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Love Is Just Damn Good Business


It’s time to toss aside the touchy-feely notions of love in business and recognize the real power it holds. Love is not only appropriate in the context of business, it’s the foundation of great leadership, and, therefore, the very foundation of a thriving, competitive enterprise. Welcome to the Love Is Just Damn Good Business podcast where host Steve Farber talks with business leaders who are operationalizing love as a strategic advantage.Farber’s guests share their proven strategies, inspiring case studies, and practical lessons on how to build corporate and team cultures based on love—the ultimate competitive advantage. You’ll discover why (and how) Love, at the end of the day, is just damn good business for you, too. Many businesspeople are frustrated by a gap between what they desire from their leadership and business efforts and what they’re able to accomplish; however, more and more successful leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs are successfully bridging that gap with phenomenal success. What is their secret? What code have they cracked?They go beyond the traditional definition of leadership to make a significant, positive difference on their own company or within the company that they work for. These are people who take their own personal development seriously and don’t see it as something contrary to their professional development. And at their core, they recognize that love is a powerful leadership and business principle—and they operationalize it in the way they work with colleagues, employees, and customers alike. The good news is that you can achieve that same level of success, too. Here on the Love Is Just Damn Good Business podcast, Steve Farber, Founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, will be teaching you how to operationalize love as a business and leadership practice.Your competitive advantage comes from your customers and clients loving what you do for them. Customer “satisfaction” just isn’t enough anymore. So, how do you take your business to the highest level where your customers are your greatest advocates, your employees are your greatest performers and recruiters, and your personal fulfillment is at its peak?Farber has found that the only way to accomplish all of that in a meaningful and sustainable way over time is to operationalize love as a discipline and a practice rather than a soft, fluffy sentiment. So what does it look like to conduct your business that way? How do you show your customers that you really love them? And how do you create a culture that your employees, teammates, colleagues love working in? Business leaders have been asking these questions for years. In this show, Steve addresses those questions head on. Having had a broad exposure to a vast array of companies spanning three decades, Steve Farber has discovered that the practice of “doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do” is a powerful, universal leadership credo that runs through all county, industry, and company cultures.A subject-matter expert in business leadership and one of Inc’s global Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts, Steve is a leadership speaker and a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena – from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and government. He is the bestselling author of Greater Than Yourself, The Radical Edge, and The Radical Leap, which was named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His much-anticipated new book, Love Is Just Damn Good Business, is in stores now. Steve’s passion is coaching and inspiring Extreme Leadership at all organizational levels by teaching leaders how to operationalize love as a discipline and a practice. Join him and his guests here on the podcast and learn specific ideas on how to operationalize love and be reenergized to make a significant difference in your businesses, personal life, and the world around you. After all, Love Is Just Damn Good Business!


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It’s time to toss aside the touchy-feely notions of love in business and recognize the real power it holds. Love is not only appropriate in the context of business, it’s the foundation of great leadership, and, therefore, the very foundation of a thriving, competitive enterprise. Welcome to the Love Is Just Damn Good Business podcast where host Steve Farber talks with business leaders who are operationalizing love as a strategic advantage.Farber’s guests share their proven strategies, inspiring case studies, and practical lessons on how to build corporate and team cultures based on love—the ultimate competitive advantage. You’ll discover why (and how) Love, at the end of the day, is just damn good business for you, too. Many businesspeople are frustrated by a gap between what they desire from their leadership and business efforts and what they’re able to accomplish; however, more and more successful leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs are successfully bridging that gap with phenomenal success. What is their secret? What code have they cracked?They go beyond the traditional definition of leadership to make a significant, positive difference on their own company or within the company that they work for. These are people who take their own personal development seriously and don’t see it as something contrary to their professional development. And at their core, they recognize that love is a powerful leadership and business principle—and they operationalize it in the way they work with colleagues, employees, and customers alike. The good news is that you can achieve that same level of success, too. Here on the Love Is Just Damn Good Business podcast, Steve Farber, Founder of The Extreme Leadership Institute, will be teaching you how to operationalize love as a business and leadership practice.Your competitive advantage comes from your customers and clients loving what you do for them. Customer “satisfaction” just isn’t enough anymore. So, how do you take your business to the highest level where your customers are your greatest advocates, your employees are your greatest performers and recruiters, and your personal fulfillment is at its peak?Farber has found that the only way to accomplish all of that in a meaningful and sustainable way over time is to operationalize love as a discipline and a practice rather than a soft, fluffy sentiment. So what does it look like to conduct your business that way? How do you show your customers that you really love them? And how do you create a culture that your employees, teammates, colleagues love working in? Business leaders have been asking these questions for years. In this show, Steve addresses those questions head on. Having had a broad exposure to a vast array of companies spanning three decades, Steve Farber has discovered that the practice of “doing what you love in the service of people who love what you do” is a powerful, universal leadership credo that runs through all county, industry, and company cultures.A subject-matter expert in business leadership and one of Inc’s global Top 50 Leadership and Management Experts, Steve is a leadership speaker and a senior-level leadership coach and consultant who has worked with and spoken to a wide variety of public and private organizations in virtually every arena – from the tech sector to financial services, manufacturing, health care, hospitality, entertainment, retail, and government. He is the bestselling author of Greater Than Yourself, The Radical Edge, and The Radical Leap, which was named one of the 100 Best Business Books of All Time. His much-anticipated new book, Love Is Just Damn Good Business, is in stores now. Steve’s passion is coaching and inspiring Extreme Leadership at all organizational levels by teaching leaders how to operationalize love as a discipline and a practice. Join him and his guests here on the podcast and learn specific ideas on how to operationalize love and be reenergized to make a significant difference in your businesses, personal life, and the world around you. After all, Love Is Just Damn Good Business!



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The Power Of Community Building In Achieving Business Success With Tom Peters

Community building is a key element of any successful business. Companies who have a well-connected network and create a strong bond with the people tend to thrive in the long run. In today’s episode, management guru Tom Peters joins Steve Farber to discuss the immense power and value of building a community to drive a business forward. He shares actionable tips on partnering with other businesses and forging meaningful connections with your target audience. Tom explains how turning them into long-lasting relationships can create better results and deliver a valuable impact to the community. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Looking In On The Savannah Bananas With Jesse Cole

America's favorite pastime has just gotten more fun, thanks to Savannah Bananas! If you have not heard about them or been to their show yet, you are in for a treat! In this episode, you get a sneak peek as owner, the man in the yellow tux, Jesse Cole returns to the show and lets us in on what it's like to have sold out every game since the first season and have a waitlist for tickets that's over 60,000. He also shares insights on what it takes to bring together a team of 120 people to put on an inning like no other and the importance of owning up to mistakes, and how those mess-ups motivate them to be better for their fans every time. So tune in and be inspired by their dedication to the sport, the fans, and the fun! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!


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Our People, Our Customers, Our Business: The Three Priorities of Aristocrat Gaming

Culture is the fundamental pillar in the success of any business. In this episode, Steve Farber chats with Hector Fernandez, CEO of Aristocrat Gaming, to discuss the three priorities of the company that allowed them to leapfrog beyond their competitors even during the pandemic. Love is not just a concept, it’s a practice and its positive impact on an organization is evident. Tune in as he shares his philosophy on what great leadership looks like and how transparency, communication, and trust can permeate. Hector also talks about his early beginnings as a son of an immigrant family and how he made it in business doing what he loves every day. Don’t miss out on this episode and be inspired by the success that can come out of practicing love in business. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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The Dynamics Of Running A Family Business With Katie Jensen And Rachel Jones

Working in a family-owned business where its culture is love and respect is rewarding. Employees feel like they are part of a family and are treated with respect and kindness. That is precisely the motivation behind the foundation of the Triton Stone Group. In this episode, Steve Farber is joined by Katie Jensen and Rachel Jones, Co-Founders at Triton Stone Group. Seeing the opportunity to be a part of rebuilding their community after Hurricane Katrina, Katie and Rachel opened the Triton Stone Group. Today, they share the story of how the company was founded, the dynamics of working in a family-run business, and the culture they foster at Triton Stone. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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The Magic of Surrender With Kute Blackson

How does surrendering help in striving for success? Today’s guest has the answer. Kute Blackson is a beloved inspirational speaker and transformational teacher. Steve knows him from the Transformational Leadership Council, a select group of one hundred of the world’s foremost authorities in the personal development industry. In this episode, Kute shares valuable insights from his book, The Magic of Surrender: Finding the Courage to Let Go. He emphasizes that surrendering doesn’t just mean giving up. It means leaning into the path life has already set out for us. There is magic when we allow the possibilities to happen. Don’t miss his golden nuggets of wisdom and find out how this philosophy brought him the status he has today. Plus, look into his early days as he shares personal stories that fueled his growth and transformation. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Building Your Company Culture: The Key To Being Lean And Successful With Angel Sanchez

A lot of companies fail to scale because they think the key to scaling is to be lean. The real key is to develop your company culture. Have a culture where people are excited to go to work and have conversations. Treat your people like family. This is what Phenix Technologies has been doing to great success. They prioritize company culture and personal development above all things. Join Steve Farber as he talks to Angel Sanchez of Phenix Technologies about how he created such an amazing company culture. Angel is the Servant Leader of Phenix Technology, Inc., a public safety equipment manufacturer. His goal is to leave the world a better place. In this episode, learn how to develop your people like a family would. Discover why you need to fix your own ego first before you can fix your team. And find out how to still be a lean business, especially with the great resignation going on. Scale your company correctly today! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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How To Cultivate The Love Of Lifelong Learning With Glen Warren

If we leave out love in the learning piece, how can we expect kids to have a voluntary relationship with lifelong learning? Steve Farber sits with Glen Warren, the Literacies, Outreach, and Libraries Director at Encinitas Union School District. Glen points out how love is not just a sentiment; it’s a discipline. If we focused on love first, we would have already built-in the beautiful support for emotional learning as part of the ecosystem. Emotional learning engages students, helping them develop rigor, relevance, and relationship in education. If you’re passionate about cultivating a love of lifelong education in our students, tune in! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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The Children's Hospital Kids Don't Want To Leave With Caitlin Stella

Caring for your child’s health is a family ordeal and finding the right care and the right help isn’t always easy. Today’s guest is Caitlin Stella, MPH. She is the CEO of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, the pediatric hospital recognized for providing outstanding patient and family-centered care. Caitlin joins Steve Farber to share how they’ve established such a positive reputation among their patients and their families with their service and assistance. This isn’t your typical clinical care. Joe DiMaggio operates with love. Listen to learn more about what they’re doing that makes the children in their care not want to leave. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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The World Of Trammell Crow: A Real Estate Icon's Legacy Of Love In Business With Michael Levy

The real estate industry often gets a bad rep being stereotyped as the industry that only cares about money. That is why when we think about "love" as a value in business, real estate is the last thing many can think of. Our guest for today is about to change that. Steve Farber is joined by the Chief Executive Officer of Crow Holdings, Michael Levy. Founded by the late Trammell Crow, whose main impact was the spirit of partnership, the company became a provider of opportunities for individuals who want to be entrepreneurial and get their start in real estate. In this episode, Michael shares how this business model is very much rooted in love and goodwill and how that extends to this day. He also takes us on his journey to landing the position he is in and what made him resonate with the Crow culture. Follow along to this conversation and find out why love is just damn good business, even in real estate. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Leading With Love At San Bernardino High School With Antoinette Gutierrez, Ed. D

Without inspired teachers, a school can hardly take care of its students. That’s why leading with love is essential. Steve Farber sits with Antoinette Gutierrez, Ed. D, the Principal at San Bernardino High School. Dr. Antoinette explains that teachers tend to teach in areas where they had a past negative experience. That’s why it’s important to love them into acting. It’s crucial to help them prevent their trauma from rubbing against the students. Otherwise, using fear or intimidation only leads to worse situations. Join in the conversation to learn more about the importance of loving leadership. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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The Return To Senselessness With Richard Dreyfuss

Will society ever be able to reach its full potential? Passionate actor turned passionate civics activist Richard Dreyfuss joins us today to share excerpts from his upcoming book, The Return to Senselessness. His book is centered on the significance of history and honoring our roots in preserving our nationalism. He seeks to revive civics education and teach future generations about the power of citizenship and the principles that hold America together. In this episode, he sits with Steve Farber to talk about his mission to encourage and elevate the teaching of civics in American schools. Listen in as Richard looks back on his acting career and discusses how he realized that civics education could revitalize patriotism. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!


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Truly Human Leadership In Business And Beyond With Bob Chapman

If you're a leader of a company in the United States and you see your employees as tools. Tools that you use to earn success for yourself. Then there's a high possibility that your employees wanted you out. Truly human leadership is to not see your employees as a function to success but it's to see them as somebody's precious child. Leadership is such a strong tool that it can be used for the wrong reasons. Learn what it means to be a leader with your host, Steve Farber, and his guest Bob Chapman. Bob is the CEO of Barry-Wehmiller. He was also named the #3 CEOs in the world in an Inc. magazine article. He believes that a people-centric style of leadership is the way to go in today's world. Learn what qualities are needed in true human leadership so that no one gets left behind. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Ageless Passion: Gems Of Wisdom From The Octogenarian Mountain Climber, Werner Berger

Nothing can beat the feeling of doing something and living in the moment. Werner Berger found this happiness by becoming a mountain climber even at his advanced age. Joining Steve Farber, he shares his incredible feats as an octogenarian mountaineer. He talks about his world record as the oldest person who completed the Seven Summits at 71 and celebrating his 80th birthday on the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro. Werner relates these achievements to business leadership, emphasizing the right time to slow down and take everything easy. He also explains how uncomfortable situations will allow you to stretch and adapt, ultimately shaping you as a better leader. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Are You A Soul Sourced Entrepreneur? With Christine Kane

Are you a soul sourced entrepreneur? If you haven’t even heard of that term until now, then you’re one of the lucky ones to learn about it here. In this episode, Steve Farber discusses entrepreneurial concepts in the most unique way with Christine Kane of Uplevel You. Christine is also a professional singer, songwriter and the author of the bestselling book, The Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur. Join in as Christine shares her insights about resets, patterns, identifying our accomplishments in our lives, and how we could train ourselves to self-coach. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Growth In The Days Of COVID: Leadership Lessons From Suntuity's CEO, Dan Javan

Leaders come out stronger after overcoming difficult challenges. Steve Farber’s guest today is Dan Javan, the CEO and President of Suntuity. Dan discusses the leadership lessons he learned during the COVID pandemic, the foremost of which was nailing down virtualization. A good leader ensures their people are all set up, and effective leaders put the right people in the right position. If you want more leadership lessons, then this episode is a must-listen. Tune in and learn how you can become a better leader! Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Happiness Is Easier Than You Think: The Sedona Method And The Art Of Letting Go With Hale Dwoskin

Many of us think happiness and success are hard to achieve. But what if there really is a sure-fire way to happiness? Join Steve Farber as he gets into a conversation with Hale Dwoskin, International speaker, founder of Sedona Training Associates, and a life-long proponent of The Sedona Method. Hale and Steve talk about happiness, what it takes to achieve it, and how the Sedona Method can change your life. Far from what many people think, happiness can be a lot easier to have. All you need is to learn the process of letting go. Find out what that entails and why. If you're looking for the path to happiness, then start here. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Love 'Em Or Lose 'Em With Beverly Kaye

Employee retention can make or break a company. For most managers, getting good people to stay is one of the most difficult parts in their job. Employee engagement expert Beverly Kaye believes that it is a manager’s responsibility to keep employees engaged and learn their concerns to find out why they want to leave. Steve Farber brings Beverly in to take a deep dive onto her book, Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, a book on the subject that was specifically written for managers. Join in and learn more about the art of fostering loyalty among your employees and benefiting from their talents for a longer period of time. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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How To Create The Best Experience For Your Customers And Employees With John Mamon

When you start a business, the first thing that should come to mind is the experience. A great experience shouldn't be for the customers only but for the employees too. It's all about building a team of people who have one purpose in mind and that is to grow your company. Join Steve Farber as he sits down with John Mamon, the CEO of mPowered IT, a firm that focuses on delivering full IT support services for small-time business owners. John believes that customer experience is the key to his success. John is also the author of The Extra Scoop, a wonderful book about the art of great customer service. Learn the core values in order to create a great working environment with the right people, the right culture, and the right experience. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Creating A Business Culture Of Joy With Richard Sheridan

A culture of joy in the workplace can only be achieved with the right level of human connection and positive goal-setting. This is exactly what Menlo Innovations did so that they can bring happiness to every software they design. Steve Farber is joined by the company's CEO and Chief Storyteller, Richard Sheridan, to share how they implemented a joyful workplace culture by having everyone work in pairs. Richard talks about the challenges when their team was forced to work separately because of COVID-19's virtual setup. He also shares the inspiring story of a 180-year old life insurance company to prove that the culture of joy is not only reserved for small or medium-sized businesses. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube


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Consciousness, Love, And Leadership With Dr. Tony Nader

What does consciousness have to do with leadership, or where can consciousness contribute to leadership? Is consciousness the same as mindfulness? Dr. Tony Nader, a physician, scholar, and thought leader devoted to the expansion of consciousness, says there's much more to it than simply its binary definition of on or off. Dr. Nader is the definitive authority on the Transcendental Meditation technique. He worked closely with TM Founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the science of consciousness. Catch him in this episode as he joins Steve Farber in a deep conversation about consciousness, love, and leadership, touching on the difference between consciousness and mindfulness, servant leadership, and the resurgence of Transcendental Meditation in popular culture. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Love Is Just Damn Good Business community today: stevefarber.comSteve Farber LinkedInSteve Farber InstagramSteve Farber TwitterSteve Farber FacebookLove Is Just Damn Good Business YouTube
