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Kitcaster • Prepare to be Podcasted

Business & Economics Podcasts

Kitcaster helps funded startup founders, entrepreneurs with exits, and C-suite execs book the world's top podcasts. Let's drive results with podcast interviews.


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Kitcaster helps funded startup founders, entrepreneurs with exits, and C-suite execs book the world's top podcasts. Let's drive results with podcast interviews.



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Today's New Media- Taking a Look at Modern PR in Podcasting​

Like Apples and Oranges - Sort of While advertising and PR dovetail into each other, they are far from the same thing. Understandably, few people want to listen to a thirty-minute advertisement. For a podcast to be successful, it must be more than a sales pitch - it has to tell a good story. And speaking of telling a good story, consider the difference between marketing and selling using a traditional PR campaign versus what you now do to promote the same product or service. For example, in the past, you sold a tractor by running a glossy campaign with a farmer atop one riding through a sunlight hayfield. Today, people still need tractors. But, a good PR person must market that same tractor on media platforms like Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram, and, of course, in podcast interviews. In today's new media, you're selling not only the tractor; you're propelling the farming game to the next level by showing a 'cool farmer' on Instagram live using autonomous technology. Read more //


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Podcast Interviews for Prospects and Leads

One Inherent truth: • Podcast interviews bring out your best (and generate a lot of content). • Creating content without podcast interviews is really hard! A couple of considerations • Use Media Training • Prepare your best stories, share anecdotes, use statistics • Begin and end your sentences clearly (make room for editing) • Use emotive language when talking about benefits and solutions Repurposing Content • Have a strategy in place to repurpose the content • Use the assets as leverage for prospects further down the funnel A couple of misconceptions • Simple traffic will drive the greatest return on investment. • Only “big” podcasts are worth the time. Learn more


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Creating Brand Awareness with Podcast Interviews

Share your story and make personal connections with your audience.
