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Authority Journey

Business & Economics Podcasts

Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed.


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Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed.



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#24 Your Challenge, Should You Decided to Accept It

Remember your school days. Senioritis before you were a senior? Our goal was to graduate, finish whatever schooling was left, and get on with life. But the reality is, schooling should never stop. To succeed, we've got to stop thinking that learning is for kids. We must be lifelong learners if we're going to stay on the Authority Journey. Welcome to the Authority Journey Podcast! Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed. My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: Your Challenge, Should You Choose to Accept It Why your Authority Journey should never end Announcement: This is the last episode of the Authority Journey Podcast. If you like the Authority Journey Podcast, you'll love the Solopreneur Life Podcast. Look for it in your favorite podcast listing — and subscribe. Need help building your authority through content and strategic marketing. Visit me at Stay awesome.


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#23 If It Feels Like Marketing, You're Doing It Wrong

Welcome to the Authority Journey Podcast! Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed. My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: If It Feels Like Marketing, You're Doing It Wrong. What does marketing feel like? What are the alternatives? Keys:


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#22 Finding Your Inherent Genius

Welcome to the Authority Journey Podcast! Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed. My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: Finding Your Inherent Genius Show Notes: Robin Williams wanted to be a dramatic actor. His genius was comedy. Will Ferrell is a genius at comedy, but he doesn’t resist. He owns it. I started my career wanting to write fiction. 3 things going on here... You have permission to change your destination. But... How do you find your genius? (This is what the Authority Journey is about.) You be you. Your genius needs nurturing. Discover it. Feed it. Exercise it


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#21 Chaos, Uncertainty and Growth

When chaos comes into your life, how do you respond? Welcome to the Authority Journey Podcast! Achieving your most audacious goals doesn't happen by accident. Explore the Authority Journey and what it takes to influence, lead, and succeed. My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: Chaos, Uncertainty, and Growth. Sam Ovens at, is an authority journey worth studying. In less than a decade, he went from living in his parents' garage to running a multimillion-dollar business. I got to work with him for a short while after he moved to New York. The growth even from there to today has been nothing short of amazing. Recently I saw his story of those early days. The word that stood out was "chaos." That's the big takeaway I had from his story. Growth is chaotic. If you aren't comfortable with chaos... if you try to shut it down and contain it... you'll kill the growth. When I experienced the injury to my spinal cord that left me bed-bound for 4 years, I was completely reliant on my family to feed me and bring me my computer. Because of that, I got nervous when my business started to get chaotic. I didn't know that signaled growth. And I couldn't handle the stress, so I tried to contain it. It created a slump in my business that I've had to work doubly hard to overcome. > Growth is chaotic. You'll have multiple balls in the air, and you'll have no idea where they're going to land. > You need to look for clarity, not control. Make sure you know where you're heading, so you can let some of those balls go. Some of your activities aren't in alignment with your goals — they just look attractive. > Push through. Don't be afraid of chaos. You do need to manage it, but you don't need to be afraid of it. How to manage chaos: Set your prioritiesDon't slack offGet helpExamine your "why":Enjoy the ride


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#20 Fast Tracking Success

One thing at a time... Sounds like good advice, doesn't it? I recently realized something: while "one thing at a time" is good advice, it can actually slow your growth. What's weird is I actually thought I followed the one thing at a time model. But I've realized, the only times I have done it are the periods where I was starting from zero OR my life was stalling out. One thing at a time marks my moments of no growth. No achievements worth speaking about. My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: Fast-tracking Success


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#19 Belief and Responsibility

Belief in yourself is your responsibility. But most of us grow up with people telling us there are things we can't do or that we're not good at. You may have people in your life who focus on the negative and may put you down or minimize your accomplishments. Those voices can replay in our minds and block our success.


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#18: Four Success Tips by Bezos

My name is Kathryn Aragon, and I’m your host for today’s episode: 4 Success Tips by Bezos In an email to employees announcing his decision to step down, Jeff Bezos wrote, “Keep inventing, and don’t despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.” You may have experienced people trying to convince you that you're goals or dreams are unrealistic. That you shouldn't think too highly of yourself. In todays broadcast, I talk about how important it is to overcome the negative thoughts others may try to dump on you. Takeaways from todays episode:


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#17: To Fake It or not to Fake It

You've heard it said that you just have to fake it till you make it. But is that really the best advice? In today's episode I share why I believe there's a better solution for advancing your career and building your authority without having to fake it.


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#16: The Courage of Success

Overcoming adversity is all in a days work for Marcus Bullock. Listen in as Kathryn tells his story and relates it to the courage of success.


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#15: Taking Care of Your Business

Legal services aren't just for big businesses with deep pockets. Kathryn sits down with legal expert, Noel Bagwell, to talk about his unique approach to helping small businesses protect themselves against legal exposure, contract disputes and more. Listen to todays Authority Journey Podcast and learn what legal services you need and why it's important.


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#14: How to Start a Podcast, with David Perez

David Pérez is a podcasting expert, podcast producer, and coach. He's the host of the Audience Coach Podcast, and founder of Talking Silkworm, a podcast production agency that focuses on helping health and wellness coaches set up and launch their podcast. In this episode, we talk with David to learn:


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#13: Kick Off Your Business Growth

There are 5 questions you need to answer to kick off a new start for your business. Here they are, with tips for each.


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#12: New Year, New Focus

Why I don’t do resolutions, and what I recommend for reaching your goals every year.


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#10: You Be You

To be your best self, you need to be your authentic self. Weirdly, that’s a lot harder than it sounds. Let’s explore.


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#11: Goal Setting - What Do You Want

To reach your big, audacious goals, you need to be clear about what you’re trying to achieve. Here are 7 questions to help you figure out what you really want.


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#9: Step Into Your Authority

Authority isn’t a personal thing. To be authoritative, you need to be giving back to your community. Listen in as Kathryn explains why you need to step into your authority, and what’s holding you back.


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#8: Beat Imposter Syndrome

I’m always surprised when smart, talented people admit to imposter syndrome. Clearly, it’s something we all struggle with. So in this episode, I want to address it head-on: new ways of thinking about it and how to shut it down once and for all.


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#7: Overcomers Keep Going No Matter What

Talent and success don’t protect us from hardships and pain. Even the best of us face trials. Bad things happen to us all. But real overcomers keep going no matter what. Listen to Kathryn as she tells how one man overcame, and shares 6 traits of serial overcomes.


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#6: How to Accelerate Your Company's Authority Journey

In this podcast, we've talked a lot about the Authority Journey*, focusing primarily on your personal and professional growth. But every organization, if it's going to succeed, needs authority. So today, I'm going to share the Organizational Authority Journey* and how content marketing can help you accelerate that journey. *The Authority Journey is a trademark of Kathryn Aragon Media.


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#5: Why You Need to Write an Authority Book

Here are 8 reasons you need to write an authority book, and the benefits of having a book with your name on it.
