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Breakfast Leadership Show

Business & Economics Podcasts

From the Breakfast Leadership Network. We interview global thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and marketing experts to show the audience the right steps (no shortcuts!) to grow your business and your life. Guests of the Breakfast Leadership Show may have sponsored their appearance on the show, as disclosed in compliance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines.


Toronto, ON


From the Breakfast Leadership Network. We interview global thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and marketing experts to show the audience the right steps (no shortcuts!) to grow your business and your life. Guests of the Breakfast Leadership Show may have sponsored their appearance on the show, as disclosed in compliance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines.





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Founder Fridays: Thriving in Change: Ryan Kugler's Journey of Diversification and Adaptation in Business

Summary Introductions and business overview @ 0:00 Ryan introduced his layered business model of running three companies with shared staff and discussed how it allows for diversification and flexibility. He described his event production, marketing materials, and wholesale liquidation businesses. Pivoting businesses during the pandemic @ 3:51 Ryan discussed pausing his event business during the pandemic but pivoting his wholesale business to supply essential goods like PPE. He commended businesses' rapid adaptations to unprecedented challenges. Importance of diversification and exit strategies @ 17:51 Ryan emphasized maintaining multiple revenue streams, as one business's fortunes may change. He looks to acquire passive businesses and plans selling his event business in 5-10 years. Exits must be planned to avoid surprises and headaches. Future plans and expansion of existing businesses @ 18:16 Ryan seeks new acquisition opportunities in different industries. He'll grow his marketing and events businesses but diversify by finding replacement verticals as industries evolve past certain products. Continual adaptation is needed to avoid obsolescence. Importance of recognizing industry changes @ 21:12 Half of 2000's Fortune 500 companies no longer exist. Industries constantly change, requiring anticipating new opportunities and exits. Businesses must evolve or risk becoming obsolete like buggy whip makers. Continual evaluation and flexibility are key to long-term survival. Finding inspiration through varied interests and helping others @ 24:32 Both men find inspiration and networking through diverse interests like volunteering. Variety prevents burnout while helping others. Business success need not be sole focus; life should be enjoyed through meaningful pursuits.


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Thoughtful Thursdays: Harmonizing Family and Business: Insights from Avadhi Dhruv, the Family Business Guru and Bestselling Author

Avadhi is an International Bestselling Author, Youtuber, and a Business Guru. She helps leaders of family legacy businesses run their companies in a way that fosters healthy family relationships. Avadhi is also the Chief Transformation Officer at Prabhat Industries, their three-generational family business involved in rubber products manufacturing and distribution. Founded in 1966, the global brand is a leading supplier of sealing solutions for multiple industries across North America with revenues in the multi-seven figures. Avadhi’s upcoming book, The Family Business Guru: A Secret Guide to Alchemize Conflict into Harmony, Lead with Confidence, and Generate Profits, offers practical strategies to navigate the intricate dance of running a family business while maintaining strong relationships with your loved ones. their first bestseller, Inner Genius Outer Guru: A Heart-Centered Entrepreneur’s Guide to Unlimited Potential for Growth in Income and Freedom in Lifestyle without Burnout, was a huge success amongst entrepreneurs ready to create real income-generating businesses they love. Family-Owned Businesses: Advantages and Challenges Michael and Avadhi discussed the complexities and advantages of family-owned businesses. Michael shared their experience working at a family-owned grocery store chain, highlighting how family involvement can bring both success and challenges. Avadhi, who grew up in a family business empire, added that generational differences, personalities, and relationships can greatly impact the business. They both noted that leaving a family-owned business can be more complicated than leaving a regular business due to personal connections and feelings of loyalty. Avadhi emphasized the benefits of such businesses, pointing out that the shared values and culture of family members can positively impact the business, its employees, and customers. Overcoming Fears and Nurturing Relationships in Family-Owned Businesses Avadhi shared their insights on the challenges and fears family-owned businesses often face, particularly concerning money and relationships. She detailed their own journey of overcoming limiting beliefs and emphasized the importance of becoming aware of and addressing unconscious fears to foster healthy relationships and contribute fully to the business. Michael then contributed with a personal story about their family restaurant, highlighting the unique dynamics and connections that can exist within family-owned businesses. He stressed the importance of maintaining human connections, even in challenging situations, and avoiding actions that could damage relationships at the workplace. Harmony in Relationships for Business Success Michael and Avadhi discussed the importance of creating harmony in relationships for the success of a business. Avadhi emphasized that a harmonious environment boosts confidence and encourages a long-term approach to success, rattheir than a quick profit. Michael agreed, highlighting that constant work and refinement are crucial for a business to meet the growing demands of customers and employees. Both stressed the significance of self-improvement and hard work in achieving harmony, which then overflows into the business world, leading to revenue growth and profit. Avadhi's Work and Upcoming Launch Avadhi and Michael discussed Avadhi's work and how people could learn more about it. Avadhi encouraged viewers to visit their website,, and subscribe to their YouTube channel for their videos and healing meditations.


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Thoughtful Thursdays: Julie Cropp Gareleck’s Journey from Corner Booth to Corner Office | ‘Dare to Become’ Book Insights & Entrepreneurial Success

Julie is a CEO, Author, and entrepreneur. Julie is a respected and trusted leader in business communities that extend from the Northeast (Philadelphia, New York City, and D.C.) to the Southeast (including the Greater Atlanta region and Charleston, South Carolina.), and that includes CEOs and entrepreneurs of small to midsize businesses as well as the Fortune 1000. In her 25-year career, she has consulted with more than 1000 companies to build sustainable, revenue-generating strategies. Her first book, Dare to Become, From the Corner Booth to the Corner Office, hit shelves worldwide on September 3 and details her journey from working for her parent’s restaurant to building a successful agency. For millions, a significant component of the American dream is to start one’s own company and, ultimately, to become one’s boss. The question is, how exactly does one do that? Every successful entrepreneur has a unique story to tell. Julie Cropp Gareleck, CEO, Entrepreneur, and now Author, brings a fresh perspective on confidently navigating the journey from startup to success. Whether you are a new business owner, entrepreneur, or an employee, the insights shared in this book will prove valuable on your journey. Links: Website: Facebook: IG: YouTube: LinkedIn: Amazon: Quick recap Michael and Julie discussed the importance of self-realization, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges, particularly during the Great Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic. They also highlighted the value of early work experiences, problem-solving skills, continuous learning, and journaling in personal and professional development. Lastly, they discussed the promotion and availability of Julie's upcoming book, "Dare to Become," and the importance of networking and social media in book promotion. Discussing 'Dare to Become' and Potential Michael and Julie discussed the fast pace of the year and Julie's upcoming book, "Dare to Become," which aims to inspire people to reach their full potential. Michael expressed his excitement about the book's title and its message, emphasizing the importance of individuals realizing their unlimited potential to positively impact society. They agreed to keep the conversation organic and to include a summary of the interview in the show notes for those who might want to learn more about the discussion. Launching a Business Amid Economic Challenges Michael and Julie discussed the challenges and successes of launching a business during the Great Recession and the subsequent years of significant change and transformation. Michael praised Julie's boldness in starting a business during a difficult economic period and highlighted how both personal and working life have been significantly impacted by recent events such as wars, pandemics, and technological advancements. Julie shared his experience of launching a business during the recession and how his company managed to adapt and do well during the Covid-19 pandemic, despite the shift to remote work being a significant challenge for his sales team. Overcoming Fear With Zoom and Sharing Journeys Michael suggested that salespeople, who were initially uncomfortable using Zoom, should familiarize themselves with the platform by using it with their grandchildren. This approach helped them overcome their fear and gain confidence in using the app. Julie then shared his motivation for writing a book about his journey from working at his parents' restaurant to starting his own business. He found inspiration in his past journals and wanted to share the lessons he learned, as well as the ups and downs of his journey. HVAC Industry Contributions and Family Businesses Michael shared his conversation with Gene Slade, who has made significant...


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Wisdom Wednesdays: Develop Multiple Streams of Passive Income: A conversation with Allen Lomax

I inspire professionals to escape the tyranny of exchanging time, energy, expertise, and talent for money by empowering them to develop multiple streams of passive income. Time and economic freedom are core liberating forces that allow us to passionately engage in our calling and significantly impact humanity and the planet. My Story: I'm a seventh grader, and an unexpected TV special on homosexuality comes on. This is the first I've heard of homosexuality. Like a ton of rainbow bricks, I'm hit with the reality that I'm gay. This revelation, combined with undiagnosed dyslexia and schoolyard bullying, led to two decades of persistent depressive disorder. Despite feeling directionless, I graduate college, marry, and struggle with dead-end job after job. After divorce and therapy, I earn a master's in counseling, become a university counselor, attain a PhD, and excell in higher education leadership and real estate investment. The 2008 financial crisis cost me everything, forcing deep introspection. I realize I'm still that 7th-grade gay boy consumed with homophobic self-hatred with an intellectual inferiority complex. Two decades after my first therapy, I confront the core issues. Step out of a closet bigger than a Kardashian's, label the intellectual challenge for the dyslexia it is, and embrace both my dyslexia and fabulous gayness. Worthy of self-acceptance and wealth, I build passive income, lead in education, and help others flourish. Those schoolyard bullies can call me Suzie—As I live abundantly and flourish, I get the last laugh. Possible Topics; Five drivers that propel financial well-being to live abundantly while passionately engaged in the work of our calling. How do multiple streams of income remove the tyranny of exchanging time for money? Transformational growth from the inside out. Contact Info and Social Media Links: Quick recap Michael and Allen discussed the importance of diversifying income sources for financial stability, with Allen sharing his personal journey of overcoming challenges to build a successful career. They also emphasized the significance of authentic leadership, self-discovery, and addressing core issues for personal growth. Lastly, they explored the advantages of investing in multi-family housing units and offered guidance for professionals seeking to create multiple sources of income. Next steps • Professionals to explore passive income opportunities like real estate investing, starting an online business, or investing in stocks to create multiple income streams and achieve financial independence. • Professionals to schedule a complimentary strategic consultation with Allen at to clarify their vision, solve challenges, and get a blueprint for moving from exchanging time for money to financial freedom. • Listeners to consider investing in apartment complexes or commercial real estate due to high demand, stability, and potentially higher returns compared to other asset classes according to a Federal Reserve Bank study. Summary Diversifying Income Sources and Conversation Michael and Allen had a discussion about the importance of diversifying income sources, especially in times of economic uncertainty. Michael emphasized how having multiple revenue streams can alleviate stress and provide a cushion, which Allen agreed to. The pair decided to continue an organic, unscripted discussion with Allen sharing his personal story about a special on homosexuality that exposed him to new concepts. They planned to continue the conversation for around 20 minutes. Allen's Journey to Self-Acceptance and Success Allen shared a candid and personal account of his struggles with dyslexia, internalized homophobia, and intellectual inferiority. He described his journey from feeling like a misfit and outcast in his school years to eventually embracing his dyslexia and sexuality, and...


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Tuesday Tips: Bruce Piasecki: Unveiling the Intersection of Climate Change and Conflict, and the Rise of Social Response Capitalism

Summary Intersection of war and climate change @ 1:51 Bruce Piasecki discusses research showing that the top two global concerns are now war/conflict and climate change. He believes these issues are deeply interconnected, with climate change contributing to resource scarcity and instability that can lead to military conflicts. He emphasizes the need for leaders to recognize and address this relationship. Bridging business and social interests @ 12:14 Bruce outlines six ways that the interests of business and society are converging in a "sweet spot": cutting costs, growing revenue, improving relationships, attracting talent, strengthening brands, and reducing risk. He believes this alignment creates a virtuous cycle of innovation, wealth creation, and social impact. Shift towards social response capitalism @ 19:16 Bruce shares his view that capitalism can become a force for positive social change if companies realign their focus on money, people, and rules. He sees a growing trend of "invisible Robins Hoods" in the investment community who are redirecting capital towards more sustainable and socially responsible companies. Empowering the next generation @ 19:56 Drawing on his observations of his daughter and her medical school peers, Bruce sees the next generation as naturally attuned to the intersection of business and social needs. He believes this osmotic learning will be a key driver of progress in addressing global challenges like climate change. Recap and next steps @ 33:04 Michael and Bruce wrap up the discussion, with Michael expressing interest in continuing the conversation and receiving some of Bruce's books to further explore the ideas covered. They emphasize the importance of celebrating organizations and individuals who are driving positive change. Click below for photo, global podcasts, and books For new generation cartoon on Piasecki’s competitive principles, visit, and smile with Dr. Piasecki, a Ben Franklin all over again….


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Tuesday Tips: The Fit CEO Mindset: Boundaries, Balance and Peak Performance with Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann

Quick recap Summary CEO Fit Book and Boundaries Discussion Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of the CEO Fit book, with a particular focus on the concept of boundaries. Rebecca shared her extensive career experience in financial services and her recent shift to advising startup CEOs. She also highlighted her passion for small businesses. Michael emphasized the significance of self-care and rest, noting that many people struggle with these aspects due to their busy and often stressful lives. Both expressed their enthusiasm for the ongoing journey of learning and growing in their respective fields. Flexibility, Adaptability, and Productivity in Workplaces Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of flexibility and adaptability in developing and utilizing skills across different workplaces. They both highlighted the value of experience, with Rebecca sharing her insights from managing large and small companies. They emphasized the similarity in the fundamental challenges of motivating and retaining teams, regardless of company size. Michael pointed out that productivity often increases when focusing on the essential tasks, noting that remote work during the pandemic had eliminated many distractions and allowed for more straightforward work processes. Rebecca agreed, noting the importance of focus in maintaining productivity. Multitasking and Psychological Safety in the Workplace Rebecca argued that multitasking, such as responding to emails or texting while in a meeting, is not efficient as it distracts the brain's ability to focus on one task at a time. She suggested that this lack of distraction was a contributing factor to improved productivity. Michael emphasized the importance of creating a psychologically safe work environment where employees feel comfortable being open and transparent about personal issues. He argued that such an environment not only benefits employee well-being but also enhances retention and overall job satisfaction. Psychological Safety, Transparency, and Communication Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of creating a psychologically safe and transparent work environment. Rebecca emphasized that clear communication about the company's vision and goals, and how employees' work contributes to these, is crucial for employee motivation and retention. Michael agreed, noting that clarity attracts while confusion repels. They then moved to discuss Rebecca's book, which was inspired by questions she received after speaking engagements. She shared how these questions led her to reflect on her own life and work experiences, and eventually led her to write the book. Collaborative Book Writing and Boundary Setting Rebecca shared the story of how she and her personal trainer, Lillian, collaborated to write a book about fitness and wellness. The book, which was completed in 10 months, was designed to be a quick reference guide, with short chapters and Lillian's input interspersed throughout. Michael then discussed the importance of setting and respecting boundaries, emphasizing that it's not selfish but necessary to maintain one's own well-being. He highlighted the common problem of overcommitment, especially among executives and startup founders. Both Rebecca and Michael underscored the importance of establishing boundaries and the need to approach it as a partnership. Work-Life Boundaries and Self-Care Strategies Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of work-life boundaries and self-care in the workplace. Michael emphasized the need to keep track of delegated tasks to avoid overworking employees. Rebecca suggested renaming the term "selfish" to "self-care" and introduced the concept of "pay yourself first," likening it to building wealth. They also discussed the "parking lot" strategy, where non-urgent tasks are listed and prioritized later. This strategy was praised by Michael, who shared his own experience of using a similar method to reprioritize his workload with his manager's...


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Motivation Mondays: Dance with Your Dragons: A chat with Brad Axelrad

My name is Brad Axelrad, and for over a decade now, I’ve worked with coaches, consultants, and business owners to transform struggle into strength. By helping them face their fears and dance with their dragons, I help leaders like you step into their power and create a thriving coaching business in the process. I’ve produced over 200 live events, spoken from nearly 300 stages (live and virtual), and interviewed top thought & business leaders and bestselling authors including industry GIANTS such as John Assaraf, Bob Proctor, Don Miguel Ruiz, Gay Hendricks, Ali Brown, Michael Gerber, and many more… Since 2010, I’ve been a proud Founding Member of ATL SoCal (Association of Transformational Leaders) and Co-Founder of ATL Costa Rica, founded in 2017. I’ve done all of this as a part of my ongoing mission to show tomorrow’s leaders how to embody success without sacrifice today—one that has seen thousands of lives transformed, just like yours CAN and WILL.


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Founder Fridays: Streamlining Consulting Operations: Bizinta's Integrated System with Real-Time Reporting and Staffing Tools with Matt Lentzner

Matt is a 20-year expert in Business Management of Professional Services Companies. He has the rare ability to understand both the technical and business sides, mapping one to the other. He took that expertise and built Bizinta ( so the system and the business became one. Bizinta's Integrated Back-End System for Consultants Matt, the co-founder and CEO of Bizinta, presented a highly integrated back-end system designed for consulting companies. The system was initially created to manage the operations of his former finance and accounting consulting company in Silicon Valley, and it was later spun off as an independent company in 2017. The tool helps companies track their employees' skills, schedules, and billing and generates reports quickly and efficiently. Michael praised the system's ability to streamline operations and reduce silos, giving companies a competitive advantage by allowing them to focus on creative work. Leadership Roles and Software Development Advantages Michael and Matt discussed the advantages of having a background in software development for leadership roles. Matt's experience building systems from the ground up gave him a unique perspective, allowing him to understand and communicate effectively with his team about new features and tools. He also mentioned the advantage of quickly adapting to and implementing new features, giving his company a competitive edge. Furthermore, they discussed the importance of connecting to the development process and profoundly understanding the company's framework and capacity. Consulting Industry Challenges and Opportunities Matt and Michael discussed the challenges and opportunities in the consulting industry. Matt explained the unique difficulties of scaling a consulting business, contrasting it with the relative ease of scaling a product company. They identified a critical point for consulting companies: the founder can no longer personally oversee every aspect of the business due to its size and must expand the team. Michael highlighted a concerning statistic that 52% of Fortune 500 companies from 2000 have either gone bankrupt or been acquired, emphasizing the importance of growth and adaptation for businesses. They agreed on the need for a system to help manage and expand the knowledge of a consulting company to continue providing quality service to larger clients. Bizinta System for Efficient Reporting Michael and Matt discussed the impact of organizations on their communities and the importance of efficient reporting processes. Matt highlighted the advantages of their system, Bizinta, which was built with integration in mind, making it more efficient and effective than other systems. He demonstrated how the system can compare planned schedules with recorded time, enabling organizations to evaluate their performance and make necessary adjustments. Michael agreed and noted the potential for this system to auto staff adequately roving Staffing for Customer-Driven Organizations Michael and Matt discussed the challenges and inefficiencies in customer-driven organizations, such as restaurants and grocery stores, which experience fluctuating demand. Michael suggested designing the staffing to meet the demand, emphasizing the importance of proper resource allocation to ensure a good customer experience. He also highlighted the potential of this approach to improve efficiency and identify opportunities for the organization. Matt agreed with Michael's assessment and approach. Introducing MoAR for Customizable Reporting Matt introduced the MoAR, a robust reporting tool that allows users to tailor reports according to their specific needs, which can be saved and reused for their companies. Michael appreciated the flexibility of this tool, contrasting it with the inflexible and often problematic Crystal Reports. Matt emphasized the tool's potential in allowing management teams to quickly decide on the most important...


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Thoughtful Thursdays: Leadership Lessons from Fiction: Melanie Bell's Journey in Fostering Growth and Empathy

Melanie is the Founder of Leaders Who Fiction, an online book club and community that offers a unique way for people to acquire and develop leadership qualities through reading and discussing novels. On this fast-growing platform, leaders meet on the last Wednesday of each month for intellectual, business-oriented conversations centered around a selected novel. Melanie is also the Co-Founder of Strategic Piece, where she works with C-suite executives at growth-stage companies to deliver exceptional revenue growth by bringing together their marketing, sales, and service teams around an information-driven customer experience built on the HubSpot platform. She has been an entrepreneur for almost a decade and witnessed what works and doesn't work in leadership and how reading fiction equips leaders with the skills they need to achieve their professional goals. LinkedIn: Summary Introductions and reading habits @ 0:00 Michael and Melanie discussed their love of reading novels which faded during busy periods but was rediscovered, finding fiction teaches valuable life lessons better than textbooks. Fiction novels teach leadership lessons @ 3:38 Michael argued novels show complex human interactions better than business books, citing how Star Trek addressed 1960s racial issues through diverse crews solving problems together. Reading reduces stress and improves focus @ 8:14 Studies found just six minutes of reading significantly reduces stress versus other activities, with focus allowing clarity to solve problems. Leaders Who Fiction aims to prioritize this stress relief. The value of getting 'lost' in a story @ 8:38 Getting fully immersed in a story transports the mind creatively, helping forget stresses as pages turn eagerly to discover outcomes, paralleling life's journey over destinations. COVID increased humanity in remote work @ 10:57 Pandemic blurring of work and home made video calls more "human" as families joined, normalizing interruptions rather than masking imperfections. Leaders Who Fiction book club @ 14:13 Melanie founded the free monthly Zoom book club to motivate busy leaders to read fiction through accountability and discussion of novels offering career value beyond "black-and-white" business stories.


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Wisdom Wednesdays: Leading Through Turbulence: Strategies for CEO Success with Katy Trost

Katy coaches and advises CEOs and founders at Series B and beyond. She helps them become more effective leaders and navigate the challenges of scaling people and operations. Her clients include some of the fastest-growing companies in the US and UK tech ecosystem, backed by leading investors, including SoftBank, First Round, Felix, Octopus, Inflexion, and more. Katy is also a coach and judge for Tech Nation Future Fifty and Upscale, Octopus Ventures, Founders Forum, Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs, PwC Fintech, the Mayor of London Mentoring Program, and a member of the board of advisors for various startups. Her work has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Success Magazine, The Org, and Thrive Global. She shares her insights on CEO leadership, developing high-performing executive teams, and building healthy organizations at scale. Born and raised in Germany, Katy spent four years traveling the world before moving to New York City. After multiple years in the US startup ecosystem, she expanded her business to the UK, bringing a global perspective to her work with innovative and purpose-driven organizations. LinkedIn Instagram Quick recap Next steps • CEOs should focus on maintaining a human approach to leadership, especially during challenging times like layoffs. • Executives cultivate a problem-solving mindset and view daily challenges as opportunities for growth. Tech Ecosystem Advisor Role and Approach A tech ecosystem advisor, Katy shared her role and approach with Michael. She works with CEOs and executive teams, focusing on leadership, branding, operations, and scaling organizations. She differentiated her role from that of a consultant, emphasizing the importance of creating buy-in and seeing the pain points for solutions. She also highlighted her background in executive coaching. Michael acknowledged her deep understanding of an organization and the importance of her approach in integrating with the system's flow. He agreed with her that advisors should be a crucial part of the organization's DNA. Tech Industry Impact and CEO Behavior Amid Pandemic Katy and Michael discussed the impact of the pandemic on the tech industry. Katy noted that many companies, especially those with large tech spikes, had little substance behind their valuations and were ultimately forced to cut costs and let people go. Katy emphasized this as a daily challenge that CEOs face, but the pandemic accelerated it significantly. Michael agreed and asked Katy for her perspective on the behavior of CEOs and leadership during this time. Impact of Pandemic on Startups, VC Katy and Michael discussed the impact of the pandemic on startups and the venture capital landscape. The pandemic led many companies to overhire and pursue products without market fit. Katy emphasized bootstrapping, validating products before scaling, and using cost-effective marketing channels. Due to a slowdown in the VC ecosystem, many companies now face difficulties raising funds and need to shift toward profitability. This poses challenges for founders who have given up significant equity but cannot achieve desired growth. Katy highlighted the need to keep teams motivated despite lacking a potential "big exit." Attracting Talent Amidst Competitor Pressure Michael highlighted the tendency for companies to lose key personnel to competitors like Google and Facebook when their stock underperforms. He shared a personal experience where a potential partnership with a company ended prematurely, hinting at the challenges of maintaining long-term business relationships. Katy agreed, noting that when organizations face numerous options and distractions, it can be challenging to navigate through them effectively. She emphasized that simply adding more people to a company does not increase efficiency, implying that a change in approach is needed when a company grows. Managing Growth, Strategic Exits, and Contingencies Katy discussed the challenges and strategies of managing a growing...


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Tuesday Tips: Designing Workplaces for Boosting Productivity and Culture. A Conversation with Rebecca Swanner

Rebecca is the Workplace Sector Leader of HED, one of the largest architectural and engineering design firms in the US, serving clients nationally in a broad range of market sectors including Healthcare, Higher Education, Mission Critical, Housing and Mixed-Use, Pre-K 12, Science, Manufacturing and Product Development, Workplace, Community and Government.. Her sector specializes in designing workplaces that foster creativity, collaboration, and a supportive team environment that promotes the brand, products and services, and culture of the client. Pivoting to a new hybrid work style, HED’s LA office recently designed its own innovative workspace that features a HUB — an open activity space with material libraries, interactive projection walls, and intentional meeting spaces — to facilitate the team’s working and communication dynamics. Rebecca is a licensed architect with 15+ years of experience leading projects for national and global brands, including BELKIN, Kennedy Wilson, Disney-Marvel, and Apple and Beats 1 Radio. She has a depth of insight into design strategies and styles that can impact company culture, productivity, and the recruiting and retention of talent. On the podcast, Rebecca discussed: Quick recap Summary Evolving Office Design for Post-Pandemic Workforce Rebecca, a workplace sector leader for Harley Ellis Devereux, and Michael discussed the changing trends in office design in the wake of the pandemic. Rebecca expressed her interest in the concept of wellness in the workplace and how design can respond to the changing workforce population post-pandemic. Michael emphasized the importance of authentic employee feedback in design. They also discussed the flexibility of the podcast format, with Michael assuring Rebecca that any potential gaffes could be edited out. Evolving Office Spaces for Hybrid Work Michael and Rebecca discussed the evolving office space and design in the context of the hybrid work era. They noted how the pandemic has altered the way people work and interact, leading to early retirements and a shift in the workforce. They underscored the importance of considering both how people work and how they live in the new office spaces. Rebecca presented the concept of designing spaces that cater to different needs, such as socializing in a "prairie" setting and feeling secure in a "woods" setting. Michael concurred, highlighting that options like these could accommodate different work styles and personalities. Creating Safe Workplace Spaces for Excellence Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of creating a 'safe space' in the workplace to foster individual and team excellence. They agreed on the significance of understanding employees' work styles and personalities to optimize their work environment. Rebecca emphasized the need for thoughtful and intentional workplace design, keeping in mind that employees are not constantly present, but should still feel ownership over the space. Michael shared his own experiences working in shared spaces, highlighting the importance of the space feeling like a 'guest's home' when visiting other locations. Understanding Individual Differences in Office Design Michael and Rebecca discussed the importance of understanding individual differences in work environments and incorporating these insights into office design. They highlighted that everyone has varying needs, with some preferring minimalistic setups. Michael emphasized the need to communicate with employees to design spaces that benefit everyone. Rebecca added that gathering information from the entire workforce, not just the C-suite, is crucial. She also pointed out a common fear among employers regarding open-ended surveys, as they worry employees might ask for things they can't provide. Employee-Driven Workspace Transformation...


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Motivation Mondays: Design Your Career Success Blueprint: A Chat with Tammy Alvarez

Tammy Alvarez, CEO and Founder of the Career Winners Circle, a world-class coaching organization. Tammy has an unwavering commitment to advancing ambitious business leaders so they can grow their careers as far as their drive will take them. She is the creator of the Career Success Blueprint – the ultimate executive career strategy framework, Own Your Power!


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Motivation Mondays: Climate Change and Corporate Strategy: A Deep Dive with Dr. Bruce Piasecki, Founder of AHC Group

Dr. Bruce Piasecki is the president and founder of AHC Group, Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in energy, materials, and environmental corporate matters. Its clients range from Suncor Energy and the Warren Buffett firm Shaw Industries to Walgreens Boots Alliance and BP to Toyota and other global companies. ​ Piasecki's influence extends beyond his consulting work. He is the author of several groundbreaking books on business strategy, valuation, and corporate change. His works, including the Nature Society’s book of the year, 'In Search of Environmental Excellence: Moving Beyond Blame, 'and the recent New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller 'Doing More With Less, 'have shaped the way businesses approach these areas. ​ Since 1981, he has advised companies about the critical areas of corporate governance, energy, environmental strategy, product innovation, and sustainability. Scott Meredith Literary Agency advises AHC Group and Bruce Piasecki on publishing matters. Summary Global Issues and Organizational Changes Discussed Michael and Bruce had a discussion about current global issues and organizational changes over the past four decades. Bruce, a social historian, shared that his firm was hired by numerous global companies to manage change and deal with new issues. He also mentioned that in 1980, his book "Beyond Dumping" influenced Congress's attitude towards hazardous waste. They also discussed the top two global worries identified by Bruce's firm: conflicts and climate change. War and Climate Change: Managing the Intersection Effectively Bruce and Michael discussed the relationship between war and climate change, with a focus on how to manage this intersection effectively. Bruce, who has written extensively about this topic, emphasized the need for change management and leadership to address these issues. He also highlighted how climate change can cause migration stress and shared success stories of companies like Merck that have made positive environmental impacts. Michael agreed with Bruce's perspective and expressed interest in learning more about this connection between war and climate change. Business-Society Intersection and Sweet Spot Bruce and Michael discussed the intersection of business and society, highlighting a new approach that maximizes both financial and social returns. Bruce introduced the concept of the "sweet spot" where business interests and social interests meet, resulting in innovation, cost savings, revenue growth, risk reduction, brand strengthening, and improved social relationships. They also noted the benefits of attracting and retaining talent by focusing on this sweet spot. Furthermore, they emphasized the importance of purpose in today's generation and how it can lead to fulfillment and satisfaction in their work. Embracing Diverse Perspectives for Social Impact Bruce shared his pride in his daughter's career as a doctor in rehabilitation, emphasizing her dedication to societal and environmental issues. He attributed her awareness to the global community and its challenges to her medical education, which exposed her to diverse perspectives. Michael concurred, highlighting the importance of an open and curious approach to problem-solving. Both underscored the need for a collaborative and socially conscious mindset in their respective fields. Creative Force, Foundation, and Redistribution Bruce discussed the concept of a 'creative force' as opposed to a 'selfish competitive force,' which he attributed to his work and personal philosophy. He mentioned the establishment of a foundation with his wife, which awards young writers on business and society. Bruce also talked about his upcoming book, 'Wealth and Climate Competitiveness,' in which he explores the concept of Robin Hood and the redistribution of wealth. Michael agreed with Bruce's ideas and emphasized the importance of social good and efficiency in organizations, stating that the two could...


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Founder Friday: Global Insights and Trust in Research: Navigating Change with Anne Brown of Gazelle Global

Anne is a founding partner of Gazelle Global Research and has over 30 years of experience leading a team of global research experts with international data collection, processing, and fieldwork management. She is a PRC-certified member of the Insights Association. She has been a longtime member of WIRe, AMA, PMRG, WBENC, WBE, and ESOMAR—where she was the organization's first member to donate a membership to another professional lacking the financial resources. Summary Anne's Background and Giselle Global Discussion Michael and Anne began the conversation with greetings and small talk about their surroundings. Michael informed Anne about some background noise that would be present during the conversation due to construction in his building. Anne confirmed she was ready to proceed with the discussion. The conversation was set to cover Anne's background and her work with Giselle Global, with Michael assuring her that the discussion would last around 15 to 20 minutes. Michael also mentioned that he would share details about how to find Anne at the end of the conversation. Embracing Cultural Differences in Research Anne, CEO of Gazelle Global, discussed the changing research industry and her company's role in helping clients navigate these changes. She and Michael emphasized the importance of understanding cultural nuances to effectively operate as a global organization. They agreed that communicating with clients in their native language fosters trust, improves communication accuracy, and shows respect for their cultural background. Michael shared his experience in running a multinational medical clinic, highlighting the need for organizations to communicate in a language that clients are comfortable with. Trust and Transparency in Business Success Anne and Michael emphasized the importance of trust in running a successful business. They agreed that establishing an aura of trust with clients and team members is essential, as it creates a personal connection and fosters long-term relationships. Michael noted that a lack of trust can quickly damage an organization's reputation, citing examples of companies that lost consumer trust due to various missteps. Both stressed the need for transparency, honesty, and doing the right thing to maintain trust. AI's Impact on Industry and Leadership Michael and Anne discussed the rapid pace of change in their industry, particularly with the advent of AI. Anne emphasized the importance of being able to pivot and adapt as a leader, and highlighted how AI could significantly enhance their research process. She also stressed the need for transparency when using AI, and how it could be a valuable tool when used correctly. They both agreed that AI should be seen as a tool, not a replacement for human beings.


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Thoughtful Thursdays: Interview A Top 50 Powerful Woman in Technology Jeanine Charlton

Jeanine Charlton serves as Senior Vice President & Chief Technology & Digital Officer at Merchant's Fleet. A leader in her field she has was recently named one of the Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Technology by the National Diversity Council and has even been featured in a book focusing on Women Executives. She joined Merchant’s Fleet in 2018 and provides strategic leadership to all of the company’s technology initiatives while creating a culture that celebrates innovation and collaboration. Jeanine has an extensive Fortune 100 technology leadership background in the automotive, transportation, supply chain and manufacturing industries. She has worked at prestigious companies such as DXC Technology, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) and Electronic Data Systems (EDS). She has served on several boards as a technology advisor including Michigan Women in Technology and Forbes Technology Council and has been a mentor in the Menttium Global Leadership Development Program for over 15 years. In 2020, she was named one of the National Diversity Council’s Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Technology and was a 2020 Chicago CIO of the Year® ORBIE® Award winner. Jeanine attended Central Michigan University and has received training from the Arizona State University Thunderbird School of Business, Columbia University and Harvard University in executive leadership. Quick recap The Benefits of Diverse Career Paths Jeanine and Michael, both with extensive careers in technology leadership across various industries including automotive and transportation supply chain, manufacturing, and digital sectors, discussed the value of their diverse experiences. Jeanine highlighted how her broad skill set, gained from her roles at Eds, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Dx technology, Merchant E Suite, and her expat assignment in the UK, has been transferable across industries and beneficial in her current role. Michael concurred, emphasizing the advantages of a diverse career path, such as a broader understanding of how different systems work and the ability to adapt to various situations. They both agreed that such experiences enable individuals to bring more value to new roles or companies. Jeanine's Company's Growth Amid Pandemic Michael and Jeanine discussed Jeanine's experiences during the 2018-2019 period and particularly during the pandemic. Jeanine shared how her company, a 60-year-old firm, navigated the challenges of growth and the pandemic by leaning into their innovative culture and supply chain expertise. Despite initial hesitation from investors, Jeanine's team committed to investing and using technology to adapt to changing client demands, resulting in exponential growth. Michael praised Jeanine's bravery and strategic thinking during a time of uncertainty, highlighting the value of her diverse skillset in supply chain, logistics, production, and manufacturing. Challenges in Industries Amidst Macroeconomic Factors Michael and Jeanine discussed the ongoing challenges in their respective industries, particularly due to the impact of macroeconomic factors like rising interest rates and declining residual vehicle values. Jeanine, representing a heavy asset management company, highlighted the difficulties in managing their portfolio of assets while also ensuring fair prices for their clients and covering company costs. Michael acknowledged similar issues in the fleet management sector, including the problem of procuring parts and managing costs amidst rising inflation. Both expressed uncertainty about the future but remained hopeful that things would eventually settle into a new normal. Global Conflicts, Supply Chains, and Technology Michael and Jeanine discussed the impact of global conflicts on supply chains and logistics, noting the challenges and costs associated with acquiring parts from war-torn areas. They also discussed the need for domestic infrastructure to support production and the difficulties in retooling factories. Jeanine emphasized...


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Wisdom Wednesdays: Evolving Leadership through Wellbeing and Spirituality: Insights from Renee Moorefield

Leadership Development and Workplace Well-Being Focus Renee discussed her company's focus on supporting leaders and creating workplaces that foster growth and well-being, mentioning that they have trained around 250 guides worldwide. Michael commended Renee and her team for their 25-year milestone and highlighted the significant changes in work practices over the past quarter-century. In response to Michael's query on what differentiates successful leaders, Renee shared that resilient leaders possess an inner knowing of their values, sense of purpose, and deep care for people. They create supportive environments for others to navigate challenging experiences. Leadership Boundaries and Self-Care Importance Renee and Michael discussed the importance of setting boundaries in leadership roles. Renee highlighted that people who connect others effectively also prioritize their own well-being. Michael shared his personal experience with burnout and emphasized the necessity of self-care for effective leadership. He also reflected on how many leaders neglect this aspect and shared his post-burnout decision to prioritize his self-care for better leadership. Prioritizing Wellbeing for Effective Leadership Renee and Michael discussed the importance of prioritizing wellbeing for effective leadership. Renee highlighted the need to see health and wellbeing as an asset rather than a future consideration, a concept they noted was gaining recognition. Michael agreed, sharing his recent experience with nature, which left him feeling awestruck and inspired. Both underscored the idea that by creating environments that foster wellbeing, such as facilitating open discussions and encouraging presence in the moment, businesses could better engage their employees and potentially gain a competitive edge. Exploring Spiritual Moments in Nature Michael discussed his personal experience with finding spiritual moments in nature walks, which in turn helps him calm down and gain clarity. Renee, in response, emphasized the importance of considering the spiritual dimension in human thriving, mentioning that it might differ from what Michael describes, but it is still vital. She highlighted how being in nature and practicing mindfulness can help regulate the nervous system, providing clarity and aiding in making the best decisions. Renee also noted that while religion is a significant path for many, there are other paths for people to connect with spirituality, such as being in nature. Spirituality in Leadership and Well-Being Renee and Michael discussed the importance of spirituality in their personal and professional lives. Renee emphasized that spirituality promotes acts of service, perspective taking, and mitigates burnout, while Michael agreed that it helps keep a balanced mind amidst challenging situations. Both advocated for a more open-minded approach to leadership, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and the need to acknowledge one's limitations. They concurred that spirituality is a core part of their leadership, contributing to their overall well-being and effectiveness. Exploring Leadership Through Music and Curiosity Michael shared his admiration for the leadership style of Roger Nuremberg, a former conductor turned leadership consultant. He highlighted how Nuremberg's method of bringing a small orchestra into teams to play music and synchronize, served as a powerful leadership analogy. Michael also emphasized the importance of transparent communication and empowering team members to be leaders. Renee furthered the discussion by stressing the value of wonder and curiosity in leadership, which helps leaders see the complexity of situations and understand their place in the bigger picture. Michael acknowledged the influence of Nuremberg on his own leadership style, and expressed his intention to reach out to him for further insights. Creating Thriving Environments and Using Fathom Michael emphasized the importance of creating an environment...


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Motivational Mondays: Improving High Performance Teams with Kendall Wallace

Quick recap Michael and Kendall discussed the complexities of the current work environment, emphasizing the importance of creating unique team building experiences, fostering open communication, and prioritizing personal well-being for a high-performing team. They also shared their experiences and observations about team dynamics in both hybrid and remote work settings, and the role of psychological safety in a healthy workplace. The conversation concluded with an agreement to continue the discussion on improving organizations and the potential benefits for society as a whole. Summary Discussing Work Environment Complexities and Solutions Michael and Kendall discussed the complexities of the current work environment, including hybrid and remote work arrangements, communication challenges, and the overall vibe of an organization. Michael emphasized the importance of taking time to reflect amidst the fast pace of work, and encouraged Kendall to make their conversation organic and share relevant links. Kendall introduced herself as the CEO and lead facilitator of a company called Executive Offsites. Despite potential time constraints, both were committed to a fruitful discussion. Enhancing Team Building Experiences for Communication Kendall and Michael discussed the importance of creating unique, world-class team building experiences for corporate teams to improve communication and team dynamics. They agreed that such experiences, which often involve activities outside of the office, can make a significant difference. They highlighted the importance of facilitating deeper connections and understanding among team members, particularly in remote work settings, to foster a sense of belonging. Michael noted that he has observed a decline in such connections and conversations in many workplaces, emphasizing the importance of reviving these practices. Addressing Difficult Situations and Communication Michael shared his experience of returning to work after his mother's passing, noting the team's resilience and business-as-usual approach. Kendall found this situation interesting and suggested that offsite training sessions could teach employees how to better communicate their needs and offer empathetic support to their colleagues. Kendall emphasized the importance of addressing difficult situations head-on and fostering a culture of open communication to prevent awkwardness and disconnection. Michael's Comparison of Past and Present Teams Michael shared his experiences working with another organization prior to the pandemic and how the team dynamics differed from his current one. He noted that the former team, which had been working together for a long time, operated more like a family, with a unique dynamic that included backhanded compliments and sarcasm. Kendall was curious about what made the former team function so effectively, and Michael attributed it to their long-term familiarity with each other. Nurturing Team Dynamics for High Performance Michael emphasized the need for nurturing team dynamics, comparing it to the care required for a garden. Kendall suggested strategies from the book "Tribal Leadership" to develop high-performance teams, including creating trust and understanding team value. She also highlighted the importance of facilitated offsite meetings to enhance team bonding and ensure psychological safety. Both agreed on the need for continuous attention and care to foster a healthy team environment. Emphasizing Psychological Safety in Workplace Michael emphasized the importance of psychological safety in the workplace, noting that when employees feel valued, appreciated, and seen, they are more likely to work harder and contribute positively to the team. Kendall furthered this argument, stating that creating a context for people to feel valued, seen, and heard is crucial for a high-performing team. She highlighted the need for building this into company culture, whether through regular off-sites or periodic virtual...


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Fitness Fridays: Compound Gains: Nick Shaw on Fitness, Mental Health, and YouTube Success

Nick Shaw is the Co-Founder and CEO of RP Strength. RP is a fitness technology company that has helped millions of clients worldwide. They are the world leaders in Hypertrophy Training, and their YouTube channel helps tens of millions every month. Nick has helped transform RP from a bootstrapped company to over $100M in revenue over the last decade. --- Summary Fitness and Mental Health Benefits @ 0:00 Nick and Michael discuss the numerous benefits of exercise, particularly weight training, for both physical and mental health. They emphasize how exercise can improve clarity, reduce stress, boost energy, and lead to better food choices - creating a positive feedback loop for overall wellbeing. They encourage entrepreneurs to prioritize their fitness, even with limited time, through simple strategies like lifting weights 2-3 times per week. Compound Effects of Early Fitness Habits @ 10:18 Nick and Michael compare the benefits of starting healthy fitness habits early versus later in life. They liken it to the power of compound interest in investing - the earlier you start, the greater the long-term impact. They encourage young people to build healthy routines now that will pay dividends as they age. Growing RP Strength's YouTube Channel @ 13:06 Nick shares insights into the strategies that have driven the rapid growth of RP Strength's YouTube channel, now approaching 2 million subscribers. Key factors include embracing authenticity and the natural personalities of the hosts, treating the channel as a professional operation with dedicated resources, and consistently publishing high-quality content daily. Recap and Next Steps @ 19:03 Michael and Nick wrap up the discussion, encouraging the audience to check out RP Strength's YouTube channel and website for more information. They emphasize the importance of individuals taking responsibility for their health and fitness, as this not only benefits them personally but also reduces strain on the healthcare system overall.


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Thoughtful Thursdays: Cybersecurity with Darren Gallop

Darren is the Co-Founder and CEO of Carbide. This cyber security firm provides businesses of all sizes with the tools they need to adopt a robust cybersecurity and privacy posture, enabling them to protect their data from cybercriminals, transform security from a potential liability to a competitive advantage, and accelerate their growth. A TechStars alum, Carbide has raised 7M+, and its clientele is quickly growing in highly regulated markets, including e-commerce, FinTech, healthcare, and insurtech. Darren has 15+ years of experience as the CEO and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of several businesses that handle sensitive data. This experience has given him a solid grasp of evaluating and managing risk according to organizational goals while fostering growth. Before starting Carbide, he Co-Founded Marcato, an innovative event management platform that managed 300+ music and cultural events, including Burning Man and Coachella, in 27 countries worldwide. Darren ran the business as CEO and CISO for ten years until it was acquired by Patron Technology in 2018. At that point, he decided to go into the cybersecurity industry. He is a Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). On the podcast, Darren would love to talk about: To get a sense of Darren, here's an episode he did on the Privacy Please Podcast, where he shared advice for founders on securing their startups. Quick recap Summary Darren's Cybersecurity Journey and Insights Darren and Michael discussed Darren's background and experience in cybersecurity and data privacy. Darren shared his unconventional entry into the field, having previously worked in various leadership roles before focusing on security. He emphasized the importance of security no longer being a "bolt-on" but an essential component of leadership and business operations. He also mentioned his current role as a board member for the International Information System Security Certification Consortium and his upcoming plans for the quarter. Michael showed interest in understanding more about Darren's insights. Turbine's AI Integration and Business Model Shift darrengallop, the CEO and co-founder of Turbine cyber security and data privacy company, discussed the company's development and future plans in the meeting. He elaborated on how they have been using AI and machine learning (ML) as a component of their product, which was launched in December after about a year of development. Darren also shared that they have shifted their business model to encompass AI to enhance the human experience and better support their customers. He further discussed his passion for cyber security and data privacy, especially in healthcare and manufacturing industries. The conversation then moved to the fast-paced world we live in, with Michael jokingly relating his recent stress test experience to the ever-accelerating speed of technology. Cybersecurity Leadership and Prioritization Michael emphasized the critical importance of cybersecurity and the need for it to be a top priority within organizations, arguing that it's as crucial as accounting and customer service departments. He also touched on the significance of leadership in cybersecurity, stating that it's a skill that can be learned and that he, as an accountant, had successfully transitioned into the tech space due to his curiosity and leadership ability. Darren agreed with Michael's points, asserting that effective leadership is essential for the proper use and management of cybersecurity and data privacy within an organization. Leadership Engagement in IT Security Challenges darrengallop discussed the challenges IT security teams face in organizations where leadership is not engaged or committed to ensuring security. He noted that many organizations prioritize sales and fiscal responsibilities over security, leading to a reactive approach dubbed "security theater." Darren...


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Wisdom Wednesdays: Maximizing Book Sales: Unveiling Post-Launch Marketing Strategies with Chris Benetti

Book Marketing Agency's Expertise and Focus Chris Benetti, the owner of Smart Author Media, a book marketing agency, discussed his expertise and the agency's focus on helping business owners sell books. Chris has been in the marketing field for about eight years, and his agency's main objective is to assist clients in generating leads and clients through book sales. The discussion also touched on Chris's journey in marketing, his initial years of learning and experimentation, and the last four years of more refined direction. The conversation concluded with Michael D. Levitt expressing interest in why Chris's agency chose to specialize in working with authors. Post-Launch Book Marketing Opportunity Discussed Chris Benetti discussed the opportunity he identified in the marketplace, where there was a lack of services to help published authors market their books effectively post-launch. He shared his approach of taking a holistic view of the entire process, from building book funnels to running ads, with the goal of maximizing sales for authors. He also emphasized their team's readiness to take full responsibility for the campaigns and the unique approach of not relying on clients for creatives and inputs. Michael D. Levitt agreed with Chris's approach, highlighting the importance of marketing strategies that respond to the specific needs of each book and author. Advertising Validation Process Discussed Chris Benetti discussed the process of running ads for clients, which involves a validation period of 30 days to determine what works best. He explained that they go through a checklist of changes to ad elements based on metrics, such as ad headline, copy, creative, or offer. He emphasized the importance of patience, as ads often don't work right away and require testing and validation. Michael D. Levitt highlighted the need for patience in the process, citing Jeff Bezos' approach to Amazon's early days as an example. Marketing Campaigns: Test, Target, Invest, Maintain Momentum Michael D. Levitt emphasized the importance of patience and experimentation in marketing campaigns, using the analogy of fishing. He suggested starting with a reasonable investment to run tests and identify the target market. Once the target is identified, additional resources can be brought in to maximize results. Chris Benetti agreed with the idea of investing in good creatives in the advertising space, mentioning that a well-crafted creative can maintain momentum for a long time, even without any changes. Testing and Experimentation in Client Work Chris Benetti discussed the importance of testing and experimentation in their work with clients, emphasizing the value of learning from past successes across different clients. He suggested that they have a bank of proven and tested creatives that can be used with new clients. He also stressed the need for a testing cadence and budgeting for each ad. Michael D. Levitt agreed, drawing parallels with cooking and experimentation. He highlighted the importance of learning from past campaigns and not expecting immediate success with new ones. Both agreed on the importance of the long game in their approach. Investing in Business and Authorship Michael and Chris discussed the importance of investing time and resources into a business or authorship for long-term returns. They highlighted the concept of Return on Investment (ROI) and the need to spend money wisely to make money. Chris shared the example of a friend making money from his book through add-ons and additional offers. They emphasized that the book is often just the beginning, with the real profits coming from the add-ons. Chris also pointed out the potential of nurturing book buyers and offering them higher priced products in the future. Book Marketing and Advertising Resources Chris Benetti discussed the resources available on and their Youtube channel for book marketing and advertising
