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Elevate Your Career

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to "Elevate Your Career," the podcast dedicated to empowering individuals from all walks of life as they navigate the ever-changing landscape of their chosen fields. In this show, we'll be bringing on a diverse range of professionals from various career stages to uncover the secrets behind achieving success in any industry. We'll explore how they achieved their career goals and the paths they took to get there. You can benefit from the experiences of our guests by learning from their greatest mistakes, shortcomings, as well as success stories. Your host is none other than Nicole McMackin, CEO and founder of the Irvine Technology Corporation (ITC), an award-winning Information Technology Solutions and Staffing provider. Learn more: https://www.irvinetechcorp.com/


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Welcome to "Elevate Your Career," the podcast dedicated to empowering individuals from all walks of life as they navigate the ever-changing landscape of their chosen fields. In this show, we'll be bringing on a diverse range of professionals from various career stages to uncover the secrets behind achieving success in any industry. We'll explore how they achieved their career goals and the paths they took to get there. You can benefit from the experiences of our guests by learning from their greatest mistakes, shortcomings, as well as success stories. Your host is none other than Nicole McMackin, CEO and founder of the Irvine Technology Corporation (ITC), an award-winning Information Technology Solutions and Staffing provider. Learn more: https://www.irvinetechcorp.com/





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29 | Rick Doten | Hiring with Heart: How to Identify and Empower Neurodiversity in the Workplace

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Rick Doten, lecturer and expert in the field of neurodiversity in the workplace. In this fascinating conversation, Nicole and Rick explore the nuanced experiences of individuals with unique cognitive traits, both the challenges and strengths they encounter in daily life and professional settings. Get a glimpse into specific tools and techniques that can aid in navigating tasks that might otherwise seem daunting. You'll find practical advice, with a focus on ways that these methods can help achieve efficiency and balance. Rick also offers insights into the importance of recognizing and accommodating diverse talents in the workplace, as well as the significance of adapting interview and hiring processes to ensure that all candidates have the opportunity to showcase their true potential. Don't miss another episode of the Elevate Your Career podcast. Leave a review and subscribe today! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Rick's YouTube Rick's LinkedIn Carolina Complete Health


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28 | Ivy Chin | The Power of Positive Thinking and Effective Networking

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Ivy Chin, author of 'Your Mind is What Matters: How to Think Your Way to Your Full Potential.' The discussion begins with Ivy sharing her insights on the importance of self-awareness, positive energy, and the proactive management of one's mindset in achieving professional and personal goals. Ivy emphasizes the significance of demonstrating enthusiasm, passion, and a strong work ethic immediately, rather than waiting for prompts from others. This approach, she explains, can significantly influence how one is perceived and remembered during interactions such as job interviews. The conversation then explores the practical aspects of goal setting and prioritization. Ivy advocates for setting realistic and manageable goals, suggesting that focusing on just two or three objectives at a time can prevent cognitive overload and enhance productivity. She highlights the importance of embedding new habits into existing routines to facilitate progress. Nicole and Ivy discuss the ABC method of prioritization, which categorizes tasks into levels of importance and urgency, helping individuals focus on what truly matters. This method, Ivy notes, transformed her approach to work and significantly boosted her efficiency and effectiveness. Finally, Ivy reflects on the power of networking and managing one's personal brand. She shares a pivotal lesson from a former boss: it's not just about who you know, but who knows you and what they say about you when you're not in the room. Ivy recounts her journey from focusing solely on hard work to recognizing the value of building relationships and seeking mutual benefit in networking. Nicole echoes these sentiments, sharing her own experiences with creating a women in leadership program. The episode concludes with Ivy offering advice to young immigrants facing language barriers, encouraging them to embrace cultural differences, build self-confidence, and seek support from mentors and peers. Join Nicole and Ivy for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: 'Your Mind is What Matters' book


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27 | Meghan Weeks | Key Findings to Women's Success

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Meghan Weeks, recent graduate of the University of California and IT Manager for the city of Long Beach, California. During the conversation, they explore the challenges and strategies for women in IT leadership roles. They emphasize the importance of confidence, fearlessness, and continuous learning. Women are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones, apply for roles even if they don't meet every qualification, and assert themselves in meetings to ensure their contributions are recognized. Meghan highlights the value of professional networks and proactive networking, suggesting that women set goals for networking events to make meaningful connections and create opportunities for themselves. The conversation touches on the need for women to recognize and address biases in the workplace. They discuss the importance of having difficult conversations with supervisors about unequal treatment or pay discrepancies, emphasizing the need for a calm, unemotional approach focused on seeking solutions and understanding. Meghan also stresses the importance of negotiation, noting that women often settle for less when it comes to salary and benefits. They encourage women to push back and ask for what they deserve, whether it's a higher salary, more vacation time, or flexible work arrangements. They also offer advice to women starting out in their careers, emphasizing resilience and the importance of building a strong professional network early on. They stress the value of having mentors and peers to support and guide them through challenges. Overall, the episode serves as a rallying call for women in IT to advocate for themselves, push boundaries, and strive for the success they deserve in their careers. Join Nicole and Meghan for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Meghan's LinkedIn


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26 | Being an InfluencHER - Women in Tech Trailblazers

Today's episode of Elevate Your Career is a recast of a conversation between Nicole and the hosts of the Women in Tech Trailblazers podcast. During the conversation, Nicole shares her journey and challenges in a sector where women are significantly underrepresented. The discussion openes with Nicole's extensive accolades and her efforts in spearheading initiatives aimed at empowering women through leadership programs and mentorship. She emphasizes the importance of authenticity and resilience for women striving to elevate their careers in technology, highlighting the need to maintain one's true self amidst professional challenges. Throughout the episode, Nicole discusses her innovative approaches to overcoming barriers for women in tech, such as her cost-free career development programs which have significantly impacted women's advancement in the industry. These programs, coupled with her leadership, have facilitated a 71% elevation rate for participants, showcasing her commitment to actionable change. Nicole's strategy involves not just addressing the challenges women face but also actively creating solutions that foster an inclusive environment. This proactive stance is reflected in her personal story of choosing a tech career over law, driven by her desire to make a substantial impact. The conversation also explores the broader implications of mentorship and networking in enhancing career trajectories for women. Nicole stresses the transformative power of having a supportive network and mentors, particularly highlighting her involvement with the Young Presidents Organization which helped her initiate a women-focused subgroup. Nicole also offers advice to women aiming to amplify their influence in tech, urging them to define and cultivate their personal brand and to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Her insights not only shed light on the hurdles women encounter but also illuminated pathways to leadership and success in the tech industry. Join Nicole, Jordan and Tiffany for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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25 | Ace Virtual Interviews: From Tech Checks to Dress Codes

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole focuses on essential interviewing techniques, particularly for virtual interviews, emphasizing the importance of preparation. She recommends researching the organization and its employees via LinkedIn and social media to understand their backgrounds and values. Understanding common interview questions—like those about weaknesses or handling unexpected changes in project scope — is crucial. Nicole stresses the need to think through these responses beforehand, highlighting the importance of acknowledging weaknesses while also detailing strategies used to address them, demonstrating both self-awareness and proactive problem-solving. Nicole also explores the technical aspects of virtual interviews. She advises candidates to ensure their technology is tested, usernames appear professional, and backgrounds and attire are suitable for the interview setting. Personal presentation tips include minimal hand movements and controlled speech pace to counteract nervousness. Additionally, Nicole warns against common pitfalls such as using oversized headphones or looking up answers during the interview, as these can be detected by monitoring technologies. She emphasizes making a positive first impression, advocating for a professional and courteous demeanor throughout the interview. Nicole covers the post-interview phase, encouraging thoughtful engagement with the interviewer by asking insightful questions and avoiding redundancy. She suggests sending personalized thank-you notes to all involved in the interview process, including a direct note to the hiring manager’s supervisor, to stand out as a memorable and considerate candidate. She emphasizes the importance of knowing oneself and seeking alignment with the company’s values, advising against pursuing unsuitable opportunities merely out of necessity. Her guidance aims to equip candidates with strategies to not only succeed in securing the role but also to ensure it is the right fit for their career goals and personal values. Join Nicole for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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24 | Lucy Donaldson | Cross-Border Career Moves: Building Success in Tech and Finance

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Lucy Donaldson, Vice President of Technology, whose journey epitomizes resilience, adaptability, and unwavering dedication. Born overseas to Portuguese immigrants in the UK and later moving to Canada, Lucy's upbringing was filled with transitions that shaped her into the formidable leader she is today. Despite her parents not having a university education, Lucy became the first in her family to graduate from university, setting the stage for a career that would span continents and industries. Her early years in technology and marketing laid a foundation for understanding customer service and the importance of clear communication, which she credits for her success in subsequent roles. Lucy's career trajectory took a significant turn when she moved back to the UK, leveraging her unique background to secure a position at Dell. This move underscored her ability to adapt and thrive in new environments, utilizing her differences as strengths in the interview process. Her stint at Dell was just the beginning, as she soon transitioned to the financial services sector, where she continued to climb the ladder, eventually leading to a transformative role at Lloyds Banking Group. Here, Lucy contributed to a major digital transformation project, showcasing her ability to lead and innovate within the rapidly evolving financial industry. The final chapter of Lucy's journey brought her to the United States, where, despite starting from scratch again in terms of her career and financial profile, she managed to secure a strategic position at Western Union. This role capitalizes on her extensive experience in technology and financial services, highlighting her adaptability and leadership skills in a global context. Throughout the episode, Lucy emphasizes the importance of taking risks, being comfortable with discomfort, and the invaluable learning experiences gained from working in diverse environments. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, strategic risk-taking, and the importance of building a supportive network, offering valuable lessons for anyone looking to elevate their career. Join Nicole and Lucy for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Lucy's LinkedIn


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23 | Single Sex Education and Your Career Trajectory

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole explores the impactful world of single-sex education, particularly focusing on the experiences of women from Lorena, a distinguished all-girls school. The episode showcases the narratives of notable alumni, including Dr. Emily Blodget, an associate professor at UC Irvine, and a board certified health specialist for infectious diseases, Vickie Chao, a law partner at a private practice, Gabriella Brignardello, the vice president of Fika Ventures, a seed stage venture capital firm, and Juliana Shain, an entrepreneur, social media marketer and journalist. They share their transformative journeys from the classrooms of Lorena to their prominent positions in diverse professional fields. The discussion centers on the unique benefits of single-sex education in fostering confidence, leadership, and a profound sense of community among its students. These successful young women unanimously attribute their professional success and personal growth to the supportive and focused environment of Lorena, highlighting the absence of gender-based biases and the encouragement of academic and extracurricular excellence. They reminisce about the deep, lasting friendships formed, the individual attention from dedicated faculty, and the empowerment they felt being part of a community where being smart and ambitious was celebrated. The narrative vividly illustrates how the absence of the opposite gender allowed them to discover their identities and capabilities without distractions, leading to a strong foundation of self-assurance and leadership skills that have propelled them in their careers. As Lorena faces the threat of closure, the alumnae passionately discuss their efforts to save the school, emphasizing its significance not just as an educational institution, but as a nurturing community that has been instrumental in shaping the lives of countless women. The episode poignantly concludes with a call to action for support and investment to preserve Lorena's legacy, underscoring the enduring impact of single-sex education on personal development, career trajectory, and the cultivation of supportive female networks. Through their stories, the guests illuminate the profound and lasting influence of attending an all-girls school, offering a compelling argument for the value and necessity of single-sex education in today's diverse and evolving societal landscape. Join Nicole and her guests for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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22 | Ron Glickman | Leading with Purpose

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Dr. Ron Glickman, Chief Information Officer at Trader Joe's and the author of 'Lead for a Change.' Ron shares his extensive experience in leadership and the importance of adopting a relational approach over a transactional one in professional environments. He emphasizes the value of giving back, drawing from his personal journey and the mutual coaching experiences he's had, including with the host. Ron's belief in the power of relational dynamics underpins the conversation, illustrating how building genuine connections can lead to more meaningful and impactful leadership. Ron explores the backstory of his decision to write a book, inspired by the lessons he's learned through his career and the encouragement of peers. His teaching role at Cal State LA and the subsequent push towards earning a doctorate to validate his non-scholarly approach to leadership education played a pivotal role in this. The book, intended as a practical toolkit for leaders at any stage, encapsulates his research and personal insights on leadership being a learnable skill, not limited by innate traits. Reflecting on personal influences, Ron credits his grandfather's journey to America and his own efforts to fulfill the American Dream as a significant motivation behind his achievements. He discusses the current political landscape's challenges and stresses the importance of effectiveness over being right. Ron's commitment to helping others, as evidenced by his involvement with Camp Kesem and women's leadership programs, highlights his belief in the transformative power of leadership to not just advance individual careers but also make a broader societal impact. Join Nicole and Ron for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Ron's LinkedIn Lead for a Change book


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21 | Manna Kadar | Building a Beauty Empire: Lessons in Resilience and Efficiency

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Manna Kadar, the CEO and founder of Manna Kadar Beauty. During the conversation, Manna shares her journey and the profound influence of her mother's resilience and strength. Her story transcends the conventional definitions of success, focusing instead on the broader spectrum of life's achievements and the beauty of overcoming adversities. It's a testament to the enduring spirit of perseverance and the ability to create a fulfilling life despite facing significant challenges. Manna also delves into her professional growth, attributing much of her work ethic and focus to the principles outlined in Cal Newport's 'Deep Work.' This book, alongside her gratitude for the myriad opportunities presented by the USA, underscores her appreciation for focused effort and the potential for personal and professional development. Furthermore, her long-standing meditation practice is highlighted as a cornerstone of her well-being, providing her with clarity and peace amidst the chaos of entrepreneurship and personal trials. Manna Kadar Beauty emerges as a brand that mirrors its founder's ethos, emphasizing efficiency, and multifunctionality in beauty products. Manna's commitment to giving back is evident in her involvement with Miracles for Kids, showcasing her dedication to community service alongside her business endeavors. The brand's presence in major retailers and its hands-on approach reflect a successful blend of innovative beauty solutions and genuine passion, marking Manna's journey as one of inspiration and impact. Join Nicole and Manna for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Manna's LinkedIn Manna Kadar Beauty Manna Kadar Beauty Instagram


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20 | Romir Bosu | From Curiosity to Conquest

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Romir Bosu, as he shares his profound journey and the philosophies that have underpinned his success in the corporate world. He emphasizes the importance of humility and a relentless quest for knowledge, advocating for a mindset where asking questions and admitting ignorance is not a sign of weakness but a strength. The conversation highlight how this approach has not only helped him grow personally and professionally but has also served as a force multiplier by enabling collaboration and innovation among his teams. Romir and Nicole further explore the unique opportunities and challenges of doing business globally, particularly spotlighting the advantages present in the United States. With a passionate discourse on the American economic landscape, he outlines the vast potential for entrepreneurs and business leaders to capture a fraction of the trillions of dollars in annual economic exchange. Romir argues that success begins with providing value to others, a principle that requires resilience, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to one's vision amidst inevitable obstacles and competition. Their conversation underscores the critical role of a supportive personal network, particularly the understanding and backing from family members. Romir candidly shares how a conducive home environment has been crucial to his success, allowing him the flexibility to navigate the demanding nature of his work. Through his story, Romir paints a vivid picture of the entrepreneurial spirit, marked by innovation, hard work, and the invaluable support of loved ones, as key ingredients for making a meaningful impact in the business world and beyond. Join Nicole and Romir for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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19 | Todd Vande Hei | Holistic Hustle - Integrating Health into the Entrepreneurial Lifestyle

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Todd Vande Hei, CEO of Stark, as he dismantles the myth of work-life balance, advocating instead for work-life integration as the true path to success. He shares his holistic approach to life, emphasizing the importance of integrating career, wealth, family, spirituality, and health. Todd's journey from a self-proclaimed mullet-styling entrepreneur to retiring in his mid-30s, and later facing significant challenges that led to the founding of Stark, is a testament to his resilience and hardworking nature. His story highlights the crucial role health plays in achieving professional and personal success, underscoring Stark's mission to optimize health for peak performance across all areas of life. Nicole and Todd explore the origins and evolution of Stark, a premier health service aiming to redefine the standards of healthcare by focusing on holistic and integrative approaches to health and wellness. His personal experiences with health challenges and his entrepreneurial spirit fueled the creation of Stark, which caters to individuals seeking not just longevity but a high quality of life. The episode sheds light on Stark's unique methodology, the "wheel of health," which considers the interconnectedness of various aspects of health, from mental well-being and hormones to body composition and gut health, aiming for a comprehensive improvement in health and well-being. They also discuss the future aspirations for Todd and Stark. His commitment to exploring and pushing the boundaries of peak health personally, and his vision for Stark to impact a million lives by revolutionizing the healthcare system, reflect a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of optimal health. He challenges the conventional healthcare model, advocating for a proactive, preventive, and personalized approach that empowers individuals to take charge of their health. Through Stark, Todd aspires to instill a new understanding of health, not as the absence of disease but as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Join Nicole and Todd for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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18 | Judith Apshago | Navigating Career Transitions

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Judith Apshago, the Chief Digital Officer of Amtrak and a celebrated CIO, to explore Judith's remarkable journey through the tech world. From her early days at the Department of Defense, interacting with four-star generals and leading innovative work that earned her team the prestigious Hammer Award from the Clinton-Gore administration, to her more recent work partnering with business leaders to transform business processes through technology recognized in her receiving the CIO of the Year Orbie Award, Judith's story is one of relentless curiosity, pioneering spirit, and the power of building strong relationships. Her down-to-earth demeanor and authentic approach shine through as she discusses the importance of creating a personal board of directors and how her innate curiosity propelled her to success. Judith's career trajectory is a masterclass in seizing opportunities and the importance of networking. Transitioning from her role at the Department of Defense to leading technology initiatives in various industries, including biotech and mining, Judith's ability to adapt and excel in diverse environments underscores her exceptional leadership and problem-solving skills. Her strategic moves across different sectors, coupled with her commitment to process improvement and technology, illustrate a career built on innovation and a deep understanding of business needs. A significant theme of this episode is the critical role mentorship and networking have played in Judith's career. From receiving guidance from key figures to leveraging connections for new opportunities, Judith emphasizes the value of mentorship, both as a mentee and a mentor. Her journey is not just a testament to her achievements but also highlights the importance of supporting others in their career paths. Judith's story is inspiring for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of the tech industry, demonstrating that with the right mindset and support network, it's possible to achieve great heights. Join Nicole and Judith for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Judith's LinkedIn Amtrak


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17 | Sharon Peters | From Retail to C-Suite: Navigating Career Transitions

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Sharon Peters, a dynamic mother, wife, and C-suite executive in a global organization. Sharon shares her journey through various career phases, highlighting the challenges and successes she experienced. They explore Sharon's initial years working in retail and technology, her stint as a consultant at a major firm, and her eventual return to a more stable role in retail technology. She emphasizes the importance of balancing personal life with a demanding career, especially as a working parent. Her story is a testament to the resilience and adaptability required to thrive in fast-paced, ever-changing professional environments. The discussion takes a deeper turn as Sharon discusses the complexities of being a working mother. She talks candidly about her decision to return to work after maternity leave and the societal pressures and personal doubts that accompanied this choice. Sharon's experiences reveal the intricate balance between professional aspirations and family responsibilities. Her journey underscores the significance of workplace flexibility and support for parents, particularly women, navigating career and family life. Sharon reflects on her current role as a Chief Information Officer, a position she secured after facing setbacks and embracing new opportunities. She emphasizes the value of having mentors and coaches throughout one's career, discussing how they have helped her navigate various professional challenges. Sharon's story is inspiring and offers valuable insights into personal growth, professional development, and the power of resilience in the face of adversity. Her journey resonates with anyone striving to balance personal ambitions with familial responsibilities, while also seeking professional fulfillment. Join Nicole and Sharon for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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16 | Kim Jones | Hybrid Work and Women - Balancing Ambition with Flexibility

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Kim Jones, CEO of Kim Jones Alliance and a transformational career coach, in a dynamic discussion on the state of women in the workplace, debunking prevalent myths and examining the findings of a recent McKinsey report. They explore the persistent underrepresentation of women in leadership and tackle misconceptions about women's ambitions, addressing how societal expectations and biases shape women's career trajectories. The conversation also touches on the nuanced challenges women face in tech and other male-dominated industries, highlighting the impact of microaggressions and the importance of fostering inclusive, supportive work environments. Kim elaborates on her approach to career coaching, emphasizing the significance of developing new skills, professional networks, and personal practices for women. She explains how her work involves guiding organizations in implementing culture transformation solutions that champion diversity and inclusion, creating high-performing work environments. The discussion also underscores the importance of mentorship and sponsorship for women, and the role of organizational policies in advancing or hindering women's career progress. Kim and Nicole critically examine the effects of remote work and the potential biases that might emerge with the shift back to office-based work. They discuss how this transition could disproportionately affect women and other underrepresented groups, emphasizing the need for companies to be mindful of diversity and inclusion in their return-to-office strategies. The conversation concludes with Kim offering insights on effective remote work practices and the importance of intentional communication and engagement in hybrid work environments. Join Nicole and Kim for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Kim Jones Alliance Kim's LinkedIn


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15 | Troy Arnsten | From Engineer to Fragrance Mogul

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Troy Arnsten, co-founder and president of the globally renowned affordable luxury brand Voluspa. Troy shares his journey from humble beginnings to creating a fragrance empire. They discuss his early experiences, from his first job as a teen in a quirky role to his transition from a mechanical engineer to a risk-taking entrepreneur in the fragrance industry. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptability in the face of uncertainty and the challenges of starting a business in a market not yet saturated with products. Troy and his partner’s bold move from Minnesota to California marked the birth of Voluspa, started with a mere $3,000. He recounts the initial struggles of establishing the brand, from hand-pouring candles in their garage to their breakthrough moment getting into Saks Fifth Avenue. His journey emphasizes the importance of innovation, quality, and maintaining a distinct niche in a competitive market. Troy's experience highlights the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, illustrating that the path to success is often paved with perseverance and a willingness to take calculated risks. Troy offers invaluable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of diversity in income and client base, learned from a challenging phase in the business. He also discusses the evolution of Voluspa, focusing on team-building and creating a collaborative and creative work culture. Join Nicole and Troy for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Voluspa


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14 | Jenny Moshea | Building Trust and Networks

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Jenny Moshea, a trailblazing C-level executive and the sole income provider for her family throughout her career. Jenny shares her unique journey, emphasizing the importance of curiosity, asking questions, and not being afraid to seek clarification in the professional world. She reflects on her experience of transitioning from various roles, including sales, management consulting, and technology project management. Her story illustrates the power of persistence and self-belief in navigating career changes and pursuing passion-driven work. Nicole explores Jenny's ascent in the world of technology and management consulting, discussing how non-technical backgrounds can bring fresh perspectives and valuable skills to the tech industry. Jenny's approach to leadership, marked by genuine curiosity and respect for her team's expertise, highlights the significance of effective communication in technology roles. She emphasizes the value of stepping out of one's comfort zone and the importance of networking, sharing how these strategies helped her transition from consulting to corporate roles, ultimately leading her to a Director of IT position. The episode culminates with Jenny's account of her rise to the role of CIO, a testament to her resilience and adaptability. She talks about the challenges and learnings from each career stage, stressing the importance of continuous learning and staying true to one's values. Her journey from an entry-level position to a C-level executive is not just motivational but also a blueprint for anyone aspiring to elevate their career. Join Nicole and Jenny for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Jenny's LinkedIn


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13 | Nick Szymanski | Navigating Career Twists

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Nick Szymanski, exploring his remarkable journey from an uncertain college graduate to a successful CIO. Nick shares insightful anecdotes about his early career struggles, including a pivotal moment when he was pushed into the workforce by his mother's practical wisdom. His story takes you through the transformative experiences that shaped his work ethic and professional outlook, highlighting the importance of mentorship, resilience, and the courage to step out of one's comfort zone. Nick and Nicole discuss the nuances of career advancement, emphasizing the significance of networking and seizing every opportunity for growth. He candidly discusses the challenges of balancing ambition with personal well-being, offering advice on prioritizing tasks and recognizing the importance of work-life balance. Nick's reflections on his journey are not only a roadmap for aspiring professionals but also a reminder that success is a multifaceted pursuit, requiring continuous learning, adaptability, and the humility to acknowledge one's limitations. Nicole and Nick also explore the qualities that distinguish exceptional leaders. Nick advocates for curiosity, accountability, and the willingness to embrace challenges as pivotal attributes for anyone aiming to climb the corporate ladder. He stresses the importance of asking questions, learning from every situation, and owning up to one's mistakes as the cornerstones of effective leadership. Nick's story underscores the significance of genuine connections, continuous self-improvement, and the audacity to envision and achieve one's professional aspirations. Join Nicole and Nick for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show:


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12 | Kristin Leffel | From Small Town to Big Dreams

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Kristin Leffel, who shares her journey from being a small-town girl in Kansas City to becoming a model and actor in California, and eventually founding her own company. The discussion explores Kristin's early career, her experiences in reality TV, and her transition to entrepreneurship. Kristin discusses her background, including her stint on "Temptation Island," her move to California, and her initial attempts at modeling and acting. She shares insights into the challenging nature of the acting industry and her eventual realization that this path might not be her future. Kristin then talks about starting a family and her decision to shift focus towards entrepreneurship, influenced by her mother's entrepreneurial spirit and her husband's business acumen. The conversation then shifts to Kristins's latest venture, a pickleball accessory brand named 'Volée.' She recounts how the idea emerged from her passion for pickleball, a sport she discovered and fell in love with through a community of mothers. Kristin and her partners, realizing the potential in this fast-growing sport, decided to create multifunctional court and lifestyle bags. She discusses the challenges of finding a good manufacturer, the importance of networking in the industry, and how their brand has gained recognition even before its official launch. Kristin emphasizes the value of partnership in business, sharing responsibilities and visions with her partners, and the use of business organization techniques like EOS Traction for efficient management. Join Nicole and Kristin for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Volée website


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11 | Laura Schwab | Breaking Barriers in the Boardroom

In today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole is joined by Laura Schwab, a trailblazer in the automotive industry, to share her remarkable journey. Laura's story begins in Louisville, Kentucky, where her competitive spirit was first ignited on the tennis courts. This drive propelled her to a tennis scholarship at the University of Notre Dame, setting the stage for her future successes. After a brief stint in law school and working various jobs in California, Laura's path took an unexpected turn when she entered the automotive industry, initially through an internet car sales company. Her tenacity and willingness to learn from scratch led her to significant roles at Land Rover and eventually to becoming the first female president of a luxury auto brand, Aston Martin. Throughout the conversation, Laura emphasizes the importance of being authentic and the value of mentorship in her career. Her story is a testament to not conforming to norms and finding success by being true to oneself. Nicole highlights Laura's humility, hard work, and her approachable yet effective leadership style that has made her a respected figure in the traditionally male-dominated automotive industry. As Laura navigates motherhood alongside her career, her journey continues to inspire, showcasing the power of resilience, embracing change, and breaking barriers. Join Nicole and Laura for this fascinating and inspiring conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Laura's LinkedIn


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10 | Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks | Blending Heritage and Sustainability

On today's episode of Elevate Your Career, Nicole chats with Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks, President and CEO of ECOS, a company that manufactures eco-conscious cleaning products powered by plants. Kelly has made significant contributions to environmental sustainability through her company's eco-friendly products. During the discussion, she reflects on her journey, her Greek heritage and early life challenges, including her father’s migration to the U.S. and her mother's influence. She discusses her academic path, leading to UCLA, and her initial career choices, which were guided by a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire to make a positive impact. Kelly shares insights into her varied professional experiences, including working in public relations and her stint as an executive director at the American Hellenic Council. These roles honed her skills in media, storytelling, and forming impactful connections. Joining the family business, Earth Friendly Products, she faced the challenge of making a mark in an established company led by her visionary father. She emphasizes the importance of earning respect as an employee first, rather than leveraging family connections. Her approach to leadership and growth involved respecting her team, understanding her role, and making calculated changes to scale the company. Nicole and Kelly discuss the significance of communication and diversity in leadership, highlighting Kelly's initiatives in hiring a diverse and skilled team, reflecting the consumer base, and ensuring her company’s internal structure mirrors societal diversity. Discussing the dynamics of working in a family business, she shares personal anecdotes, including the challenges and learning experiences that shaped her leadership style. Join Nicole and Kelly for this fascinating and eye-opening conversation! Enjoy! What You Will Learn In This Show: Resources: Nicole's LinkedIn ECOS by Earth Friendly Products Kelly's LinkedIn
