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Interstellar Business Show

Business & Economics Podcasts

Podcast for Tech CEOs who want to grow their minds, elevate performance, and own their future. Hosted by Andrew Bull. "Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow." - William Pollard Every week, join Andrew Bull, as he unearths big stories, fresh perspectives, and actionable ideas that you can install in your business and live. Listen and learn how to.... It's time to own your future. It's time to go Interstellar!


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Podcast for Tech CEOs who want to grow their minds, elevate performance, and own their future. Hosted by Andrew Bull. "Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow." - William Pollard Every week, join Andrew Bull, as he unearths big stories, fresh perspectives, and actionable ideas that you can install in your business and live. Listen and learn how to.... It's time to own your future. It's time to go Interstellar!



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Your Internal Board Of Directors: Mr Joe and Valuing Each of Your Perspectives

I’m going to ask you three important questions…. Do you ever wonder if you’re making the right decision? Do you ever fret and procrastinate about decisions? Do you ever jump feet first into big decisions without giving them adequate thought? If you said “yes” to any of those things… then this episode is for you. Today, I'm joined by an expert who’s going to help you make better decisions…. … by unlocking your internal board of directors. Now, that might sound a bit weird and strange…. But don’t worry, all will become clear in the course of today’s show. In today's show you will learn: Guest: Mr Joe Joe is a trusted adviser and coach to CEOs of start-ups, high growth tech & Fortune / FTSE 100 companies. A recovering neuroscientist, then a spell as an elementary school teacher, from UX research, to design, to product management then to product and business strategy. Joe brings 15 years in tech, $20b in revenue, experience with 30+ startups & FTSE / Fortune 100 giants. Host: Andrew Bull The author of Monsters of Team Performance. If you’re ready to improve your team’s performance… head to Amazon and pick up a copy of my book today. Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. So you never miss an episode again.


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Metaverse and Human Slavery: Matt Friedman shares what leaders can do

Lots of companies like Facebook are betting big on the Metaverse. The metaverse could bring fantastic opportunity for leaders and companies that embrace the technology. However, it can also bring challenges and dangers. One of those challenges is human slavery. Because even though Human Slavery and the Metaverse seem to have nothing in common. They do. Whatsmore, the way they collide may have a profound effect on your business and society. In today's show, Andrew is joined by Matt Friedman of the Mekong Club. Matt will share... Connect with Matt Friedman: Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today, so you never miss an episode again.


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Smart Streamlining: Alexis Kingsbury on streamlining business processes

It’s no secret... That a scalable business ( the kind of business that can grow and grow ) is an organised business. So why do many leaders struggle with getting their business truly organised? Is it because? — They don’t know any better? —They prefer to wing it? Or more likely… It's because they’ve tried and failed to get organised in the past? Well, here's the good news… Today, I'm joined by an expert who’s going to help you …. Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today, so you never miss an episode again. Today's Guest... Alexis Kingsbury is the Co-Founder of AirManual and Spidergap.


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Leadership Amplification - Matt Mersino on leading with impact

Can you relate to this?… You know that being a strong leader is important. You know that strong leaders… But… you don’t know if you’re doing it right. You don’t know if you’re truly tapping into your leadership potential. If you have these thoughts and concerns… you’re not alone. Many leaders do. But here's the good news… Today, Andrew is joined by an expert who’s going to help you become a next-level leader…. In today's show you will learn: Connect with today's guest, Matt Mersino, at If you’re interested in improving your team’s performance, you should also check out Andrew new book ‘Monsters of Team Performance’ which is available on Amazon.


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Mental Barriers to Performance - Lysette Offley on breaking through performance limiters

Shakespeare said.... "A mind that is ready, is ready for anything". I'm convinced that's true. Because when our minds aren't ready. They become blocks. They become roadblocks that stop us achieving our goals and unlocking our full potential. And these kinds of mental roadblocks don't just affect leaders. They affect our teams too. So they matter, they're worth considering. They're worth thinking about. And they're definitely worth trying to overcome. Because if you can reduce the mental barriers in your own mind and in the minds of your team, Think of what your team could achieve and how much more potential you could unlock in your business. In today's show: our guest is going to help you and your team overcome some of those mental barriers and help you achieve top performance. Full show notes at


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Northstar Goals for Teams - Tim Meinhardt on leveraging KROs for success

It’s frustrating when team members don’t make the decisions we would. But perhaps it’s also understandable. Perhaps we shouldn’t expect so much, when we haven’t clearly communicated our goals to our teams. Which begs the questions…. How can we keep our teams aligned with our vision for the business? How can we keep our team engaged with our business goals? Here’s the good news… Our guest - the fantastic Tim Meinhardt - is going to teach you about the magic of OKRs… In today's show you will learn: Now, before we get started with today’s show and meet our guest, please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you’re listening today. So you never miss an episode again. You can connect with Tim via... Tim's website: Tim's podcast: Get Andrew's book here


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Theatre & talent retention: Katie McLaughlin on empathy and leadership

How much empathy do you have as a leader? Do you really understand the perspectives of team members? Or do you sometimes find yourself jumping to the wrong conclusion? Well, if you struggle with empathy I don’t blame you… In our busy world… it can be hard to find the time to listen or think about other people's perspectives on important topics. However, it doesn't have to stay that way... You can increase your empathy and become a better leader… And my guest today is going to help you do just that… In today's show you will learn: Now, before we get started with today’s show and meet our guest, please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. So you never miss an episode again.


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CEO Transformation: Robin Seymour's Story and Tech Recycling

According to professor and author Robert Kegan, each of us operates within a different level of mental complexity. There are three of these so-called mental plateaus Level 1 — Is the socialised mind… Level 2 — Is the self authoring mind… Level 3 — Is the self-transforming mind… Why is this relevant to this episode? Well, this week we’re joined by a Tech CEO… Who has transformed his mind, his business, and his life… His story is powerful and I think you’ll find it thought provoking too. Plus in this episode… We’ll also be talking about… This week's guest is Robin Seymour - CEO Signals IT Ltd Get show notes at


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Listen.Innovate.Grow - Michael Haynes on how to market and sell in 2022 and beyond

Do you know with absolute certainty where your ideal customers hang out… Is your knowledge of your customers so certain and absolute… that you would stake your business on it? Or instead…. Is your business making a lot of assumptions about customers? Are you perhaps wasting your time on ineffective strategies and things like social media posting or paid advertising… When another approach might pay dividends for your business? Now, if you think your business your business might be wasting it’s marketing and sales resources… Don't worry... Because, today I'm joined by an expert guest who’s going to share insights that will help you learn Now, before we get started with today’s show and meet our guest, please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. So you never miss an episode again. In depth show notes are available at


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Team is vital: Sean McDermott on nurturing team and culture

Can you relate to this… Have you ever had a great sales strategy, but still not been able to sign enough deals? Have you ever had a great product, but still had trouble delivering it successfully to customers? Have you ever been in the middle of project, that’s suddenly been derailed by one of the team members? Here’s the thing… No matter how good your sales strategy, product, or project is…. If your team can’t perform at a good level, your business is going to struggle or move slower than you’d like…. And working in the business, isn’t going to be much fun for anyone. Now, here’s the good news… In today’s show This week's guest is Sean McDermott - CEO LoughTec Ltd Discover show notes and links to Sean at www.Interstellar.Show


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It's okay to fail: Tristan Pennicott on learning environments

Have you ever experienced a work situation where people are pointing finger and blaming each other for mistakes and problems? Have you ever experienced a work culture where people try to shirk responsibility or shy away from building anything new? If you said “Yes”, you’ve probably experienced a culture of blame. A culture that has a serious and negative impact on: The trust, innovation, cohesion, and growth of your business. Now. here’s the good news... It doesn’t have to be that way. In today's episode… So you can show finally show finger pointing and blame the front door! This week's guest is Tristan Pennicott - Product Manager, IBM Cloud and Community Organizer Discover show notes and links to Tristan at www.Interstellar.Show


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Finance Revolution: Glenn Hopper on power of finance in data age

Your financial leaders can kick-start a powerful data-driven revolution inside your business... In a time where tech companies are struggling to keep up with their workflows and processes, it's surprising that one of the most important roles in a company (CFO) is not being utilised as much as they could be. In this podcast we explore how CFOs and other leaders can help companies use data and other streamlining processes to inform decisions and improve business performance. Listen and learn: This week's guest is Glenn Hopper, a CFO and author of Deep Finance: Corporate Finance in the Information Age Glenn's book is available on and Full show notes are available at:


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Metaverse or Bust: Sam Bel on Web 3.0 and $128 Billion bet by Meta (Facebook)

Should your tech business care about the metaverse? Should you be paying attention to VR? In this episode we answer all those important questions. In today's episode, we'll look at: This week's guest: Sam Bel Hyatt - CEO of Vnntr Cybernetics. For show notes head to...


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Funny Leadership: Jason Voiovich on leveraging humour in your business

Have you ever worked for a leader who thinks they're funny? And they're not? Terrible humour can be an awful thing to bear. It's something we can tolerate when it's our brothers, our fathers, or our sisters. But when it's our coworkers, or leaders, and the humour just isn't funny, or is offensive… It can make everyone’s working day… harder. But humour isn’t always bad news… In fact, humour can be a powerful tool for a leader. And throughout history... many successful leaders have used it to great affect. In today’s episode, you’ll meet... Jason Voiovich, Author of "Marketer in Chief: How Each President Sold the American Idea" And you'll learn... Plus, we’ll talk about... And lastly, we’ll introduce you to an strategy... Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. So you never miss an episode again. Show notes, links to resources, and guests links at


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Cyber Security: Why The New Model Is Transforming Business Performance. With Ciaran Kenny.

Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. Introduction Let me ask you a question... Do you think information is boring? I mean… it is kind of boring when you first think about it. Who wants to take information our for dinner? Or meet information for a beer? No One. That’s who. But here’s the thing... information is vitally important to our companies. We might not like it. Or think it’s sexy. But when we can’t get our hands on the information we need… Or when people try to hack into our business... and do bad things to our information… We suddenly have a whole new appreciation for it. We suddenly realise how important that information is to our business. And if we're honest with ourselves… We’d probably admit…. That we don’t spend enough time thinking about how we manage information. If we did… We might do a better job of keep companies our secure and also improve the performance of our business… Now, to help you get a grip on this important topic... I’ve invited an expert in the subject on to today’s show… Today, I’m joined by Ciaran Kenny, Security Lead at Macnamara ICT. Ciaran is a top level authority on information management and security… and I know that you will benefit from listening to his ideas. In today's episode, we'll look at Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. So you never miss an episode again. Show Notes More about Ciaran Kenny... Read the Macnamara blog at Love this episode? Please leave a review here Listen to more episodes here: Interstellar.Show Get Andrew's free Resources for Tech companies with teams → Join Andrew's Interstellar Community →


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Freaky & Powerful Leadership: Paulina Tenner on unlocking your inner super powers

Paulina Tenner believes... "If you are 'normal', you're not powerful." Why should you care? 1) powerful leaders build stronger relationships with others. 2) powerful leaders (and their brands) get more attention from the people they need. In today's episode, we're look at why (and how) leaders and brands can embrace their uniqueness. Tune in and unleash your inner freak!


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Get Decision Maker Attention: Contrarian approach by Nicolas Verweyen. Cut through noise and win.

Is your online marketing getting lost amidst all the noise of the internet? If “YES”, you’ll want to listen to this week’s show.... This week, Nicolas Verweyen shares a contrarian marketing tactic that works. A technique your rivals aren’t using. An approach that gets you in front of busy decision makers. ​- Extra Stuff: Follow Nicolas on Linkedin: Check out VerDigital's website: Get Andrew’s free Resources for CEOs with teams → Join the Interstellar Community →


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Awesome Tech Leaders & Teams - Our Podcast Mission

In this super fast trailer, Andrew shares: Don't forget to hit that follow or subscribe button wherever you are. Or join our community and mailing list at


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Polarising Audiences for Growth: Aleks Svetski on Audiences, Free Market, Bitcoin

In this challenging episode. Andrew is joined by Aleks Svetski — Writer, Speaker & Founder at, the world's first Bitcoin accumulation app. Three big topics on today's show... Why companies must plan for a Bitcoin future. Why companies need to target the remnant not the masses. Free market Vs. Government control. Aleks Svetski is an entrepreneur with strong opinions and strong ideas about what it takes to succeed in business and how the world is going to be radically changed by bitcoin. Listen and learn Aleks’... - Secret entrepreneurial story… you’ll want to hear it - Views on government and entrepreneurship and free markets - How Aleks leans out as a leader - Why bitcoin is going to shake up financial markets and the way we live - Strong perspective on #bitcoin versus other coins Strap yourself in… this is a big episode. ​ Extra Stuff: Aleks Svetski on Twitter -> @GhostOfSvetski PLEASE NOTE: Andrew Bull says “Do your own investment research and get independent financial advice. Links below are provided for educational purposes, and are not an endorsement of what you should, or should not invest in” Alek’s bitcoin app -> - available in US and Australia Alek’s essays - for the deepest & most thought provoking essays on Bitcoin. 1 edition/yr Alek’s on medium - Get Andrew's free Resources for Tech Companies with teams → Join Andrew's Interstellar Community → #bitcoin #entrepreneur #podcast - Get in touch in the comments below or head to... Email:


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Talent Opportunity of Biz Veterans: Rick Terrien on hiring older people for your tech business

PROBLEM #1 2 million people aged 55+ have left the work market since the pandemic. This age group been disproportionately affected by job cuts and redundancies, and are not finding it hard to get hired again. However, this group have a wealth of experience and knowledge. PROBLEM #2 40% of leaders reporting that talent scarcity has negatively impacted their organisation. Now, I bet you’re thinking… “What if we brought these two problems together” “What if we helped older people get jobs with tech companies who needed talent” Great minds think alike! We’ve created an episode on this idea. In this episode Andrew is joined by Rick Terrien from the Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs. He'll be sharing why you should consider hiring 'older' and how to get started with it... Plus, what Rick's wife did NOT LIKE at their wedding! - The Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs empowers entrepreneurs in the second half of life. ​The CAE aggregates new and experienced entrepreneurs to create new opportunities and to help market our collective capabilities as a network to worthy projects worldwide. ​- Extra Stuff: Rick’s book site (Ageless Startup: Start a Business at Any Age - Rick’s LinkedIn profile - Rick’s current startup - Get Andrew's free Resources for CEOs with teams → Join the Interstellar Community →
