second weekly podcast will be a serialised reading from a story from an independent author, a chance to discover a brand new literary talent. Podcasts will be audio only and will run for approximately 25-35 minutes each, one to be published on a Monday, the other every Friday. these are ideal to listen to whilst eating your working lunch or even as you endure your daily commute.


United Kingdom


Experience magical tales from the literary world using your ears. Listen to stories from the fantastic imaginations of both classic authors as well as from authors who are as yet unpublished. There is many a treasured tale to be discovered. The readings will be across all genres and for all ages. Each week there will be two audio only podcasts. One will be a weekly serialised reading from one of the great classics of English Literature, think Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, Animal Farm etc. The second weekly podcast will be a serialised reading from a story from an independent author, a chance to discover a brand new literary talent. Podcasts will be audio only and will run for approximately 25-35 minutes each, one to be published on a Monday, the other every Friday. these are ideal to listen to whilst eating your working lunch or even as you endure your daily commute.





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David Copperfield - Chapter 42

Mr. Wickfield and Agnes visit the Strongs. Agnes and Dora get along well. Dora is a bit amazed that David loves her considering he has been so close to Agnes for so long. When David takes Agnes home, Agnes assures him that she will never marry Uriah and that, lately, she is happier being alone.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 41

Dora’s aunts answer David’s letter and tell him he is welcome to visit in order to discuss his courtship of Dora. Thrilled, David goes to see the aunts, bringing Traddles along to assist him in convincing them. On the way, David asks Traddles to comb his hair. Traddles says that no amount of combing will make his hair lay flat—a family trait that leads his beloved Sophy Crewler’s sisters to make fun of him incessantly.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 40

Late one night, David runs into Mr. Peggotty, who says that he has been looking for Little Em’ly on the continent. Mr. Peggotty has come close to finding her a few times and has received a letter from her. In all, Little Em’ly has sent three letters containing money to the Peggottys. Mrs. Gummidge has replied to one of the letters, telling Little Em’ly that her uncle misses her terribly and will forgive her if she comes back. While Mr. Peggotty tells David this story, David sees Martha listening at the inn door. Martha disappears, and Mr. Peggotty goes off to a cheap inn where he can stay for the night before he sets off again on his journey.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 39

o distract himself from his troubles with Dora, David goes to check on Miss Betsey’s cottage, which proves to be in excellent condition. He then goes to Canterbury to visit Agnes and Mr. Wickfield. At Mr. Wickfield’s, David finds that Uriah Heep and his mother have taken control. Mr. Micawber has become a tenant at Mr. Wickfield’s house. David sees Mr. Micawber and speaks with him but feels they have grown distant from each other. Agnes persuades David to write to Dora’s aunts to seek permission to visit Dora.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 38

Mr. Spenlow calls David away from the office one morning and announces that he has uncovered David’s affair with Dora. Mr. Spenlow forbids David to continue seeing his daughter and threatens to disinherit her and send her abroad if David does not comply. David answers that he loves Dora and that Dora loves him. He says that he cannot possibly abandon her.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 37

David tells Dora about his financial woes the next time he sees her at Miss Mills’s house. Dora becomes hysterical at the idea that she might have to live in poverty and refuses to listen to David’s argument that she should learn how to manage a house. David calms Dora, but she becomes hysterical every time he mentions money. David begs Miss Mills to try to bring Dora around to an understanding. Miss Mills agrees to try, although she does not think it can be done.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 36

On his way to visit Doctor Strong, David concludes that his new financial difficulties will allow him to prove that he loves Dora. He determines that he will work through every difficulty to be with her and will raise himself and his aunt out of their present distress. Doctor Strong agrees that David should be his secretary and that the two of them will work together on the dictionary Doctor Strong is compiling. They begin immediately. While they are at breakfast, Jack Maldon asks Annie to go to the opera with him that night. Annie does not want to go, but Doctor Strong tries to force her.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 35

After David gets his aunt settled, he has a long discussion with Mr. Dick about her poverty. When Mr. Dick begins to cry, David has to cheer him up. Peggotty and Mr. Dick then leave for the night, and David and his aunt talk about Dora, his new-found love. Miss Trotwood implies that the girl is "light-headed" and "silly"; however, she does not interfere with the relationship. She then expresses her approval of Peggotty


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David Copperfield - Chapter 34

Traddles visits David and tells him more about his fiancée, who is the fourth of ten children of a curate in Devonshire and who cares for her mother and her sisters. Traddles tells David that Mr. Micawber has come into severe financial difficulties and has been forced to move and change his name to Mortimer. The authorities have seized all of Mr. Micawber’s things, including his flower pot and table. Traddles asks Peggotty to go purchase these items from the pawnbroker for Mr. Micawber so that he will not be overcharged. Peggotty agrees. When they arrive home, Miss Betsey is there with all of her things and with the news that she has been ruined by faulty business decisions.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 33

Far from distracting David from Dora, Barkis's death and Emily's disappearance just make her seem even "purer" and more loveable in comparison. Once they are back in London, David tells Peggotty that he has fallen in love and is somewhat disappointed that she doesn't consider his love as hopeless as he does


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David Copperfield - Chapter 32

Despite feeling intense guilt over the part he has played in the "pollution of an honest home," David cannot bring himself to condemn Steerforth. In fact, he loves him more than ever and cannot stop thinking of all his good qualities. He realizes, however, that their friendship is over once and for all. From this point on, David writes, his memories of Steerforth "were as the remembrances of a cherished friend, who was dead."


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David Copperfield - Chapter 31

David agrees to stay until Mr. Barkis is buried (in the same cemetery as Clara Copperfield). He also helps Peggotty and exercises his professional skills by reading and interpreting Barkis's will, which he finds in the box Barkis always kept by his bed. As it turns out, this box also contains several hundred pounds and a few valuable items, including a gold watch. In total, Barkis has saved nearly 3,000 pounds, which he divides in his will between Peggotty, little Em'ly, and David; he also bequeaths the interest on 1,000 pounds to Mr. Peggotty. Dealing with this business keeps David preoccupied for the week leading up to the funeral, during which time he does not see Emily. The funeral itself is small and quiet, and gives David a chance to place some leaves on his mother's grave.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 30

David arrives in Yarmouth that evening and arranges to stay at an inn. He then stops by Omer and Joram's: the shop has closed for the evening, but Mr. Omer is inside and lets David in. David says he was sorry to learn of Mr. Barkis's condition and asks Mr. Omer what he knows about it. Omer, however, says he doesn't know anything, because it isn't appropriate for an undertaker to ask about the health of someone sick. Mr. Omer feels that this is rather unfair, and wishes that people were "stronger-minded" about death.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 29

David is cordially received at the Steerforth residence, especially by Rosa Dartle, who begins asking him questions about Steerforth's activities. She blames David for keeping Steerforth away from home longer than usual, and she hints that something may cause a quarrel between Steerforth and his mother. Steerforth flatters Miss Dartle into playing the harp and singing for them, and David comments that her song is the most "unearthly" he has ever heard. When Miss Dartle finishes playing, Steerforth laughingly puts his arm around her and says, "Come, Rosa, for the future we will love each other very much!" Miss Dartle promptly strikes him and angrily leaves the room. David asks why she did this, but Steerforth says he does not know, but that she is "always dangerous."


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David Copperfield - Chapter 28

David passes the time until his dinner party by thinking about Dora and eating very little, which he feels is appropriate to his "love-lorn condition." Having learned from his dinner party with Steerforth, David plans a much more modest meal this time. He manages to persuade Mrs. Crupp to cook for the party, but she manipulates him into agreeing to dine out for the following two weeks. He does, however, procure the ingredients for Mr. Micawber to make punch, which is a specialty of his.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 27

David goes to visit Tommy Traddles, who lives in a very poor section of Camden Town, where garbage and junk clutter the streets. David is surprised and delighted to learn that Traddles' landlord is Mr. Micawber, who is still patiently waiting for something to turn up. David talks with Mr. and Mrs. Micawber and learns that they are expecting another child. He is invited to dinner but declines the invitation; instead, he asks them to dine with him at a later date.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 26

David's trial period at Spenlow and Jorkins is now over, and he is apprenticed outright. There is a small party at the office when he is "articled," and Mr. Spenlow says that he would have been happy to have him over to his home if his daughter hadn't so recently returned from school in Paris.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 25

Two mornings after the dinner party, just as David is about to leave his room, a messenger arrives with a letter from Agnes, asking him to meet her at the home of Mr. Waterbrook, her father's London agent. When David meets Agnes, he reproaches himself for his conduct at the theatre. Agnes is forgiving, and David calls her his "good Angel." She warns David against Steerforth, his "bad Angel," but David insists that Steerforth is a good and loyal friend. Agnes then relates her growing fears about Uriah Heep, who seems to be gaining more and more power over her father. In fact, Agnes believes that Uriah is going to enter the firm as a partner. David is indignant about this and tells Agnes that she must prevent it. Agnes, however, asks David to be congenial to Uriah for her father's sake.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 24

David enjoys the freedom of having his own rooms, although he also finds it lonely at times; he misses Agnes in particular. Eager once again to seem grown-up, David is thrilled to have the chance to show off his apartment and host his own dinner party.


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David Copperfield - Chapter 23

Having seen Emily's raw emotion after meeting with Martha Endell, David feels that he has witnessed something extremely private. He doesn't even want to talk about her with Steerforth. David gets a letter from Miss Betsey asking what he wants to do next. After parting from all the Yarmouth Peggottys and Mr. Omer and his family, Steerforth and David leave Yarmouth. David tells Steerforth about his aunt's question: what should he do with his life? Miss Betsey has suggested that David become a proctor (in a word, a lawyer)
