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BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch

Business & Economics Podcasts

BizZne$$ BuzZ is all about your business. Small business is in trouble and they have been as far back as the “rocking” that occurred in 2008. The 14.2 percent loss of many brick and mortar small businesses happened by the year 2015 (source, NFIB 2015 Report). Already being squeezed by Internet predators, like Amazon, E-Bay, etc. They are literally sucking the life out of small businesses by customer and profit “siphoning.” B2B Networking Groups and social media disappointments abound. Small business needs a “counter” to these Ecommerce tsunamis and that mechanism is the power of UNITY, RELATIONSHIP and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is an EDGE that is a non-compete. The “perfect storm” of shut down/customer distancing, lack of capital and uncertainty are the devastating effects of COVID19 disruption. Our mission is to provide your business the boost that it needs to recapture your personal visions, rejuvenate your operations and to bring about a platform that represents your interests.


United States


BizZne$$ BuzZ is all about your business. Small business is in trouble and they have been as far back as the “rocking” that occurred in 2008. The 14.2 percent loss of many brick and mortar small businesses happened by the year 2015 (source, NFIB 2015 Report). Already being squeezed by Internet predators, like Amazon, E-Bay, etc. They are literally sucking the life out of small businesses by customer and profit “siphoning.” B2B Networking Groups and social media disappointments abound. Small business needs a “counter” to these Ecommerce tsunamis and that mechanism is the power of UNITY, RELATIONSHIP and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is an EDGE that is a non-compete. The “perfect storm” of shut down/customer distancing, lack of capital and uncertainty are the devastating effects of COVID19 disruption. Our mission is to provide your business the boost that it needs to recapture your personal visions, rejuvenate your operations and to bring about a platform that represents your interests.



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BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch - May 15th, 2024



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Are you stuck? Could it be an addiction?

What a title for a show! What it really means is being stuck if that is case, how can we get unstuck and back on track. There is an old saying that if you don't know which road you are on, then your destination is not necessarily certain. We are ALL creatures of habit and these habits can be developed during the entirety of our lifetimes. Habits are learned behaviors and they become many times sooooooo comfortable that we assimilate them into our lives in a very indepth way with no thought whatsoever that this manner of behavior or way of living could be not only potentially damaging but disabling and hindering us from really achieving what we want the most which is to attain out life goals. The expertise that deals with these very hazy areas of our lives that in so many ways we self manufactured are not that easy to identify and require a totally observant person who can assess your life objectively and most importantly honestly with the goal being the best of breed for your life. We can ALL get stuck on something that seems to be good but really is a self imposed hurdle that we have set the bar so high that we sometimes giving up even trying. Join us and our accomplished guest as we investigate how to get you unstuck!Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Introducing . . .The Certainty Collective!

Welcome to a very unique show. Now 4 years into the LIVE airing of BizZne$$ BuzZ a tremendous amount of activity and FRUIT has been realized by hosting this show and now with my Hostess, Ninon de Vere de Rosa, we are now increasing our listening audience together, week in and week out! Today, joining me on a commercial FREE show is my Co-Managing Partner of Certainty Global, LLC which we both own jointly and recently have decided to have BizZne$$ BuzZ and my partner's show Finding Certainty acquired by this company as well. We will be discussing a move that we have decided to enjoin together to bring to life. The Certainty Collective! Patrick owned two companies prior to our meeting and now we have decided to enjoin the new company that we both founded recently towards the center of the other two entities. The impending results of such a move is what we will be covering today and believe me . . . You are gonna like it! Join us today as we will be discussing the birth and most importantly the realization of as close to a One Stop Shoppe for business both small and large and encompassing ALL of the pertinent 21st Century glaring NEEDS of both of these market sectors. We have created a COLLECTIVE of solutions just for YOU! There is an old saying . . . It doesn't get any better than this! Tune in today and find out what were talking about! .Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch - April 24th, 2024



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A Financial Counselor?



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What An Amazing Lady

In this world of turmoil and timidness we rarely encounter someone as self assured and focused on not only what our society, namely the Small Business Community needs but the world in general. The millennials that our rapidly rising up and influencing our lives today are going to require role models and mentors as they seek to achieve their respective goals and find their fits in a world that demands their input. We need this generation and our guest today epitomizes the potential value and contributions that we ALL need so much in times as uncertain as these. Join Ninon and I today as we delve into the life of Martha Roza and discover what she is all about!Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Back To School



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You Can Get In the Game Again!

In 1994 I had back surgery. Prior to that I enjoyed the game of golf on a very robust basis. After the surgery and the recovery when I tried to get back onto the course and return to one of my love of the game's, my backswing when went that back surgery and it has never returned. Hence, I have NOT played the game to any great degree since that time. I have a beautiful golf course home and every time I walk out on my deck that overlooks the course and look out to my left and see the 15th fairway and green and then in front of me the 16th hole from tee to green . . . well you can imagine how I feel when I see others who are close to my age, which is now fastly becoming age 72, enjoying the game that I LOVE. Today, our guest has an incredible twist on the game of golf and apparently he is going to place a smile on my face once again and bring hope to my heart that I can return to the course's once again! If you love golf as much as I do and find yourself NOT on the field of green anymore, you need to pay some serious attention to this show!Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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From Trajedy to Triumph!

In the now close to 4 years that this sho w has been airing LIVE and the hundreds of guests that have been interviewed, today is a show you just don't want to miss in it's entirety. We KNOW that starting a small business has it's challenges and hurdles but when you hear the backstory of our guest today you are going to be not only motivated to hear and understand the price she has paid to this point and time in her life but also how she overcame and is now on a high road to a very successful outcome. Ninon shines during this interview. It is our goal to bringing on more women business and influential guests as we move the show to even greater heights and It's ALL for your benefit as our Small BizZne$$ listening audience all over the world. Today is a benchmark in the life of this show and there will be many more to come. Tune in and enjoy some masterful interview skills of Ninon and the responses that could change your life!Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Encore Frank and Ninon . . . Kick Off 2024 Together!

We are now in the midst of our 4th year on the Business Network and now Ninon de Vere de Rosa, who has so graciously become a large part of the show as our new Hostess and together we have now formed our new moniker of your Dynamic Business Duo for YOU the Small Business Community of America and beyond. Our goal began and continue to be representing your interests as your Advocate and bringing forth YOUR VOICE to speak out and be heard all across this great land and YES eventually within the Halls of Government because one of the greatest fallacies of your existence is the use of the word Small in front of the word Business. You are anything but that. Small Business is responsible for 85% of all the hiring in this country and 50% of its GNP. These two factors alone bring forth the reasons for the removal of that word Small and the recognition that we are more so The Business In America!!! Today, Ninon and I will take the few minutes alloted to us during the LIVE broadcast to give you a better understanding of the reasons WHY we are together and more importantly our goals and dreams to be realized on your behalf. Along with this, there are certainly more challenges that lie before us in 2024 and beyond for our community at large. Join us today as we dialogue in the virtual world with each other, totally unrehearsed. Both of us have no idea where this show will take us but we are excited to work together to bring you the best of what we have to offer to our listening audience. Last year we experienced a 200 percent increase in our numbers of listeners and WE are intent on taking this now base of loyal listeners and expanding it once again and the mission remains the same! We are ALL about Small Business and will continue to be into the far distant future as you empower us with your confidence and support. We also want to take this time to thank our Senior Executive Producer, Robert Ciolino now the General Manager of and his invaluable contributions to the maturing of this show and its impact on society as a whole. Robert, thank you, we could not have done this without your leading and guidance. A special mention to our now Publicist, Dr. Andrea Adams Miller who has been selecting the outstanding guest roster that you have experienced of late and we have no doubts that she will bring forth every bit as many in 2024, resounding with the resources and expertise that you can take advantage of to propel your business to the heights you have envisioned. You will find the contact information of these individuals below. Join us today, as we take BizZne$$ BuzZ and BizZne$$ Watch into 2024 together and explore the possibilities that we all hope to achieve this together this year and beyond! Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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AC Caswell Visits BizZne$$ BuzZ

A difference maker. That is who our epitomizes today From his humble beginnings as a child in one of the toughest area's growing up in South Central Loa Angeles. His decisions that he made that were life changing at that time and the mentors that he allowed in to council him through the rough spots His God given abilities that propelled him to the gridiron of the NFL with the vaunted Oakland Raiders. AC Craswell is a difference maker who gets the job done! Join us today as we explore the incredible movement that is known as Million Dollar Mingle!Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Genius In 21 Days??? For Real?

Today is what I term to be iconic. Ninon and I both have a passion to engage our younger generation into the world of Small business. Our younger generation is by far the most knowledgeable in history and this is largely due to the worldwide internet which is overflowing with data and most importantly content. You see, content will rule the roost, now and in the foreseeable future as well. I remember a commercial one time that had a line that stated A mind is a terrible thing to waste. You know, sayings like that sorta stick with you and are probably more pertinent to what we are dealing with today. One of the most daunting challenges of our days and times is Who is going to step into these large shoes of the small businesses of America when the Baby Boomers leave this world? This is a huge challenge and mounting more and more each passing day. The need as both Ninon and I see it is for mentoring of these younger generations and NOT from Professors of College's who repeat the same curriculum with nauseating results. What is needed is professionals who are engaged and getting the job done in the nere and now! Today, we have joining us such as individual who is making it happen on a global scale. Knowledge is Wisdom Applied. Join us today as we interview someone who just might have the answer to his daunting problem!how Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Genius In 21 Days??? For Real?

Today is what I term to be iconic. Ninon and I both have a passion to engage our younger generation into the world of Small business. Our younger generation is by far the most knowledgeable in history and this is largely due to the worldwide internet which is overflowing with data and most importantly content. You see, content will rule the roost, now and in the foreseeable future as well. I remember a commercial one time that had a line that stated A mind is a terrible thing to waste. You know, sayings like that sorta stick with you and are probably more pertinent to what we are dealing with today. One of the most daunting challenges of our days and times is Who is going to step into these large shoes of the small businesses of America when the Baby Boomers leave this world? This is a huge challenge and mounting more and more each passing day. The need as both Ninon and I see it is for mentoring of these younger generations and NOT from Professors of College's who repeat the same curriculum with nauseating results. What is needed is professionals who are engaged and getting the job done in the nere and now! Today, we have joining us such as individual who is making it happen on a global scale. Knowledge is Wisdom Applied. Join us today as we interview someone who just might have the answer to his daunting problem!how Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Whiskey . . . Going ON!

I recall when I first came to CA in 1971 and the waving palms tree's, the streets lined with GOLD, It's the Golden State? Right? and the sun washed beaches, the babes! Now, that actually turned out to be for REAL! Well, at age 18 and seeking my destiny, now that I had traversed from the East to the West Coast was all lying before me. One of the institutions that I keot hearing about was a hot spot in Hollywood known as Whiskey a Go Go! I was of course too young at that time to take advantage of all of its particular benefits but none the less it was a somewhat household name in the Southern CA marketplace where entertainment was concerned. Today and i that tradition of the usage of the word Whiskey and the now reach that has been created by our special guest Douglas Smith who is expanding the name and scope of the name Whiskey. Oddly enough, Whiskey a Go Go is still open in Hollywood and ever popular as it has always been. Old ideas with a 21st Century twist has kept the 1964 vision alive and well and operational. Douglas Smith will now give us his perspective and journey of filling the bar of that icon business and other's besides with the literal Whisky varieties that will make the cash registers ring in perpetuity. Join Ninon and I today as we discover just what this unique and entrepreneurial guest it up to right now.Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Whiskey . . . Going ON!

I recall when I first came to CA in 1971 and the waving palms tree's, the streets lined with GOLD, It's the Golden State? Right? and the sun washed beaches, the babes! Now, that actually turned out to be for REAL! Well, at age 18 and seeking my destiny, now that I had traversed from the East to the West Coast was all lying before me. One of the institutions that I keot hearing about was a hot spot in Hollywood known as Whiskey a Go Go! I was of course too young at that time to take advantage of all of its particular benefits but none the less it was a somewhat household name in the Southern CA marketplace where entertainment was concerned. Today and i that tradition of the usage of the word Whiskey and the now reach that has been created by our special guest Douglas Smith who is expanding the name and scope of the name Whiskey. Oddly enough, Whiskey a Go Go is still open in Hollywood and ever popular as it has always been. Old ideas with a 21st Century twist has kept the 1964 vision alive and well and operational. Douglas Smith will now give us his perspective and journey of filling the bar of that icon business and other's besides with the literal Whisky varieties that will make the cash registers ring in perpetuity. Join Ninon and I today as we discover just what this unique and entrepreneurial guest it up to right now.Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Who Knows About You?

BizZne$$ BuzZ has from it's inception in August of 2020, heralded the following three words. Unity, Relationship and Reciprocity. At the base of all this is a word called knowledge. We, human beings survive and thrive on the power of the relationships that we achieve, nurture and enjoy. Unfortunately and we have all experienced this, we have also been exploited and thus ultimately violated by the very relationships that we have come to know, value and TRUST. Wow, that is a BIG word isn't it? Largely removed from our current society and so hard to recover and re-emerge once again. You see, it all boils down to the word agenda does it not? For when something rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times in the midst of a trusted relationship, many times it was because we did not see that hidden agenda of the person who we were seeking to KNOW better. Today on the show we have a guest who is seeking to have NO agenda in the Power of Trusted Relationships and again our Publicist, Dr. Andrea Adams Miller has found a Diamond In the Ruff of the business world who'se agenda just might be one you are looking for right now. Let's find out what she has introduced to us today as Tom Chenault of Contact Mapping joins us on the show today!ur Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Who Knows About You?

BizZne$$ BuzZ has from it's inception in August of 2020, heralded the following three words. Unity, Relationship and Reciprocity. At the base of all this is a word called knowledge. We, human beings survive and thrive on the power of the relationships that we achieve, nurture and enjoy. Unfortunately and we have all experienced this, we have also been exploited and thus ultimately violated by the very relationships that we have come to know, value and TRUST. Wow, that is a BIG word isn't it? Largely removed from our current society and so hard to recover and re-emerge once again. You see, it all boils down to the word agenda does it not? For when something rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times in the midst of a trusted relationship, many times it was because we did not see that hidden agenda of the person who we were seeking to KNOW better. Today on the show we have a guest who is seeking to have NO agenda in the Power of Trusted Relationships and again our Publicist, Dr. Andrea Adams Miller has found a Diamond In the Ruff of the business world who'se agenda just might be one you are looking for right now. Let's find out what she has introduced to us today as Tom Chenault of Contact Mapping joins us on the show today!ur Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Real Estate . . . From a Much Different Perspective

Welcome to BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch LIVE with The Dynamic Business Duo - Frank Helring and Ninon de Vera de Rosa on! Tune in every Wednesday at 10 am PST and 1 pm EST for a rollercoaster ride through the unconventional realms of business.Today's episode ventures into the mysterious world of discounted Real Estate, where pioneers like Carlton Sheets, Robert G. Allen, Wade Cook, and Craig Hall left their marks. Join us as we unveil the secrets with the legendary Wayne Seminoff, an 80-year-old guru of Bargain Real Estate!Wayne has mastered turning $1000 lots into $400,000 treasures. He's been mining junk real estate for over four decades, and now he's sharing his expertise in his game-changing Bargain Real Estate course. Forget the complexities – Wayne simplifies the process, turning obstacles into golden opportunities.In a world where others see barriers, Wayne sees openings. His strategies not only fill your bank account but elevate your self-concept. Whether you're a novice or an expert, Wayne's lessons guarantee financial freedom. He opens doors for the young dreamers, proving success is within reach.Don't miss this chance to revolutionize your approach to real estate! Tune in LIVE, absorb Wayne's wisdom, and step into a world where junk lots become your ticket to prosperity. Visit every Wednesday – it's not just a show; it's your pathway to financial transformation! ?? #BizZneBuzZ #BizZneWatch #RealEstateRevolution #WayneSeminoff #FinancialFreedom BizZne$$ BuzZ can be found at Our Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller


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Real Estate . . . From a Much Different Perspective

Welcome to BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch LIVE with The Dynamic Business Duo - Frank Helring and Ninon de Vera de Rosa on! Tune in every Wednesday at 10 am PST and 1 pm EST for a rollercoaster ride through the unconventional realms of business.Today's episode ventures into the mysterious world of discounted Real Estate, where pioneers like Carlton Sheets, Robert G. Allen, Wade Cook, and Craig Hall left their marks. Join us as we unveil the secrets with the legendary Wayne Seminoff, an 80-year-old guru of Bargain Real Estate!Wayne has mastered turning $1000 lots into $400,000 treasures. He's been mining junk real estate for over four decades, and now he's sharing his expertise in his game-changing Bargain Real Estate course. Forget the complexities – Wayne simplifies the process, turning obstacles into golden opportunities.In a world where others see barriers, Wayne sees openings. His strategies not only fill your bank account but elevate your self-concept. Whether you're a novice or an expert, Wayne's lessons guarantee financial freedom. He opens doors for the young dreamers, proving success is within reach.Don't miss this chance to revolutionize your approach to real estate! Tune in LIVE, absorb Wayne's wisdom, and step into a world where junk lots become your ticket to prosperity. Visit every Wednesday – it's not just a show; it's your pathway to financial transformation! ?? #BizZneBuzZ #BizZneWatch #RealEstateRevolution #WayneSeminoff #FinancialFreedom BizZne$$ BuzZ can be found at Our Show Executives: Executive Producer - Robert Ciolino, Producer/Director - Ninon de Vera de Rosa. Publicist - Dr. Andrea Adams Miller
