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Friends Talk Money

Business & Economics Podcasts

Whatever life after 50 looks like to you, thinking about money in retirement shouldn’t keep you up at night. We’re all dealing with the big questions about money and aging: How much you can really spend, how to invest your life savings without risking it all in the stock market, and should you sell your home and downsize? Then there’s the biggest unknown: how much health care you’ll need, and whether your savings and insurance is enough to cover the costs. This is personal. These topics may not be easy to talk about with your own family. That’s why nationally known personal finance experts Terry Savage, Richard Eisenberg, and Pam Krueger and are here to open up the dialogue so you can learn how to define your retirement and deal with your money on your own terms. These three friends think, write, and speak about these issues. And now they’re joining forces to give you the benefit of their experience, wisdom and advice in their new podcast, Friends Talk Money. Each week Richard, Pam and Terry will discuss a different piece of the retirement pie. Everything from Social Security and Medicare to investing and cash flow management is on the table, with practical, common-sense advice on how to deal with these and other challenges. But don’t expect cut-and-dried answers. These friends have strong opinions, and aren’t afraid to debate the pros and cons of their friends’ recommendations. But what you will walk away after each episode is a greater awareness of the retirement planning issues you’ll need to address with the help of your family, friends and financial advisor.


United States


Whatever life after 50 looks like to you, thinking about money in retirement shouldn’t keep you up at night. We’re all dealing with the big questions about money and aging: How much you can really spend, how to invest your life savings without risking it all in the stock market, and should you sell your home and downsize? Then there’s the biggest unknown: how much health care you’ll need, and whether your savings and insurance is enough to cover the costs. This is personal. These topics may not be easy to talk about with your own family. That’s why nationally known personal finance experts Terry Savage, Richard Eisenberg, and Pam Krueger and are here to open up the dialogue so you can learn how to define your retirement and deal with your money on your own terms. These three friends think, write, and speak about these issues. And now they’re joining forces to give you the benefit of their experience, wisdom and advice in their new podcast, Friends Talk Money. Each week Richard, Pam and Terry will discuss a different piece of the retirement pie. Everything from Social Security and Medicare to investing and cash flow management is on the table, with practical, common-sense advice on how to deal with these and other challenges. But don’t expect cut-and-dried answers. These friends have strong opinions, and aren’t afraid to debate the pros and cons of their friends’ recommendations. But what you will walk away after each episode is a greater awareness of the retirement planning issues you’ll need to address with the help of your family, friends and financial advisor.



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IRAs: The Latest Law with IRA Guru Ed Slott

On the latest episode of Friends Talk Money, the crew sits down with IRA and Tax Guru Ed Slott to dive deep into all things retirement savings.


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How to Find the Money to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance

Expert Brian Gordon explains how a recent law created a clever new way to pay for premiums in case you ever need long-term care.


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Financial Planning for Families with Special Needs

Taking care of loved one’s with special needs can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you’re going at it alone. That’s why it’s so important to know where to turn for help. Mary Anne Ehlert, founder of Protected Tomorrows, recently joined the Friends Talk Money team to share her personal experience as a caregiver to her own sister with special needs. Mary Anne shed light on the complexities and amount of work required to financially care for someone who cannot earn an income of their own. She also described what motivated her to start Protected Tomorrows and help families to access the vital resources and professional support they need.


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A Widows Guide to Emotional and Financial Well-being with Alexandra Armstrong, CFP®

The Friends Talk Money team is joined by Alexandra Armstrong, CFP®, CRPC® who is the chairman and founder of Armstrong, Fleming & Moore, Inc. Alex has worked in the investment field for more than 40 years and back in 1977, was the first person to earn the Certified Financial Planner™ certification in Washington, DC. On this episode, Alex discusses her book On Your Own, a widows guide to emotional and financial well-being and offers useful advice to those who are struggling with becoming a widow.


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A Conversation With the Man Who Invented Your 401(k)

Our next special guest has undeniably made the most significant impact on your retirement savings strategy. In this episode, the Friends Talk Money team sits down with Ted Benna, the father of the 401(k) plan. Ted shares the fascinating story of how he conceived this groundbreaking idea, navigated the IRS approval process, and gives us a glimpse into his current projects.


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Social Security Good News!

New Social Security Commissioner Cuts Clawbacks!


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Unemployed Over 60, and Can’t Get a Job

There's nothing more painful than losing your job when you're older and not being able to get a new one. Research says there's a stigma about "older unemployment" - especially when it drags on for more than a year! Meet Ben who is going through that right now. He remains optimistic, but details the hazards -- even for those in technology -- when a job disappears. Some helpful perspective for you - or someone you might know and love.


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How to Save on Prescriptions When You're On Medicare

The price of prescription drugs can be enormous when you're on Medicare, so in this Friends Talk Money episode, we offer advice on how to pay the least for your medications. With help from expert Diane Archer of JustCareUsa, we discuss when to use your Medicare Part D plan, what to know about prescription discount cards and programs from drug companies and states that can lower your prescription costs.


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What You Don’t Know About Longevity Could Hurt Your Retirement

You're probably familiar with financial literacy, which entails having the skills, knowledge and behaviors to make decisions about money. But how's your longevity literacy? Not sure what we're talking about? In this episode Pam, Terry and Richard break down longevity literacy, and explain the impact, especially when it comes to your retirement readiness. Guest expert, Surya Kolluri, who is the head of the TIAA Institute joins the Friends Talk Money crew to uncover the importance behind longevity literacy and why he believes more Americans should focus on improving theirs.


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What financial advice are you getting for your 401(k) rollover?

In this episode Pam, Terry and Richard talk about what’s likely to be the most important financial decision you’ll ever make… what to do with your 401(k) money when you’re ready to retire? The Department of Labor says any retirement advice you get a work should always be in your best interest. The question is… is it? Pam leads the discussion about the DOL’s new proposed Fiduciary Rule and includes special guest Kevin Walsh of Groom Law Group and break down why the DOL’s so worried.


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Dealing with Debt Later in Life

Advice on lowering your debt load and credit card rates, plus pros and cons of filing bankruptcy. With Bruce McClary, Senior Vice President of Media Relations & Membership at the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.


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What to Know Before Retiring Abroad

Retiring abroad can be appealing, with lower costs and great weather. But here are some things you also need to consider before making a move.


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How You Can Financially Set Up Your Grandchildren For Success

In this episode, the Friends Talk Money team discusses how you can help set up your grandchildren for financial success beyond the traditional 529 college saving plans. Tune in as Pam, Richard and Terry share helpful tips and savvy money strategies that they’ve learned from their own personal experiences.


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What to Know About Required Minimum Distributions From Retirement Plans

The rules for RMDs have changed and you will want to know how much you must take out of your retirement plans and when. We explain it all on this episode of Friends Talk Money, including year-end advice.


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We're Doing Inheritances All Wrong

The Friends Talk Money podcasts talk about why many of us aren't bestowing inheritances to heirs the right way and not helping our parents make inheritances properly. We also talk about how financial advisers could be more helpful to families so they handle inheritances wisely.


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Social Security Horror Stories!

Social Security is clawing back $21 billion in mistaken overpayments — impacting retirees and the disabled. Terry Savage and Larry Kotlikoff have written a new book —Social Security Horror Stories— revealing the shocking abuse. Last weekend they were featured on CBS - Sixty Minutes speaking with Anderson Cooper about this issue. In this episode, Larry joins Terry, Pam and Richard to take a deeper dive into problem and what you should do to ensure you get what’s rightfully yours.


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Open Enrollment for Medicare is Here! We have some advice and some warnings.

What to know about Medicare Open Enrollment for 2024. What’s new and how to shop wisely for coverage.


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Advice for glass half empty investors

Not everyone looks at their personal financial future through rose colored glasses. In fact a recent Gallup poll shows Americans not yet retired are more worried than anytime in the past ten years. Discouraged savers who see the glass-half-empty may actually need different financial strategies just based on their outlook. We give you solid financial planning tips that can make your outlook.


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Help with Student Loan Repayments!

Learn how to lower your repayments and cut years off your loan payments w attorney and expert Rae Kaplan. Student Loan Sticker ShockFederal Student Loan Debt Relief


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'Rock Your Retirement’ with Help From Roger Whitney

Roger AKA, "The Retirement Answer Man” and author of “Rock Retirement: A Simple Guide to Help You Take Control and Be More Optimistic About the Future,". Roger has been a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional for more than 25 years. He’s sharing how he’s now helping people live well today in retirement without sacrificing tomorrow.
