

Business & Economics Podcasts

Practical Management Tips for Small Business Owners. Short introductions to useful tools to grow profit and help to address issues as they arise.




Practical Management Tips for Small Business Owners. Short introductions to useful tools to grow profit and help to address issues as they arise.




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NID52: Realistic Small Business Planning

Send us a Text Message. Most textbook business planning is unsuited to the realities of small business. Expecting detailed financial projections in 3 to 5 year's time is totally unrealistic when a small business can barely see 6 months ahead. Instead of planning methods developed for large and fairly stable big businesses, we have developed a flexible, low workload, business planning system for small business. It is based around a financial quarter GamePlan where you decide what to achieve in this quarter. Generally, a small business can see three months ahead and have some hope of projecting financial data. Each quarterly Gameplan has a built in StrategyTree which identifies the 4-6 Critical Success Factors (CSF) that must be addressed for the GamePlan Destination to be achieved. Things like key staff and required revenue. Then the several Necessary Conditions for that CSF to work are identified and factored in We then show how to prioritize these Necessary Conditions so you move quickly and thoroughly to the GamePlan Destination for this quarter. Next quarter, you look at the current realities and develop a new GamePlan to suit. This is simple, fast and structured planning that suits the realities of small business. Video on Realistic Small Business Planning Business Planning Resources Transcript on Realistic Small Business Planning Podcast


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NID51 Business Analytics for Small Business

Send us a Text Message. Just like an iceberg only shows 1/8th of its mass above water, your accounts have many more things they can tell you if you go looking. But many analysis tools assume a fair degree of experience and management and accounting training. That's not common with small business owners. So 12Faces has developed several tools that can give useful insights to your accounts but are easy to use and understand. For example, we have tools for; 1. working out how much to increase your prices to counteract the costs of inflation in wages and inputs to your business - a Gross Margin Ratio analysis 2. building a 'model' of the economics of your business that then lets you plug in a proposed change to e.g. prices, revenue or wages to see the impact on bottom line profit. Then you can play with "what if " scenarios in your model to find what works best. We call this ChangeBoard because it measures the impact of change 3. conventional accounts are a mass of numbers and it is hard to make a great deal of sense of them. Our TrendBoard shows your changes over time in your accounts as graphs. Then you only have to work on the principal "up sloping trends are good and down sloping are bad" to quickly find any trends that might impact on your business. Don't wait for your annual tax accounts to see how you turned out for the year. Take control of your future profits with the 12Faces Business Analytics tool kit. Transcript of Business Analytics Nugget podcast Youtube: Business Analytics Nugget video More information on Business Analytics for Small Business


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NID50 Business Coaching

Send us a Text Message. It is often hard for business Founders to "brainstorm" business issues with others. Friends and family staff.Professional advisors12Faces fills this gap with three services. First there is our wealth of useful articles and our training packages. Second, our Business Diagnostics System helps you identify solutions to problems you feed in. Both of these are like virtual Business Coaches. We also have a third service of 1-to-1 live Business Coaching. You use this on an hourly basis with no fixed period or obligation to continue. Transcript: Business Coaching for Small Business Transcript Youtube: Business Coaching for Small Business Video More Info on Business Coaching for Small Business


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NID49 90 Day Failing Business Turnaround Plan

Send us a Text Message. Up to 1 in 5 businesses are failing at any point in time. This is a sad loss of time, money and effort and generates a lot of stress on business' owners. With small businesses, the owner is generally good in the area of their professional skills but may lack business management experience. Every manager that ever there was started in this position. 12Faces has assembled a DIY and self-paced business training to help business owners with their turnaround. We call it Turnaround90 or T90 for short. Specialist advisors will generally only offer advice in their particular area. This might not cover your main problems and so diverts you from the most important fixes. It can also be expensive at a time when money may be short. Turnaround90 covers the 12 aspects of your business (hence our business name 12Faces) that all need to be minimally operational for your business to be stable and turnaround. That covers revenue, operations, admin systems and people management. If you struggle at some point, we have optional business mentoring support available on request on an hourly basis. Youtube: 90 Day Turnaround for Failing Business Video Transcript: 90 Day Turnaround for Failing Business Nugget Transcript More Information on 90 Day Turnaround Training


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NID48 How to Grow a Local Service Business depends on its Headcount

Send us a Text Message. Local Services Businesses are those that draw customers from a few towns or suburbs around the business's office location. Examples include building trades like plumbers, health professionals like dentists and professional services like lawyers and accountants. These business face different major issues when growing from Solopreneur though Micro Business (1-4 staff) to Small Business (5-19) staff. This video introduces the typical issues at each size step and headcount. Especially early on, these are critical as up to 50% of startups fail in the first year. That means a personal blow and a loss of money and time for the Founder. A sad outcome for 'having a go'. The 12Faces Mission is your Sustainable Business Success. We have many resources catalogued by growth stage that will reduce the stress from each grow stage and the new issues each introduces. Youtube: https://youtu.be/13GsxiLPz7I Transcript: https://www.12faces.business/growing-local-service-business-various-headcount-nid48/


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NID47 Business Diagnostics Funnel System

Send us a Text Message. Every business operator faces nagging problems from time to time that might be challenging to think of how to solve them. Many managers are professionally trained in their operational area but less experienced with the management side of a business. Small business owners in particular have to be good at every aspect of managing their business operation. It can be hard to get useful feedback from your professional advisors and business networks. And some things you might not be able to discuss with friends and family. 12Faces has developed a Business Diagnostic Funnel System. You start with a gut feeling about the problem and then drop down through several stages in the funnel; getting more and more specific about the possible solutions to the problem as you go. Eventually, you end up with a proposed Solution to your problem. You can read more about that on the 12Faces. business website (https://www.12faces.business) and search on the topic in Google. Transcript: https://www.12faces.business/business-diagnostics-reduce-stress-nid47/ Youtube: https://youtu.be/Btah9Wa2iKE


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NID46 Introduction to Business Diagnostics

Send us a Text Message. Most business owners and managers have nagging issues in their business that they are not sure how to resolve; so they tend to just stay there and build up. The 12Faces Business Diagnostics system is a user-friendly way to narrow down the problem and arrive at possible solutions. This is just what a doctor does when you visit. At the start, you just pick the option that seems to best express the nature of the problem. You click on that and drop into a second set of more specific options related to the first chosen one. You choose the best in the second layer and drop into a third layer; and so on. Eventually, you arrive at a plausible reason for the problem and can request our Solutions page to help you see how to remedy the problem. It's quite quick and should present possible solutions in under 30 minutes of your time. Youtube video: https://youtu.be/71Af8s9lY74 Transcript: https://www.12faces.business/introducing-business-diagnostics-nid46/


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Nugget 45: Tracking the Buyer's Journey

Send us a Text Message. Anyone who might become your client moves through several stages in what has become known as the Buyer's Journey. Your marketing needs to cover each stage so that you get the best outcome from your marketing. We say the stages are; AwarenessConsiderationDeciding RetentionAdvocacyYoutube: https://youtu.be/Y9egXRwglT0 Transcript: https://www.12faces.business/tracking-the-buyers-journey-nugget-nid45/


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Nugget 44: Local Area Marketing

Send us a Text Message. Many businesses draw customers from a catchment area around their location. Example business include building trades, health professionals, lawyers, architects. This podcast introduces Local Area Marketing as part of a series on how to grow this type of business. The Local Area Marketing series covers ways of boosting sales in your catchment area systematically and with long lasting success. Local SEO is covered in detail in the series. Youtube: https://youtu.be/NUw-lls6BIs Transcript: https://www.12faces.business/local-area-marketing-blog/


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Nugget 31: Sustainable Business Success

Send us a Text Message. The Mission of 12Faces is your Sustainable Business Success! This podcast introduces our approach to your Success and how to make that Success Sustainable. ID31 Read More: https://www.12faces.business/nugget-31-sustainable-business-success-transcript/


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Nugget 18: One Part of Sales Funnel Must Focus On

Send us a Text Message. Although a sales funnel is a very busy place, you can dramatically improve sales while reducing your consumption of time and other resources by identifying and focusing on just one part of the Funnel. Listen for more. ID18 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/dtn1-1-2-2/https://www.12faces.business/dtn1-1-2-2/


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Nugget 28: HIPPO Effect Reduces Effectiveness of Team Meetings

Send us a Text Message. The HIPPO effect in meetings can greatly reduce participation and contribution. Learn how to avoid its adverse impact. ID28 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/staff-input-meetings-hippo/


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Nugget 16: Local Optima Damages Profit

Send us a Text Message. Making every step of your service or production workflow produce as much volume as possible seems like a sensible idea. Hear why that is faulty thinking that may damage your profit. ID16 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/local-optima-problem-small-business/


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Nugget 27: 1% Price Change, 11% Profit Increase

Send us a Text Message. A tiny increase of just 1% in your prices can lead to an average 11% increase in profit research at 1,200 businesses has shown. Hear how to tap into this profit boosting idea. ID27 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/pricing-to-increase-profit/


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Nugget 14: The Importance of a Destination for Your Business

Send us a Text Message. Having no clear destination in mind for your business means you will get lost! Discusses several timeframes for business planning and the characteristics of a well designed SMART Goal. ID 14 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/gameplan-system/


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Nugget 32: When a Bottleneck is a Good Thing in Your Business

Send us a Text Message. Introduction to the Theory of Constraints and the dramatic impact it can have on your business productivity. ID32 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/theory-of-constraints-menu/


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Nugget 26: The Amazing 80/20 Rule Makes You 16 Times More Productive

Send us a Text Message. Do less work but still be 16 times more productive! This is the promise of the Amazing 80/20 Rule AKA Pareto's Principle. ID26 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/the-amazing-80-20-rule-fast-growth/


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Nugget 25: Use Piggy Banks To Have Cash When Needed

Send us a Text Message. Every child understands piggy banks make sure money is available when needed. This is the the grown up version for business operators. Reduce the stress of finding money when payments fall due. Smooth out cashflow. ID25 More Info: https://www.12faces.business/lesson/profit-piggy-banks/
