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Hybrid Pub Scout Podcast

Business & Economics Podcasts

We're Emily Einolander and Corinne Kalasky and we're mapping the frontier between traditional and indie publishing. We interview people from all over the industry—publishers, marketers, publicists, editors, and authors. Whether they be self-published, small press, or from the corporate Big 5 publishers, we want to hear from everyone! And we also talk some crap in the process, because otherwise what fun would we be? Opinions don't reflect those of our employers. [Theme song by Amy Hakanson | Logo design and artwork by Leigh Thomas]


United States


We're Emily Einolander and Corinne Kalasky and we're mapping the frontier between traditional and indie publishing. We interview people from all over the industry—publishers, marketers, publicists, editors, and authors. Whether they be self-published, small press, or from the corporate Big 5 publishers, we want to hear from everyone! And we also talk some crap in the process, because otherwise what fun would we be? Opinions don't reflect those of our employers. [Theme song by Amy Hakanson | Logo design and artwork by Leigh Thomas]



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Episode 80: Clarify Your Message through Storytelling with Karl Becker

Karl Becker, founder of Improving Sales Performance and author of Iceberg Selling, talks about his books, how they've made a difference in his business and life, and the necessity of being open to surprises during the writing process.


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Episode 79: Why Your Story Needs To Be Told with Dr. Amanda Nell Edgar

Dr. Amanda Nell Edgar, founder of Page & Podium Press, joins Emily to talk about overcoming impostor syndrome and taking the courageous step to share your story.


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Episode 78: What Copywriting Can Teach You About Writing Books with Kelley Gardiner

Website copywriter Kelley Gardiner joins Emily to talk about the overlaps between writing clear, attention-getting copy and writing a good nonfiction book.


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Episode 77 - Ali Shaw, Founder of Indigo Editing, Design, and More

Emily speaks with Ali about her definition of self-publishing versus independent publishing, how Indigo is working to improve the book world, and the exciting process of learning how to produce audiobooks. This episode's transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Episode-77-Ali-Shaw-of-Indigo-Editing_otter_ai.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 76: Joan Conte Of Trans Book Box

Joan Conte joins Emily to talk about their subscription book box for trans people by trans people. Today's transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/76-Joan-Conte-of-Trans-Book-Box-transcript.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 75: The Library Of Alexandria

Chris, Corinne, and Emily discuss the Library of Alexandria and all the things we don't know about it. The Transcript for Episode 75: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/75-library-of-alexandria_otter_ai.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 74: Troy Lambert, Education Lead at Plottr

Emily interviews Troy Lambert, education lead at Plottr, about how the software helps writers plot everything from their novels to their nonfiction books (and even their marketing plans)! Try Plottr for yourself here: https://plottr.com/ Read the transcript here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Episode-74-Plottr_otter_ai.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 73: Disability in Publishing

Founding members of the new 501C3 Disability in Publishing join Emily and Corinne to discuss their mission and their plans for supporting and collaborating with disabled people in publishing. Read the episode transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/73.Disability-in-Publishing_transcript.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 72: Grimoires!

This Halloween episode of Hybrid Pub Scout brings you an exploration of Western grimoires: what they were, who used them, and how they were passed from one person to another. Also, we do slightly deeper dives into the Picatrix, The Lesser Key of Solomon, The Petite Albert, and The Grand Grimoire. Read the episode transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/72-Grimoires.final-transcript.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 71: Joe Vallese, Editor of It Came from the Closet

Joe Vallese joins us to talk about the queer horror anthology It Came from the Closet, which he conceived of and edited with The Feminist Press. Read the episode transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/71-Joe.Vallese-transcript.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 70: YA Author Sierra Elmore

Debut author Sierra Elmore talks about self-publishing her Mean Girls remix, Death by Society. Read the episode transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/70-SierraElmore-final-transcript.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 69 - Ruthie Hanson

Emily talks to Ruthie Hanson about her experience running a successful Kickstarter for her upcoming TV project, Ladies of Fortune, as well as writing books, screenplays, and fanfiction. Read the episode transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Episode-69-Ruthie-Hanson.final_otter_ai.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 68: Edtech Innovation with Stephanie Argy of ISTE

Stephanie Argy, editor for the International Society for Technology in Education, reminds us that strides in learning and technology is cause for optimism. Read the episode transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Transcript.Episode68-StephanieArgy-ISTE.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 67: Sustainable Publishing Distribution with Rachel Done

The difficult truth is this: book publishing has a heavy carbon footprint and produces lots (LOTS) of waste. Rachel Done joins us to discuss a recent study done in partnership with Portland State University, Independent Book Publishers Association, and Pub West about how we can change the status quo and do right by the environment. Read the study here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/DistributionPractices.pdf Read the episode transcript here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/67-Rachel-Done-publishing-distribution.docx-1.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 66: The Hitler Diaries Forgery Scam

Content Warning: Discussion of Nazis and neo-Nazis Shady and unethical journalistic practices In 1983, the Stern news magazine in Western Germany, after selling serial rights to publication across the Western world, announced that Hitler's lost diaries had been discovered in the German countryside. Within a few days, Stern was totally discredited, the diaries were exposed as forgeries, and two Hitler-loving dumbasses were arrested. We discussed what kind of dumbasses and dumbassery led up to the diaries being taken for genuine articles and shown to the world as such, exploring what mistakes publishers and reporters made to let something like this happen. And, of course, we will unveil how the scam was brought to an end! Link to the transcript: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/66-HitlerDiaries-Transcript.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 65—Katie Fairchild of Radish Fiction

In the final installment of our fanfiction series, we talk with a publishing professional and fan fiction expert who works in the business of serialized fiction. Katie Fairchild is a marketing associate who uses her expertise in the way fandom audiences read and interact to promote stories on the Radish Fiction app, which is primarily focused on a romance audience. We talk with Katie about the types of campaigns she runs, how serialized fiction fans interact with stories, and how her expertise informs that work. Transcript can be found here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Transcript.Episode-65—Katie-Fairchild-of-Radish-Fiction.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 64: Claudia Rebaza from the Organization for Transformative Works

Claudia Rebaza from the Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) joins Emily to talk about their projects—Archive of Our Own, Fanlore, Legal Advocacy, Open Doors, and the Transformative Works and Culture journal—and how such a huge operation stays online. More notes on this page: hybridpubscout.com/organization-transformative-works-interview-ao3 Transcript available here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Transcript-Episode-64-Claudia-Rebaza-of-OTW.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 63: JT Reads the Most Notorious Fanfic of All Time

JT joins us as we add our entry to the wide world of My Immortal dramatic readings. We also discuss a book-publishing incident that almost solved the mystery of who wrote the notorious fanfic and whether or not they were serious or just trolling. CWs The My Immortal fic has self-harm, homophobia, and flippant references to AIDS. Read the transcript here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/63-My-Immortal_otter_ai-1.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 62 — Fanfiction Part 1: An Introduction

Read the transcript here: https://hybridpubscout.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/62.-Intro-to-Fanfic.docx.pdf Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9


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Episode 61: Anthropodermic Bibliopegy Part 2

In part two of our discussion of Anthropodermic Bibliopegy, Emily and Chris explore the reasons for building myths around books made from human skin, and find it could often be simplified to one or a combination of three motivators: prestige, politics, propaganda Content warnings: - Corpse violation - Medical ethics violations - Abuse of power - Objectifying the human body - Worms - Murder and Mutilation - Racism & Colonialism - The French - The British - Foucault (who was a Harpers-letter-style advocate of sex with children along with Simone de Beauvoir) ...and swears of course Find us on... Our website: hybridpubscout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/hybridpubscout/ Twitter: twitter.com/hybridpubscout Instagram: www.instagram.com/hybridpubscoutpod/ Our newsletter: eepurl.com/gfajR9
