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Cutting Through The Noise

Business & Economics Podcasts

Cutting Through The Noise: the newest podcast from Pintler Group addresses frequently asked marketing questions for business owners in key verticals. We address the marketing pains associated with not knowing what’s working, we cover reliable strategies and out of the box techniques in order to help you find new ways to own the internet as we explore all marketing channels. If you’re looking for a marketing resource that will help you reach new heights and think out of the box, we’ve got your back. Listen as the Pintler Group team shares years of marketing wisdom and case studies to give clarity in the noisy world of marketing.


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Cutting Through The Noise: the newest podcast from Pintler Group addresses frequently asked marketing questions for business owners in key verticals. We address the marketing pains associated with not knowing what’s working, we cover reliable strategies and out of the box techniques in order to help you find new ways to own the internet as we explore all marketing channels. If you’re looking for a marketing resource that will help you reach new heights and think out of the box, we’ve got your back. Listen as the Pintler Group team shares years of marketing wisdom and case studies to give clarity in the noisy world of marketing.





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Episode 17: Cutting Through the Noise: Andrew Schultz

Today we talk with Andrew Schultz: President of the Insight Studio based right here in Montana. We walk through the challenges and misconceptions of HubSpot. We talk about managing a fully remote team and we talk about the path from Alaskan Fishing Guide to Agency Owner and Operator. Reflecting on our conversation, it’s clear that not only does Andrew have a superpower in helping firms harness the power of software, but that he’s identified a clear problem in the market and delivers a really clean solution. And what a lesson. There are countless opportunities and issues businesses face everyday that they’re looking to solve. How can you be the one to help solve it? Even more, is there a specific vertical with a problem unique to their industry that you are uniquely qualified to help solve? If you have questions about anything marketing related, feel free to reach out to us here at Pintler Group. Or if you’re interseted in being a guest, shoot us an email at Thanks again for listening!


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Episode 16: Cutting Through the Noise: Ken Fichtler

Today we talked with Ken Fichtler, Chief Executive Officer at Gaize. Ken's team is developing a test for cannabis impairment, not just cannabis use. It was a fascinating discussion on where the idea came from, how it all works and what’s next for this exciting startup. I know you’re gonna like it!


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Episode 15: Cutting Through The Noise: Karie Hyslop

Hello everyone and welcome back to Cutting Through the Noise: A Montana based podcast produced by Pintler Group Digital Marketing. Today I’m joined by Kari Hyslop, communications coordinator for the college of humanities and sciences at the University of Montana right here in Missoula Montana. We talked about her path to a career in Marketing, her 20 years living abroad and the magic that is Missoula. We know you’re going to love this episode.


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Episode 14: Cutting Through the Noise: Hannah Zurroff

In this episode, we talk with Hannah Zurroff. Hannah is the executive director of Families First Learning Lab right here in Missoula, Montana. We talked with her about different strategies to reach parents in town that might benefit from their services. Spoiler alert: there are a lot of services. What does it look like to lead a team where everyone is wearing a lot of hats? We dive into these topics and more. We’re sure you will enjoy this episode. As always, find us at and


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Episode 13: Cutting Through The Noise: Maura Gatch

On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, we chat with Maura Gatch, the Vice-Chancellor at Montana State University-Northern in Havre, Montana. Our conversation takes us through the realm of Maura's career in education. Topics include: -Drawing students to a small rural town college. -Email and digital apps taking over as the primary source of information in college admissions. -Advice for recent graduates entering the marketing field. -Structuring proper work-life balance in a higher-ed position. -Strategies for hiring the right employee. Maura Gatch Linkedin Profile Montana State University Northern website If you are interested in being a guest on Cutting Through The Noise, email Produced by Pintler Group Digital Marketing.


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Episode 10: Cutting Through the Noise: Casey Fitchett

Meet Casey Fitchett. Pintler Group's new digital marketing coordinator. In today's episode, we cover a wide range of topics. From easing in new clients who are unsure about getting into the world of digital marketing, to our favorite marketing software's we daily. Watch and be sure to his the subscribe button. Produced by Pintler Group Digital Marketing....


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Episode 12: Cutting Through The Noise: Hazer Novich

On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, entrepreneur, Montana Ambassador, and veteran drone pilot, Hazer Novich, drops by the shop to tell his amazing story of pursuing his organically homegrown career in visual arts. We chat about his humble beginnings in Big Sky country, how he gained his initial traction to pursue the work he aspired towards, and reinventing artistic direction amidst a growing field of competition. Hazer Novich Linkedin Hazer Novich Website


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Episode 11: Cutting Through the Noise: Jesse Bartholomew

On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, we chat with Jesse Bartholomew, VP of Product at Coaster Cycles. Topics include the 'last mile,' what it is and why it's important, as well as the rise of E-bikes and how the pandemic has shifted attitudes towards transportation. Coaster Cycles Jesse Bartholomew Linkedin Pintler Group


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Episode 9: Cutting Through the Noise: Jill Alban

On this episode of Cutting Through The Noise, Jill Alban stops by Pintler HQ to offer insight on how to achieve a more enriching career mid-pandemic, what's in store for the future of content marketing, and how to maintain many talents from marketing to coaching. Jill Alban Linkedin Pintler Goup Find Your Why Vivid Vision


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Episode 8: Destination Marketing Episode VI: Economic Development

In this podcast episode of Cutting Through the Noise: Destination Marketing Kyle and Shawn discuss important digital efforts that can drive leads for economic development firms, including a robust customer relationship management strategy, enticing, location-specific content and partnerships with your local tourism firms. They also dive into the importance of establishing micro-conversions in an industry with a long sales cycle. We talk about the Pintler Group marketing framework and how economic development and higher education share some similarities when it comes to digital marketing and the customer journey.


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Episode 7: Destination Marketing Episode V: Referral Marketing

In this podcast episode of Cutting Through the Noise: Kyle and Shawn discuss referral marketing. In destination marketing, it can be a powerful tool for good, or a powerful tool for evil! Okay, maybe evil is a bit hyperbolic, but it can really impact travel. Referral marketing is packaged and delivered in myriad ways: word of mouth, reviews, Instagram geo-pins and refer-a-friend promotions. Just to name a few. So, check out the episode (and don't forget to refer your friends out way)! Our website:


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Episode 6: Destination Marketing Series Part IV: Keep Visitors Coming Back

In this episode of Cutting Through the Noise: Kyle and Shawn talk retention: What does it take to keep your travelers coming back year after year. People spending their hard-earned money and using valuable vacation time to visit YOUR destination or to relocate to your city: why? We look at customer acquisition costs (or traveler acquisition costs) and discuss how to use lifetime value in your early-stage (acquisition) marketing decisions. This episode is specifically for anyone that has vacationers visiting their destination and LOVING it. You've reached product market-fit and now you want to figure out how to continue to grow repeat visitors. Check out more at our website: or just shoot us a note in the comments :) Also, be sure to check out our geopersonalization software to personalize content based on location:


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Episode 5: Destination Marketing Part III

Looking to improve the performance of your website? Who isn't. In a marketing world with a lot of shiny objects, digging into Google Analytics can find its way pretty low on the to-do-list. We hope to encourage you in this episode that the time is well spent. A small investment in conversion optimization can make a huge impact on site performance and ultimately, your key visitiation metrics. We'll walk through software, strategies and some low-hanging fruit to figure out where to start for your digital destination marketing campaigns. Our website: Software mentioned in post:


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Episode 4: Destination Marketing Series Part II: The Acquisition Stage

Acquisition, activation, retention, referral and revenue. This the the framework that makes up any robust digital marketing campaign. Coined originally by Dave McClure of 500 Startups, the framework fits tourism and economic development marketing quite nicely.


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Episode 3: Destination Marketing Series Part I: Five Metrics to Track From the Start

In this episode, Shawn and Kyle talk about the first few metrics to look at when auditing a digital presence for a tourism company or a destination marketing firm. Time On Site New vs. Returning Users Geographic Representation Top Visited Pages/ Top Exit Pages Referral Sources This is episode one in our six part series on Destination Marketing. Stay tuned for our entire series, podcast, video and article.


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Gwen Landquist: Director of Brand at Clearwater Credit Union

Gwen and Kyle look at a massive rebranding project: the Missoula Federal Credit Union and discuss how a project like that starts, middles and perhaps never ends. We chat about the importance of naming, earning buy-in from stakeholders and the community and then educating members, fans and community members on the new look and name. It's an amazing episode filled with some pretty powerful insights from a leader in the branding community. Enjoy. Cutting Through the Noise with Kyle Pucko: in this episode kyle interviews Gwen Landquist, Director of Branding at Clearwater Credit Union. They discuss a large rebrand in the city of Missoula: Missoula Federal Credit Union to Clearwater Credit Union. They discuss the "Why" and the "How" in a conversation you don't often hear happen after a large rebranding effort like this one. Truly insightful take-aways for anyone looking to tackle a project like this. Enjoy!


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Jed Liston: The Power of Networking

We talk networking as a sort-of bonus traction channels for marketers. But not in a return-on-investment sort of way as Jed explains. This episode was particularly cool because we got to sit in the New Gilke building and visit our old stomping grounds at the University of Montana. Enjoy the episode!


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Higher Education and Enrollment Management Marketing: Cathy Cole

Cathy Cole brings a wealth of knowledge to the podcast studio. If you're looking to get involved in data analytics, marketing or strategy: higher education could be a great place to learn fast.


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Community Building

Kyle and Michelle discuss the final traction channel community building on this week's podcast. Covering communities like Google Tag Manager and Facebook Groups, learn about how creating a community for your startup can foster relationships with your customers, instill trust in your brand, and keep customers coming back. Google Tag Manager Community: Facebook Groups - What Are They?:


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Tips for Speaking Engagements

Shawn and Michelle talk about the traction channel speaking engagements, if they are right for your business and how to get the most out of your presentation.
