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Business & Economics Podcasts

The MILMO Show is all about military money and entrepreneurship. It's everything you need to know about making, saving, and investing money wisely. Lacey Langford, AFC, interviews inspiring guests about personal finance, entrepreneurship, investing, life in the military, and more.


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The MILMO Show is all about military money and entrepreneurship. It's everything you need to know about making, saving, and investing money wisely. Lacey Langford, AFC, interviews inspiring guests about personal finance, entrepreneurship, investing, life in the military, and more.





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How to Be Smarter in Any Situation

The world is packed full of information. With the Internet and a cell phone, we have all the knowledge in the world in the palm of our hand. No matter the situation, if you need information, it’s there. But how do you distinguish between key information you need to make decisions and unnecessary noise? In this episode, Bob Hayward, retired Vice Admiral and former Navy SEAL, discusses how you can enhance your decision-making process in any situation with ”good gouge,” especially financial and career decisions. We cover: Show notes: How to Be Smarter in Any Situation


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Back to the Basics: Investing Fundamentals

You’ve heard me and every other financial person say it before: Spend less than you make and save. It’s a fundamental of personal finance, but then what? Once you've done the savings part, what are your next steps with the money? Today’s the fifth and final episode of my "Back to Basics" series about being brilliant at finance's basics or core principles. So far, I’ve covered the Thrift Savings Plan, cash flow, saving smarter, and insurance. Today, I’m diving into a topic that can make or break your financial future: investing fundamentals. Investing wisely is a centerpiece for building wealth and reaching financial goals. In this episode, I’ll cover: Show notes:


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Back to the Basics: Insurance Basics

Today’s the fourth episode of my "Back to Basics" series about being brilliant at the basics or core principles of finance. So far, I’ve covered the Thrift Savings Plan, cash flow, and saving smarter, and today, I’m going over another important topic that is often misunderstood: insurance. Understanding insurance is essential for managing risk and protecting your financial gains and well-being, but it can also help you recover if there’s an unexpected life event like an accident or illness. In this episode, I’m going over:


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Back to the Basics: Save Money Smarter

Today’s the third episode of my "Back to Basics" series that is about being brilliant at the basics or core principles of finance. Last time, I covered cash flow management. Before that the Thrift Savings Plan and today, I’m going over a critical topic: saving your money. People say, “Money can’t buy you happiness.” That one is crazy because renting a yacht for two weeks to eat, drink and be merry with the people I love would bring me absolute joy. There are a lot of sayings, but what they all come down to is that life is hard when you need money and don’t have it. It can be for simple things like needing a new suit for an interview, money to fly home to family for the holidays, a safe home, food, or medical treatments. Having money saved up gives you the freedom and peace to solve your needs, wants and problems quickly. Saving money is also key to achieving financial stability, reaching your goals, and reducing stress. In this episode, I’m going over:


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Back to the Basics: Managing Cash Flow

A firm grasp of your current money situation is foundational to your peace of mind and financial success. One of the best ways to take control of your finances is with a cash flow statement. Today is the second episode of my "Back to the Basics" series, which is all about being brilliant at the basics or core principles of finance. Last time, I covered the basics of the Thrift Savings Plan, and today, I’m going to talk about something equally important: cash flow management. Understanding and managing your cash flow is a fundamental skill that will help you avoid debt, plan for emergencies, achieve financial goals, and reduce stress. You may have heard the term "cash flow" thrown around before, but what does it really mean? And how is it different from budgeting? If you're confused or just want to strengthen your financial foundation, this one’s for you. In this episode, I’m covering: The show notes can be found here:


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Thrift Savings Plan Basics for Service Members

There will always be a new trend everyone is talking about. Money included. Go anywhere on social media, Instagram, or TikTok, and there is a money trend. All that noise can make it easy to get caught up in trying to keep up instead of being focused on what is core to your financial success. Instead of jumping on a bandwagon that can crash and burn, we should focus on the basics. Or, more importantly, getting brilliant at the basics so when a trend comes along, we’ll have a firm foundation and know if that trend is going to help us build wealth and reach our goals. That’s why I’m doing a back-to-basics series on the MILMO Show. I’m going to do different shows on topics we should all have a basic understanding of, like budgeting, the SGLI, insurance, and more. I have no idea how many shows yet, but I’m going to kick it off with the Thrift Savings Plan and take it from there. Right now, you’re saving money for two people: yourself and your 80-year-old self. That means your money needs to be working double duty. Lucky for service members, there’s a tool you can use to help your money work overtime. It’s called the Thrift Savings Plan, better known as the TSP. In this episode, I’m breaking down the basics you should know about the Thrift Savings Plan, like making smart investment choices, managing it while you’re in, and what to do with your TSP when you get out. Whether you're new to the military, just starting to give your TSP a little love, or just looking for a refresher, this episode’s for you. The show notes can be found here:


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Earning a Living as a Writer

Many people dream of becoming writers one day. The possibility of making money selling books filled with their creative writing, stories, or solutions is exciting. However, many don’t know what it takes to get their books traditionally or self-published or how much money they can make as writers. In this episode, long-time MILMO Show listener Randy Surles gives us a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to write, edit, and publish a book that will have commercial success, whether traditionally or self-published. SGM Randall Surles (Ret.) served for nearly 32 years in the Army as an infantryman in the 75th Ranger Regiment, where he parachuted into Panama during Operation Just Cause. He then served over 20 years as a Green Beret in various positions, specializing in medicine, weapons, tactics, and intelligence. While still serving on active duty, Randy completed his BA in U.S. History from Campbell University and his MFA in Creative Writing from The University of Texas at El Paso. After retiring, Randall Surles trained under editor Shawn Coyne to become one of a handful of Story Grid Certified Editors. He currently works as a Podcaster, Developmental Editor, Book Coach, Ghost Writer, and Author. He specializes in editing military fiction and non-fiction books, but also enjoys editing/ writing Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Thrillers. The show notes can be found here:


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Marketing Your Brand and Business

Build it and they will come is wishful thinking in business. Having a product or service that is needed or wanted by people is only half of the battle. How will they buy your service or product if they don’t even know you exist? That’s where marketing comes in. In this episode, Matt Halloran shares advice and tips for proudly spreading the word about your business, why you should market your business and mistakes to avoid. Matt is a co-founder and chief relationship officer at ProudMouth, the world’s leading influence accelerator for financial advisors. An in-demand speaker, Matt has appeared on over 1,000 podcasts and is the host of ProudMouth’s Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, where he and industry leaders empower advisors to become trusted recognized authorities. Matt is the author of The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors, the first social media book for financial services. His upcoming book, “Shut the F Up and Listen,” is set to be released this summer. The show notes can be found here:


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Are You Repaying the Debt to the Fallen

It’s Memorial Day, a solemn day to remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving. Our community knows well that this isn’t a day to celebrate those serving or who have served in the military. Unfortunately, many people mistake Memorial Day as another Veteran’s Day. No. Today is a sacred day to honor those who not only laid down their lives to preserve our freedoms, liberties, and way of life but, in many cases, gave their life to protect those serving beside them. Their sacrifice is a debt we will never be able to repay, but “we, the people,” should still try. In this episode, I’m going to talk about the significance of Memorial Day and ways we can attempt to repay the debt together. The show notes can be found here:


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Strategies for Business Growth and Strategic Exits

A lot of blood, sweat, and tears go into building a business. As a founder, you’ll wear many hats to get things done. It can be challenging to find time and energy to be strategic about growing or innovating in your business. In this episode, Gary Kusin shares his decades of wisdom on successfully scaling businesses, managing pivotal moments with teams, building a valuable brand that could be acquired, and evaluating growth opportunities. Gary is a mentor, investor, entrepreneur, business advisor, and author of Always Learning: Lessons on Leveling Up from GameStop to Laura Mercier and Beyond. He is the co-founder of GameStop, and Laura Mercier Cosmetics, both of which are well-known global brands. Today, he advises an array of public and private companies, large and small, on strategy, management and growth issues. In addition, Kusin continues his full schedule of mentoring and has mentored well over 1000 individuals during the course of his career. The show notes can be found here:


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Getting on the Other Side Challenges and Trauma

Life can be difficult sometimes. Challenges and traumas are not something the military community has a monopoly on, but still, many in our community face challenges and traumas that can leave a person feeling shattered and low on hope, which can start a cycle of poor decision-making, including financial mistakes. In this episode, Jeremy Stalnecker covers the common ways PTSD manifests, the challenges of military and post-military life, coping with isolating and hopeless situations, and advice for overcoming trauma. Jeremy also addresses how PTSD can impact decision-making, how spouses can navigate supporting a partner with PTSD, and what he wishes more people understood about this invisible wound. Jeremy, Co-Founder of the Mighty Oaks Foundation, aids America’s military and families battling combat-related wounds like PTSD. A Marine Corps veteran, he served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, acquiring leadership skills. As a USMC Infantry Officer, Jeremy received a Veteran Navy Commendation Medal with “V” for Combat Valor. Transitioning to ministry after the military, he counseled at Coastline Baptist, then served as Senior Pastor at Bay Area Baptist Church. Feeling the calling, Jeremy merged his ministry and military background, leading Mighty Oaks Foundation full-time where today he focuses on veterans and helping them adjust back to civilian life and deal with PTSD from a biblical perspective. Additionally, Jeremy is often a speaker on the topic of leadership and discipleship. The show notes can be found here:


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The Basics of Backdoor Roth IRAs

People talk about Backdoor IRAs and getting one done, but do you know what they are, who they’re best for, and how to get it done the right way? In this episode, Brian O’Neill shares the fundamentals of Backdoor Roth IRAs, including how they work, who is eligible, and the steps to set one up. Brian also covers the upsides and potential drawbacks of this approach, and how it fits into a broader retirement savings plan. Brian is a Certified Financial Planner, a Military Qualified Financial Professional and an Enrolled Agent. He’s the founder of Winged Wealth Management and Financial Planning LLC, a fee-only fiduciary Registered Investment Advisor firm focusing on the military aviator community. Brian served 23 years in the Air Force, commanding at the squadron and group levels, and flying both the F-16 and F-35. He launched his firm in 2021 and is an expert in focusing on a small niche to grow a practice rapidly. The show notes can be found here:


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Owning Your Financial Literacy

Financial education and knowledge are important parts of financial success and reaching goals. Often, though, people aren’t taught or raised in an environment to learn about money in a way that builds confidence and helps you avoid financial mistakes. In this episode, Andi Wrenn shares insights on the importance of financial literacy, how to assess your own level of knowledge, and actionable steps you can take to take ownership of improving your financial know how. Andi is an Accredited Financial Counselor® and a Military Qualified Financial Professional® with a passion for helping people make sound financial decisions for more than two decades. She has a bachelor's degree in math and education, a master’s in counseling, and is a mediation professional for North Carolina. The show notes can be found here:


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Entrepreneurship and Lessons Learned as a Military Spouse

It’s no secret that frequent moves impede the earning ability of many military spouses. This often leads spouses to the world of entrepreneurship, but often, people aren’t prepared for the challenges that come with being a business owner—yours truly included. In this episode, military spouse Laura Early shares her journey of starting a business, her agency's support to the military spouse entrepreneur community, the lessons she's learned building a successful business, and her advice for other military spouses looking to start their own businesses. Laura is the Chief Experience Officer and Founder of WISE Advise + Assist Team, a virtual assisting agency powered by military and veteran spouses. In her role at WISE, Laura helps business owners develop strategic and cultural priorities to grow their businesses and increase profit. Laura combines her background in project management and behavioral health to ensure all services, products, and initiatives are mission-driven and reinforce organizational culture. Laura is a proud Army spouse who currently resides in North Carolina. The show notes can be found here:


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Investing in Your Body's Wealth

Spending less than you make and saving money is part of building wealth. It’s wealth for your future self. Building wealth takes commitment and sacrifice to have a good quality of life in the future. But will you be around to see it or have the physical capability to enjoy it? In this episode, David Frost will discuss the importance of maintaining muscular strength as we age, explaining why he considers it the "cornerstone of a healthy physical bank account." He'll share practical tips for achieving and sustaining peak physical fitness and the concept of "down aging"—looking and feeling years younger than your chronological age. The show notes can be found here:


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Bookkeeping for Small Business Owners

Being a small business often means you wear many different hats, including bookkeeper. Whether you're a numbers person or not, proper bookkeeping is crucial for making informed business decisions, filing taxes accurately, and, if you need it, securing financing down the road. In this episode, Alise Jackson breaks down the importance of good bookkeeping, best practices, and common mistakes to avoid. From organizing your receipts to choosing the right bookkeeper, we discuss everything you need to know to get your business finances in shape. The show notes can be found here:


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An Early Harvest for Money

We've had a record-warm winter this year, and now that it's spring, things are really starting to bloom—including our beloved money trees. But while the lack of frigid temperatures has been nice, these dryer conditions may come at a price—an early harvest. In this episode, I’ll discuss how a warmer winter could impact money tree yields and the ramifications for the economy and our budgets, as well as what we can all do to help the situation. The show notes can be found here:


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Military Financial Perks and Travel Benefits

One of the major perks of serving in the military is the opportunity to travel and experience different parts of the world. However, deployments and assignments often determine the destinations rather than personal travel bucket lists. But that doesn't mean you can't explore the places you've always dreamed of visiting, and even better, you can do so while saving money thanks to the many financial and travel benefits that come with military service. In this episode, Chelsey Thomas, a military spouse and founder of Camouflage Perks, shares valuable insights on maximizing travel benefits and perks for military families. With a wealth of firsthand experience, Chelsey has used points and other military travel programs to visit seven countries and countless states across the U.S. Chelsey walks us through the lesser-known financial perks and travel benefits available to active-duty service members, veterans, and their families. From discounted lodging and airfare to free cruise opportunities, she'll reveal strategies for making the most of your hard-earned military benefits while exploring the world. The show notes can be found here:


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The Skinny on MilMoneyCon24

MilMoneyCon is my true passion project - a calling to bring financial professionals together to solve problems, support each other, and uplift our community. I feel that when we unite, we create a stronger financial force, leading to a more resilient military and veteran force. In this episode, I'm excited to give you a sneak peek into MilMoneyCon this year. I'll cover Denver, our host city, the hotel, special events, and what you can expect to get out of the conference. The show notes can be found here:


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Networking: Why You Need It and How to Do It

Networking can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. Whether it's finding a trusted babysitter or landing your dream job, connecting with the right people can be a game-changer. As I gear up for MilMoneyCon, I've been reflecting on the power of networking and what it means to different folks. At its core, networking is about making connections that help fulfill needs and goals. It's a crucial part of careers, businesses, and life in general. In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on networking - why you need it, how to do it effectively, and my own personal strategies for making those invaluable connections. Whether you're a networking pro or just getting started, this one's for you. The notes from this episode can be found here:
