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Hilco Global Smarter Perspectives Podcast Series

Business & Economics Podcasts

Hilco Global leadership team shares its expertise on current, relevant topics across a variety of industries as it relates to asset valuation, monetization, and advisory solutions.


United States


Hilco Global leadership team shares its expertise on current, relevant topics across a variety of industries as it relates to asset valuation, monetization, and advisory solutions.



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How Retail Has Changed Since the Pandemic

Ian S. Fredericks of Hilco Consumer — Retail joins WWD Voices host Arthur Zaczkiewicz to discuss retail’s ongoing evolution.


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The Depressed California Bulk Wine Market May Get Some Relief from Global Developments Starting in Q2 2024

On this podcast, we discuss the bulk wine market’s continued struggle in California and how a recent announcement by China could bring a positive impact to west coast producers here in the U.S.


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Turnaround Strategies for Companies Doing Business in Mexico

In this fourth podcast in our series focused on best practices for businesses nearshoring in Mexico, we discuss a range of important considerations associated with the development and execution of effective turnaround strategies.


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Sawmill Distress Rising in Q1

This podcast is intended as an “alert” to lenders and those across the market in regard to a notable, increased level of distress that the Hilco Forestry team is observing in the sawmill market. Detailed observations are action steps are discussed.


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Aligning Consumer and Consumer Products Company Orbits

Consumer products companies have immense ground to cover in order to meet ever-changing customers where they are and where they will be in the future. This podcast addresses how industry leaders can create stronger relationships and longer-term brand loyalty by undertaking a fundamental shift from a current state of misalignment to a future state of close alignment with their customers.


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Insights in Asset Management for Companies Doing Business in Mexico

In this third article in our series focused on best practices for businesses nearshoring in Mexico, we discuss a range of important considerations associated with ensuring effective asset management design and implementation.


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Navigating M&A in the Mexico Market

On this podcast, Jan René Aguirre addresses specific areas that tend to create challenges for companies involved in M&A activity in the Mexico market and how each can be addressed most effectively.


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Regulatory Compliance and Security Remain Key Challenges for Cannabis Market Participants

On this podcast, John Satter explains the impact of geographic-specific regulatory requirements, zoning regulations, security complexities and a range of other factors on cannabis cultivators, manufacturers, distributors and retailers.


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The 13 Week Cash Flow: Essential for Retailers

On this podcast, Michael Appel, Charvi Gupta and Jake Ringelstein of Getzler Henrich address the importance of embedding a rolling 13-week cashflow discipline into every retail business’s operations, regardless of whether a company is healthy or stressed.


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The Many Nuances of Nearshoring in Mexico

On this podcast, Jan René Aguirre addresses a range of distinct complexities and challenges that are frequently not anticipated, but are most typically encountered, by businesses engaged in nearshoring efforts in Mexico.


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A Discussion to Help Equip Current and Prospective Lenders to the Tobacco Market

On this podcast Jason Gomes provides an overview of the tobacco industry with an emphasis on recent trends, regulatory factors and areas of focus for lender due diligence.


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Insights for ABLs With Borrowers in the Mattress Industry

On this podcast, Stephen D’Aquila provides a range of insights and guidelines that will be valuable to lenders with borrowers involved in the mattress industry


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A Roadmap for Auto Suppliers Experiencing or at Risk of Distress

On this podcast, Tom Boniface discusses a range of best practices which have proven successful for numerous, distressed suppliers across the automotive/mobility market and how companies can strategically address their unique challenges in a timely manner.


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Retail Suppliers’ Excess Inventory Can be Very Appealing to Those Managing Store Closure Events

On this podcast, Katie Feodoroff details how the current high number of retail store closures nationwide, and the need for the type of augmented merchandise that will appeal to shoppers of those store events, can translate to good news for suppliers in possession of excess inventory.


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How Servicers are Able to Assist With Distressed Sub-Prime Portfolios

On this podcast Buddy Beaman discusses how the timely assignment of a substitute servicer into the loan structure can help ensure that consistent and ethical business practices are followed in collecting borrower payments and administrating the overall loan process.


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How Green Energy is Surging Forward in 2023

On this podcast, we discuss a range of current U.S. green energy developments and take a focused look at the many challenges and efforts underway within automotive and commercial vehicle manufacturing as well as the aviation and maritime industries.


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How Real Estate Buyers and Sellers are Capitalizing on the Flourishing Golf Market

On this podcast, Ryan Rafter of Hilco Global’s Golf Advisory explains how both buyers and sellers of real estate around the country are actively engaging to capitalize on the resurgence of golf and the increased number of rounds being played.


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Retailer Recalibration Can Address Shifting Consumer Preferences, Costs and Revenue Drivers

On this podcast we discuss a range of current retail industry developments that are demanding a greater level of retailer proactivity, decisive action and a focus on effectively delivering for customers across fashion, value and fit.


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Diligence Insights for Lenders Involved in the Cased Wine Market

On this second of two wine market podcasts, we discuss details specific to the California Cased Wine Market that can be of notable value to lenders and others involved in the industry.


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How Receivers Help Guide Successful Office-to-Residential Conversions

On this podcast we discuss the growing number of office-to-residential conversions taking place across the U.S. and how court-appointed receivers are helping to guide those efforts toward successful outcomes.
