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Business & Economics Podcasts

If the Phone is Your Weapon, then THIS is YOUR Podcast! We’re a tribe of Telesales professionals who believe in Compassion Before Commission. We’re empowering the call coaching experience by starting with the person in sales “person.” When we take care of the person, the calls take care of themselves. Powered by


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If the Phone is Your Weapon, then THIS is YOUR Podcast! We’re a tribe of Telesales professionals who believe in Compassion Before Commission. We’re empowering the call coaching experience by starting with the person in sales “person.” When we take care of the person, the calls take care of themselves. Powered by



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EP 91 - Telesales Warriors Unite!

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EP 90 - Jake Lynn - Ego Vs. Higher Self in Sales

Having an ego is all about wanting to be perceived as the best. Ego is the inability to listen, act, or take direction because of pride. Wanting to crush your goals and be great at what you do doesn’t have to come at the expense of everyone else. The ego-centric way of getting there is to put yourself on a pedestal and ignore everyone else and their opinions. But the truth is this: An unchecked ego can leave a career dead in its tracks. Let’s break it down. Support the Show.


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EP 89 - Jake Lynn - Absolute Certainty - 3 C's - Confidence, Conviction, and Clarity

This is a framework for achieving Absolute Certainty. You can overcome so many challenges by implementing this strategy. The 3 C’s are Confidence, Conviction, and Clarity. We’re going to break this down as a person, salesperson, and from the perspective of customers. By true definition: Confidence is the state of feeling certain about the truth of something. Conviction is a firmly held belief or opinion. Clarity is the quality of transparency or purity. Support the Show.


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EP 88 - Rob Liano - Asking for referrals

Rob Liano is not only one of my best friends and mentors but he's a Telesales Trainer, Coach, and Consultant, Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, Ready to Rock! From Rob If your sales force needs effective telesales strategies designed to qualify and close more sales, lower your CPA and gain more referrals, I can make it rain. I never planned on getting into sales. I was a drummer with dreams of being a rockstar. Music was all I needed, well, until I realized I also needed to make money. To do so, I followed in my dad's footsteps taking a job selling vacuums, door to door. It sucked! Well, I sucked, because I didn't know what I was doing. But after attending the way too early 7:30 AM meetings, I learned sales skills and miraculously started to "drum up" business. But I was a musician so it was just cash. I eventually went on tour and performed on TV and radio, and it was awesome! When the tour ended, the reality of having no income hit me. Basically, I went from signing autographs to signing bad checks and almost went bankrupt. Since sales was the only other career I was good at, I decided "I'm going back into sales." That's when the love affair started. Through avid study, trial and error, and innovative thinking, my skills steadily improved. I discarded archaic tactics while cultivating insight that was simple, logical, and uncommonly effective. Serving prospects became euphoric to me. And then the breakthrough happened! My methodologies allowed me to change the face of insurance sales. I revolutionized an industry whose primary focus was product knowledge but lacked sales training. My modern telesales process became the catalyst to agents and agencies becoming multi-million-dollar producers. Those results inspired me to take the show on the road, branching out into all sales industries. They say I'm genuine, enthusiastic, and funny, I say I'm results-driven, and getting results is all that matters. Plus, I like to be center stage, so speaking and training is a natural fit. I'll even ditch the leather pants and wear a suit upon request. ; ) Are you ready to rock? Get in touch and let's chat. At your service, Rob Liano Support the Show.


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EP 87 - Jason Cutter - From Order Taker to Quota Breaker

Jason Cutter is the Author of Selling With Authentic Persuasion and a Sales Success Architect & Keynote Speaker. From Jason “Your mandate is to ensure that if I want to double the number of sales, I don’t have to double the number of employees.” That was the conversation with my boss, many years ago, as I was brought in to help create scalable systems. To me, it was simple but wouldn’t be easy. They were a B2C enrollment company helping consumers mitigate their debt. When I began, we had 2 sales offices with 40 reps total. Each office had a trainer that taught what they thought was best. One even made up his own script. For every 10 people hired, maybe 2 were still there after 60 days. Inbound leads went to whoever was available, independent of performance. Only one metric was discussed: total sales for the day (# of leads, closing % wasn’t important to the sales managers – want more deals? Buy more leads) Reps were promoted to Team Leads (assuming they knew how to help their team win) No performance improvement process, structured coaching, support, documented accountability or consequences were in place. My job became building systems, processes, and structures for each part of the sales operation. Within 12 months, the sales team had: • 100+ reps, across 4 offices (2 were offshore) • Results-based recruiting process • Revised compensation & accountability plan • Structured New hire training program (built into an LMS), complete with testing • Real-time performance-based inbound lead distribution • Structured gamification program • Progression plan for reps, based on results • Structured sales rep skills coaching program • Ongoing education program • Leadership/management mentoring program All this = Scalable Sales Operation There were bumps along the way. I learned a lot about how to build scalable sales ops. One key was that I instilled the mantra “Marry the Vision, Date the Strategy!” (which helped the team embrace change) Now as a consultant, this is what I help guide companies to create. Whether it is full-scale sales ops transformation, Authentic Persuasion training workshops and coaching for the reps and managers, or mentoring and mastermind programs for sales leaders to help them get their organization to the next level. Want to find out if I can help you/your team and to get a copy of the Scalable Sales Success Iceberg & Checklist - DM, email ( or call/text me – (206) 234-1848 Support the Show.


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EP 86 - Ari Galper - Trust-Based Selling Over the Phone

Ari Galper is the World's #1 Authority on Trust-Based Selling | Author of "Unlock The Sales Game" & "The One Call Sale" | Featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, CNN, SkyNews, Australian Financial Review Ari Galper is the world's number one authority on trust-based selling and has been featured in CEO Magazine, Forbes, INC Magazine, SkyNews and the Australian Financial Review. As trust becomes the most important currency in the new economy, the act of selling as a dehumanizing experience, with endless “chasing” and multiple steps, has been completely re-invented and anchored in the timeless values of integrity and trust through Trust-Based Selling. In his best-selling book, "Unlock The Sales Game", Ari describes his revolutionary sales approach based on getting to the truth and why having a mindset of focusing on deep trust, instead of “the sale” – is ironically, 10 times more profitable. His new book launching soon, "The One Call Sale", is set to completely disrupt the entire sales industry as we know it today. “The One Call Sale” provides a simple road map for how to make the sale in one trust-based conversation. No more chasing, no pressure and no closing. Everything you learned about selling will be turned upside down. If you're sales cycle forces you into multiple steps, having to "chase" your prospects by "following up", you've lost the sale at the beginning of your sales process, due to a lack of deep trust. Ari is also the author of "Lessons From Toby", a special book about his son Toby who has Down Syndrome, who has made a major impact in Ari's approach to teaching authenticity and trust in his Trust-Based Selling approach, more about the book here: Join Ari on his next "Stump The Guru" live streaming show ( and ask him your toughest sales challenges (anything at all!). Learn more at For media/podcast interview requests, contact Ari's assistant Support the Show.


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EP 85 - Josh Cary - Fear: Zero. You: Won.

Josh Cary is the Co-Founder of PodMAX | Podcast Host and Founder of Hidden Entrepreneur From Josh F That Noise! I help you remove that NOISE in your head through the same 5-step process (N.O.I.S.E.) I used to adjust the score; Fear: Zero. You: Won. Mission: helping entrepreneurs 'unmask' themselves, and reach the level of success they so desperately crave. GET TO KNOW ME AND MY STORY: Today I am the Hidden Entrepreneur. That is because I spent 4 decades (yep, 40 years) hiding the best parts of myself. I showed up in every situation of life, personal, social, and business as the person I thought others expected me to be (good ol’ fashioned seeking approval). I would HIDE my power. While also ignoring and resisting my skill, talent and ability that was desperately trying to surface. I wasn’t strong enough to allow it into the world. (Yet, ironically, I used all my strength to keep true ability at bay!) So it remained hidden for years. I allowed all others to help me perpetuate the false story and belief that I held as truth: That I am not valuable or capable, and nobody cares what I have to say or contribute. That was my public persona. My private persona, alone and behind closed doors, secretly knew a different story. I knew deep within myself that Josh Cary was very capable, very valuable, and had a great deal of power and skill to contribute. But because I sold myself that false story for so long, I had no choice but to keep that version alive and continue to hide my power. This dynamic created an ever-present emotion of anger, confusion, and frustration. I saw others doing the very things that I wanted to be doing. That I could be doing. That I should be doing. But I wasn’t doing. Relationships suffered as I spiraled into despair and depression. I felt continually more and more isolated and disconnected from the world around me. And more disconnected from my true self. Today, I work as a digital media and creative consultant, with the uncanny ability to bring the human side out of each person. And life now works a whole lot better. Support the Show.


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EP 84 - Kris Ward - Business Should Support Your Life - Not Consume It

Kris Ward helps entrepreneurs stop working so hard! Create your W.I.N Team, (what is next) team using our signature 'Super Toolkits' to get you out of admin and more into creation. Learn her 60/40 WIN Formula! From Kris Ward ➡️ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈 𝐃𝐎: When I started as a marketing strategist 12 years ago, I worked INSANE hours. I was always in a rush. One day I almost electrocuted myself because I was going so fast. That’s when I realized something had to change. So I feverishly started to examine how I was running my business. Eventually, I went from 16-hour workdays today to 6! And the real big shock was how much more I got done!!! I had turned it around and the results were amazing! And luckily I did because a few years after I have pulled away from my business when my husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. When I returned, after his passing, my business had not only survived but was thriving. When the news about my husband became public, my clients were shocked. They had no idea of my absence. They kept asking me how I managed that? So they asked me to work with them under the capacity of team building and productivity. I had a new appreciation for the fragility of life and I believed your business should support your life not consume it. And that’s how Win The Hour Win The Day was born. ➡️ 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐈 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇: -entrepreneurs -coaches and trainers -service-based industries who… have been in business for 5 plus years and want to get more ideas to execution. ➡️ 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒: Getting ideas to execution is what makes an entrepreneur successful. Most entrepreneurs spend most of their time trapped in the web of admin. When they should be in creation mode 60% of the time and in the admin mode 40% of the time. ➡️ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 𝐔𝐒 𝐃𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓: You’ll find our strategies are… easily implemented, creates BIG results, FAST! We provide an easy-to-follow roadmap. We help you prioritize for the fastest results. We offer a step by step, NO FAIL process Big Results, No fluff. It’s a mixture of done with you and for you! “You saved my life” Jenny Clark “Got 25 hours back a week, within the first month” Michelle Abraham “I instantly felt the relief” Stephanie Gunther ➡️ 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐒: Reach out...and I’ll happily gift you a FREE Strategy Call! (You’ll leave inspired and excited!) ☎️ READY TO TALK? Reach out to me directly here on LinkedIn, email me at or visit us at or call me direct at 905-231-1986 Support the Show.


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EP 83 - Chaz Wolfe - Getting Rid of Lack in Your Life

Chaz Wolfe is a Sales Expert - Top Producer - former Sales Manager & Director for names like Frank Kern, Grant Cardone & HomeAdvisor. He has coached sales professionals and business owners for 12 + years getting unbelievable results, changing the lives of his clients and mentees dramatically. In addition, he has been a multi-unit franchise owner for a decade with locations in multiple cities and states. Support the Show.


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EP 82 - Brian Bogert - Joy, Freedom, & Fulfillment

Brian Bogert is a human behavior and performance coach who teaches clients to leverage self-awareness and intentionality to become the most authentic version of themselves: who they already are. Brian helps executives, entrepreneurs, athletes, and growth-minded individuals learn this transformative approach that cultivates perspective, motivation and direction to help them align their life with their true purpose and defy their own expectations. He teaches not just to accept change, but to embrace pain in order to avoid suffering. Brian learned the wisdom of resiliency through his own early experiences with pain. When he was just seven years old, his left arm was detached in a vehicle accident. Throughout his childhood people often asked, “What happened to your arm?” They expected a sports injury or playground mishap—not the raw, painful truth that a truck tore it off. But instead of succumbing to suffering because of the injury, Brian fully recovered and flourished with a reattached arm, thanks to his persistent and proactive focus. He learned early how to move beyond what happened to him by creating an intentional mindset. Brian has continued to develop mindful and actionable tools for growth in his personal and professional endeavors. Before moving full time to coaching peak performers and public speaking, he and his business partners led the Phoenix location of a global insurance brokerage firm, where in just a decade they grew the revenue from $250,000 to $15 million. Before that, he was a top earner as a sales professional and mentored new producers nationwide at a publicly traded brokerage firm. Brian has earned accolades as a top performer in the Southwest, and was named as one of “40 Under 40” in the Phoenix Business Journal for his innovative and dynamic leadership. Support the Show.


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EP 81 - Mario Nawfal - From Door Knocking to NFTs

Mario Nawfal, the Founder of the Athena Group of Companies, a business conglomerate of 15+ companies that operates in more than 40 countries. Mario started his first business with $300 in the bank selling blenders door to door which led to Froothie Australia Through unconventional marketing techniques, efficient logistical systems, and a team of global contractors, he propelled Froothie to $1m in year one and over $10m in year two, all bootstrapped. Since then Mario launched multiple ventures into the millions, all bootstrapped, including an events business, a FinTech consulting firm, a marketing agency, and multiple ecom businesses all while surviving a massive scam, various black swan events, and all the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. He continues to launch new companies, is a partner at a law firm, and the founder of a VC fund. In 2020, Mario decided to begin documenting his journey and helping other entrepreneurs at no cost, all while traveling the world pursuing his hobby dancing Bachata. He also launched the world’s largest growth hacking agency,, and became a partner at In 2021, Mario stepped up as CEO of NFT Technologies, one of the first companies focusing on NFTs going public, and have the ticker symbol NFT reserved in North America. They are backed by leading personalities in the crypto and business world as well as celebrities and thought leaders. Support the Show.


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EP 80 - Richard Brooke - The Power of Visualization

Richard Bliss Brooke provides entrepreneurs with proven tools and mindsets to grow their teams and businesses. He's been the owner of multiple companies, including direct selling, traditional business, and ontological coaching. Richard's personal development book Mach2: How to Master Self-Motivation & Stay on Fire for Life has helped thousands of people break the chains of self-sabotage and create new, empowering Visions for their lives and businesses. As a speaker, he's known for having a fun, no-BS, tell-it-like-it-is style, reaching audiences of more than 10,000 and sharing the stage with greats like Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson, and many more. Support the Show.


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EP 79 - Adam Hires - Coaching & Self-Discovery

A few years ago Adam was tired of working so many hours to make his current income. In the midst of making more money than he ever had, he was unhappy and unfulfilled. He had to go back to his past experience and hire a coach. Through coaching and self-discovery he earned not only how to 4x his income, but also work half the hours and more fulfilling life. If you are working more hours than you are willing, not making the income you want, you owe it to yourself, your family, your legacy to make BOLD changes. What if nothing changes for you and your business in the next year, 5 years, 10 years? How will that impact your life, your happiness, and your options? Limited Risks=Limited Income Are you willing to take the risk to: -Be Vulnerable -Be Coachable -Try a new way -Invest money The truth is ONLY 10% of where you want to be and where you can scale, is in the X's and O's (tactics)-Your TRUE earning potential, impact and happiness lies within the 1 or 2 layers of discovery that is NOT allowing your best self rise to the forefront. Do you want to DOUBLE your income AND reduce your hours? It IS possible! Download Adam's free 12 Week Business Transformation Playbook at: Support the Show.


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EP 78 - Jayson Waller - True Telesales Underdog

Jayson Waller is the CEO, founder, and spokesperson of POWERHOME Solar and host of his top 5 Apple Entrepreneur podcast and YouTube channel “TrueUnderdog” Jayson has successfully created 3 profitable companies from the ground up. Jayson did not finish traditional high school and never went to college. Jayson is currently the founder and CEO of Powerhome Solar. Powerhome has over a billion in revenue and over 1800 employees. Powerhome is one of the largest American made solar installers in the country. Powerhome Solar and Jayson Waller have won several awards. To name a few: 4x Entrepreneur of the year. -Jayson won the Southeast EY Entrepreneur of the year award in 2019 -7-Globee awards for professional business and entrepreneur of the year. -13-Stevie awards also “CEO of the year” -DM-2019 champion of new economy -CBJ-Business leader of the year —Top 30 under 30 in security 2009 —Top 40 under 40 in solar 2018 — Most Admired CEO 2020 —Inc500 5x —Best places to work 2018-2019-2020 Powerhome was ranked as the No. 6 in residential rooftop solar installer in the U.S. by Solar Power World in 2020 Under Waller’s leadership, POWERHOME has developed partnerships with five pro football franchises (Carolina Panthers, Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Indianapolis Colts and Pittsburgh Steelers), one pro baseball franchise (Cleveland Indians), and North Carolina State Athletics. Waller is the host of the Top 5 Entrepreneur podcast “True Underdog”, which is a motivational podcast about business, life, adversity, and hard work. Guests range from shark tank hosts, influencers, entrepreneurs, motivational speakers, and athletes. Listen and watch Jayson Waller share his story from the trailer park with no education and teen dad to becoming a CEO of a billion dollar company. Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Twitter: Support the Show.


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EP 77 - Joe Semaan - Domination Selling

Joe Semaan #Sales Coach and Mentor of 400 companies now. Started his coaching career January of 2006 coaching and mentoring thousands of people. He believes about success in the form of money. What makes him more passionate about being a coach was his curiosity about human behavior and his goal to create more top performers in the business world.. QUOTES Joe SemaanJoe SemaanJoe SemaanJoe SemaanJoe SemaanJoe SemaanKEY POINTS This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best. You can learn more about Balto HERE Read a case study HERE Or partner with Balto and make some side cash HERE Follow Joe Semaan the Show.


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EP 76 - Matt Pennetti and Brian Brown - Predictable Wealth Advocates

Matt Pennetti and Brian Brown help teach millennials how to get ahead financially by thinking outside the box. By using what they call the Wealth Multiplier Strategy™, millennials are able to spend their hard-earned money and save it at the same time! As implementers of this strategy, they are focused entirely on education and connecting individuals with qualified professionals who can help them get ahead financially. QUOTES Matt PennettiBrian BrownBrian BrownMatt PennettiMatt PennettiKEY POINTS This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best. You can learn more about Balto HERE Read a case study HERE Or partner with Balto and make some side cash HERE Follow Matt Pennetti and Brian Brown the Show.


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EP 75 - Steve Reck - In Telesales, you can be anywhere these days

Steve Reck is doing Telesales from New Zealand, he's an experienced sales and marketing leader with a demonstrated history of driving growth in the B to C financial services industry. Skilled in TeleSales, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Contact Centers, and Strategy. QUOTES Steve ReckSteve ReckSteve ReckSteve ReckSteve ReckKEY POINTS Got to have fun This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best. You can learn more about Balto HERE Read a case study HERE Or partner with Balto and make some side cash HERE Follow Steve Reck the Show.


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EP 74 - Tim Garry - How to Land Whales

Tim Garry is a sales professional that knows how to make a sure sale and how follow up on leads via phone and email. QUOTES Tim GarryTim GarryTim GarryTim GarryTim GarryTim GarryTim GarryKEY POINTS This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best. You can learn more about Balto HERE Read a case study HERE Or partner with Balto and make some side cash HERE Follow Tim Garry Support the Show.


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EP 73 - Results Over Reasons Interview with Jamal English

B.E.A.S.T. = Bold, Empathetic, Assumptive, Servant, Teachable. Jamal English interviews Jake Lynn live with his Telesales team. This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best. You can learn more about Balto HERE Read a case study HERE Or partner with Balto and make some side cash HERE Follow Jamal English Video podcast version: Support the Show.


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EP 72 - Marc Bernstein - Real-time is where everything trends

Marc Bernstein is the CEO of Balto, a tech company that helps contact centers close more revenue from their phone calls than humanly possible. QUOTES Marc BernsteinMarc BernsteinMarc BernsteinMarc BernsteinMarc BernsteinKEY POINTS This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best. You can learn more about Balto HERE Read a case study HERE Or partner with Balto and make some side cash HERE Follow Marc Bernstein the Show.
