Job Seekers Radio
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Providing meaningful support to find great careers faster.
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Providing meaningful support to find great careers faster.
082 Coaching and Supporting Others in Job Search
Show Notes Do you want to help your network find jobs? Many of us do! Sometimes it's hard to know exactly how you might be able to help your network that is productive. Learn some strategies and tips on how to support job seekers from Andrew and Scott in this episode. Don't miss these Topics: What is coaching and how can I coach others. How to be available and supportive. What to do when people ask for your help to find work. When to ask questions and when to give advice. Side effects and benefits of supporting others. Building skills like understanding, empathy and helping others find their own way. Who and how to reach out proactively. Offering and doing mock interviews. Thoughts on reverse brainstorming or being the "devil's advocate". Facilitating networking connections. Don't ask for a resume unless you have a job or capacity to 100% endorse for a job. Do for one what you wish you could do for many. Create template for responding to outreaches you may not be able to give full attention. Resources (including affiliate links) Networking Checklist iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:04 - 00:05:06 To John, singers radio I'm Scott. I'm Andrew this production is meant to provide meaningful support for you listener to find a great career faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of the networking conversation. It's an e book and a free resource that we've created that you can download at seekers radio DOT com. Today's episode were talking about how you as the listener can support others around you as a coach or a support mechanism to help them maybe in a time of need. Yes. We're not talking about the kind of coaching that Andrew and I do where there's a process that we help people get through that. We're looking at outcomes and everything else coaching can actually be. Done in many different ways and and just just professional coaching. There's the difference between the kind of coach that instructs and the other kind of coach that works with self-discovery, and we're not going to go down that road. What we want to do is to set up the idea of making yourself available to help other people work through their stuff to be a resource. You think okay I'm not in a capacity I don't have the capability. I'm not trained up or have the experience that Scott in Andrew have what value could I possibly have to those around me that are in need of employment that's what we're talking about as just as uncomfortable as it is for them to be looking for employment, it might be as equally uncomfortable for you to talk to them about it right for a number of reasons for whatever. There's lots of reasons. especially if you are also looking for work, you don't you're not working at the time and somebody is asking you for advice. I worked to why. They right if I had all the answers. Well, that's the thing. Often. We find the answers through helping other people and it's something that I'm sure you've heard I'm sure we've even talked about it to some degree in prior podcasts the idea of making yourself available to to network with people to talk to other people you get as much if not more of the conversation than the one asking you we want to start by saying when someone asks you to coach them say yes. It doesn't matter if you are the best coach in the world, what matters is that you are there for them. And it may not be that they're asking you to be coached. They may just say, Hey, i. need help and that's an admission on their side that they appreciate you. They honor potentially your contributions in your your advice, your perspective, it's not them. Coming to you and demanding right something back. It's them coming to you with open hand saying I need help. It could come in another form where people are reaching out to you thinking you might have a job. This is an opportunity to reset conversation and actually help them through potential...
081 Overcoming Self Doubt In Your Job Search
Show Notes Is your job search not going the way you want? Feeling like your skills aren't up to snuff? Scott and Andrew discuss ways to mitigate your self-doubt. Don't miss these Topics: Remember this: You have value! and.. Everyone has doubts! Identify and manage your self-doubt. How to think about job postings when you don't fit because you are either underqualified or over-qualified? Build resilience by taking productive breaks in your search. The danger of absolutism with your mindset and approach. Redefine your perspectives to see what's positive about it. The Never Ending Job Search, how to think about whether will it ever end. Doing things for others can become a useful diversion. Nobody is hiring or Hiring Freeze doubts. Role of networking in reducing your doubt feelings. Resources (including affiliate links) Why You Can’t Get an Interview – Explained Using Job-Search Science Data Andrew's LinkedIn Profile - Free Coaching at 3:00 PM Pacific every Friday iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:02 Welcome to job. Seekers Radio I'm Andrew. This production is meant to provide you. Meaningful support is a listener to find a great career faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation e book. It's a free resource. You can download at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about overcoming self doubt in your job search what I've found in recent times, is it? There's a lot of doubt in the marketplace. You have value. That's what I'm going to start with. You have value. It's just finding the place where you can use your that can use your value. Yes, and who will appreciate your value absolutely, so we're going to talk today about some top doubts and some solutions some things that you can do to resolve some of those doubts or mitigate them or worthy. Get your right, and that's that's where I wanted to start. Love the idea you have value find the place that acknowledges that appreciates at the same time. Understand that everyone has self downed everyone. Again if you have no fear, no doubt then the you may be disordered. The idea of self doubt is so universal that overcoming. Self doubt really is the key. It is not eliminating you won't. Recognizing learning to manage, it is a far greater more important skill, then trying to eliminate it because it's not going to happen. It may be evidence of empathy and compassion. Actually that you're downing doing something because it might impact somebody else that's great could be. Necessarily if we're talking your language right now and your job seeker listening to this session, or perhaps your energy job in your just unsure your next move, you might be dealing with things like you know. Do I meet these requirements of this role. Will the interviewers like me right will ever find a good job as good or bad as the last one I've had in, and can there be anything better. Maybe it's I'm current with 'em. Current with the job market are my sills valued right? You're questioning things then you're in the right place I would agree. You're in the right place. So the first one that we really think about here's job requirements and many of the people that I coach will look online postings right. They'll look at. Do An inventory as great analytical do. Because I work with a lot of analytical engineers that sorta chicken they they liked to deconstruct the job description and say do I fit? Do I not fit? AM? I? Interested? Am I not. Doubt right this. Look at that and say well. You Know I. Don't mean one hundred percent of the requirements so I'm not gonNA apply for that I'll tell you from an HR perspective job. Descriptions are wish in most cases now it's true that some companies will create the job description based on the person doing the job, so it's just listing out the things that this person is currently doin...
080 Making Career Decisions Without Fear
Show Notes "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear." - Franklin D. Roosevelt Don't miss these Topics: Can't eliminate fear, can only manage it. pros and cons review action and non-action alternatives getting out of your own head by helping others get out of theirs thinking about the things you fear on paper turning fear into self-advocacy reaching to outside resources like a coach, therapist, or EAP. Understanding conflict and gaining new perspectives Role reversal technique: would you help others if in the same situation? Turn to the people who care about you Baby Steps ACRONYM: False Evidence Appearing Real build self confidence and safety through considering all the alternatives identify fear and mitigate its impact what are your decisions based on and are they helping you? process of letting go and trying NEW things making proactive decisions Resources (including affiliate links) Move: What about Bob? What Color is Your Parachute iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:09 Welcome to Job Seekers Radio I'm Andrew. I'm Scott this production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to fight great careers faster, and that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation e book. It's a free resources you can download at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about making career decisions without fear. Now I don't know if you're ever goes away. No, it's an. It's a manageable thing maybe depending on. Yeah. and. Really we brought this to the four because of a lot of things that are going on, not only in our our lives, maybe or even in our coaching interactions, but also in just in the world in society. In general, we're dealing with a pandemic. We have the black lives matter movement. We have a lot of political unrest going on just within the United States, not to mention what's going on around the world. There's a lot going on that. Can create fear and so we're just going to talk about career in the job search and again. That's whether you're working or not. Fear is involved. Regardless of where you are it, it's one of those things where you might even feel like. Is it really fear or is there some other emotional feeling? It's great to explore that and that's basically where we're going to go and we acknowledge. Right Scott that outside influences can either fuel or Exacerbate your fear. So we're not gonNA cover that part of it, but we acknowledged that that exists we're talking about. Is it possible? Is it possible to make career decisions without fear? Yeah I. Remember I'm going to paraphrase probably badly, but I believe I know it was an army general that said it. I believe it was pat that made the comment that fear. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act well in spite of it and again that's probably a poor paraphrase, but you get the just, and I like to come back to that thought whenever I am looking at something that is triggering fear in me. Is that if I can make progress? However, small that progress is if I'm still moving in the right direction. It's still progress can I do that while managing my fear, and that's really what works for me, the idea of managing it not getting rid of it. You can't I can't i. in fact I read an article not too long ago. That suggested that those who actually do act without any. That's a disorder so. That helps me feel better about managing my fears well when I first heard that question I was like well. Maybe maybe you can manage these career decisions without herb. Maybe not it really just depends on your perspective absolutely, and now if you look at it from a position of being employed in you have assets in the bank, and all these different things, then you've built up really a fortress of protection where making decisions i...
079 The Art of Being You in a Job Search
Show Notes Authenticity is a characteristic that can often go out the window when looking for work. In the harried and eager interest to meet the employer's needs and expectations, the job seeker can lose themselves. Andrew and Scott share strategies and tactics on how to be genuine and stand up for the strengths that job seekers bring to a role. Don't miss these Topics: Being "you" in a job search focused on your strengths. Mindset of truth to yourself over pretending to be something you aren't. Balancing financial needs and job satisfaction. Holding desperation at arms length. Complete assessments to get more clarity and access a professional to help you identify your strengths. Increasing the satisfaction in your job. Nothing Lasts Forever. Stand up for your strengths in the interview. Reinvent yourself to something you want. Consider a vanity project that makes you feel good. Resources (including affiliate links) StrengthsFinder 2.0What Color is Your Parachute Toastmasters for Better Communication iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:01 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to find great careers. Faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book and a free resource that you can download at Jobseeker's radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about the art of being you in job. Search one of my favorite phrases that A colleague of mine says to me all the time. Is You be you? I'm sure most of us have heard that phrase did that come with the snap. No he he means it really very sincerely you can snap yes. Of course. He's he really means it. He wants people to be as authentic as possible. Because it's in learning. Who People really are that. We can then leverage their strengths. And that's one of his themes in his career is to to work with your strengths. When you're looking for something better at in a job search of any kind often feel like you have to change who you are to meet somebody else's expectation you have to Discount your strength. Sometimes because you feel like they may not be valid. And that's often what happens in people that I work with have been laid off from somewhere. They felt like they've been rejected. They're going into a situation. Where Jeez the stuff that I did must not be valuable so I need to reinvent myself and that might be true. You may want to reinvent yourself but if that's your choice great it may be but it isn't necessarily the truth and there's that element of well if this didn't work anymore then now. I have to fake it and and we hear this all the time. Fake it till you make it well that works but is it really sending the messages. You want to send if the message doesn't matter and you're faking it because you are learning how to do it better. That's definitely add approach can take. I don't discount that at all to your point if I suddenly feel like I have to change who I am in order to now be acceptable. That kind of faking. It is probably going to either backfire on you or it's not going to work at all people that are looking at indeed dot com or the job postings at a company They look at that job posting. Oh I can do that. I can do that. I can do this too and look at all these things that they can do without. I saying Is that really what I want to do? I really want to do that. Because if we look at everything based on just a capability model where we're checking all the boxes. We may end up. Disatisfied I don't know that that's a natural approach you know not to mention there's opportunities where you know what? I can't do that and I should probably take that job because I don't have a choice. If you don't have the ability or capacity financially or otherwise to say no yeah that that may be something to consider and don't discount the valid...
078 When The Job Advice Runs Out
Show Notes Job search can be a challenging and rewarding experience. When you learn new techniques and try them out, some may work others might not. What happens when you get to the point when you have tried everything. Nothing seems to be working! Don't miss this episode where Scott and Andrew discuss strategies to invigorate your search. Don't miss these Topics: Taking in and evaluating the advice you are receiving. What to do when everything you have tried doesn't work. Mindset and activities that can support or defeat your efforts. Resources (including affiliate links) StrengthsFinder 2.0StrengthsQuestWhat Color is Your Parachute iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:04 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support defined great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book a Free Resource. We have for you at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about what happens when the advice runs out in your job search and it just doesn't seem to be working you're still out there looking haven't found a job yet I think there was a recent situation that you had Scott. Yes other eager. Probably fill us in with one of your clients right. I was just having the conversation recently with somebody who is not complaining but expressing his frustration with the fact that he has been around the job seeking block for awhile now. He's relatively new to the area but not new to his field and that industry is represented here in the Portland area. He's talked to a lot of people. He is very well connected in the right places. He's received a lot of advice from both of us from others and nothing has worked yet. He's been working with Everything with from startups to established companies all sizes and shapes and nothing quite has worked out to give him a foothold. Right gainful employment right or at least the final set of interviews or a process. That looks exactly normal. He's gotten close in a couple of situations but it's it's not anything that really has delivered anything even even a temporary contract position and I've been there a lot of what he was describing was stuff that I lived through during my years of unemployment. And so I. I had a great deal of compassion for him under these circumstances because he's truly frustrated. He's tried everything he is. At least his last job was at a higher level so we talked about the fact that there. Aren't that many jobs in this metropolitan area on that level in the field and we talked about his efforts to branch out. He's looking at at companies of different sizes. He has applied for jobs of at Lower Levels. And when he he is then asked why he's applying for a lower position because he's now over qualified and you can't get a job when you're overqualified which doesn't really make any sense. Other than the fact that the a lot of companies are too afraid to hire someone that they're then they feel they then have to replace. Because they're gonNA move onto something else when I talked to. Hr PEOPLE WHO Express that fear. I also tell them well. What are the chances that they may be able to help your company move up within your company that would be a really great higher? Then there's there's fear in Balkh he's been at this for a number of months. He's in a situation where he has a family to support. And what do you do that? The one thing that I keep coming back to is keep going. And that's really the the answer to the question keep going. Yeah and it's nothing that we can't work with and the challenge that a lot of people have is they come into a situation and they put a date out there. I don't know if you've ever done this but I should have a new job by this date doing what I did where I came from.
077 How To Get On The Radar of the Hiring Manager
Show Notes Getting noticed by a hiring manager can take some effort. You have interest in a company or even a specific position, but are unsure about how to get on the radar. Scott and Andrew discuss some strategies for finding hiring managers and getting their attention. Don't miss these Topics: Getting around the applicant tracking system (ATS) and recruitment processes. Reverse engineering the roles and industry trends based on research to craft attention grabbing mindsets. Leveraging industry associations and relationships to get introductions. Position your expertise to align with current events and trends. Tracking and keeping tabs on hiring managers of interest through authentic engagement. Identifying problems you solve or can help them avoid proactively. Incubating and updating hiring managers with valued content. Be an extension of the hiring manager's work by becoming a subject-matter expert (SME) and bringing information back to the team. Share the truth about your capabilities and accomplishments. Volunteering alongside hiring managers with similar interests. Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your Parachute iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:01 welcome to Job Seekers Radio Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. And that's why they're you're working or not today. We're talking about getting on the hiring managers radar this can be challenging and it's going to be different in every situation but we want to talk about this in just general terms because often there are ways to get on the radar that either we forget about. We don't know about or that. We sure whether or not it's going to be effective and so we don't try and I think the first step is you gotta try what you know. Hopefully we can build on that today. Today's episode is actually brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book that Scott Ni- put together to free sort resource for you on job. Seekers RADIO DOT COM. You can download that at your leisure. The challenge with getting on the hiring managers radar is feedback. That I've gotten from a lot of job seekers that I coached those ones that are working in ones. That are not that are just trying to get. I don't WanNa say around recruitment or talent acquisition. But really they WANNA talk to a human being and often. They're not able to because of all the layers of process that stand between them and the company so many companies now are using automated systems to go through a recruiting process and so it is difficult to get in touch with a human being and we recognize that. Turn the tables just long enough to to think about why they would wanna do that. I can't really blame them. Having been on both sides of the coin both as a hiring manager as well as a job seeker. The hiring manager needs help anymore. I don't know. Many companies that have a lot of recruiters are a lot of people that have the bandwidth to be doing a lot of the sourcing. Most the recruiters I know have an enormous number of tickets open for positions that they need to hire people into and it can be daunting so the automated systems that they use help them to find people with the right qualifications at least with the right keywords. So all of the PODCAST THAT. We've we've already done where we're talking about how to get into that. All of that still applies. Hopefully we can maintain a sense of empathy for those who are going through all of that processing the ones that are reaching out using these automated systems. We want to help them to find us. So that's really elite sort of the the perspective we WanNa start with today. Part of this is really reverse engineering. The roles you're interested in in identifying. Then okay what are some of the challenges that are common in the industry? What are some things that the company has facing is Is ...
076 The Absolutely Best Ways to Cope with Impotent Leaders
Show Notes Dealing with a boss, a manager, or a leader that is toxic can be an emotional powder keg. Coping with this very common situation can be challenging. Scott and Andrew share ideas around coping with impotent leaders in sometimes toxic work environments. Don't miss these Topics: Strategies for coping in a healthy way. Perception and reality - understanding the current state and the truth. Qualifying job opportunities to confirm toxicity. Concurrently performing and coping. Seeking 3rd Party Support through coaching, counseling, therapy, and mentoring. Be the leader you wish you had. Evaluation of options and making decisions about what to do. Resources (including affiliate links) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleCrucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workplace iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:01 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to find great careers faster. Whether you're you're working or not in today's episode. We're talking about healthily coping with impotent leadership and internal politics and what do you do in. Your leader is really a red head. Hot Mess Yeah. It's a topic that comes up often you. There are many articles out there. A quick Google search will get you there. We did want to talk about it. Not because others have it but because I think we have a voice to speak we both have experience with toxic leaders. I think everyone WHO's been around this block more than once has and it's surprising to me that it continues to be such a common instance? I guess what what makes some specific boss or a certain environmental is going to depend a lot on how that person or organization has grown into the position. They're in so there's going to be a unique set of reasons. I don't think we need to really analyze the reasons why they're there. It's really just. How do we cope with this situation? And especially for those who have had a lot of experience in their work and then suddenly find themselves back in a situation that feels toxic or dealing with a leader. Who doesn't seem to lead? Well it can be really frustrating. So we I WANNA talk about this from a sort of a step back in how we can help ourselves to cope with these situations and find ways to improve awesome. Tell me if this sounds like you. Have you ever had a new boss or a new leader. Yeah I think we all have. Have you been promised things that didn't happen Many times okay. Tell me this sounds like you is the leader. Favoring somebody else over you never never happens right now or maybe you feel isolated you know working remotely as do. I sometimes feel isolated. I'm not getting face time or I'm not getting recognition or I'm not. There's certain things I'm not getting really it comes to our own perceptions are we actually perceiving this accurately and so. That's a really good caveat to start the conversation sometimes times. We don't see things as clearly as they appear. What we WANNA talk about isn't so much dealing with the times when we misunderstand ended when we want to encourage everyone to to look at that objectively tried to get as much input about it from co workers or other leaders or people who used to work work with with these people because you can always find that out on linked and do your due diligence to determine whether or not this is truly a toxic situation or your leader really isn't a good leader whether that's true impotence? In the sense that they don't have the power to make positive change or maybe they just do play play favorites. Let let's or they choose not to make a decision. They abdicate. Certain responsibilities that that's another thing that we see all the time but we're going to assume that you've done your due diligence and that you have confirmed in a relatively robust way that yes.
075 Top 4 Things You Can Do To Find Meaningful Work in a New City
Show Notes Moving to a new city can be a shock in itself. Even more so when you are talking about a new country. Scott and Andrew discuss high-value methods to finding meaningful work in a new city. Top 4: Networking that includes a perfect excuse. Flock together with affinity groups. Leverage your spouses relationships. Join things. Resources (including affiliate links) ToastmastersEventbrite Meetup Yelp iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:11 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott this production. This podcast is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers ears faster whether you're working or not. Today's episode is the top four things you can do to find meaningful work in a new city. This is a really common circumstance that people find themselves all the time. It could be that you've relocated to a new city because your spouse or significant other has. You're you're going along with them. It could be that you had an opportunity to try something different because you were out of work and you wanted to move moved to a city that you really wanted to try out. There are so many reasons but it is. None of them are uncommon. The one I run into most often Scott is. I'll have somebody come. I'm here on maybe an H1B Visa. And they bring a spouse along and the spouses some of them I've seen are like MD's PhD's I mean they're highly educated. They have decades of experience. And they're in a new country and they don't know what to do and it's a new environment and new experience and really we want to give those people an opportunity entity to really know that there's four things that you can do today to change that circumstance or that situation. One person that I've been talking to recently has has come to the Portland area from New York City actually I've spoken to a couple of people from upstate New York and they want to be here. They both came here with great expectations. One because he wanted he and his family wanted to try out Portland though. They weren't familiar with it. They'd heard a lot about the other. One actually got a job out here. In both cases they weren't familiar with the people here they didn't have a lot of friends. They had some acquaintances but thought they didn't really know where to start and they're probably in some shock. Yeah new surroundings getting used to new culinary norms shore. That idea of shock I I think is something that people are expecting when they go to a city especially when they th- chosen this city. Oh they heard so many good things about it it and how welcoming the city may be and how newcomers are really treated very well and they get there and they still find themselves sort of isolated. They don't the people they don't know how to take the next step or even what the next step out look like and so that shock is probably what everybody has in common. What most of the folks that I know are there in this situation? They do have financial capacity. They have a runway Brian on the they're not really being stretched a capacity but they really really want to get back to work sure because they were highly valued in the country or the place they came from and now they're in a place. Where wow this is the first? This is weird. I'm in a new country new city. I don't really know anybody. I have all these skills and I just don't know where to take him so the other thing is yes. They have financial resources but also they have a visa or What would you call it? A the the spouse might be hurting H. One B. But there's a separate permit to work. They have to obtain Brian. So we're not gonNA talk about the permits legalities right. It's constantly changing or certainly not subject matter experts. But it's important if you're coming to a new country that you figure all that stuff out I will mention there are. We're going to be some people who do come to a new city and we'll put you in quotes in that scenar...
074 The Top 10 Worst Assumptions You Can Make In Your Career
Show Notes You know what assumptions do? Make an a$$ out of you and me. You've probably heard that one before. Scott and Andrew discuss the top career assumptions that can impact your career negatively. Top 10 Worst Assumptions: Leaders will see your performance and promote you for doing a good job. Your coworkers have the same values that you do. Everyone works just as hard as you do. Don't need to learn anything new to be successful. No one knows more than you do. Everyone communicates the same way you do. The norms of work-life will remain constant under new leadership. The reason that your career isn't where you want it to be has nothing to do with you. A company won't layoff or terminate your employment because you are "too valuable." That people trust you. iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:01 locum job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott this production this podcast is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support support to find great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. This is an e book doc. A free resource that we've created and you can download it at job. Seekers radio DOT COM do it today. Don't miss out. Don't Miss Today's episode. We're talking talking about a very common situation. That comes up the ten worst assumptions you can make in your career and this is coming from combined. Work Experience no no say accounting. Yeah I have. We have a lot of experience and making these worst assumptions. We leave and and I wish I could say that I don't anymore Is Part of the human. I'm an experience. We do make assumptions and sometimes they don't lead us where we think they should. We want to go over a list of things that we think are the most those common and probably the worst assumptions that we can make when we get into conversations whether that's in an interview in a networking conversation in a work conversation. You're on the job and maybe you're having an important conversation with someone else. Then again. It may be what you think is an unimportant conversation that might lead somewhere. These are assumptions that we have made. Generally we would agree that these were trip. Everybody up and it's not like we're not still making some of these assumptions. We're we're just articulating these to actually speak to ourselves as well as we go through our careers to make sure that we're taking consideration of all of them and not assuming assuming that we aren't going to have an assumption we do we will always. How do we minimize the impact? That some of these assumptions have and and if we can avoid these that we're gonNA be talking about. I think it's going to help get us to where we WANNA be. The first assumption is assuming others will see your performance and you'll be offered a promotion because of it. We all hope for that. We are working in a culture where hard work pays off. That's that's the myth and for a lot of people that actually works. There's more to it than just hard work. We want to make sure that people have their eyes wide open to all of the things that happen. We talk about politics at work. Nobody really likes. I can't say nobody. Few people really enjoy the politics at work. Many people have figured out how to navigate it. I'm reminded of when I first came out of college. I got my first job out of college at a Columbia Sportswear and it was a company any. I really wanted to have a long career with and I made an assumption that if I worked hard kept my nose to the grindstone right. Did good work and that people would see. See it and put me into a slot and say hey you know. If you're going to consider somebody for that position you should look at Andrew and that never happened at least not for coming and then when it got to the point where that position came open and I wanted and I applied for it they said I wasn...
073 The Number One Hidden Secret to Career Success
Show Notes With all the job gurus and career pundits telling us what is right and good and true - it's hard to know where to start and what to do. Scott and Andrew discover, with all the noise, what the #1 hidden secret to career success is for all of us. Don't miss these Topics: Measuring success. Taking stock of what works and what doesn't Measurements to consider for resume, networking, and job search tracking Building perpetual career communities Resources (including affiliate links) SalesForceSalesFlare HubSpot Google Docs For Job Search CRM iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:04 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide meaningful support to fight great careers faster eastern whether you're working or not today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of never came conversation. It's an e book a free resource to download at job seekers radio DOT COM in. It's our free gift to you. Today's episode we're talking about the number one hidden secret of career success. Yes there are a lot of ways to look at success I remember in my youth feeling that as an actor or the only measurement measurement of success would be that Academy award or a Tony Award. Whatever that might look like and I remember hearing someone say no it really is just winning? Whatever it is? You're going for whether that's a specific part whether that is getting a paid gig being just voice talent whatever that might be that all of these are measures of success and I remember totally dismissing that Of course I was also in my teens and probably lacked any life experience audience to be able to make a judgment on in the first place so as we talk about hidden secrets we really do. Come back to the idea that it could be something. That's really right in front of you. It's amazing how when we look at our careers and we think about success. We're always looking for the easy way. The the path of least resistance for getting to the path of least resistance. Maybe it takes a little effort. But I'M GONNA make it too easy street right. Something that does require effort On any of our parts and and really when we talk about the tools available accessible to us in career and we talk about success the first one. That always comes up with anybody buddy. I coach is the resume and we talk about success for resume. What does that look like? We have spoken on resumes a lot and we always come back to the idea that the best way to judge a resume is to use the one that works the one that gets you calls. And that was advice that I got from a Recruiter and head hunter that I had turned to to ask we what works for you and she turned that around on me. Well what works for you. What gets you the calls? That's the one you should use. Her point in the larger conversation was to try a lot of them. Use the works trial and error improve. Always always look for ways to attract an interview through that method Shurmur that document. We do want the resume in this case to be interesting to let people know what you have done. Most importantly the value you brought in whatever it is that you had done. So that's why they talk about accomplishment so if you're on the sales side what what kind of sales percentages were you dealing with you know. Put the numbers in there. You make it recognizable for the people that you're sending the resume too so they can see. There is value behind the accomplishments or the tasks that you were responsible for one of the reasons you may actually be on this podcast right now is is perhaps your resume is not working for you and that is a way to determine whether or not to move to another method sure in the method. We often advocate. And you can probably see that from virtually. All of the episodes we've put together is networking. And when we look and talk about success when it comes to networking what are we really talking about to use the resume ...
072 Managing Your Expectations When You Are Networking for Jobs
Show Notes Getting results from your networking starts with understanding what to expect from the activity. Managing your expectations can lead to better results, interviews, and many other positive next steps. Join Scott and Andrew as they discuss the ins and outs of expectations and how things might go wrong. Don't miss these Topics: Establishing expectations based on your situation and audience. What is the difference between delighted and disappointed. The role of mindset, trust and perception. What is reasonable to expect Identifying appropriate outcomes by thinking ahead Questions to ask in order to determine if you are being realistic Accepting feedback and making adjustments What to do when your expectations aren't mirrored Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your Parachute iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:10 welcome job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. The weather you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the Anatomy of networking conversation. e-book it's a free resource to you you can download unload data job seekers radio DOT COM so in today's show. We want to talk about expectations in job. Search the preface to this. It's part of a customer service training that I did many years ago and I still use this actually is the idea that the definition between delighting someone or disappointing them is simply defined as the gap between what is expected and what is delivered. We think a lot about those times in our job ob search when that we are disappointed in something whether it's disappointed in our cells for not performing in a certain way whether it's disappointed in the person who interviewed viewed us for not asking the kinds of questions that we were expecting not necessarily reacting to our responses. The way we were expecting the the problem is not in the behaviors whether our own or the other person's it really is about what it was our expectation going in and the second question that is were those expectations realistic. So that's what we want to talk about in today's conversation. It's really US wrestling with this. This idea of expectation frustration. Disappointment the different emotions that you're gonNA feel either in work or in your career career or in a job search. There's always hate to say it but there's always gonna be somebody who doesn't live up to your expectations. I found this when I first got into real estate and I had a list of all these people that I would call my good friends that said Oh well. I'm sorry. We can't transact real estate with you. My Funchal is a real tour or my cousin or my fifth wife from a previous marriage or something. You know whatever that lives in this thing but you know when it's like hang on a second here. I had this expectation because we have trust. You're gonNA help me or allow me to help you. And you think about that in the the employment situation how many of us have gotten into working at a job where we thought we were coming into one kind of environment and it turned out it was very different. It's it's important to recognize if someone has told me that we behave in a certain way here and in fact we don't that's not on me what I do with the new. The information is on me and I can set some expectations based on reality rather than what. I was hoping for being told that those are the things I should could be hoping for. There's there's responsibility on the other side of that. What I do with the information is ultimately completely within my control? So that's what we want to promote here is to create some reasonable expectations and not have them set so high that people are naturally going to come in underneath that. They're going to let let us down in some fashion. If someone tells me that we have a culture at this organization that is employee center.
071 The Role of Culture in Your Career
Show Notes Culture is the environment, including common values, vision, and mission. Does every organization have one? Likely, yes. Does the organization live their values? No, not always. Scott and Andrew share thoughts about identifying your cultural values and how alignment with company culture is a critical exercise for your career. Don't miss these Topics: Researching corporate values. Filtering corporate values against your own values. Investigating first hand through networking and interviewing. How to manage the varying levels of belief in and living out the corporate culture. Developing and documenting values as part of the job search and career management process. Maintain openness to possibilities and opportunities for something better. Decisions to make a move within or outside. Would it be worth it to work towards changing the culture. Resources (including affiliate links) 037 Networking When You Are Feeling Desperate 068 Balancing Cultural Fit With Urgent Need For Employment iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:01 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Scott and I'm Andrew and this production is meant to be meaningful support for you to find great career careers faster whether you're working or not that's right. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's a free e book did you can download at Jobseeker's obscures radio DOT com. It's a wonderful resource. It's our philosophy really that we've developed a four step process so when you download that document you actually get the companion audio to help walk you through getting your feet wet with networking. If it's not something that you felt you were really you felt positive about felt felt that it was easy for you. We hope that this will bring it a little bit within your reach Scott. Tell me about today's show. Today's show we're going to be talking about the role of culture in your the job. Search a lot of companies talk about their culture and how they are employee centric in so many ways and I think this is great. The idea that that company executives and leaders are looking for ways to connect with their people and to make them feel better about working there. I think is important and I think it's critical for for employee engagement. which is something we talk a lot about in the corporate world these days especially in? HR circles as well as within leadership your ship because ultimately they have to keep people engaged right so they create these wonderful cultures. They're also usually pretty good about promoting what those values might might be. What brought this to mind though? And and as Andrew you and I were talking about this I've run into a few conversations recently to that talk about culture her especially from a perspective where when they get there they find out the culture is really just talk. They're not necessarily living the beliefs or values news that they say they have. They just put that up there to make you feel good about working there while that's a step in the right direction. They're seeing as the gap between what they say they value and what they seem to be doing in the workforce so what we want to talk about is how do you recognize that. How do you validate they live the values versus just the talk? And what do you do with the information that you find. Whenever I talked to folks about culture? Their eyes glaze over offer as a job seeker. They're like culture. What do you mean you've never really considered it until you've documented and what I found is that if you don't recognize what culture you you were in and what parts of it you liked and what you WanNa see replicated in your next job? It's hard for you to even know and that's the first step or the first challenge challenge that many of my coaching clients have the second step is to believe that they have a choice to pick that culture or not pick that coal right when the j...
070 Top 9 Ways to Get Networking Done
Show Notes You know you should network. You know many people find jobs and get promoted through networking. So what's the hold up? Sometimes knowing how to network is the hard part. Scott and Andrew share the Top 9 Ways to get your networking Done. Don't miss these Topics: Top 9 Methods to Get your Networking Done Best practices for networking to make it easier. Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your ParachuteNetworking: Insiders' Strategies for Tapping the Hidden Market Where Most Jobs Are Found iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:07 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This is a podcast. Meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation e book. It's a free resource that you can download download at Jobseeker's radio DOT COM. There's a little link on the homepage where you can do so down at the bottom of the page you can put in your little email address and we'd be happy to send you that a free resource. You can put your big email address in there to today's episode is the top nine ways. Networking can be done. There are a lot of definitions editions out there. And we're going to go over the ones that we think are both the most common but also the must effective how we execute this whole networking can take many different forms often often when I talk to job seekers or even professionals that are working they believe networking to be something very specific. They kind of have put it in a box right. And and basically the approach that we generally take is used the things that work don't limit yourself to only the things that you know about. There's always an an opportunity to try something new. So what does that look like. We want to talk about some of that today and at the end will actually ty shift gears and talk about. What is it successful conversation? Sation what should you really have outside of just the methods. We're going to talk about and really we're going to start here with the nine ways. You can actually have a conversation with with somebody and the first way you can do. That is in a group setting many job seekers. I've talked to say they think networking is. I have to go somewhere where I don't know anybody. And there's there's a large group of people and that's what networking and networking event. Whether that is a group of people that are looking for work it might be an association and King Opportunities some something that has a theme or maybe they have a speaker. Maybe not but it's where everybody gathers and again the room full of people you don't know but you have something in common with so that works. We recommend that. If that's your thing do it do it as much as you can. Because if it is a numbers burst game for you you will pick up something if you go to enough of them you might find these on something like meet up or event right. It might be an association might might be a job seekers group. These group events are really good to meet New People. You don't know. And that's the whole point. Is that often some people think networking working in just talking to the people. I already know. And if we only talk to the people we know we're GONNA get diminishing return absolutely. This is a great way to go to a new environment. Meant to test your limits. Get outside your comfort zone. Meet somebody I hadn't yet known yet and really what did they say. Strangers are only friends. You haven't met yet. I personally a enjoy doing these kinds of networking events because that fits my style and I understand. They're different people. Different styles different things that were even for those four home. The networking events can be a little uncomfortable. It can still be valuable experienced. We do recommend that you try that. It's going to be the most visible you're going to hav...
069 Maintaining Momentum In Your Career
Show Notes Keeping and staying on track with your search whether you are working or not requires some momentum. Expand and grow your career with networking - continually. Don't miss these Topics: Keeping a perpetual mindset without judgement. Realistic expectations regarding loyalty to your organization and yourself. Level of physical and mental health that relates to working in the right role and culture. Being open to any opportunity with objectivity. Stay current with industry, experience, resume, LinkedIn profile, and your results measurable. Skill-up your experience with training, certifications, and development opportunities. Getting and being a mentor for brainstorming possibilities and maintaining accountability. Resources (including affiliate links) Mondays Are The Riskiest Days iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:09 local job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide meaningful support to find great careers. Faster whether you're working king or not. Hey Scott did you know that today's episode is actually brought to you by the Anatomy of networking conversation. Really tell me more. It's actually an e book it can be found on our website at job seekers radio DOT com. That's amazing in today's episode. We're talking about maintaining momentum in your career earlier. This is something that we talk about networking because a lot of times people get into jobs on this has been true of myself. We get into jobs and then we think okay you know live. I got the job I wanted. There's lots to learn here. I I have so much to do. I'm busy and we don't network anymore. And so all those connections actions just sort of die on the vine and what. I've had to find out. The hard way is often in our careers. The the only way to truly maintain momentum is to keep that networking going not all of the connections. That I make for my future are going to be made in in the company. I'm working for right now so if I want a career that's going to expand and grow and whether that's moving up the food chain or that I'm I'm broadening the scope of what I'm doing. It's a lot easier to keep that momentum going if I don't stop networking we advocate that you take perpetually looking mindset mindset perpetually having your eyes open looking around always looking for the next opportunity not did you have to take it not that you have to find the perfect perfect situation. Although seeking is the fun the way to keep that as fun is to stop judging what you're coming up in front of you know whatever is happening. The different opportunities thirties that present themselves. If we're thinking oh well that one doesn't look good enough for that one doesn't fit well enough. We're actually limiting ourselves to the possibilities. Instead of we stop judging and we really look at what could bring us some enjoyment. Were far more likely to find them. Enjoyment loyalty is something that many companies talk about in many job seekers or employees look for does it really exist. It does in my point of view. It does but you have to be realistic. Mystic about how that actually happens because the company will be loyal to you until they don't need you anymore can't afford you anymore and for are and I'm using air quotes business reasons they let you go or they reorganize and lay people off whatever that might look like in the specifics loyalty he is great as long as it makes sense and too often I talked to people who feel. They have shown their loyalty to their company. And it hasn't hasn't been returned and I would venture to say and I haven't yet talked to any business owner or executive. Who would disagree with me that you are are? You should be loyal to yourself. I the company may or may not be able to show loyalty the way they talk about it and rather than spending your energy judging that be loyal to yourself yourself first.
068 Balancing Cultural Fit With Urgent Need For Employment
Show Notes Urgent needs for income can cloud the judgement relating to company cultural fit. Scott and Andrew discuss strategies for working through the process of recovering from desperate needs for employment. Don't miss these Topics: How to stay true to your values in challenging situations. Taking inventory of your work styles and matching with chosen employers. Focusing your mindset on your strengths to perform well on interviews. Building the right branding presentation. Identifying gap jobs. Creatively managing finances. Expanding the gap between virtue and despair. The type of people to surround yourself with. Resources (including affiliate links) Resilience EpisodesThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment063 The Number One Secret to Job Satisfaction iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:05 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to fight great careers careers faster. And that's whether you are working or not by the way. This episode today is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e-book and a free resource that you can download at job seekers radio DOT COM in today's show we talk about balance balancing cultural fit and the urgent need for for income not uncommon very common. Both of us have had situations where income was necessary very very interesting. I think that's true of most Savar. Listening to income is necessary I. It's just the urgency. That may or may not be really a driver for some people. I think one person that I know who decided to move to Portland for whatever reason he was between jobs and he and his family decided to move all the way across the country to settle here in Portland. Income was not really eighty. Something he needed urgently he had enough in savings that he knew he'd be safe for while still it doesn't last forever. He wasn't in the one percent that isn't able to spend and all the money's making on interest so you know a job is needed but then was also talking to someone recently who is badly under employed at the moment and she she is running out of money and so the the the need to get a full time job where she's really supporting herself is urgent and she's finding herself looking at potential jobs that are beneath her skill. Set that pay less than what she's looking for and there's a lot of other stuff going on that really digs into herself confidence. So that's part of what is driving this discussion today. Whether you're employed or unemployed the need for money Israel your many people if you have obligations and you're staring down at your bank account balance and you need a job then take the next job. Right comes along and there's really nothing wrong with that. I realized that nobody wants to take a job. They're not going to enjoy and I think that's healthy perspective. In fact I think that's healthier here than those who say. Oh well I can just work any job. And they don't really care they they may not care as an employer. I want them to care. How do you balance that? I really think that this this conversation begins with knowing what you want in the first place. What do you want an employer and even if you are feeling that urgency that you just have to get a job Bob? It's critical that you spend the time to decide. What is it that you actually want to many times? I hear people talk about. Oh well you know I. I have transferable skills I can work for anyone. It's not industry specific. And so why are they hiring me and when I asked him well what do you want to an employer that well any employer is fine as long as an. I'm thinking wait a minute. They haven't done any research they haven't made. They haven't documented any of their desires. How then can can you express your enthusiasm for job that you're implying for if you don't even know what you want? Take that time.
067 How Do I Know That Networking Will Lead To A Job
Show Notes Finding the way from a networking conversation to an actual job can be anything but a straight line. Knowing how to guide conversations depends on your expectations. Andrew and Scott share ideas that will up-level your networking success. Don't miss these Topics: The outcomes you should expect from a networking conversation. Mindset for network conversations. Resources (including affiliate links) StrengthsFinder 2.0StrengthsQuestWhat Color is Your Parachute iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:14 job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide meaningful support to fight great careers faster whether oh you are working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of the networking conversation is an e book a free resource. We've put together for you so downloaded at job. Seekers radio DOT COM in today's show. We're talking about. How do I know that networking will actually lead to a job? You don't think about it there. There are different ways of getting a job no matter who you are. What kind of job you're looking for? There's always a mix. The point we like to make is that networking is more likely to help you than not a majority of people at least in our observation get jobs through networking. If if we're thinking and I'm GonNa make up the numbers here if we're thinking maybe eighty percent get their jobs through networking and twenty percent. Don't well it's possible. Then you may be in the twenty percent. Who hasn't yet that doesn't mean? Networking is not a valuable experience for you. That can actually help. Support your job search in some fashion so we want to talk today about the different things that could help you in networking that will actually help your job seeking speaking. If you're coming to this podcast. It's likely because you realize that Scott Ni- consistently evangelized networking what we're not saying is that applications. I don't exist or don't work or don't matter what we recognize. That many people come to this podcast because they want to hear the networking side of the story to know okay it. How does this actually work? And how do I know it's working. That's really the foundation of our podcast is to talk about those things. Li probably still have to do applications nations. Even if you're doing the networking yes. They're still a process involved to be hired. And just because you're networking doesn't mean that that process goes away You're briefly it'd be lengthened. You don't control the Baraza exactly. We had a conversation with someone recently. WHO had said? But I've never gotten a job through networking before and and while I have no reason to think that's incorrect. That doesn't have to be completely true. To the extent that networking will help you. Who at every step of the process? Even when you got an interviews simply through a blind application the networking the discussions with other people about job seeking about what's going on in your industry. Whatever all of these things will help you in your job search regardless us of how you landed the interview Mike Question for that individual? How does he really know that the networking didn't help them get at Jane? How does he know that somebody he knows wasn't a mutual connection? Sure and somebody called that person and gave him an endorsement or especially in the now. We've got linked. I can pull somebody up on Lincoln and see who my mutual connections are assuming there are some and then I will have already talked to that person. Listen hate you know so. And so well right there that's part of networking so something is working there and to your point. I think there's value do in questioning not so much whether or not it's working for me but em I open do i. Are My eyes open to how networking is affecting me Because sometimes we think that our own processes are adequate. There's a statistic that we often in it's true acros...
066 What To Do When You Feel Stuck
Show Notes What happens when you can't seem to get unstuck? Seek advice and information from trusted sources. Andrew and Scott answer your toughest questions. Don't miss these Topics: How to start a career with a worthless law degree. Overcoming 2500 applications and no interviews after 6 years of looking. Keeping an open mind when it doesn't feel natural or normal. Having an outlet for pressure and coping mechanisms during challenging times. Transitioning from owning a business to working for a company. Best practices in preparing for IT interviews. Value of networking to prepare for interviews. Resources (including affiliate links) 064 How Do I Know What Job To Apply For063 The Number One Secret To Job Satisfaction iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View TranscriptTo Follow Anatomy of a Networking Conversation Get your Free E-Book and Companion Audio Now Email DOWNLOAD NOW
065 What To Do When You Just Can’t Find Full Time Work
Show Notes The jobs reports don't always tell the whole story. There are a myriad of situations that individuals have endured that are not reflected in the data reporting. Scott and Andrew have your covered! Talking about situations when you have been looking for awhile and just unable to secure the right full-time job. Don't miss these Topics: The data tell a story. What to do about your individual situation. Getting out of the situation you are in. The value of self-care. Different types of work arrangements. Mindset required to succeed. Resources (including affiliate links) The number of people who have given up an active job search in September 2019 was 6.9 percent, some 11 million people. 60% U.S. workers are in mediocre or bad jobs or multitude of temporary and part time jobs. iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:07 local job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This podcast is meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. stor whether you are working or not by the way. Today's episode is brought to you by the Anatomy of networking conversation. Isn't he book book that we put together for you. It's free so you can download that on job seekers radio DOT COM in today's show we talk about a recent article that was published in The New York Times. We will actually put a link to the article in the show notes just as a cliff notes version of this article. It was talking about people. That still can't find jobs in today's marketplace so really. We're we're covering topic cold. What do I do when I just can't find fulltime work and I want to start out by saying that? I've been in those shoes back. During the great recession I spent three years ears looking for full time work and was not successful until three years later finally landing a job given that I have personal experience experience with it. I have a very different idea of what that looks like from those who have been working all their lives. Yes it makes me more empathetic it. It makes me more sympathetic for those who are currently in a similar situation. Also just this past week I had a chance to talk to a woman who is now in the same situation at three years still unable to find full time employment the fact that this article came out in the New York Times. This week really hits home. What's different is that? We're now in a period. where unemployment is remarkably low? Although I will say it's still just as warped warped a number as when the great recession was happening while during my three years of unemployment because there are so many people who don't get counted in the unemployment numbers. We'll talk or we'll hear talk a lot about how we're at. Historically low percentages that doesn't address the fact that there are people out there who still are dealing with long-term unemployment. Let's also recognize when I see a headline like that is designed to get clicks and sell advertising and Sell Newspapers K.. On both sides right. So here's the bad. Here's the lowest employment in forever or people. People still can't find work it. We're going to these two extremes in order to get people to read articles that's the first thing but there is some data that was included in this article that I thought was worthy the of being shared the rate of people who are unable and just gave up on their active job search in September twenty nineteen was six point nine percent that amounts was to about eleven million working individuals in the United States willing and able to work eleven. Million people is a big number. That isn't being counted in my point and that means that this is real the fact that people can't find work Israel but we're here to offer you actionable items actionable things things in this podcast to push through that barrier. Because you have to. I think about the this idea that people stop looking well yes to greater or lesser degrees.
064 How Do I Know What Job To Apply For
Show Notes With millions of jobs posted online and available at all times, it's hard to know what jobs to apply for (or not). Not to mention the when and the why! Scott and Andrew discuss the strategies around applying for the right jobs. Don't miss these Topics: Value of assessments. Effective ways to find jobs. How to keep track of what resume you sent to which company and role. Power of instant gratification. Using creativity to understand different perspectives. Resources (including affiliate links) StrengthsFinder 2.0StrengthsQuest StandOut 2.0 iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:05 - 00:05:02 welcome to Job Seekers Radio I've Andrew and I'm Scott this production. His Mentor provide meaningful support to you the listener to find great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the Anatomy of the networking conversation book. It's a free resource. We have available for you to download at job. SEEKERS RADIO DOT COM go there today. Download is free. It's free and it's an e book that we put together a little while ago that we've found to be very helpful to people who who really want to look at networking and expanding their network. The big question we're talking about today is how do I know what job to apply for when I look at the multitude of positions that are out there. It's really hard hard to figure to pick and choose which ones to apply for because there are so many in fact when at the time were recording. This they're seven million postings on just on linked it alone. I've loved this question and I get asked this from time to time simply because people don't know how to do the job search. It's not that they don't know what job they want they do. They just haven't figured out how to get there but I always come back with the question. What kind of job do you WANNA do? What Work Inspires you? What motivates you? What makes you feel like? Wow I get to go to do this job today. Certainly there is a finite number of jobs that does that that for you so start there and then you can start doing searches either on Lincoln or elsewhere to find out what jobs do that kind of work and start exploring. It's often that I hear this question. Scott when someone is focused just on title and the title doesn't always translate relate to the type of work they WANNA DO Company to company. It's called something different exactly so that may that does make it more difficult. However if you're looking at the skills kills you want to use in different jobs it opens up more doors that way within your search first step that we both recommend we talked about this? A lot is is identifying your strengths. Right so finding the strengths I will allow you to find titles. And that's how I look I. I would encourage everybody on the podcast broadcasting listening determine what is it that you love to do more than anything professionally speaking. Of course. I like to play golf right. Take a walk. There are ways to even make that. What professional work? How would you do for example? Okay so you WanNa play you love playing golf and you like being around golfers you like the environment on on the golf course. You're probably not going to get into the ranks of professional golfers that are making a living especially those making millions just playing playing golf right but there are so many jobs at the at the golf courses or if you like retail those who sell golf equipment and supplies apparel and all these things there are so many auxiliary jobs or ancillary jobs that actually ty to your passion and I'd say that's a really good place to start if it's not retail that you WanNa do you know that's not your realm okay. What's the manufacturing side looking like How can you get involved with people who are making the products tour or designing the services that go around there walking the dog? I actually you have a friend. He had corporate job.
063 The Number One Secret to Job Satisfaction
Show Notes Understanding your satisfaction is within your control can be liberating. Scott and Andrew discuss the Top Secret, that #1 thing you can do, to ensure your job satisfaction. Don't miss these Topics: Being an advocate for your own satisfaction. The difference between fitting in and being in. How language and identity can work together. Consistency in your brand presentation. The value of a cover letter. Defending your own needs without being defensive. Identifying Key Factors of Satisfaction. Where to find support for your satisfaction. How to communicate your areas of satisfaction. Resources (including affiliate links) Branding Episodes on Job Seekers Radio iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:06 - 00:05:13 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you meaningful support defined great careers faster whether you're working or not today's episode. We're talking about the secret to advocating for your own own satisfaction and this episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation. It's an e book that Scott I have put together. That walks you through through step by step along with companion audio which is wonderful by the way we've been so and that's a free resource for you to download at job seekers radio DOT COM Tom. It's a free gift for you. We want to talk about advocating for satisfaction because so often we send out lots of applications. We we have some interviews and we're always trying to fit into what the company wants or what. The interviewer wants its natural right or want to to put our best foot forward. We WanNA make sure we're we're demonstrating to them or being considerate. There is a difference between changing how I appear and using their language. And so that's what we want to talk about today is how does how do we avoid changing who we are appearing to change who we are just to to succeed in an interview requires a lot of preparation. Sure does okay but if we look at how you're preparing now that requires a lot of preparation preparation of course because as they say it always takes a lot more energy to remember a lie because you have to wait the lie. It's much easier to remember truth because truth is the truth. Well it's on its own and you think about it if you're sending out a lot of applications in your tailoring every single bit of the language language to that are you going to remember when they actually get back to you two weeks later which set up oh my goodness which which version of this language am. I supposed to us now. We want to help you avoid that problem and instead to really advocate for your own satisfaction on the job satisfaction within the interview. You know what you want you know what you like. Hopefully and if not that's where your preparation is going to start. You know the kind of environment you want to be working in what your values are and again if not not find that out you should be looking for someone who meets your needs not just the other way around and you should know what feels like you and what doesn't so if you're using the right keywords to get through an automated system by all means go for it. Don't change who you are. Don't change your language to the extent that you're changing changing everything about your presentation just to meet somebody else's expectations authentic. Who Do you become when each time? You change that message to align with the job It's almost like you're a chameleon I've seen this have very negative repercussions sure. Psychologically we have identity confusion will not not only that but then you start to question when you see someone who is we say. They interviewed well. They were able to adapt to the interview. But then once they're on the job for a while their true colors show and that's true for all of us and so when they see that the person who shows up for work six months later isn't the person who ha...