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Leading with Presence

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to ”Leading with Presence,” a podcast dedicated to guiding professionals and leaders through the art and science of presence in leadership and life. Hosted by Stephen Clements, formerly known as The Curious Coach, this show embarks on a new journey, expanding its horizons while continuing to explore deep questions and insights into personal and professional development. Every two weeks, ”Leading with Presence” offers two distinct episodes designed to enrich your leadership journey: Mindful Moments: A guided meditation or mindfulness exercise to ground you in the present, fostering tranquility, focus, and awareness in your daily life. Insights and Strategies: A companion episode that delves into themes from the latest edition of the ”Leading with Presence” LinkedIn newsletter. Here, Stephen unpacks practical strategies, cutting-edge research, and personal reflections to enhance your self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and, ultimately, your presence as a leader. Whether you’re a seasoned leader seeking to refine your approach or a professional striving for greater balance and fulfillment, ”Leading with Presence” invites you on a transformative journey. Discover the power of presence, learn to navigate life’s complexities with grace, and lead with authenticity and impact. ”Leading with Presence” has evolved from the beloved ”The Curious Coach” podcast, carrying forward its spirit of curiosity into new realms of exploration and growth. Join us as we continue to question, learn, and grow together. Subscribe and tune in to cultivate a leadership presence that changes not just how you lead, but how you live.




Welcome to ”Leading with Presence,” a podcast dedicated to guiding professionals and leaders through the art and science of presence in leadership and life. Hosted by Stephen Clements, formerly known as The Curious Coach, this show embarks on a new journey, expanding its horizons while continuing to explore deep questions and insights into personal and professional development. Every two weeks, ”Leading with Presence” offers two distinct episodes designed to enrich your leadership journey: Mindful Moments: A guided meditation or mindfulness exercise to ground you in the present, fostering tranquility, focus, and awareness in your daily life. Insights and Strategies: A companion episode that delves into themes from the latest edition of the ”Leading with Presence” LinkedIn newsletter. Here, Stephen unpacks practical strategies, cutting-edge research, and personal reflections to enhance your self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and, ultimately, your presence as a leader. Whether you’re a seasoned leader seeking to refine your approach or a professional striving for greater balance and fulfillment, ”Leading with Presence” invites you on a transformative journey. Discover the power of presence, learn to navigate life’s complexities with grace, and lead with authenticity and impact. ”Leading with Presence” has evolved from the beloved ”The Curious Coach” podcast, carrying forward its spirit of curiosity into new realms of exploration and growth. Join us as we continue to question, learn, and grow together. Subscribe and tune in to cultivate a leadership presence that changes not just how you lead, but how you live.





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Are you judgmental?

In this episode, Stephen explores judgments and starts by asking, "Are you judgmental?" and then provides a reflective activity to increase awareness of the judgments we might be making without even realising them! If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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MEDITATION: Non-judgemental Cloud Glazing!

This meditation episode invites you to take a moment to ground yourself and then observe your own thoughts like clouds in a sky. As human beings, thoughts are a normal and natural part of who we are, so rather than try to stop thinking, what would happen if we observe them with more distance and in a non-judgemental way. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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MEDITATION: Connecting with your purpose

This meditation episode invites you to become connect with the part of you that knows why you do what you do, and that's it connected to something bigger. Maybe this is your sense of purpose, or something else - knowing exactly what it is, doesn't matter, simply know that it's there and allow yourself to connect with it. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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Losing Presence

Presence is sometimes fleeting. And even no matter how much work you've done to cultivate it, sometimes you can lose it in a moment of stress. In this episode, Stephen shares a recent experience where he lost his presence and defaulted to old patterns. It's a reminder that this is ongoing work for all of us. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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MEDITATION: I am enough, I am lovable and I am Present

This meditation episode invites you to become grounded and then breathe in three affirmations: I am enough, I am lovable, and I am present. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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Mastering your Internal System

We might think our "head" is in charge. However, have you ever found body having a reaction before your head has even had time to "think" about what's going on? What if, rather than our head being in charge, we were a complex system, or a network of complex systems, of which our head was only a small part? And that our head wasn't in charge? What might this make possible? In this episode, Stephen talks about the importance of our Autonomic Nervous System and how we've spent years conditioning it to respond automatically given certain circumstances. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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MEDITATION: Balancing your internal system

This meditation episode invites you to balance your internal system (your ANS) so you can choose to respond to situations from a place of feeling grounded, resourced and present. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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Distracted by thoughts about myself

In this episode of the Leading With Presence podcast, Stephen reflects on how thoughts about identity can distract us from presence. With increased awareness, we can be empowered to reframe our thinking and take back control. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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This meditation episode invites you to balance your breathing and then check in with your head, heart and gut to consider who you really are so that you can become more fully present with yourself and those around you. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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Where is your attention?

In this episode of the Leading With Presence podcast, Stephen talked about the different modes of attention, introducing the three A's from Steve Taylor and the metaphorical tool by Dan Siegal for increasing awareness of our attention called the Wheel of Awareness. If you'd like to join the conversation, follow Stephen on LinkedIn using this link: Follow Stephen on LinkedIn or visit his homepage - https://stephenclements.ie


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MEDITATION:Directing your attention

This short (7-minute) guided meditation is designed to support you in using focused attention to pause and connect with the present moment through your somatic experience.


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The curious coach becomes Leading With Presence

The Curious Coach is back with renewed focus and direction. Going forward, we're changing the name to look at how coaching can support leaders who want to become more present within themselves and with those they engage. In this episode, Stephen outlines what to expect going forward.


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Sensing our reality

What would happen if we were in control of constructing our reality? And that we discovered we had more than five senses? Well, guess what.... that's what this week's reflective episode is all about! Welcome to my world... and it's going to be different to your world!


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What does it mean to be human?

This week’s self-reflective episode starts with a small question: “Is the digital world making us less human?” and goes from there! I hope this episode leads to useful self-reflection on what being human might mean to you and how you might demonstrate more of your own humanity in this increasingly digital world! Find out more at https://stephenclements.ie


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New Year, New Beginnings

I'm back! As I'll explain in this episode, I've been on my own transition over the last year and now I'm back, recharged, re-energised and ready to go! And as you start a new year, what might you be looking to bring into or let go of within your own life? Visit Stephen's homepage at https://stephenclements.ie for more


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Mini:Overplaying Strengths

This week I revisit strengths - something that was first discussed in Episode 11. This time I'm reflecting on what happens when you overplay a strength and it actually starts to work against you! Full details and show notes can be found at https://stephenclements.ie/podcast-121/


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Mini: Emotions and Needs

Emotional Self-awareness is all about becoming aware of your own emotions and feelings, and becoming aware of the events and triggers associated with them. However, what happens when you reflect on the underlying needs that may, or may not, be met - is this what the emotion or feeling is trying to tell you?


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Mini:Dreams and Fears

We all have dreams and aspirations. However, are they dreams that you're doing something about or simply day dreams? And is it fear that might be holding you back? Fear of failure or even fear of success? Or fear or something else altogether! More info and full details at https://stephenclements.ie/podcast-119/


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Mini: Emotional Courage

What’s the connection between courage and emotional awareness and how does this link to self-worth and who you are? I started to muse this over and that’s how I arrived at this week’s podcast! Full details and more: https://stephenclements.ie/podcast-118/


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Mini: Curiosity and Confirmation Bias

When you're being curious, are you really being curious and open to unlearning, or are you confirming what you already know through your confirmation bias? Full details: https://stephenclements.ie/podcast-117/
