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Lead to Soar

Business & Economics Podcasts

Lead to Soar is a multi-platform resource for ambitious women on a leadership journey. We are an online network, a podcast and in-person leadership summits for women across the globe. We provide women with critical leadership skill development experiences that they may be unable to access in their workplace. We support women in 3 ways: The Lead to Soar Podcast The Lead to Soar Summit The Lead to Soar Network Our platform is for ambitious, driven women and goes way beyond confidence building, assertiveness, and the typical career advice given to women. We are serious about enabling and empowering women to advance their careers, salaries, networks, and influence. Contact your Lead to Soar hosts. Email Michelle Redfern Email Mel Butcher Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Lead to Soar is a multi-platform resource for ambitious women on a leadership journey. We are an online network, a podcast and in-person leadership summits for women across the globe. We provide women with critical leadership skill development experiences that they may be unable to access in their workplace. We support women in 3 ways: The Lead to Soar Podcast The Lead to Soar Summit The Lead to Soar Network Our platform is for ambitious, driven women and goes way beyond confidence building, assertiveness, and the typical career advice given to women. We are serious about enabling and empowering women to advance their careers, salaries, networks, and influence. Contact your Lead to Soar hosts. Email Michelle Redfern Email Mel Butcher Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



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Loneliness, Civility, Retention P2: Leadership for the Modern Executive, featuring Erika Jefferson

In the continuation of this deep dive into the complexities of modern leadership challenges, the Lead to Soar podcast with Mel Butcher, Erika Jefferson, and Michelle Redfern shifts focus towards organizational values, transparency, and the evolving expectations of the workforce. The conversation critically examines the traditional emphasis on mission, vision, and values within corporations, challenging leaders to prioritize genuine engagement and meaningful actions over empty rhetoric. The episode boldly confronts the barriers to innovative HR practices, including the resistance to change within corporate cultures and the necessity for executive support to foster bold, strategic HR initiatives. Episode Highlights: • Mission, Vision, Values – More Than Just Words: Erika Jefferson criticizes the often superficial approach to corporate values, advocating for simplicity and authenticity in organizational mission statements and emphasizing the importance of actions that genuinely reflect those values. • The Role of Leadership and HR in Cultural Change: The discussion uncovers the obstacles that prevent HR leaders from implementing bold and innovative strategies, including a lack of support from executive leadership and the fear of punitive backlash for challenging the status quo. • Transparency and Trust in Leadership: The co-hosts engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of transparency within organizations. They argue for a balanced approach to sharing information, ensuring employees are informed and feel valued without compromising sensitive business operations. • Redefining Talent Management: Reflecting on the changing dynamics of the workforce, the episode highlights the need for a shift in how talent is managed, suggesting organizations should embrace the transient nature of modern employment and view departures as opportunities for brand advocacy rather than betrayal. • Innovation in Employee Engagement: The conversation emphasizes the necessity for HR to adopt more innovative and strategic approaches to employee engagement, moving beyond traditional engagement surveys to practices that genuinely improve workplace culture and employee satisfaction. Leadership Call to Action: • Redefine Organizational Values: Leaders are encouraged to critically assess and simplify their mission, vision, and values, ensuring they are genuinely reflective of the organization's culture and aspirations. • Support Innovative HR Practices: Executives are called upon to provide the necessary support and resources for HR to implement strategic and innovative practices, recognizing the pivotal role of HR in driving organizational change. • Foster a Culture of Transparency: Cultivate an environment where open and honest communication is valued, balancing the need for business confidentiality with the importance of making employees feel included and informed. • Embrace the Evolution of the Workforce: Acknowledge the changing expectations and priorities of the workforce, particularly among younger employees, and adapt talent management strategies accordingly. • Innovate Employee Engagement Strategies: Move beyond conventional engagement metrics and invest in strategies that truly enhance the employee experience, fostering a culture of happiness, productivity, and retention. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Loneliness, Civility, Retention P1: Leadership for the Modern Executive, featuring Erika Jefferson

In this episode of the Lead to Soar podcast, Mel Butcher and Michelle Redfern are joined by Erika Jefferson to discuss into the intricate topics of loneliness, civility, and employee retention in the modern workplace. The discussion is catalysed by statistics revealing a surge in loneliness among American workers and a notable rise in workplace incivility, which has not only doubled over the past two decades but also incurs significant financial costs to organizations. The hosts explore the role of HR in this landscape, pondering its capacity and strategies to reverse these trends. Insights from Gallup highlight the increasing importance of having a best friend at work, especially post-pandemic, linking it to better business outcomes and underlining the necessity for HR to take a strategic stance in fostering workplace relationships and a supportive culture. Episode Highlights: • Alarming Trends: Discussion on the significant uptick in loneliness at work and the doubling of workplace incivility over the past twenty years, highlighting the negative impact on both employees and organizational costs. • Strategic Role of HR: The conversation critically examines whether HR departments are equipped to address and mitigate these issues. The hosts argue for a strategic transformation within HR, emphasizing its potential role in improving workplace culture and employee well-being. • The Value of Workplace Relationships: Insights into recent Gallup research underscore the critical role of having close relationships, particularly a best friend at work, in enhancing employee engagement and linking it to positive business outcomes. • Management's Impact on Retention: Data points are shared to illustrate that a significant percentage of employee dissatisfaction and subsequent turnover can be attributed to management, spotlighting the urgent need for leadership development and HR's role in this arena. • Innovative Solutions: The episode highlights innovative approaches, such as Rivet Software's use of AI to help employees find their best friends at work, showcasing how technology can facilitate meaningful connections within the workplace. Leadership Call to Action: • Foster Workplace Connections: Leaders and HR professionals are encouraged to cultivate environments that foster meaningful relationships among employees, recognizing the value these connections bring to both individual well-being and organizational success. • Reevaluate HR's Role: A call for HR to adopt a more strategic and proactive approach in addressing loneliness, civility, and retention, moving beyond traditional administrative roles to become a key player in crafting a positive workplace culture. • Mindset Shift Among Leaders: The episode urges leaders to reconsider their perspectives on work and workplace satisfaction, challenging the notion that work must involve suffering and advocating for a culture where enjoyment and fulfillment are part of the work experience. • Strategic Investment in Employee Well-being: Highlighting the need for executive and HR leaders to scrutinize where their efforts and resources are being directed, encouraging innovation and strategic thinking in how to genuinely enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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AI in the Workplace: Leadership Skills in a Post-AI World featuring Erika Jefferson

In this episode, the conversation turns towards the future of work, specifically the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and its effects on the job landscape and required human skills. Episode Highlights: AI's Impact on Jobs: The hosts explore how AI is poised to eliminate some jobs while augmenting others, raising questions about the roles humans will play in a technologically advanced workforce. Skills for the Future: The discussion emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ), creativity, and interpersonal skills, which AI cannot replicate, as critical for future success. Workplace Changes and Challenges: The episode examines how workplaces need to adapt to these technological advancements by fostering environments that prioritize these uniquely human skills. Real-World Examples: Through anecdotes and examples, including innovative HR practices and leadership initiatives focused on listening and engagement, the hosts illustrate potential strategies for navigating the future work landscape positively. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Employee Reviews: Leadership for the Modern Executive featuring Erika Jefferson

This episode dives into the controversial and widely debated topic of performance reviews within the workplace. Drawing from personal experiences and current studies, the hosts examine the effectiveness and impact of traditional performance review systems. Episode Highlights: The Problem with Performance Reviews: Citing studies from Gallup and SHRM, the episode begins by highlighting the general dissatisfaction with performance appraisals, described as time-consuming, demotivating, and biased. McKinsey's Approach: Discussion on McKinsey's "up or out" performance management strategy and its implications for employee motivation and workplace culture. Personal Anecdotes: Michelle shares her experiences and the emotional toll of administering performance reviews, critiquing the forced ranking system that fails to genuinely engage employees' potential. Alternative Perspectives: The episode challenges traditional performance management practices, questioning their purpose and effectiveness in fostering a supportive and productive workplace environment. Bias in Reviews: The hosts discuss research indicating gender bias in performance evaluations, where women often receive vague feedback that hinders their professional growth. Solutions and Alternatives: The conversation shifts towards alternative methods of performance assessment, including more frequent, constructive feedback mechanisms that aim to genuinely support employee development. Links and Resources Gallup Study SHRM study reference Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Recruiting and an HR Revolution for the Modern Executive featuring Erika Jefferson

In this episode of the Lead to Soar podcast, co-hosts Mel Butcher and Michelle Redfern, along with special guest Erica Jefferson, tackle the pervasive challenges within the recruitment industry. The discussion centres on the inefficiencies and impersonal nature of recruiting practices, advocating for a radical transformation that prioritizes human connection, candidate care, and the dismantling of outdated systems. Through trio sheds light on the importance of networking in job acquisition, critiques the reliance on artificial intelligence in recruiting, and proposes actionable solutions aimed at creating a more inclusive, efficient, and respectful hiring process. Episode Highlights • The Human Element in Recruitment: The episode kicks off with statistics from HubSpot and CNBC, revealing that a significant majority of jobs are filled through networking, and many positions never reach public advertisement. This underscores the importance of human connections in the job market. • Critique of Current Practices: Erica Jefferson passionately criticizes the grueling and often dehumanizing interview processes that resemble an episode of "The Hunger Games," highlighting the industry's failure to value genuine talent and potential. • Call for a Recruitment Revolution: The conversation calls for a comprehensive overhaul of the recruitment process, drawing parallels between the transformation seen in the taxi industry with the advent of Lyft and Uber and the potential for similar innovation in recruitment. • The Role of AI in Recruitment: The trio expresses scepticism about the reliance on AI for solving recruitment woes, emphasizing that technology alone cannot replace the nuanced understanding and empathy of human recruiters. • Impact on Brand Equity: Michelle Redfern points out how poor recruitment practices can tarnish an organization's brand equity, stressing that candidate experience is integral to the company's overall reputation. • Open Hiring as an Innovative Model: Mel Butcher introduces the concept of open hiring practiced by a company associated with Ben & Jerry's, which simplifies the hiring process by removing interviews and selecting candidates based on their willingness to work. • Leadership and HR’s Role in Engagement: The discussion touches upon the limited influence HR has on employee engagement and the necessity for executive leaders to play a more active role in fostering a positive organizational culture. Leadership Call to Action • Revitalize the HR Function: Leaders are encouraged to reconceptualize the role of HR within their organizations, integrating technical skills, strategic thinking, and a genuine care for employee wellbeing into the fabric of HR practices. • Embrace Metrics That Matter: Companies should adopt meaningful metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of their recruitment processes, focusing not just on filling positions quickly but on the long-term success and satisfaction of hires. • Prioritize Candidate Experience: Recognizing that every interaction with a candidate reflects on the brand, companies must ensure their recruitment practices are respectful, efficient, and aligned with the organization's core values and strategic goals. • Consider Alternative Hiring Models: Leaders are urged to explore innovative recruitment strategies, such as open hiring, to simplify the process and focus on the essential qualifications and willingness to work. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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AI and the Future of HR, featuring Erika Jefferson

In this thought-provoking episode, Mel, Michelle, and Erika discuss the intersection of human resources (HR) and artificial intelligence (AI), exploring the implications, opportunities, and challenges that HR professionals face in the era of AI-driven automation and decision-making. As organizations globally adopt AI technologies to enhance hiring processes and operational efficiency, the trio sheds light on the necessity for HR to evolve, the fears surrounding job replacement, and the critical need for strategic, informed decision-making within HR departments. Episode Highlights: Leadership Call to Action Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Effective Leaders Do Succession Planning! Here's how!

In this insightful episode, Mel Butcher and Michelle Redfern tackle the often overlooked yet critical aspect of leadership—succession planning. They explore why leaders tend to shy away from this responsibility and provide a roadmap for effective succession planning that prepares organizations for future challenges. This episode is a must-listen for anyone in a leadership position, offering practical strategies for cultivating the next generation of leaders. Episode Highlights: Leadership Call to Action Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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How to Take Your Mentoring Program from Good to Great!

In this episode of Lead to Soar, Mel Butcher and Michelle Redfern discuss the importance of creating a strategic mentoring program. They challenge the traditional, often questionable effectiveness of mentoring programs and present a strategic approach that promises to elevate these initiatives from good to great. Targeted at leaders, HR professionals, and decision-makers, this episode is a masterclass on designing mentoring programs that genuinely advance women's careers. Episode Highlights: Actionable Advice: Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Why Aren’t Leaders Talking About Race? with Gloria Tabi

Gloria Tabi, founder of Everyday Inclusion, joins Mel & Michelle to share her powerful journey from confronting workplace racism and sexism to developing a platform that bridges the gap between diversity policies and their real-world impact. Gloria’s experience highlights the structural barriers that marginalise individuals, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing these challenges to create genuinely inclusive workplaces. Links and resources Everyday Inclusion Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Leadership Compass: Mastering the Art of Social Intelligence in Leadership

This episode is the third in our series about The Leadership Compass. Mel discusses the concept of Social Intelligence (SQ), with Michelle. SQ is a crucial component of The Leadership Compass. She articulates SQ as essential for leaders to intentionally build their professional brand and leverage strategic networks. This skill complements Business Intelligence (BQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ), enhancing a leader's ability to succeed in their roles. Michelle emphasizes the importance of SQ in the context of leadership, highlighting the need for women, in particular, to balance interpersonal skills with business acumen. She shares insights on creating a robust professional identity, strategic networking, and using powered up communication to enhance visibility and credibility. The conversation also touches on the practical benefits of a strategic network in achieving business goals and advancing careers. Michelle's personal revelations and the strategic approach to networking and brand building serve as a guide for listeners to refine their SQ. Listeners interested in a deeper exploration of SQ and its integration with BQ and EQ can find Michelle's book, "The Leadership Compass," available for purchase. The book is a comprehensive guide for women leaders to reach their full potential, available on michelleredfern.com and major retailers like Amazon and Booktopia. Links and Resources The Leadership Compass book offers a deeper look at essential leadership skills. For more information and to pre-order, visit michelleredfern.com/books. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Leadership Compass: Mastering the Art of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Leadership Compass: Mastering the Art of Emotional Intelligence in LeadershipIn this episode of the "Lead to Soar" podcast, Mel interviews Michelle regarding the definition of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in leadership, as described in her book, The Leadership Compass. Michelle shares personal stories, highlighting the importance of self-awareness, empathy, adaptability, and a growth mindset in navigating the complexities of professional environments. The episode also explores the significance of reflective practice in personal and professional growth, providing valuable insights for aspiring and experienced leaders. Links and Resources The Leadership Compass book offers a deeper look at essential leadership skills. For more information and to pre-order, visit michelleredfern.com/books. Subscribe to Lead to Soar for more practical advice and inspirational stories from leaders like Michelle. Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Leadership Compass: Mastering the Art of Business Intelligence in Leadership

This episode is the first in a series exploring leadership skills detailed in "The Leadership Compass." Stay tuned for more insights on SQ and EQ in upcoming episodes. In this episode, Mel interviews Michelle about Business Intelligence (BQ) as a critical skill for effective leadership. Unlike innate strengths, BQ, along with Social (SQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ), can be developed through practice. Michelle shares transformative experiences from her career, emphasising the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in leadership roles. Some of the key takeaways: - Leadership Development: Michelle's journey highlights the power of self-reflection in personal and professional growth. - Importance of BQ:Understanding business, strategic and financial management is crucial for leadership success. - Continuous Learning: Michelle's stories underscore the need for leaders to constantly evolve and acquire new skills. - Visibility of Skills: Advancing in leadership requires women to not only development critical skills but also being recognised for those skills. Links and Resources The Leadership Compass book offers a deeper look at essential leadership skills. For more information and to pre-order, visit michelleredfern.com/books. Subscribe to Lead to Soar for more practical advice and inspirational stories from leaders like Michelle. Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Why are women less likely to ask questions in public?

In this episode, Michelle and Mel discuss the findings of a BBC article, addressing why women are less likely to ask questions in public settings, such as academic seminars and business meetings. They explore how this trend impacts women's visibility and participation in professional environments. Links and resources Article: Why are Women Less Likely to Ask Questions in Public Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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F*ck the Cupcakes: How to Honor the Women in Your Company in March...the right way

In this episode of the Lead to Soar podcast, hosts Mel and Michelle discuss the complexities and often performative nature of International Women's Day (IWD). They examine how businesses frequently fall short in meaningful support of gender equality and issue a clear call to action for more than just superficial acknowledgments of workplace gender equality. The discussion covers a range of topics, including the expectation of women to contribute free labour for IWD events, the role of leadership in fostering genuine diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the importance of intersectionality in understanding the varied experiences of women in the workplace. This episode is a call to action for leaders and organisations to move beyond token gestures (like cupcakes!) and engage in substantive and sustained support and advocacy for workplace gender equality. Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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What Happens When a Flower Fails to Bloom?

In this episode, Michelle and Mel use the metaphor of a flower blooming to discuss the growth of women in the workplace. They talk about the importance of enhancing the work environment for women's growth rather than trying to "fix" them. The episode also highlights workplace challenges faced by women, emphasizes the need to ask better questions about workplace environments and women's barriers, and provides practical advice for leaders to create inclusive environments and address systemic biases. Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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The Influential Leader - how to negotiate and influence for positive outcomes.

Sam Trattles, CEO and Lead Negotiation Strategist at Other Side of the Table, helps leaders negotiate better outcomes. In this episode we're going to explore: Links and Resources Sam on LinkedIn and at her website: Other Side of the Table Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Crossing the White Line: Leadership Lessons with Diana Taylor

In this episode of Lead to Soar, Michelle talks with Diana Taylor AM, a pioneering figure law and Australian rules football. Diana imparts her wisdom and insights on leadership, business savvy, and the pivotal role of women in sports and business. The conversation includes i the importance of embracing failure as a learning opportunity, the advantages of leveraging legal expertise in sports and business, and the critical need for financial literacy among leaders. Diana offers invaluable advice for emerging professionals on specialization, hard work, and the significance of networking and volunteering. She also explores strategies for effective leadership and influence, the power of networking and sponsorship, and emphasizes the urgent need to elevate women into leadership positions across various fields. This episode not only provides a roadmap for professional growth but also highlights Diana's contributions to fostering opportunities for women in leadership, encapsulated in her book, "The Playbook: Crossing the White Line to Succeed in Life, Business and the AFL," available here. Links and Resources The Playbook: Crossing the White Line to Succeed in Life, Business and the AFL by Diana Taylor. Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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How to Play to Your Strengths and Have a Career that Soars with Charlotte Blair

Mel and Michelle interview Charlotte Blair, a Gallup strengths coach, on the importance of leveraging personal strengths for career advancement and team effectiveness. The episode explores Charlotte's transition from a corporate role to strengths-based coaching, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness in this journey. Discussion points include the transformative impact of Gallup's StrengthsFinder, both in Charlotte's coaching approach and for leadership development. The conversation highlights the significance of understanding and leveraging strengths in team management and leadership, underscoring the leader's role in fostering a strengths-aware environment for enhanced team performance and decision-making. This interview will provide you with a comprehensive view of how personal and team strengths can be harnessed for greater career and leadership success. Charlotte's book, Career Unstuck is now available at: https://www.careerunstuck.com.au Links and Resources Career Unstuck Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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The Leadership Compass Book - Navigating the World of Women's Leadership

In this first episode of Season 7, Michelle Redfern joins Mel to discuss her upcoming book, "The Leadership Compass: The ultimate guide for women leaders to reach their full potential." Set to be published on March 26, the book aims to guide women through their careers and leadership journeys. Links and Resources Pre-order and additional information about "The Leadership Compass" can be found at michelleredfern.com under the 'books' tab. Exclusive updates and resources are available for those who join the Leadership Compass community. Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


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Black Women in Science and Engineering with Erika Jefferson

Erika Jefferson is the President and Founder of Black Women in Science and Engineering (BWISE), an organization focused on bridging the leadership gap for Black women in STEM. She received a MBA from Georgia Tech and a BS in Chemical Engineering from LSU. Learn more about BWiSE Lead to Soar is a global online network for businesswomen, a podcast, and we host live-streaming and in person events to help women have a career that soars! The podcast is hosted by Mel Butcher (melbutcher.com) and Michelle Redfern (michelleredfern.com) Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
