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Building Your Empire With SophieZo

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to Building Your Empire with SophieZo! In this podcast, you will learn how to build an effective team, increase your productivity, and far more to help you scale your business while keeping your sanity. Your host, Sophie Zollmann, is an experienced Online Business Manager who has helped many different businesses scale and grow effectively by equipping business owners to focus on their most profitable areas. Now, she’s sharing her best tips and strategies with you! Listen in each week as Sophie shares ways to help you grow your business while living your best life. To find out how SophieZo can help your business - and you - contact her at


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Welcome to Building Your Empire with SophieZo! In this podcast, you will learn how to build an effective team, increase your productivity, and far more to help you scale your business while keeping your sanity. Your host, Sophie Zollmann, is an experienced Online Business Manager who has helped many different businesses scale and grow effectively by equipping business owners to focus on their most profitable areas. Now, she’s sharing her best tips and strategies with you! Listen in each week as Sophie shares ways to help you grow your business while living your best life. To find out how SophieZo can help your business - and you - contact her at







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Ep176: Wrapping Up an Incredible YEAR!

This year has FLOWN by, and I hope it’s been amazing. This year I have focused on growing your business sustainably with ease, space, time, and grace, and I’ve been trying REALLY hard to walk my talk! With that in mind, I’m pressing pause on Building Your Empire with SophieZo, and focusing on some exciting new plans for the future. In this farewell episode, I’m sharing: My gratitude to all of you for being such an important part of the SophieZo familyMy hopes for a successful and prosperous 2024The exciting plans I have in store for the SophieZo team in the new yearHow to connect with me and continue to get great tips and tricks for growing your businessListen now and stick with me in 2024 to continue the journey as you grow your business, expand your team, and get the support you need to bring your vision to life! I wish you all the best in 2024 and beyond as you continue to live your dreams and build the life you desire. Happy New Year! You can learn more about Sophie here: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep175: Defining Your Leadership

A $1M+ company needs a leader with a strong vision and clearly defined mission that supports the overall goals. That’s you! You’re the visionary that builds the foundation of your business, and that’s a HUGE task. You have to have a systemic approach to build the pillars of sustainable success, and that starts with asking yourself some very important questions! In this episode, I’m sharing the 12 questions that define your leadership like: Is your vision and your mission truly clear? Are you developing and communicating your strategy effectively?Who’s making the decisions and presenting them to your team? How much autonomy do your team members have, and who’s monitoring collaboration? Who is setting your KPIs, measuring performance, and keeping you on track to meet your goals? How are you going to keep your business and your team growing and evolving in the years to come?Listen now to learn more about defining your leadership, your vision, and your mission to build your growth strategy on a solid foundation. You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep174: Leadership Strategies for Your Marketing Team

Leading your marketing team to greatness is a monumental task, but you don’t have to do it alone! Effective marketing requires a team filled with visionary, creative leaders and team players dedicated to reaching your goals and furthering your growth. Today I’m focusing on the 3 leadership roles within your marketing team that put you on the path to next level success! In this episode you’ll learn: Who should be leading your marketing teamHow a brand strategist defines and develops your brand strategy to keep your marketing message consistentHow your marketing manager keeps every department working together like a well-oiled machineWhy it’s so important to be open to new ideas and suggestions from your teamHow your chief of staff brings everyone together for sustainable successListen now to learn more about the leadership roles that put your marketing team on top! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep173: 6 Steps to Better Brand Strategy

Your brand strategy is the foundation for your marketing success. Without a great brand strategy and brand positioning, your marketing efforts are going to be ineffective and inefficient. People won't know who you are, and they won't recognize you in the crowd of competition flooding social media and the online business world. You need a brand strategy to help you grow and scale your business, and sell your products and services, so today, I’m sharing 6 branding strategy tips that will help you get your business in front of the right people at the right time. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to analyze your target audience to create a stronger marketing messageWhy it’s so important to define your unique value proposition (UVP)How to define your core messageWays to assess your current brand strategy and evolve to meet the changing needs of your businessHow to create consistency in your marketing contentHow to build brand guidelines that keep your marketing message consistent across all channelsListen now to discover the brand strategies that put your business on top! You can learn more about SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep172: Are You Hitting Your Target?

When you’re spending your valuable time, money, and resources on a new marketing initiative, you want it to pay off! You don’t have time to play guessing games or wait around and hope it all works out, and I don’t believe in throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks. That’s why I’m sharing my tried and tested tips to help you bring the results you’re looking for every time! In this episode you’ll learn: How to tailor your message to fit each segment of your audienceHow to measure your positioning strategy and set your KPIs BEFORE you launchWhy it’s so important to analyze your preferred channels and platforms regularlyHow top use your authenticity to grow your businessWhy you should be prepared to pivot at a moment’s noticeListen now to learn how to hit your target every time! You can learn more about SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep171: Stay in Your Lane!

Your role as the CEO is to be the leader, and you can’t do that if your entire day is consumed with the minutiae of running a business. You’ve got to step away from the small details and step into the big picture of your business, and today’s episode is dedicated to extracting you from the daily demands to open a world of opportunity for your company! In this episode, you’ll learn how to focus your genius solely on the key areas of your business like: Defining the overall mission, goals, and vision for your businessCreating the steps and strategies that lead you directly to your goalsDeveloping new revenue streams, products, services, and growth opportunitiesPutting your mission and message out into the worldSetting the metrics and KPIs that keep you firmly on the path to next level successSetting a strong example and guiding your team to greatnessListen now and learn why you need to step out of the day to day and stay in your lane! You can learn more about the SophieZo team at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep170: Building the Foundation of Your Growth Infrastructure

You wouldn’t build your house on shaky ground, and you can’t build a sustainable business on a foundation that’s not rock-solid either! When you build your business on the 12 Pillars of Success, you’re creating a strong, sturdy business designed for sustainable scaling and long-term success, but that doesn’t happen overnight! Next level success is a process, and it’s important to start with the 4 cornerstones that help you build the foundation of your growth infrastructure. In this episode I’m helping you build the framework for next level success by: Defining the leadership skills that propel your business to the topBreaking down the roles that your team plays in supporting your vision for your businessDevising the systems and SOPs that streamline your business and set the foundation for rinse-and-repeat successExplaining why you should never settle for anything less than your ideal clientsShowing you how to build an unshakeable framework that allows you to continue building, growing, and creating the company of your dreamsListen now to discover everything you need to know about building a strong foundation for next level success! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep169: Stop Running Around Like a Chicken with Your Head Cut Off!

CEOs should be laser-focused and stay calm, cool, and collected no matter what life throws at them. But let’s be honest- even the best CEOs can sometimes feel like they’re running around like chickens with their heads cut off! Running a business can feel a little chaotic at times, but the better you are at organizing your time and tasks, the more efficient and productive you’ll be. In this episode, I’m sharing my best tips to help you maximize your time, up your efficiency, and step into your genius to lead your team to the top! You’ll learn: How to step away from the day to day and step into your geniusWhy it’s so important to focus solely on the high yield areas of your businessHow to delegate effectively and efficientlyHow to create the systems and processes that lead to rinse and repeat successListen now to minimize your chaos and maximize your success! You can learn more about the SophieZo team at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep168: The 6 Pillars of Marketing Success

Scaling your business to $1M and beyond requires serious marketing savvy! You’ve got to know how to create a marketing message that reaches the right people at the right time, generate new leads, and nurture customer relationships that lead to long-term, sustainable success. In this episode, I’m breaking down the 6 Pillars of Marketing success. You’ll learn how to develop a strong foundation for your marketing strategy that includes: How to create an authentic brand identity and position your brand for ultimate successHow to develop funnels that generate a steady stream of qualified leadsHow to nurture client relationships and drive conversions How partnering can be beneficial for boosting your visibility and expanding your reachHow to use your analytics to measure your success and drive your decision makingListen now to discover how the 6 Pillars of Marketing Success can propel your marketing initiatives to new heights! You can learn more about SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep167: The 6 Key Pillars of Your Operations

When you want to take your business to $1M and beyond, you need sustainable success strategies that take you out of the day to day of your business and put you in the driver’s seat. Million-dollar CEOs know that the secret to long-term success starts with a strong operations foundation. Today I’m covering the 6 Pillars of Operations that extract you from the daily tasks of running your business and allow you to focus your leadership on building a bright future for your company. In this episode, I’m covering: Stepping into your leadership and building a better business for yourself and your teamHiring the right talent for the job and clearly communicating roles and responsibilitiesBuilding a financial team that tracks every cent that’s coming in and out of your business The importance of having an experienced attorney on your sideHow a project manager can keep your business organized, systemized, and on trackWhy you need an efficient, up to date tech stack to keep your business growingListen now to learn how the 6 Pillars of Operations set your business up for long-term, sustainable success! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep166: 6 Steps for Streamlining Your Business

Next level success starts with streamlining your business for maximum efficiency. Inefficient processes and stagnant systems slow you down and prevent you from making the most of your workday. Improving efficiency improves EVERYTHING! When you streamline your business, you set yourself for more success, bigger opportunities, and higher profits. In this episode, I’m sharing my top tips for updating your processes, streamlining your systems, and weeding out the outdated workflows that are slowing you down! You’ll discover: How to audit and analyze your current processes and workflowsHow to determine where your streamlining efforts should beginHow to create SOPs that ensure important tasks are efficient and repeatableHow to add automation to increase efficiencyHow often you should revise and refine your systems to keep your business on the fast track to successListen now, and if you’d like to learn how an all-in-one team that excels in efficiency can take your business to the top, let’s talk! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep165: 5 Reasons You Need a Marketing Team

The online marketplace is crowded and competitive. If you’re relying on outdated social media strategies and lackluster marketing efforts in the hopes of achieving greater visibility and a broader reach for your brand, you’re going to be disappointed… Successful marketing initiatives require savvy strategies, compelling copy, engaging content, and a strong understanding of analytics to get your message to the right people at the right time, and that’s a task that’s far too big for one person. It’s almost impossible to get ahead without a strong marketing team behind you, so today I’m sharing the top 5 reasons you NEED a marketing team! In this episode, you’ll discover: How a marketing team can help you with strategy, planning, implementation, metrics, tracking, and moreWhy it’s better to rely on a trained copywriter rather than DIY marketing contentThe advantages of a social media strategist who stays ahead of the trends, platforms, and content strategiesWhy it’s so important to have an analytics expert that sets your metrics and your KPIS and tracks your results to keep you on the path to your marketing goalsHow to choose the team that delivers spectacular results every timeListen now, and if you’d like to learn more about the plug-and-play team that maximizes your marketing initiatives, let’s talk! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep164: Tired of Stressing Over Social Media Marketing? Here's Your Solution.

Social media is one of the cornerstones of a strong marketing strategy. It’s accessible, inexpensive, and it’s an unbeatable relationship-building tool, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! Social media marketing is time consuming. With constantly shifting trends and a seemingly endless rollout of new features, social media marketing can stump even the savviest business owners, so today, I’m sharing the solutions that take the stress out of social media marketing! In this episode, you’ll learn the tips and tricks for seamless social media strategy, including: How to maintain an active, engaging online presenceWhen to DIY and when to hand it off to a social media marketing specialistHow to analyze your data to maximize your reach How to build trust and nurture relationships through social mediaChoosing the right to team to manage your content, graphics, images, and moreListen now to learn more about boosting your visibility, expanding your brand, and creating lasting, loyal relationships with social media marketing! You can learn more about SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep163: What Does an Operations Team Do?

An operations team is the key to keeping your business running like a well-oiled machine even when you’re not there. If you want the freedom to take back your time, take a vacation, or step away from the day-to-day so you can step fully into your genius, an operations team is the way to do it! In this episode, I’m sharing the top benefits of an all-in-one operations team including: The tasks that your operations team takes on to free up your valuable time like calendar, email, project, and team managementCreating the systems and initiatives for rinse and repeat successOverseeing projects from development to launchTaking care of your tech and keeping you abreast of the latest tech toolsClient care and customer support Tune in now to discover how an operations team can make your life easier, give you back your time, and make you love your business again! You can learn more about SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep162: 5 Ways to Track Your Results in Real Time

When you’re spending your valuable time and money on a project, strategy, or marketing initiative, you want to make sure it’s working! There’s nothing worse than investing in a business strategy that doesn’t bring good ROI, so in this episode, I’m sharing my best tips for tracking your results in real time. This is going to help you stay on top of your results, see what’s working and what’s not, tweak what needs to be tweaked, and know when it’s time to toss the whole thing and start over! In this episode you’ll learn how to: Create strategies that are actionable and measurableKnow how often you should be checking your resultsGet your team on board and working towards your overall goalChoose the right KPIs for every initiativeSet cascading goals for every division of your teamCreate rinse and repeat strategies for ongoing successListen now, and if you’d like to learn more about creating rinse and repeat strategies for your business, let’s talk! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep161: The Benefits of a Plug-and-Play Team

This week I am covering a topic that is near and dear to my heart; the benefits of a plug-and-play team. I believe that the all-in-one team model is by far the easiest, fastest, most efficient, and cost-effective way to get the high-level business support you need to take your company to the $1M+ mark. You can’t take your business to the next level of success without plenty of team support, so today I’m showing you how to get a full team of experts with a single phone call! In this episode, I’ll be sharing the benefits of a plug-and-play team like: A full team supporting your business that you don’t have to hire, onboard, train, or manageOne point of contact makes delegating tasks a breezeAn experienced reliable team that’s already been vetted for youThe work of an in-house team without the overhead or expenseProven strategies and systems for sustainable growthPeace of mindListen now, and if you think the plug-and-play team model might be a good fit for your business, let’s talk! You can connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep160: 3 Reasons You NEED an Operations Team

You can’t build a 7+ figure business alone, and you shouldn’t try! If you want to grow your business AND live your life, you NEED an operations team backing you up. A skilled team of business support experts isn’t a luxury, it’s an essential support system that rockets you to the next level of success! Today I’m sharing the biggest benefits of an all-in-one operations team including: Your team is managing everything so you don’t have to. Admin, marketing, tech, team, and support- it’s all coveredTaking back your time and reclaiming the space to focus your genius solely on the things you loveThe freedom that comes when you delegate your time-sucking tasksThe incredible ROI that an operations team bringsThe ability to grow your business AND live your lifeListen now to discover how you can scale to the next level of success with a plug-and-play marketing team, and if you’re interested in learning more about how the business support experts at SophieZo can give you the power to grow, book a call today! You can also connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep159: 3 Strategic Ways to Invest in Your Business and Yourself

Spending money on your business can be a scary prospect, especially if you’re not generating as much consistent revenue as you’d like. But if you want to grow your business easily and sustainably, you’re going to have to invest in your business and yourself. This week, I’m sharing my best tips for investing wisely in your business so you can reach the next level of success with ease and grace. In this episode, you’ll learn: The 3 areas of your business that REALLY pay offGetting the support you need to generate more revenueGetting the right tech tools to streamline your systems and increase your productivityWhy you need a coach, strategist, or mastermind to guide you How to invest in your business wisely to bring the greatest ROIListen now, and if you’re ready to invest in the team that does it all, let’s talk about how the business support experts at SophieZo can take you to the top! Connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep158: Systems are the Key to Sustainable Success

You won’t take your business to the top if you’re constantly wasting time reinventing the wheel! The true secret to success starts with proven, repeatable strategies that allow you to “rinse and repeat” and get great results every time. In this episode, I’m breaking down the tried-and-true systems that help you scale your business with ease, grace, time, and space. I’m sharing my best tips for: Creating rinse and repeat systems that always bring great resultsSaving time and money by relying on tested formulas for successEnsuring that your business can keep running smoothly if you have to step awayEmpowering your team with SOPsSimplifying your marketing initiatives using proven systemsListen now for great tips on formulating rinse and repeat systems that really work. And if you want to learn more about the all-in-one team that has the proven systems and strategies to lead your business to the next level of success, visit! Connect with SophieZo at: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:


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Ep157: 10 Things You Could STOP Doing if You Had a Marketing Team

Just imagine what you could do with a full marketing team at your fingertips… Even better, imagine all the time-sucking tasks you could STOP doing if you had a full marketing team at your fingertips! If you don’t have the time to stay on top of every new marketing trend, or generate endless streams of fresh content, an all-in-one marketing team might just be the answer to every marketing quandary you face. Today I’m sharing the 10 things you could STOP doing if you had a marketing team like: Stressing over SEO strategiesGenerating endless streams of high quality contentResearching, analyzing, testing, implementing, maintaining, and moreWorrying about constantly shifting marketing trendsWasting your valuable time instead of focusing on the future of your business Listen now, and if you’re convinced that an all-in-one team is the answer to all your marketing problems, let’s talk! Connect with SophieZo: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: LinkedIn: Clubhouse: @sophiezo Free Discovery Call:
