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Business Ready For Sale

Business & Economics Podcasts

If you are a business owner this PodCast is for you! It's all about turning businesses into saleable assets. Because a business that's "ready for sale" is well worth keeping! On these podcasts there are interviews with successful business owners, entrepreneurs, topic experts, business valuers and brokers and thought leaders on all aspects of growing businesses and turning them in to valuable, saleable assets. My background is as a business owner, business broker and business owner mentor and I put all that experience together here to benefit other business owners. I believe you can build a business as if you are going to keep it for ever, but could sell it tomorrow. Give yourself OPTIONS because one day you WILL exit your business. Subscribe now and become a business owner taking action - which just happens to be the name of my business owner membership groups. Checkout my website at




If you are a business owner this PodCast is for you! It's all about turning businesses into saleable assets. Because a business that's "ready for sale" is well worth keeping! On these podcasts there are interviews with successful business owners, entrepreneurs, topic experts, business valuers and brokers and thought leaders on all aspects of growing businesses and turning them in to valuable, saleable assets. My background is as a business owner, business broker and business owner mentor and I put all that experience together here to benefit other business owners. I believe you can build a business as if you are going to keep it for ever, but could sell it tomorrow. Give yourself OPTIONS because one day you WILL exit your business. Subscribe now and become a business owner taking action - which just happens to be the name of my business owner membership groups. Checkout my website at





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Mental Health First Aid For Business Owners & Their Teams

Send us a Text Message. If you enjoy this episode or have a question or comment, use the text link above! In this episode I feature Katie van Heek the owner of Health Intent as we look at how to recognise mental health issues in business and how to handle them. It is a recording from a webinar we did and the slides are available at Katie van Heek Slides. Mental health issues are becoming more prevalent in life and business. There is a lot more awareness now and with that comes more help to deal appropriately with them. Katie van Heek created her business Health Intent and shares her time between individual body-led counselling support, and training as a licenced facilitator of Mental Health First Aid, Older Persons Mental Health First Aid, and as an educator for Western Australian Recovery College Alliance (WARCA). Katie is passionate about education and the inclusion of Mental Health in the community and Workplace. Here is What You'll Learn from this webinar recording: * Neurodiversity vs Neurotypicality How are our brains different and what does that mean in the context of owning a business? * Cultivating Psychological safety in professional relationships What are the four pillars of psychological safety and how to I integrate them into my workplace? * Mental Health First Aid One conversation can save a life, everyone should know how to start one. What does this look like in a workplace? * What are Psychosocial risks and how do I mitigate them? The Workplace Safety and Health Act offers some guidance; what does that mean practically in the workplace? * Psychological Contracts What are they, how do I navigate them and how do I safeguard against breaches? * Communication is Key How do I discuss all of this in a professional setting, communicating the needs of the business and supporting the needs of myself, and employees? VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Be Ready For Sale A Rant By John Denton

Send us a Text Message. I get frustrated and need to have a rant. I would pull my hair out - if I had any left! If you enjoy this episode or have a question or comment, use the text link above this description. This is one of those times. This time it was triggered by a conversation with a business owner who was wondering why business brokers weren't getting back to them after their initial call. I tried to explain to the owner what the problem was but I don't think the message got home. In this short podcast I recount the conversation with this business owner and emphasise for all business owners "Have you business ready for sale all the time!" A business that's ready for sale is well worth keeping. Build your business as though you are going to keep it forever, but could sell it tomorrow. ENJOY! VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Leading Your Best Life with Leigh Farnell

Send us a Text Message. Your business should be a vehicle to help you have the life you want and deserve. This podcast is a recording where I was interviewed by Leigh Farnell for his "Leading Your Best Life" podcast. If you enjoy this episode or have a question or comment, use the text link above this description. Leigh is a very experienced business coach and sales trainer. He works internationally as well as in Australia. We have a lot in common with respect to our learning over the years having crossed paths at the National Speakers Association, Robert Kiyosaki programs and Mal Emery workshops. We share a lot of that learning on this podcast. We cover a lot of ground on getting businesses ready for sale, growing profitability of businesses, mindset, sales and creating a business that gives you the lifestyle you want and deserve. What are you going to do after your business? Find out more about Leigh's services at VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Business And Life Lessons With Amanda Rowe

Send us a Text Message. My guest on this podcast is Amanda Rowe. Through her own needs as a mum, Amanda saw a gap in the market for a product for feeding and connecting with babies. She created a product and realised there was potential to make this into a business. In our discussion, we cover everything from having an idea, creating a product, getting a product manufactured, funding growth through grants, patents & trademarks, dealing with investors, taking a product overseas and so much more. Much of our discussion also covered life, the universe and everything and having a life as well as a business. There is so much to learn from Amanda’s experience. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating this podcast. Amanda's business website is VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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How To Have A Successful Partnership

Send us a Text Message. Partnerships are like aircraft. The only ones you hear about are the ones that crash. I keep telling business owners this because when I say to them that getting into a partnership or combining their business with someone else may be a way to grow their business or exit their business, they tell me “I'm not getting into a partnership, they don't work.” Partnerships can work if you go about things the right way. I know that because I was in a very successful partnership some years ago and this podcast is an interview with the partner I had at the time. We discuss why our partnership worked and how you can make a partnership work for you. A partnership can be a great way of growing a business and selling it. It can also be a good way to transition out of a business and sell it over time to the partner. You need to do some work upfront and get to know each other and choose the right partner. Then there are some fundamental things that we recommend you do to help the partnership be successful so listen to my former business partner and very good friend Peter Bangle from Investors In People as we discuss how to have a successful partnership. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Business Ready For Sale - Interviewed By Carmen Allan-Petale

Send us a Text Message. I love it when I get interviewed for someone else's podcast because then I know I am talking about things that interest someone else. Whilst a lot of questions I get asked when speaking with business owners are the same questions, it's also the case that every business is different and every owner has their own personal circumstances and their own questions. Hence, being interviewed brings things out that may otherwise not be discussed. Enjoy this episode where I cover many things about selling a business. On the episode, I am answering questions from Carmen Alla-Petale on her Committed Creative Podcast. Carmen is a content strategist and public relations consultant providing services including copywriting, blogging, content marketing, editing and ghostwriting. Carmen's website is Red Platypus Creative. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Grow Your Profit - Profit First Principles With Amy Bett

Send us a Text Message. When it comes to valuing a business, generally profit comes first. There is a top-selling book called Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz. Amy Bett, in Victoria, Australia, is the founder of Lady Without Limits, co-founder of kava-based beverage company Drink Melo, and a Profit First Professional. Amy used the Profit First method of managing her business cash flow and created a very successful business. She is now implementing the methodology in her new business, Drink Melo which has just launched in California. On the podcast, Amy takes us through why and how you should set up the profit-first methodology in your business. It will give you great clarity and control over your cash flow. It will enable you to make better decisions in your business to grow your profit. This is a recording from a live webinar and includes a good Q & A which helps everyone. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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THINK About Your End Game

Send us a Text Message. Starting a business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it's important to consider the end game before you even begin. Planning for the exit strategy is a crucial part of the business planning process. It's important to determine how you plan to exit the business before you even start. This will help you make decisions about how to structure your business, what resources to invest in, and what goals to set. This podcast is as much about "thinking" as it is about exiting. Thomas J Watson is alleged to have come up with the slogan "THINK" which he introduced to IBM. IBM was for decades the largest computer company in the world. IBM trade marked THINK. They called their laptop computers "ThinkPads". That's how important they believe thinking is. Have a listen, create some thinking time and think about your end game for the business! VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Why Understanding Your Balance Sheet Is Crucial for Your Business

Send us a Text Message. Another in the business ready for sale podcast series from me, John Denton. In this episode, I am joined by Tony Monisse of Breantnalls WA - an accounting firm with a difference. If business owners look at their financials at all, it tends to be their profit and loss reports. However, when it comes to selling, smart buyers are going to study the balance sheet because it says a lot about the business and how it has been run. In this audio recording of a podcast with Tony, we discuss amongst other things: About Tony: Tony founded Brentnalls WA in 1993 after 14 years with the Big 4 accounting firms in audit and income tax, including a two-year secondment to London. Tony’s passion is the effective integration of strategy and financial management and to this end has developed tools and processes that facilitate this integration, including business modelling, target setting and rolling cashflow forecasts. Tony facilitates advisory boards for a number of clients. You can contact Tony for copies of his slides and case study examples: VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Unlocking the Hidden Value in Your Business: The Power of Intellectual Property

Send us a Text Message. A podcast from my webinar with Juan Perez, IP lawyer with Quest Legal in Perth, Western Australia. For most small businesses with profits under $500,000 dollars, the industry standard for values is to use an adjusted maintainable net profit for a single owner-operator. However, sometimes there is "hidden value" in a business in the form of intellectual property (IP). Intellectual property (IP) in a business refers to any original creation of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols used in commerce. It is a valuable asset that provides businesses with a competitive advantage over others. Intellectual property can be legally protected through patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. Sometimes, IP can help a business sell, increase its value and allow the owner to scale up through licensing or franchising. Juan Perez is the founder and principal lawyer at Quest Legal in Perth. Jaun's background and expertise is in brand protection, intellectual property, IT, finance and commercial law. He assists businesses with finance operations, product management, transformational change and risk minimisation. Download the handouts referred to in this Episode The Power Of Intellectual Property - IP Checklist The Power Of Intellectual Property - Summary of key IP Types VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Stop Wasting Money on SEO - Advice From An SEO Expert

Send us a Text Message. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has been getting a bad name recently due to some agencies charging clients a lot of money for something that seems like black art. Some members of my Business Owners Taking Action group have been paying lots of money and unable to see a return on investment. I sourced Marc Moeller of as a credible and no BS SEO expert. This podcast is a recording from a webinar that I did with Marc. Marc covers: Marc gives real-world examples as well and explains what to look for in Google Analytics. There is much more. Be prepared to take notes. To access the ROI and other tools Marc mentions go to Marc's details: VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Documentation Required For A smooth Business Sale

Send us a Text Message. When it comes to selling a business, having good documentation is crucial. Detailed and well-organized records not only make the selling process smoother, but they can also increase the value of the business. In this podcast (which is also available as a blog post at, I'll explain how to document a business ‘ready for sale’ and the types of information buyers will be looking for. I cover 10 areas where you need to have good uptodate documentation. This is not an exhaustive list but covers the main items that apply to the majority of businesses. My series 2 podcasts are relatively short episodes and specific topics related to buying or selling businesses. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Cyber Crime Insurance with Jody Williams - Insurance Broker

Send us a Text Message. Following my last podcast talking about "Vital Cyber Security Tips for Businesses", the question keeps coming up "Can I get insurance to cover me if I get hacked or if I'm the vicim of a scam?" On this 10 minute podcast Jody Williams, insurance broker here in Western Australia and a member of my Business Owners Taking Action group, answers that question. Both the Charlie Spephens and Jody Williams videos are available on my website. See details below. Jody is passionate about helping business owners protect themselves against ransomeware, identity theft and other scams that cost businesses large sums of money and time. Listen to what she has to say on this topic. You may be surprised! Contact Jody if you want insurance or have any questions. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Vital Cyber Security Tips For Businesses With Charlie Stephens

Send us a Text Message. This episode in my Business Ready For Sale series is a recording of a webinar I did with Charlie Stephens, owner of Domain Digital. You can watch the full webinar recording and other videos at my website JOHNDENTON.COM.AU From Charlie's website: As technology continues to improve and more of our assets become electronic, the opportunities for a cyber security threat are increasing. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure the data moving within your organisation is protected against cyber security breaches. This responsibility exists not only for your benefit, but also for the protection of sensitive information of your customers and clients. When your business becomes victim of a cyber security attack, it not only puts personal information at risk but also disrupts your business until it is resolved. Get loads of great tips to protect your business and yourself from this podcast. Don't get caught! VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Optimse Your Business For Growth - Featuring Keith Millar - Scaling Up Coach

Send us a Text Message. My podcasts are to help business owners maximise the value of their business and make them saleable, because a business that's 'sale ready' is well worth keeping. Some podcasts are specifically about being saleable or buying a business and some episodes are about growing and having a really great business. One which you would want to keep. This episode is about growing your business and profit. The really great thing about growing profit (apart from putting more dollars in your pocket) it also has a double benefit on increasing the business' value. The value is "generally" a factor of the profit times a multiplier (ROI factor). The thing is that as the profit increases so does the multiplier - a double benefit. You may have heard of the books “Mastering The Rockefeller Habits” and “Scaling Up” by Verne Harnish – if not I highly recommend you get hold of copies. The reason I mention them is because a long time friend of mine, Keith Millar, is a Verne Harnish qualified business coach. He’s one of a select number of coaches in the world qualified to apply Verne’s Scalingup methodology for businesses Recently it was my very great pleasure to have Keith present for me on my webinar. I have taken the sound track from that webinar and turned it into this podcast so more business owners can benefit from Keith’s tips and recommendations. Keith has over 30 years of experience successfully leading and advising businesses, where he provides the insights, tools and support for business owners to grow and scale up their businesses. You can watch the webinar recording and request a copy of the slides at my website. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Business Structures & Agreements - What You Need To Know

Send us a Text Message. BUSINESS STRUCTURES & BUSINESS OWNER AGREEMENTS HOSTED BY JOHN DENTON WITH STEVEN BROWN COMMERCIAL LAWYER Here is What You'll Learn In This Episode: Shareholder agreements When entering into a shareholder arrangement it's vital that you set the boundaries and agree rights and responsibilities. What should be included? You can watch the webinar recording and request a copy of the slides at my website. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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What do Ski Jumps & Business Sales Have in Common

Send us a Text Message. In this episode I tell my story of selling a registered training business I owned with a partner and how we got it all wrong and failed to sell. Then, with good advice and being better prepared, we were able to sell quickly, easily and got 20% more for the business. When you start the process to sell your business, think of it as being like stepping out onto a ski jump. Once you get started there is no turning back. Emotions can take over and the momentum builds and life speeds up. If you are not totally prepared it can end in a mess. Like on a ski jump! OK, in a business sale you can stop the process in the early stages. Once the contract is signed it is very difficult to stop. My point is that before you start the process make sure of the following: Listen to the whole episode and then check out my links below: VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Why Prepare Your Business Ready For Sale

Send us a Text Message. These short episodes are my education series where I explain various elements of getting a business ready for sale and the sale process itself. This first episode is where I give 3 reasons why you need to be getting your business ready for sale all the time, 3 tips on the things to start working on NOW and all of this in just 3 minutes. Remember, a business that's ready for sale is well worth keeping. VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Finding The Hidden Profits In Your Business with Tony Monisse

Send us a Text Message. Another episode in the Business Ready For Sale series, because a business that's ready for sale is well worth keeping. Find more at Some years ago when I had a Leadership and Management training business, my business partner and I set a goal to exit the business with equity in three years. To increase the value of our business we needed to increase the profit. We were referred to a gentleman called Tony Monisse who we engaged to help us and Tony showed us how we were missing out on lots of profit in our business. As a result of Tony's input we completely changed our strategy and significantly increased our profit. That enabled us to sell the business in under the three years and realise a far better sell price for the business. In this episode I chat with Tony who explains how you can find additional profits in your business and how he works with business owners. Check Tony's business at Connect with John Email: VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!


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Selling and Buying Franchise Businesses - What You Need To Know

Send us a Text Message. If you are a franchisee then have you thought about how you will exit your franchise? Selling a franchise is more complicated than selling any other business. You need to think about how you are going to exit your franchise BEFORE you get in to it. When you entre into a franchise agreement, you are not buying a business - you are entering into an agreement for a 'term' to operate that business for the franchisor. My guest on this podcast episode, Rajiv Rajan, is an experienced business broker who specialised in selling franchises for many years. He now sells any kind of 'good' business and this episode is equally relevant to non franchise businesses as well. I am always telling people who are thinking of getting in to a franchise or starting their business, "Before you get in to it, or start it, know how you will get out of it!" Sadly many people don't take my advice and then down the track come to regret it. Selling any business, franchise or not, can be a fantastic thing and the owner's (franchisee's) biggest pay day ever. But you need to know what you are doing and plan and prepare. Never miss an episode and follow Business Ready For Sale on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or wherever you enjoy podcasts. My name is John Denton and you can find out more about what I do by checking out the links below: VISIT MY WEBSITE Boost Your Business Value & Saleability TodayThis Quick Free QuizThe 7 Key Steps To Turning Your Business Into A Valuable Saleable Asset LINKTREESchedule a no-obligation chat about your business - BOOK HERE Thanks for listening, keep podcasting and subscribe to get new episodes!
