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Life & Law Podcast - Lawyer Podcast For Success In Law & Life

Business & Economics Podcasts

A leadership and business podcast for lawyers ready to build your ideal law practice around the life you actually want. Because you're done with sacrificing your personal happiness for professional success. Join fellow lawyer (of 18+ years) and former Big Law partner turned lawyer leadership and business coach Heather Moulder for how to successfully get promoted and build your law practice (to 7 figures and beyond) while maintaining a balanced life. Every week, you'll get a combo-pack of concrete business strategies, actionable leadership development tips and practical mindset tools designed to motivate you to take action and master the work-life-business-of-law juggling act. Personal and professional development topics covered by Heather and her guests include: lawyer wellbeing and mental health, business growth, legal marketing, client development, emotional intelligence, growth mindset, stress management, productivity strategies, communication skills, and law practice management. It's time to make life and law fun again (don't you think?). For more information about Heather and the podcast visit:


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A leadership and business podcast for lawyers ready to build your ideal law practice around the life you actually want. Because you're done with sacrificing your personal happiness for professional success. Join fellow lawyer (of 18+ years) and former Big Law partner turned lawyer leadership and business coach Heather Moulder for how to successfully get promoted and build your law practice (to 7 figures and beyond) while maintaining a balanced life. Every week, you'll get a combo-pack of concrete business strategies, actionable leadership development tips and practical mindset tools designed to motivate you to take action and master the work-life-business-of-law juggling act. Personal and professional development topics covered by Heather and her guests include: lawyer wellbeing and mental health, business growth, legal marketing, client development, emotional intelligence, growth mindset, stress management, productivity strategies, communication skills, and law practice management. It's time to make life and law fun again (don't you think?). For more information about Heather and the podcast visit:





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#158: How To Receive Feedback, Give Feedback

You want to be good at your job but don't love getting feedback - even though you know you need to get it for your professional development. Listen to today's conversation with Leadership Coach Rachael Bosch to learn how to receive feedback and give it more compassionately and effectively. *** BECOME A NEXT-LEVEL LAWYER Join the Next Level Lawyer Newsletter for weekly tips, tools & strategies on how to cultivate the mindset, leadership & business skills you need to get you and your practice to the next level (without working more hours or pushing yourself harder). Go here to join now: The post #158: How To Receive Feedback, Give Feedback appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#157: How To Increase Your Legal Fees (Without Losing Clients)

You want - no, NEED - to increase your rates but worry about what your clients will think and how they'll react. You keep avoiding having the conversation. And you really don't want to lose anyone over this. Yet you still need to do it. Today you're going to learn how to increase your rates (and fees) without losing any clients or even making them angry. *** Learn About ELEVATE Attorney Business Growth Mastermind --> Get strategic guidance from an expert. --> Have support from peers you trust. --> Grow a profitable, values-based law practice you enjoy. Learn about ELEVATE and join the waitlist here: The post #157: How To Increase Your Legal Fees (Without Losing Clients) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#156: Are Law Firm Employee Wellness Programs Working?

We keep talking about lawyer wellbeing. Most law firms have implemented employee wellness programs. And yet... the numbers don't seem to be changing. In fact, 70% of legal professionals still say that mental health is at a crisis level in this profession. Is there any good news to be had? And what - if anything - can be done about this? Today we get into both. Because yes, there IS some good news. And there are things that law firms can do to better measure the impact of their employee wellbeing programs AND make them much more effective. *** BECOME A NEXT LEVEL LAWYER Join the Next Level Lawyer Newsletter to get weekly tips, tools & strategies for how to cultivate the mindset, leadership & business skills needed to get you and your practice to the next level (without working more hours or pushing yourself harder)? To become a Next Level Lawyer, go to: The post #156: Are Law Firm Employee Wellness Programs Working? appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#155: Attorney Marketing – Unlock “Why You?”

There are a million attorneys out there that your perfect clients could hire. Which is why your attorney marketing efforts must answer the question "Why you?". Today, you'll learn how to think about this question and - more importantly - answer it in a compelling way (without feeling awkward). *** The post #155: Attorney Marketing – Unlock “Why You?” appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#154: Business Presentation Tips Every Lawyer Needs

You worked hard to plan, outline, practice and put slides together for a big speech... yet got zero new business out of it (and hardly any discussion). You spent weeks putting together the exact right presentation for a pitch (including all that branding work your marketing team insisted on) and still didn't get the work. What's going on? You're likely making some (very) common business presentation mistakes. Today, you'll learn my top 15 business presentation tips for how to make your presentations compelling and effective. Be ready to take notes because today's episode is full of practical, actionable advice you can start using now. *** LEARN ABOUT ELEVATE ATTORNEY BUSINESS GROWTH MASTERMIND --> Get strategic guidance from an expert. --> Have support from peers you trust. --> Grow a profitable, values-based law practice you enjoy. Learn about ELEVATE and join the waitlist here: The post #154: Business Presentation Tips Every Lawyer Needs appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#153: Color Persuasion For Lawyers

You know that your body language can help - or hurt - you when trying to persuade others. But are you aware that your color choices (within the clothing and/or jewelry you wear) can also have an impact? Join me and guest Kerry Heaps for a fascinating discussion around the power of color persuasion. *** RATE, REVIEW & FOLLOW --> "Lawyers need this podcast." --> "Heather hits every relevant topic, giving practical advice in an easy to digest manner." --> "Love hearing Heather and her guest’s perspectives on topics that attorneys often shy away from." If you're nodding your head, please consider rating and reviewing the show. Your review/rating will help me support more lawyers (like you) to succeed in BOTH law and life. The post #153: Color Persuasion For Lawyers appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#152: Lawyer Life (Time To Choose Your Hard)

Lawyer life can be exhausting, stressful and overwhelming while also feeling exciting, interesting and fun. But can you make it more of the latter and less of the former? Yes. Learn how in today's episode. *** GET THE LEGAL MINDSET MASTERY TOOLKIT 10 evidence-based mindset & stress management tools (you can use in a matter of minutes) that rewire your mind to think, feel and be your best. The post #152: Lawyer Life (Time To Choose Your Hard) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#151: Making A Difference (Starts With You)

I often hear from disillusioned attorneys who became lawyers so that they can make a real impact yet don't feel as if they're making a difference - whether through their work or within their lives. Is that you, too? Maybe you feel like your always busy, often rushed schedule gets in the way. Perhaps you worry about the direction the country (even the world) seems to be going culturally and/or politically. And maybe you look around and wonder where common sense and basic decency has gone. If that's you, you are not alone. And today, we tackle how to empower yourself to start making a difference, feel more motivated and be more hopeful. Yes, as a lawyer but also as a human being. *** RATE, REVIEW & FOLLOW --> "Lawyers need this podcast." --> "Heather hits every relevant topic, giving practical advice in an easy to digest manner." --> "Love hearing Heather and her guests' perspectives on topics that attorneys often shy away from." If you're nodding your head, please consider rating and reviewing the show. Your review/rating will help me support more lawyers (like you) to succeed in BOTH law and life. The post #151: Making A Difference (Starts With You) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#150: Self-Care Activities & Ideas For Any Lawyer

Do the demands of work, life and business make you feel distracted, unfocused and like you're always jumping from one thing to another (not really getting much done and always behind)? You know that at least part of the answer is to devote more time to your own wellbeing yet struggle to fit proper self-care activities into your day-to-day (things are always so busy). Today's episode was made specifically for you. Listen to find out how to start fitting simple, quick self-care activities into your daily life - no matter how chaotic or overwhelming work (and life) feel. We will cover: (1) Ways to fit simple self-care activities into ordinary activities (you’re already doing). (2) How to carve out guilt-free bites of time for quick self-care that renews and reenergizes. (3) How to cultivate a habit of self-care through flexible routines you can do when short on time. *** GET THE ESSENTIAL SELF-CARE TOOLKIT Take this even further by grabbing your copy of the Essential Self-Care Toolkit to: --> Uncover your biggest areas of self-care need. --> Identify how to maximize your results. --> Create flexible self-care AM & PM routines (like the ones discussed in today's episode). Grab your copy of the Toolkit here: The post #150: Self-Care Activities & Ideas For Any Lawyer appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#149: You Need More Peer Support

One of the top complaints I hear from attorneys is how isolated they feel. They lack support, and mostly frame that in terms of firm/management support. But when you dig deeper, we usually find that the support they lack (and need most) is peer support. Join me for a conversation with guest Rachel Clar around why attorney peer support is so crucial for: --> Your pocket book (she shares a stat that might just blow your mind). --> Building the law practice you really want (not the law practice others think you should have). --> Attorney wellbeing and mental health. *** RATE, REVIEW & FOLLOW --> "Lawyers need this podcast." --> "Heather hits every relevant topic, giving practical advice in an easy to digest manner." --> "Love hearing Heather and her guest’s perspectives on topics that attorneys often shy away from." If you're nodding your head, please consider rating and reviewing the show. Your review/rating will help me support more people (just like you) succeed in BOTH law and life. The post #149: You Need More Peer Support appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#148: The Proper Balance Between Billable vs. Nonbillable Hours

Ever struggle with how to properly balance between billable vs. nonbillable hours? You need to bill as much as possible so that you can meet your requirements and collect enough. But you can't NOT do nonbillable work (for a variety of reasons). How do you determine where to focus your nonbillable time? When does it make most sense to prioritize nonbillable work over billable work (and does that ever make sense)? And what IS the best percentage balance between billable vs. nonbillable hours? The answers to all of these questions (and more) are inside of today's episode. *** READY TO GET TO THE NEXT LEVEL OF YOUR LEGAL PRACTICE/CAREER... WITHOUT LOSING YOU IN THE PROCESS? Schedule a call with Heather to find out how partnering together can make that happen: The post #148: The Proper Balance Between Billable vs. Nonbillable Hours appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#147: How To Effectively Manage Young Attorneys

Do you ever struggle with how to skillfully manage young attorneys? This is something I hear about often (it's a real struggle for most of my partner and senior counsel clients). And it's honestly nothing new. We know that older generations tend to struggle to relate to - and then most effectively lead - younger generations (which is a big reason why leadership coaches like me exist). But is it getting even harder - as most senior attorneys believe? Are Millennial and Gen Z lawyers so different that it's an even bigger struggle? And if so, what can be done about it? No matter where you are in your career, today's discussion with guest Ben Cooper is a must-listen because we get into: --> The very real differences in how younger generations have grown up that impacts how they show up in the workforce. --> The mental shift for managing young attorneys more effectively. --> Practical strategies for how to skillfully manage young attorneys (and retain them). --> Tips for young attorneys who want to succeed in the legal profession. --> Parenting tips + strategies to best prepare young people for the working world. *** RATE, REVIEW & FOLLOW --> "Lawyers need this podcast." --> "Heather hits every relevant topic, giving practical advice in an easy to digest manner." --> "Love hearing Heather and her guest’s perspectives on topics that attorneys often shy away from." If any of the above sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing the show. Your review/rating will help me support more people (just like you) succeed in BOTH law and life. And don't forget to follow the podcast so that you never miss a new episode! The post #147: How To Effectively Manage Young Attorneys appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#146: Stop Making These 10 Common Business Growth Mistakes

Does growing your business feel hard? Does it sometimes feel like you're never going to be able to grow your business the way you want? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you're likely making some common business growth mistakes. Listen to learn about the 10 most common business growth mistakes most lawyers make when trying to grow their business and (most importantly) how to effectively address each one. Many of these mistakes will surprise you (even go against conventional wisdom). Here's what we get into today: --> The 3 most common mindset traps. --> Common beliefs that lead to business growth mistakes. --> How to best support yourself and your business as you grow. *** Ready to for expert business growth support? Book a call to chat about how I can help here: *** For show notes and recommended episodes, go to: The post #146: Stop Making These 10 Common Business Growth Mistakes appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#145: Digital Marketing For Lawyers (What You Need To Know)

Marketing isn't something most lawyers embrace (at least, not immediately). And that's especially the case when it comes to digital marketing. But the truth is that, private practice attorneys can't afford not to pay attention to digital marketing (at least a little bit). Join me and guest Travis Hoechlin for an honest discussion around all things digital marketing for lawyers. You'll learn why not to ignore it, how to get started yourself (in simple ways) and how a digital marketing firm can help you scale your law firm without breaking the bank. *** Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts --> "Lawyers need this podcast." --> "Heather hits every relevant topic, giving practical advice in an easy to digest manner." --> "Love hearing Heather and her guest’s perspectives on topics that attorneys often shy away from." If any of the above sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing the show. Your review/rating will help me support more people (just like you) succeed in BOTH law and life. And don't forget to follow the podcast so that you never miss a new episode! The post #145: Digital Marketing For Lawyers (What You Need To Know) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#144: Letting Go Of Control

How often do you wish you had more control... Over your time, your business, your life? If you're like most attorneys, you probably think (or even say) something to that effect daily. What if I told you that this isn't really what you want? Because control is based in fear (and also, is a lot of work). Listen to today's episode to discover why letting go of control is THE foundational answer to getting to the place you want to be. A place of calm self-confidence. Knowing you can handle whatever comes your way. Open to new experiences. Able to fulfill your fullest potential as a lawyer and person. *** For show notes and links, go to: The post #144: Letting Go Of Control appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#143: Emotional Regulation Skills (Every Lawyer Needs)

For most lawyers, the practice of law is all-encompassing. Which is why so many lawyers suffer from higher-than-average rates of stress, anxiety, burnout and depression. The good news? It doesn't have to be this way. Join me for an insightful discussion with licensed counselor (and attorney) Bena Stock. Inside today's episode you'll learn how to overcome this all-encompassing nature (hint: it starts from within your own mind). Today, you'll learn: - A foundational (yet often surprising) reason why so many attorneys end up stressed, anxious and depressed. - The role perfectionism plays in attorney stress and anxiety. - Why emotional regulation is KEY to attorney happiness (and how to start improving your emotional regulation skills immediately). *** Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts --> "Lawyers need this podcast." --> "Heather hits every relevant topic, giving practical advice in an easy to digest manner." --> "Love hearing Heather and her guest’s perspectives on topics that attorneys often shy away from." If any of the above sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing the show. Your review/rating will help me support more people (just like you) succeed in BOTH law and life. Be sure to let me know what you love most about the show! And don't forget to follow the podcast so that you never miss a new episode. *** For show notes and links referenced in today's episode, go to: The post #143: Emotional Regulation Skills (Every Lawyer Needs) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#142: 10 Common Management Mistakes (To Stop Doing Now)

Want to learn how to manage people more effectively? Don't make these common management mistakes. Not only does Heather cover the top management mistakes attorneys make but also how to avoid each one. Today's episode is full of practical ways to quickly improve your management skills. *** GET THE SIMPLIFY WITH SYSTEMS FRAMEWORK Using this FREE framework, you will: --> Identify exactly where to create systems in your business. --> Have step-by-step guidance on how to build your systems. --> Get more done in your business (and done right) without *you* doing it all. Download your copy of the Framework here: *** Get show notes & recommended complimentary episodes here: The post #142: 10 Common Management Mistakes (To Stop Doing Now) appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#141: What You Need To Know About Succession Planning

Succession planning isn't something most lawyers think about (and if they do, it's often only in the context of retirement). But it's so much more than that! And often something that needs to be addressed way before retirement. Join me and guest expert David Ernst for an insightful discussion around the benefits of succession planning, when to start thinking about it (as a law firm AND individual) and the situations where succession planning comes into play. *** Get show notes and complimentary episodes: The post #141: What You Need To Know About Succession Planning appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#140: How To Draw Boundaries

In today's must-listen episode, learn everything you need to know about how to draw boundaries. Inside you'll learn: --> How to identify where you need stronger (and new) boundaries. --> Ways to communicate your boundaries. --> The ONE THING you must include for proper boundary drawing and enforcement. --> How to enforce your boundaries when not followed. --> Specific examples of good boundaries. *** Get show notes and recommended complimentary episodes at: The post #140: How To Draw Boundaries appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.


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#139: Law Firm Profitability Secrets To Run Your Firm Like A Business

Not entirely comfortable with the business-of-law? Feel overwhelmed when trying to figure out your firm/practice finances (never mind trying to project into the future so you can hire someone)? Today's episode is for you. Listen and learn how to create law firm profitability and run your firm as a true business from law firm Fractional CFO Leah Miller. In today's episode, we get into: --> The most common causes of anxiety when it comes to law firm financials (and how to combat it). --> What to pay attention to when it comes to your firm/practice financials. --> How to determine when you can afford to hire a new employee. And so much more! *** BECOME AS EXCEPTIONAL AT THE BUSINESS-OF-LAW AS YOU ARE A LAWYER Get your FREE copy of the Lawyer Business Plan Checklist to: → Sharpen your ideas for growing a financially secure business. → Turn your business dreams into a strategic plan of action. → Increase your business acumen (& confidence). Download it here: *** For show notes and complementary episodes, go to: The post #139: Law Firm Profitability Secrets To Run Your Firm Like A Business appeared first on Life & Law Podcast.
