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Cross-border Tax Talks

Business & Economics Podcasts

PwC specialists share insights and perspectives on key issues impacting the ever-changing tax landscape. Our podcasts aim to provide quick, easy and up-to-date tax developments to help you stay current and competitive in today's challenging business environment. Listen to episodes at your convenience via your desktop computer or smart device.


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PwC specialists share insights and perspectives on key issues impacting the ever-changing tax landscape. Our podcasts aim to provide quick, easy and up-to-date tax developments to help you stay current and competitive in today's challenging business environment. Listen to episodes at your convenience via your desktop computer or smart device.



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Pillar Two Admin Guidance Glimpses of clarity

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Phil Ramstetter, International Tax Partner and former Tax Policy Consultant at Business at OECD (BIAC). Doug and Phil discuss the OECD’s Administrative Guidance released in June 2024, including the deferred tax liability (DTL) recapture rule or five-year rule, the allocation of cross-border taxes, deferred tax accounting, transactions within the GloBE rules, entity classification and treatment, and the expectation of more OECD administrative guidance in the second half of 2024.


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US Stock Buyback Tax: a funding conundrum

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Nita Asher, International Tax Partner in PwC’s Washington National Tax Practice and former legislative counsel to the Joint Committee of Taxation during the enactment of TCJA in 2017. Doug and Nita focus on the Stock Buyback Excise Tax enacted under the Inflation Reduction Act. Doug and Nita walk through Notice 2023-2, the recently released procedural and technical regulations, including the elimination of the per se rule, the funding rule, and which other countries are considering similar rules. They also discuss how the excise tax could present a multi-year reporting exercise for taxpayers, utilizing Forms 720 and 7208. Non-US headquartered companies will be very interested in this conversation!


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Pillar Two Potpourri: Where is this heading?

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is with Pat Brown, Washington National Tax Services Co-Leader, to discuss the complex state of international tax today and where the winds of Pillar Two are blowing. Doug and Pat bare their ankles and kick off the discussion with the state of international tax when Pat graduated law school. They cover the increasing complexity of tax regimes, before diving into Pillar Two, the Undertaxed Payments Rule (UTPR), qualified CbC reporting, business concerns and struggles, the United Nations’ role in international tax, and recently published Belgian Pillar Two registration requirements.


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Pillar Two in Ireland: It takes a village

Doug McHoney (PwC's Global International Tax Services Leader) and Peter Reilly (PwC International Tax Partner & Ireland’s Tax Policy Leader) are at PwC EMEA’s International Tax Academy in Prague to discuss Ireland’s implementation of Pillar Two. Doug and Peter dive into why Irish policy makers agreed to adopt the Pillar Two regime, how Ireland is incorporating the OECD guidance, the potential effects on the Irish economy and current tax regime, the ways Irish multinationals are preparing, and the potential ramifications in the future.


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Pillar Two: Hindsight is 20/24

Doug McHoney (PwC's Global International Tax Services Leader) and podcast regular Calum Dewar (Principal, International tax services) are at PwC’s EMEA’s International Tax, Legal, and Workforce Academy in Prague, Czech Republic, to discuss the latest happenings around Pillar Two. Doug and Calum examine the many practical issues taxpayers, governments and tax advisors are facing to implement the new rules, including disparity in financial accounting, the QDMTT safe harbour, arbitrage arrangements, GloBE reorganization rules, and allocation of deferred taxes.


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Pillar Two Data Strategy: Play ball!!!

Doug McHoney (PwC's US International Tax Services Global Leader) is with Anthony Sciarra, a Principal in PwC’s Tax Reporting and Strategy Practice and the Global Pillar Two Data Strategy leader, to discuss the importance of a Pillar Two Data Strategy. Doug and Anthony detail what taxpayers should be doing today to stay ahead of Pillar Two’s complexity, specifically highlighting: data sourcing, data forecasting, qualifying for the CbC Transitional Safe Harbor, considerations for both an insourcing & outsourcing model, existing technology solutions, and the importance of a centralized rules calculation.


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As the world turns: Macroeconomic trends

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is at PwC’s International Tax Conference in Dana Point, California with Dr. Alexis Crow, PwC’s Geopolitical Investing Practice Leader. Doug and Alexis discuss the recession outlook and economic activity, the impact of inflation, central banking policy, including interest rates, commercial real estate and financial stability, currencies and the future of the US Dollar, energy transition, the US election outlook, and outlooks for some significant economies, including Japan, India, Singapore, Brazil, the Middle East, and Europe.


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Brazil Tax Reforms: muito complicado!

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is in São Paulo, Brazil for the first Latin American recording of the CBTT with PwC Brazil’s International Tax Leader Dr. Romero Tavares. Doug and Romero discuss what makes Brazil’s tax system so unique – from its transfer pricing rules to its full inclusion regime. They also dive into expected Brazilian tax changes, the many acronyms that make up the indirect tax system, Pillar One, and what effect Pillar Two will have on Brazil’s taxpayers.


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US Tax Policy: Chairman Dave Camp

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is at PwC’s International Tax Conference in Dana Point, California with former House Ways & Means Chairman Dave Camp, now senior policy advisor in PwC’s Washington National Tax Services. Doug and Chairman Camp discuss his political career, drivers behind US tax policy, how Congress negotiates tax legislation, the expiring provisions in the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA), the prospects of Congress implementing Pillar Two in the years ahead, and how companies can get involved in the tax legislative process.


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Geopolitics Unraveled: Trends for 2024

In this episode of Cross-Border Tax Talks, Doug McHoney interviews Craig Stronberg, a Senior Director in PwC's Intelligence Team, about major geopolitical trends impacting business leaders and the operating environment. They discuss topics such as protectionism, the US-China rivalry, distrust, the shift in global power, tech disruption, labor, and the Middle East. They also highlight the importance of business leaders taking stock of lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential risks associated with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.


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US Guidance Update: Pillar Two and more

On this episode, Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Wade Sutton. Wade is PwC’s Washington National Tax Service’s ITS Leader, a former adjunct professor of international tax at Georgetown University's Law Center, and former Deputy International Tax Counsel, US Treasury. Doug and Wade discuss what drove them to international tax as a career (spoiler: job security) before diving into recent US tax guidance. They discuss the recent foreign tax credit (FTC), corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) and Previously taxed E&P (PTEP) notices. They also discuss the interaction of Pillar Two with the FTC rules, dual consolidated loss (DCL) rules, and CAMT. Doug and Wade wrap up by looking ahead to guidance we might see in 2024.


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Sustainability and Transparency for Tax Professionals

In this podcast episode, Doug McHoney, PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader, interviews Heather Horn, PwC's Assurance National Thought Leader and host of the twice-weekly PwC Accounting Podcast. Doug and Heather discuss sustainability reporting and its increasing importance in the business world. They cover various regulations and standards, such as the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and the potential intersection between sustainability reporting and tax transparency. Doug and Heather note the similarities between CSRD and other recent reporting requirements, like Pillar Two and the EU’s Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR). They also highlight the challenges and considerations for companies as they deal with new stakeholders and navigate the new reporting requirements.


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Pillar Two: how safe is the safe harbor?

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Steve Kohart for our first podcast in PwC’s New York studio. Steve is a PwC international tax partner based in New York, and a former adviser for the OECD Center for Tax Policy and Administration. Doug and Steve discuss the OECD’s latest Pillar Two Administrative Guidance, which was published December 18, 2023 and primarily covers the transitional country by country Safe Harbor. More specifically, Doug and Steve address how jurisdictions will implement the guidance, purchase price accounting adjustments, consistent use of data, hybrid arbitrage arrangements, the allocation of CFC taxes, and whether the OECD will provide additional guidance in 2024.


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Gen AI in Tax: a new frontier

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is at PwC’s Tax Leadership Conference in breezy Orlando with Dom Megna, a New York-based tax partner leading PWC's US Tax Reporting and Strategy Practice. Doug and Dom discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its place in tax. They focus on four areas - what is conversational AI, machine learning, deep learning, and generative AI (a subset of deep learning). They also cover some impacts of AI: AI for tax practitioners, how AI will affect people’s jobs, data opportunities and architecture, Pillar Two, responsible AI, and the ROI of AI.


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Taxing FX of Branches: the new Section 987 regulations

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Rebecca Lee (WNTS ITS Partner) in PwC’s Washington, DC studio for the 140th (and Rebecca’s) episode of the Cross-Border Tax Talks podcast. Rebecca, a frequent guest on the podcast, specializes in financial transactions and digital assets. Doug and Rebecca discuss the history and intent of Section 987, which is generally to address the taxation of foreign exchange gains/losses from a foreign branch operating in a different functional currency than its home office. The rules started out relatively simply at three sentences, but since enactment we’ve received 100s of pages of regulations. Doug and Rebecca discuss how the layers of complication led to confusion and concerns over policy and administrability. This background is critical to understanding the challenges companies are facing today with the November 2023 proposed regulations. Doug and Rebecca dissect and analyze the 250-page package, what new elements and limitations they introduce, and what this means for affected companies, including industries like banking and insurance. They close the discussion with how the effective dates work and why the operation of these rules may have surprising results.


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UK Pillar Two: Painting while the paint dries

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by Matt Ryan at PwC’s Global Tax Symposium in Rome. Matt is a London-based international tax partner and PwC UK’s Pillar Two Leader. Doug and Matt revisit the UK Pillar Two rules for the third time, but now from an enacted law perspective. While the rules are set to apply from the beginning of 2024, the United Kingdom faces an interesting challenge as one of the early adopters of Pillar Two, with enacted legislation, followed by additional OECD guidance. Doug and Matt discuss the tricky task for UK legislators of ‘painting while the paint still dries’ (i.e., enacting legislation while the OECD guidance is still changing) and some of the key differences that need to be addressed as a result of the subsequent OECD guidance, as well as still-expected guidance in 2023 and beyond. Doug and Matt discuss from a practical perspective how UK-parented taxpayers are preparing for what is ahead, including approaches to safe harbors. They then dive into complexities created by the particularities of the UK rules around the safe harbor and other key issues, like partnerships and deferred taxes. Finally, the podcast closes with practical next steps companies operating in the UK should consider ahead of 2024.


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Pillar Two: Policy, politics and interaction with Pillar One

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is at PwC’s Global Tax Symposium in Rome, where he’s joined by Will Morris. Will is PwC’s Global Tax Policy Leader, and on Will’s last visit to the podcast, he covered FSR, the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. On this podcast, an exciting and familiar topic - Pillar Two! Doug and Will discuss generally how the Pillar Two process has been going. They wonder how tax authorities and courts will administer and adjudicate in their jurisdictions, and what will become of the potential FAQs and future administrative guidance from the OECD. They then discuss the recent EC guidance, and whether countries will be able to bring in the OECD guidance retroactively. Finally, Doug and Will touch on how business have participated thus far in the process.


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Pillar One: Policy, politics and interaction with Pillar Two

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is at PwC’s Global Transfer Pricing Conference where he’s joined by Giorgia Maffini. Giorgia is part of PwC’s Global Transfer Pricing team in London and was previously the Deputy Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division at the OECD. Doug and Giorgia discuss why taxpayers should care about Pillar One, starting with the basics - what is Pillar One and how does it work with Pillar Two? They discuss the complexities, scope and impacts of both Amount A and Amount B. Also the timing, economic impact, and what’s next. Finally, they address what might happen with digital services taxes and what companies should do next.


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Pillar Two Safe Harbors: The CbCR journey

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is joined by David Ernick, a Principal with PwC’s Washington National Tax Services Transfer Pricing Practice and former Associate International Tax Counsel at the US Treasury Department, at PwC’s Global Transfer Pricing Conference in San Diego, California. They discuss Country-by-country reporting (CbCR) transitional safe harbor rules, including the safe harbor tests, exclusions to the rules, the difference between the safe harbor rules and the full GLoBE rules, as well as whether a CbCR is ‘qualifying’. Doug and David also discuss the history and implementation of public CBCR.


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On notice: US developments and Moore hype

Doug McHoney (PwC’s International Tax Services Global Leader) is at PwC’s Tax Leadership Conference in breezy Orlando with Pat Brown, frequent pod guest and co-leader of PwC’s Washington National Tax Services. They discuss US tax updates, including the status and fate of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA); the future of Section 163(j); notices and guidance from Treasury, including the recent Section 174 notice 2023-63; FTC relief notice, and what to anticipate in the coming months and years with respect to foreign tax creditability; what’s included and what’s not included under the corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT); Section 367(b) ‘Killer B’ regulations; and the Moore case.
