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Money Talks! with Lynn Kitchen

Business & Economics Podcasts

Lynn Kitchen has been “tapped on the shoulder” to bring forth her background of 34 years as an executive financial advisor to help women gain more financial freedom NOW! My focus is on Financial Independence, Money Empowerment, and the Future Success of more women. That includes funding your dreams and maximizing your potential. I want to be your guide and ensure you are equipped with everything you need to succeed. Money Matters! Money Talks


United States


Lynn Kitchen has been “tapped on the shoulder” to bring forth her background of 34 years as an executive financial advisor to help women gain more financial freedom NOW! My focus is on Financial Independence, Money Empowerment, and the Future Success of more women. That includes funding your dreams and maximizing your potential. I want to be your guide and ensure you are equipped with everything you need to succeed. Money Matters! Money Talks



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Money Talks Ep 126 – Empowering Your Authentic Leadership Through Energy Alignment, with Tammy Cho

EP 126, Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen Welcome to this thoughtful episode of the Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen podcast featuring Tammy Cho. In the ever-evolving corporate leadership and entrepreneurship landscape, the quest for success transcends traditional methodologies and embraces a more authentic, energetically aligned approach. The journey of self-discovery and transformation is about achieving external milestones and tapping into one's inner power and potential. We delve into the world of authentic, energetic leadership and how it offers an empowering shift from conventional leadership approaches. This leadership style emphasizes self-awareness, integrity, and emotional intelligence. Tammy explains how leaders can facilitate a productive and nurturing work environment by connecting deeply with their inner selves, creating organizational success and enhancing individual performance. Take this profound journey into body analysis as Tammy Cho shares with Lynn the significance of understanding the link between our physical manifestations and inner psychological states. Discover how this tool has the potential to unlock the mystery of subconscious blocks, revealing our character, emotional history, and possible future challenges. By embracing energy alignment, authentic leadership and body analysis, you can transform your personal and professional life and overcome obstacles with ease and grace. Discovering Authentic Energetic Leadership “Authentic energetic leadership” represents a paradigm shift from conventional leadership styles. This approach highlights the importance of self-awareness, integrity, and emotional intelligence. By connecting deeply with their inner selves, leaders can harness their true potential, promoting a work environment that is both productive and nurturing. This model not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the organization's collective success. Authentic leaders understand that their energy influences their thoughts, emotions, and actions. They prioritize mental, emotional, and physical well-being to maintain high levels of energy and resilience. Moreover, leaders inspire trust and loyalty among their team members by being authentic and fostering a culture of openness, innovation, and collaboration. The connection between the body and the mind is profound and often underexploited when pursuing personal and professional development. *Body analysis* is a tool that examines this intricate relationship, offering insights into how physical manifestations can reflect inner psychological states. By understanding our bodies' signals—whether through pain, tension, or other symptoms—we can identify and address the root causes of various issues. Embracing Energy Alignment for Transformation Read More: The link to book a deep dive discovery call is Here is the Lead Your Authenticity: Face Analysis Video Series link: Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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127 Strategic Tips for the Second Half Revealed in Mid-Year 2024 Review

As we reach the mid-year mark, it's crucial to recognize the exceptional financial events that have unfolded in the first six months of 2024. This period has witnessed a record-breaking performance across various asset classes, setting the stage for a unique opportunity for reflection and planning in this Money Talks Podcast. The major stock indices have not just recorded impressive gains, but they've done so at an accelerated pace. The Standard & Poor's 500 has surged nearly 15%, the Nasdaq has climbed an astounding 18%, and the Russell 2000, representing smaller companies, has seen a tremendous increase of 22%. These figures, typically anticipated over a year, have materialized in just six months, highlighting the rapid pace of growth. Beyond equities, commodity prices have also experienced significant upticks. Gold prices rose by 13%, and silver matched the Russell 2000's impressive 22% gain. Oil prices have remained firm, contributing to the broader upward trend in commodities. Interestingly, the currency market has seen the United States dollar appreciate by 14% compared to other major currencies. Meanwhile, treasury bonds have maintained high yields, offering about 5% for one or two-year maturities. However, the real estate index has seen a decline of 5.3%, presenting a contrasting picture amidst the overall market buoyancy. Given these market dynamics, it's not just crucial, but empowering to assess how your investment portfolio has fared. Understanding the intricacies of what you're invested in, and keeping a pulse on each asset class within your portfolio, is key to making informed decisions moving forward. Investment Comprehension Understanding the dynamics of each asset class can provide insights into overall performance. For instance, while equities have generally surged, differing growth rates among large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks suggest varied risk-return profiles. Similarly, commodities like gold and silver tend to perform well in inflationary periods or economic uncertainty. Recognizing such patterns enables you to rebalance your portfolio, enhancing your wealth-building strategies. The unprecedented market growth during the year's first half can be attributed to several key factors. Let’s explore three primary reasons behind this robust performance. Anticipation of Lower Interest Rates: One of the main drivers has been the anticipation of lower interest rates. Market sentiment has been buoyed by expectations of rate cuts, which typically lower the cost of borrowing and stimulate economic activity. Periodic announcements hinting at possible interest rate reductions have continually fueled investor optimism. Corporate Solid Earnings: Robust corporate earnings reports are another factor contributing to the market's strength. Many companies have exceeded earnings expectations, bolstering investor confidence and increasing stock prices. This continuous growth in earnings has played a fundamental role in sustaining the market rally. Investor Sentiment: Lastly, positive investor sentiment has kept the momentum going. When investors believe in the market's upward trajectory, their collective actions tend to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The rising tide of optimism has lifted various asset classes, propelling markets to new highs. Read more... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Empowering Children through Financial Education, Money Talks for Women EP 125 Featuring Juanita Enns

Welcome to the “Women Building Wealth from Money Talks for Women “ podcast featuring Juanita Enns. Today's conversation revolves around raising financially competent children. Canadian author and entrepreneur Juanita Enns talks to me about her personal journey and the strategies she used to equip her children with financial knowledge from a young age; she offers precious insights on creating financially savvy kids. In today's dynamic world, where financial literacy is as crucial as academic education, raising smart money children is gaining ground. My discussion with Canadian author and entrepreneur Juanita Enns shines a spotlight on this essential aspect of parenting. Enns provides invaluable insights into how parents can nurture financially savvy individuals from a young age through her journey and the strategies she employed to educate her children about money. She also showcases her unique take on creating channels for children to earn and learn about money, its value, and the underlying responsibilities through their family-run business. The Genesis of Financial Literacy for Children The foundation of financial literacy begins with the family. Drawing from her own life experiences, Juanita Enns illustrates the importance of introducing children to money management through practical means. Operating a business on a remote Canadian island, Enns and her husband created opportunities for their children to earn money by contributing to the family business. This hands-on approach was about earning and learning the value of money, responsibility, and their contributions' impact on the broader business. Children as young as six or seven were given jobs and paid in tangible coins, offering a clear visual and physical connection to their efforts and earnings. This method underscores the significance of starting financial education early, using real-world experiences to cultivate a deep understanding of money management, work ethic, and the concept of value for work done. Enns' 10-50-50 Rule for Money Management One of the innovative approaches to financial literacy highlighted by Enns is the "10-50-50 rule." This simple yet effective rule is a cornerstone for children to manage their earnings effectively. Children learn the importance of balanced financial management by dividing their money into three distinct categories—giving, saving, and spending. The rule encourages children to allocate a portion of their earnings to charitable causes, teaching them empathy and social responsibility. Furthermore, the equal division between savings and spending introduces them to delayed gratification, long-term planning, and the immediate rewards of expenditures. Read More Join us on Facebook Purchase Book on Amazon Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Women Surviving to Thriving after Divorce, EP 124 Money Talks for Women

Women Surviving to Thriving after Divorce, EP 124 Money Talks for Women Welcome to another empowering episode of Money Talks for Women featuring Leah Hadley. Leah & I delve deep into the topic of financial literacy and planning, particularly for women navigating life-changing events like divorce or the loss of a loved one. Gain valuable insights from us on handling the unique challenges women face during emotionally stressful times. Leah is specialized in providing guidance as Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Together we explore the importance of financial planning during significant life changes and how overcoming financial language barriers can ease that journey. In today’s world, financial literacy is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity, especially for women navigating life-changing events such as divorce or the loss of a loved one. Understanding the intricacies of financial planning and management can be the key to empowerment and independence for many women facing such challenges. Leah and I review the essential aspects of financial education and planning for women when guided by experts who specialize in supporting women through transitions and empowering them to take control of their financial futures. The Role of Financial Advisors in Women’s Empowerment The journey towards financial empowerment for women often begins with the guidance of specialized financial advisors dedicated to understanding the unique challenges women face, especially during emotionally stressful times like divorce. Advisors specializing in this field hold certifications such as Certified Divorce Financial Analysts (CDFAs) and Accredited Financial Counselors (AFCs). These credentials signify their expertise in handling the financial intricacies of divorce and their ability to navigate clients through the complex relationship people have with money during times of transition. The work of a CDFA, for example, goes beyond mere financial advice. They are equipped to deal with the short-term and long-term implications of financial decisions made during a divorce, including but not limited to the division of assets and understanding tax implications. This specialized knowledge makes them invaluable in ensuring that women do not just survive their divorces financially but thrive afterwards. Financial planning is often misunderstood as a one-time document or set of recommendations. In reality, it’s a dynamic, ongoing process that involves detailed problem solving, understanding the current financial situation, setting clear goals, and mapping out the most efficient path to reach those goals. For women undergoing significant life changes, this process becomes even more critical. It’s not just about managing assets but about securing a future that aligns with their newly defined needs and aspirations. Read More: Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Understanding Sticky Inflation: EP 122, Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen

Understanding Sticky Inflation: EP 122, Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen Welcome to an exciting installment of the Marker Overview for May 2024 about Sticky inflation. In this episode, I navigate the rough seas of 'sticky inflation' that the investment world has plunged into. Sticky inflation is a term buzzing Wall Street, defining a situation where inflation levels persistently soar without taking a breather. I offer insights into this economic phenomenon, its profound implications for your investment portfolios, and uniquely tailored strategies to shield and bloom your wealth amidst these stormy times. I shed light on the implications of sticky inflation on the Federal Reserve's interest rates policy, how various asset classes react to it, and how diversification can give your portfolio a robust hilt against significant volatility. Remember, knowledge is power; I aim to keep you updated with the current economic indicators central to your investment plan. I advocate staying informed and engaged, as it empowers a larger audience to create wealth opportunities that resonate with their personal goals—especially women, underlining the need for financial education to achieve success and empowerment within this complex economic landscape. The persistence of sticky inflation has profound implications for investment portfolios. For one, it influences the Federal Reserve's decisions on interest rates, which investors closely watch for clues on market direction. Historically, the promise of lowering interest rates has been met with a positive reception from the markets, as it typically signals lower borrowing costs and potential economic growth. However, in a sticky inflation scenario, where inflation rates plateau at undesirably high levels—like the current stubborn rate of around 3.6%—the expected economic behaviors and the Federal Reserve's responses might not align with historical precedents. Equities, for instance, may exhibit volatility as markets react to ongoing economic developments and adjustments in monetary policy. Similarly, the real estate market, already showing signs of weakness, could be further affected as high inflation persists, impacting mortgage rates, buying power and investment attractiveness. Navigating Investment Strategies Amid Sticky Inflation In these challenges, empowering yourself with knowledge and strategic planning becomes paramount. Diversification, a cornerstone of sound investment practice, takes on new importance in a sticky inflation environment. By spreading investments across multiple asset classes, including those traditionally seen as hedges against inflation (such as precious metals or real estate investment trusts (REITs)), you can protect your portfolio from significant volatility. Moreover, I can inform you about economic indicators and central bank policies that will allow you to adjust your investment strategy promptly. This involves keeping a pulse on employment trends, GDP growth data, and inflation forecasts, which collectively offer insights into the economy's direction and the potential impact on various investment vehicles. The Unchanged Interest Rates: A Double-Edged Sword Read More Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Insights on the Market Momentum. Money Talks for Women EP 120

In this episode, I dissect the driving factors behind the bull market trend for April 2024, including advances in AI technology, favorable monetary policies, and robust corporate earnings. I share insights on how positive investor sentiment and anticipation of favorable interest rate movements are contributing to a continued bull market. I also guide investors on identifying and capitalizing on 'blue sky' opportunities and the strategic concept of sector rotation. In addition, I give you a snapshot of potential market turbulence, discussing four significant risk factors: Market Valuations, Interest Rate Adjustments, Geopolitical Unrest, and Economic Slowdown. This podcast provides a comprehensive look at both the promising and cautious aspects of the April 2024 investment landscape, enjoining investors to stay informed, proactive, and continuously learning. Empowered investment decision-making can unlock the door to financial freedom and open up opportunities for achieving dreams that seem out of reach. Understanding how to navigate the investment landscape is the first step toward taking control of one's financial destiny. Recognizing the power of informed decisions is essential to creating sustainable wealth. Wealth Builders Express: A Fast Track to Financial Mastery Joining a community of like-minded individuals focused on wealth building can be a transformative experience. Such groups, like the Wealth Builders Express, offer support, education, and the collective wisdom of peers who are equally committed to making sound investment decisions in various economic environments. Women, in particular, can benefit from these communities, as they offer a platform for collaboration and shared learning. Being part of a “network” focused on wealth creation opens up the possibility of collective mentorship and peer to peer learning, helping individuals understand complex investment concepts and fostering an environment where strategic financial decisions are encouraged. This collaboration empowers members with the confidence and skill to execute investment strategies that align with their personal wealth goals. The Reasons for a Bull Market: AI, Fed Support, and Strong Earnings The surging momentum of the bull market, as stated for the April 2024 trends, rests on several pillars of strength: advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), supportive monetary policies from the Federal Reserve, and robust corporate earnings. The first quarter of 2024 has already seen an impressive 11% surge in market indexes attributed in part to these influential factors. “AI technology” has catalyzed the financial markets, leading to a 25% increase that sets a robust backdrop for investors. “Monetary policy” is another critical factor, with anticipated interest rate cuts projected to continue supporting the upward trajectory of the bull market. “Corporate earnings” further bolster the market's ascendance, suggesting resilience and a potential continuity of positive trends. Read More... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Understanding Current Market Dynamics, Money Talks for Women Ep 119

Welcome to the March 2024 Marketplace podcast. In this episode I delve into the promising and dynamic world of investment. I review the stimulating current market dynamics, shedding light on the strengths of a variety of markets, including those of stock, bond, gold, Bitcoin, and AI. This is a journey to probe whether the current uptick is merely a fleeting moment of euphoria or a sustainable trend set to define the future portfolios. In one of the most interesting segments, I also examine the remarkable rise in the Standard & Poor’s 500 index. This rise epitomizes a forward-looking investor sentiment, where the anticipation of positive future events feeds into current stock valuations. Listen as I explore the factors driving this upward movement and the potential impact of anticipated favorable developments, such as potential reductions in interest rates by the Federal Reserve. The investment landscape is buzzing with activity and optimism as various markets, including the stock, bond, gold, Bitcoin, and AI markets, are demonstrating considerable strength. This uptrend has intrigued many, prompting discussions to understand the forces propelling these markets to new heights. With such a dynamic scenario, investors are keen to identify whether this is a fleeting moment of euphoria or a sustainable trend that could redefine portfolios. The Importance of Financial Education Read Post: In an economy laden with complexities, financial literacy becomes an indispensable tool. A well-informed investor is the superhero of their own financial narrative, capable of discerning between fleeting trends and substantial opportunities. Educational platforms dedicated to expanding the knowledge of investors are on the rise, giving rise to communities like the Wealth Builders Express, where, particularly, women are empowered to take charge of their personal finance journey. The insight gained from decades of investment experience which I share within the WBE is invaluable; understanding market dynamics, asset classes, and economic indicators can significantly impact decision-making. As such, fostering a culture of continuous education is pivotal in equipping investors to navigate the ever-evolving investment landscape. Joining forces with like-minded individuals to explore financial markets can prove to be both empowering and enlightening. Initiatives like the Wealth Builders Express not only provide a safe space for inquiry and learning but also foster a community-driven approach to wealth building. Emphasizing joint learning and dialogue, women can grow their financial acumen and, subsequently, their potential for wealth accumulation. The journey of financial education is an ongoing process, ever more critical in today's fast-paced investment environment. Remaining engaged with the latest trends, insights, and strategies within the investment community can enhance both personal growth and financial prosperity. As the investment train rolls on, it is clear that the ticket to a more secure financial future for women is an investment in knowledge and education. Join Me! WBE: Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Wealth Builders Express Open House for 3-6-2024 Ep 118

Read... Snippets Unlocking Financial Success: How to Unlock Financial Success Wealth Builders Express Open House Embark on a journey of financial enlightenment with the Wealth Builder Express Open House. This is more than just a podcast; it's an educational course driven by a mission of financial empowerment. You'll hear from Lynn Kitchen as she navigates the intricacies of wealth-building and investment strategies. Women, in particular, will feel energized and confident as they uncover their potential in the financial landscape. Financial freedom is not a distant dream but a reachable goal, and the Wealth Builders Express aims to guide you towards your financial ambitions. Hop on board, start your journey, and immerse yourself in an unforgettable financial learning experience. March Forth To Personal Wealth March 4th symbolizes a day of collective progression—a day to "march forth" together towards financial empowerment. It marks an occasion to embody the spirit of action and begin the journey of taking full control of one's financial future. This day emphasizes the aspiration to live boldly and independently, invest wisely, and embrace the life one wishes to lead. It's never too late to make significant progress in your financial well-being. It's a matter of starting where you are and understanding that past decisions do not dictate the possibilities of your financial future. March 4th offers a powerful metaphor: it's the day to make a firm decision to move forward—toward a new life that controls every future decision. The Wealth Builders Express: A New Financial Frontier The Wealth Builders Express concept is born from the realization that every woman deserves the chance to learn about wealth creation in a supportive and inspiring environment. This program is positioned as a luxury journey—think Orient Express for the financial world—presenting education as an experience filled with rich knowledge and pleasant encounters. Under expert guidance, the Wealth Builders Express offers women a chance to reinvent their financial strategies. Individuals can gain new perspectives on investment tailored to their values and focused on making informed decisions. Much like any great adventure with knowledgeable guides, this journey promises to be enlightening and transformative. The program aims to cater to different levels of financial experience, from those who are just starting to invest to the more advanced investors who seek alignment between their portfolios and personal values. The Wealth Builders Express is an expressway to financial clarity, confidence, and control over one's financial destiny—a journey toward financial literacy and independent decision-making. Embrace the Opportunity, Say Yes to the Possibility The willingness to learn and control your financial future is a powerful first step. It is an act of affirmation—an acknowledgment that the possibilities of financial dreams are within reach. An atmosphere of learning, enjoyment, community support, and expert guidance sets the stage for a transformative experience that benefits your financial understanding and life. Cont... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Breaking Barriers: Women Leading the Way in Empowerment, Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen Ep 117

Breaking Barriers: A Conversation with a Woman Leading the Way in Empowerment, Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen Ep 117 Attention, fellow podcast enthusiasts! Have I got a treat for you! On this latest episode of the podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with the remarkable Miriam Ward, a true inspiration in the world of leadership and empowerment. A woman of dynamism, we explore her journey from law to culinary arts, and then the artistic world, encapsulating the essence of our conversation - passion, excellence and self-expression. From the moment we began, you could feel the synergy between us, both navigating the challenging paths of male-dominated fields. Miriam's career as an attorney is nothing short of impressive. During our conversation, Miriam shared her experiences of being one of the few women in her law class and the trials she faced in a predominantly male working environment. Her unwavering belief in excellence in all aspects of life struck a chord with me. And when she opened up about her venture into the culinary arts as a chef, it was clear that following your passion and bringing the best of yourself to all arenas of life is paramount. But Miriam's talents don't stop there. She gracefully transitioned into the world of artistry, captivating us with her creative endeavors. Her commitment to empowering others and illuminating the beauty within each individual shines through in her work. Miriam's vision for her upcoming exhibit, Masquerade, explores the masks we wear and the importance of inner awareness and connection. I, for one, cannot wait to witness her genius firsthand. But wait, there's more! Miriam and I also delved into the often-taboo subject of money. She recognized the need for financial empowerment, particularly for women, and how understanding and managing our financial well-being is vital for personal and business growth. That is how we began working together. We explored the dangers of relying on others for financial decisions and the importance of trusting oneself, making informed choices, and seeking mentorship along the way. "I used to depend on my ex-husband and other people, but many of them ended up losing us money. It made me realize that I needed to start taking care of myself." Miriam Ward Watch and listen as we celebrate the fortitude and tenacity of women, inspiring listeners to tap into their unique potential. Combining Miriam’s insights as an Ace Money Manager, this episode will leave you motivated. We celebrate the strength and resilience of women, urging each listener to step into their power and utilize their unique qualities. Miriam's wisdom as an empowered Ace Money Manager will leave you feeling inspired and ready to conquer the world. Don’t miss this incredible conversation between Miriam Ward and me. Do not forget; that we all are potential Ace Money Managers with the right knowledge. Let’s start this journey towards financial freedom and self-reliance together. I am committed to shedding light on our finances and igniting the spark of empowered financial freedom. Trust me, you won't want to miss a moment of it. Tune in to our podcast now and be captivated by Miriam Ward's wisdom and vision. And mark your calendars because my upcoming workshop is just around the corner. I can't wait to see you there. Be brave, be your own money manager. Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Self-Discovery and Financial Independence with Lynn Kitchen and Beth McGill season 2 episode 116

The Joyful Journey of Self-Discovery and Financial Independence with Lynn Kitchen and Beth McGill season 2 episode 116 Read more: Are you ready to embark on a journey of manifestation, financial independence, and self-discovery? In this captivating episode, Beth McGill, a passionate advocate of manifesting, set her intentions and introduced me as someone she manifested into her life. Together, we explore the profound connection between manifestation and finding joy within ourselves. My journey of personal growth and rediscovery is intended to inspire you to tap into the power of your imagination and embrace change. We also dive into finance, empowering women to take control of their financial independence. My financial clinic provides a safe space for women to ask questions, gain knowledge, and make confident investment decisions. Join us on this transformative episode and unlock your potential for manifestation and financial success. Get ready to manifest your dreams and live life to the fullest. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation - listen Here! The episode takes you further into an impactful discussion on creating joy in all aspects of life, be it finance, establishing a career, or fostering relationships. Beth and I explore the importance of setting intentions and channeling positive energy. We offer insights on how one should focus on creating and embracing joy rather than competing and conforming. As the episode evolves into the world of finance, I become the guide to navigate these tricky waters. My emphasis on empowering women toward financial independence offers a refreshing perspective that often goes unmentioned. I draw from my personal success to spur my clients into action. I describe my path to becoming a key player in the financial world to inspire other women to break free from societal constructs and embrace financial success. Among the episode's defining moments is the introduction of the financial clinic - a haven created to quench the thirst of those eager to explore financial management. This clinic fosters a safe, nonjudgmental environment where women can fearlessly ask questions, seek advice, and gradually become confident investors. Weaving together strands of spirituality, manifestation, and financial independence, this episode serves more than entertainment. It's a tapestry of knowledge, gripping personal experiences, and engaging discussions designed to inspire and inform you. You're not just listening to a podcast episode; you're signing up for a transformation journey that might be the stepping stone to your greater awakening. So, join us on this voyage of self-discovery and manifestation. Tune in, watch, or listen, and let yourself be inspired by the compelling and passionate dialogue that awaits you. Let's bring your dreams into reality and embark on your journey to becoming a powerful manifester and confident Investor. Listen now because who knows? This might inspire you to set yourself on the path of your dreams. Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Mars Venus Gender Intelligence Approach to Money. Season 2 Episode 114 Money Talks for Women

Read the post article for more... Welcome to Money Talks for Women. I'm Lynn Kitchen, and today I am thrilled to have a special edition—an interview with Rich Bernstein, CEO of Mars Venus Coaching International. Rich will share some of the technology taught by John Gray in "Men Are from Mars and Women Are from Venus." Today we will focus on how men and women differ, how that affects finances and investing, and how they interact in their relationship with money. Richard Bernstein Bio Rich is a gender-intelligence expert, trainer, and coach with a wealth of other experience spanning over 25 years. He has owned and managed companies in varied industries, both private as well as publicly traded. Rich has been active in the coaching industry since 2003 and has functioned as a support manager and a global sales director internationally. His background in sales, support, marketing, and business management makes Rich uniquely qualified to help licensees and business owners learn essential strategies for business success. Rich has a full complement of skills and experience in marketing, sales processes, financial models, time management techniques, and team building. Rich Quote At Mars Venus, we refer to the understanding the gender differences as Gender Intelligence. When you understand the differences, you can improve all your relationships. Men and Women’s brains are wired differently, which causes many problems in relationships because men have very different types of relationships based on how their brain is wired. And women have different relationships, even intimate relationships. You can take that exact critical thinking and apply it to the relationship they have with money. And I'll give you an example. There's a part of the brain called the corpus callosum. It is the connective tissue between the two hemispheres of the brain. Women have 40% more. Now, I don't know if you know anything about the brain, but even tiny differences make a huge difference in behavior, attitude, and relationships. In a woman's brain, both hemispheres are talking to each other constantly. And that means that women can feel and think simultaneously; both hemispheres are connected. Their relationship with money is related to their relationship with their kids. The exact relationship is with their boss, husband, and friends. That is all connected. In a man, they can only be on the left side or the right side of the brain. Only 1 Hemisphere at a time, so Men have a hard time thinking and feeling simultaneously. Lynn Quote Well, when I have been thinking about these differences, and I love that you're saying that the brains are wired differently, even constructed differently, that's something we want to consider very seriously. Most of my clients are women, and I often hear them say they have a great marriage and love their husbands. But the one thing we struggle with as a couple is arguing over money. All of our arguments are about one topic, and that is money. They seem unable to discuss their finances, bills or investing without arguing. Read the post article for more... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Money Talks for Women with Lynn Kitchen. What Would Barbie Do? s2ep113

How Would Barbie Invest Her Movie Money Now? Read post Barbie has always been a role model for girls around the world. Throughout her lifetime, Barbie has excelled at more than 200 professions, from astronaut to firefighter to rapper…. Barbie has shown that girls can dream big and aspire to be whatever they want to be. Along the way, Barbie learned early to become SMART by investing her own money. As a fictional hero, we can speculate that Barbie also became an ACE MONEY MANAGER parlaying her earnings into a lifetime fortune, living her biggest dreams, and being listed in Forbes as the world’s most successful woman investor, ever, in league with Warren Buffet! It wasn’t easy at first. Born in March 1959, Barbie had early successes, however, with such high wardrobe and travel expenses, Barbie had to scrimp and save every extra penny to fill her pink piggy bank. But one day she made an amazing discovery. She found out about “The Magic of Compound Interest” and learned that by saving just $100 every month at 4% interest starting at age 20, she would have over $150,000 by the time she was 65. She began doing just that faithfully. Barbie then decided to use her brand’s success story to maximize her investing success too. Starting with the “Rule of 72”, she learned she could DOUBLE her money every 7 years IF she made “Quality” investments with consistent, persistent growth rates of 10% annually. Understanding Investment Basics This is crucial for anyone looking to invest their money. Before investing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the stock market, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment options. It’s also important to learn how to “pay yourself first” by contributing the maximum allowable amounts into retirement vehicles that grow tax-free, like IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, 401K Plans, or other tax-advantaged accounts. Barbie’s brand success story can provide some insight into investing. Barbie’s parent company, Mattel (MAT) has been selling toys for over 75 years and has had volatile ups and downs. Although Barbie’s success has helped Mattel’s stock rise over the years, the valuation of the company went sideways for nearly 30 years at an adjusted $2 per share until the year 2000 when it reached $45 per share during the “dot-com boom” years. Barbie’s long-term holding strategy paid off! That was a 2250% gain on Barbie’s original investment of Mattel, however, the stock swiftly collapsed back to $5 before swinging back up to $45 in 2015. Currently selling at $20 per share, Barbie has certainly been on a roller coaster ride in Mattel. Although the worldwide blockbuster hit movie should add significant revenues and profits for Mattel (and for Barbie) this “volatility” led to Barbie’s next big discovery! Importance of Diversification Diversification is an important concept in investing. It involves spreading your money across different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. This helps to reduce the volatility and the risk of losing money if one investment performs poorly. Barbie began to create a diversified portfolio, starting with low-fee index funds, like the Dow 30, the S&P 500, the Nasdaq 100, and others. She... read more Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Attending Lynn Kitchens Money Talks for Women Workshop is Crucial-Season 2 Ep 112

Attending Lynn Kitchens Money Talks for Women Workshop is Crucial; Season 2 Ep 112 Lynn Kitchen Money Talks Podcast Attending Lynn Kitchen's Money Talks for Women Workshop can be a transformative experience for women wanting to control their finances and build a secure financial future. The workshop is designed to give women the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to make informed financial decisions, achieve financial independence, and fund their dreams. Lynn Kitchen is a financial coach, consultant, and leadership expert with over 34 years of experience as an executive financial advisor. She has been "tapped on the shoulder" to share her expertise and help more women gain financial freedom. Her focus is on financial literacy, money empowerment, and the future success of women. The Money Talks for Women Workshop is an extension of her mission to help women maximize their potential and achieve their financial goals. By attending the Money Talks for Women Workshop, women can better understand their finances, learn how to manage their money effectively and develop a plan to achieve their financial goals. They can also connect with other like-minded women and build a supportive community to help them stay on track and succeed in their personal and professional lives. Understanding Lynn Kitchen's Money Talks for Women Workshop Lynn Kitchen's Money Talks for Women Workshop is a comprehensive financial clinic designed specifically for women wanting to control their finances. The workshop is a three-day online event covering various topics, including budgeting, debt management, investing, and retirement planning. The Money Talks for Women Workshop is designed for women of all ages and financial backgrounds. Whether you are just starting your career or are nearing retirement, the workshop provides valuable insights and strategies to help you achieve your financial goals. Overall, Lynn Kitchen's Money Talks for Women Workshop is a valuable resource for women wanting to control their finances and achieve financial independence. With Lynn's expert guidance and practical advice, participants will gain the knowledge and confidence they need to build a secure financial future. The Importance of Financial Literacy Financial literacy is the knowledge and skills required to make informed financial decisions. It is essential to personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. With financial literacy, people may be able to manage their finances effectively, leading to financial stress, debt, and other financial difficulties. Financial literacy is particularly important for women who face unique financial challenges. Women tend to earn less than men, take more time off work to care for children or elderly relatives, and live longer, all of which can affect their financial security. According to a National Financial Educators Council study, women scored lower than men on financial literacy tests, highlighting the need for financial education targeted toward women. Attending Lynn Kitchens Money Talks for Women Workshop can help women improve their financial literacy and gain the knowledge and skills needed to make informed financial decisions. Read More: Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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"What's Debt Got to Do With It?" Season 2 Ep 111 Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen

WHAT'S DEBT GOT TO DO WITH IT? Season 2 Ep. 111 Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen 5 Steps to Deleverage Your Life for 50-year-olds. Deleveraging and eliminating debt is a crucial financial tool to help 50-somethings achieve their long-term financial goals. It is the process of reducing the debt in an individual's finances. Doing so can improve their financial stability, reduce their risk of defaulting on loans, and increase their credit score. Because if that is a problem that worries you, especially if you're in your 50s and getting ready for retirement within a decade. It would be best if you did something now to heal the debt to Deleverage your life so that you can shift your energy into creating and building long-term wealth. Understanding Deleveraging is the first step toward successfully implementing this financial tool. It is essential to know the difference between leverage and deleverage. Leverage is the use of borrowed money to invest in assets that have the potential to generate higher returns than the cost of borrowing. On the other hand, deleveraging reduces debt to decrease the risk of default and improve financial stability. The Importance of Deleveraging in Your 50s cannot be overstated. It is a critical time in an individual's life when they prepare for retirement and need to ensure enough savings to last them a lifetime. By reducing debt and increasing savings, 50-somethings can secure their financial future and enjoy a stress-free retirement. Key Takeaways Understanding Deleveraging/Debt Debt is a problem because it deflates our confidence. It diverts us from our real wealth goals because we're constantly attending to our debt problems. It takes away from our future savings. And it just plain costs us time and money. If this is a problem that you're facing, you're not alone. Look at this; the United States has a record debt load of 31 trillion. But that's not just the United States; it's a global problem; the global debt crisis is up to 300 trillion, and we can hardly even get our minds around that. Let's bring it home. The United States households reached 17 trillion this year, 2023. They say the average debt per household is about $95,000. Now, some of you may have less than that. But I'm here to help you understand this because many of you have more than that. Deleveraging can be accomplished in a number of ways, including: Paying off debt: This involves making extra payments towards outstanding debts, such as credit card balances, loans, and mortgages. By paying off debts faster, individuals can reduce the interest they pay overtime and improve their credit scores. Read more: Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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"The Gender Gap in Financial Success" Season 2 Ep 110 Money Talks with Lynn Kitchen

Newsflash headlines in the media, women have significantly less saved in their 401 K's than men, and what to do about it? Well, are you surprised? Of course not. We know there's a gender gap when it comes to money. We know because we've been experiencing it. But the real question is, what can we do about it? And the answer is plenty, I'm a money mentor and an investment consultant passionate about helping women and couples achieve their dreams of financial security and wealth to have the best life possible. But many women and couples have challenges. They're overwhelmed, or at least they tell me they are overwhelmed by markets; they feel inadequate. They experience so much money anxiety; they even have arguments over money. And ultimately, that doom and gloom feeling that it's just too big and maybe even too late. Well, if you think that way, you are in the right place because that's why I teach financial workshops, and money mentoring programs, bringing my expertise from being a professional money manager for over 34 years, owning and operating not one but two investment advisory firms. Along the way, I have helped countless individuals, couples and families transform their lives by creating lasting real wealth. And everyone has the power to do this when they know how. It's no big surprise to anyone that there is a wealth gap between men and women. It showed up in a recent study published by Bank of America with jarring headlines. Women have significantly saved less in their 401 Ks than men, and what to do about it? Well, of course, that's no big surprise. What is a surprise is just how much less. The study shows that women have saved 50% Less. That's one-half the amount that men have saved. That's big enough to put us on notice, ladies, that we may need to start socking away additional money to prepare for retirement. This Bank of America study was released called the 2023 financial life benefits Impact Report. Bank of America reviewed its retirement plan accounts nationwide. They serve more than 25,000 companies and over 6 million employees. This is a broad-based study. Read and Watch More in our Blog Post I invite you to reserve your seat at my next free online money workshop. It's coming to the end of July. But you do need to register and save your seat now because there will only be room for a certain number of people. It's free to you. It's virtual; it's online; simply sign up, put your reservation in now. Don't forget, you can invite your girlfriends and colleagues, send them the link, and invite them to attend with you because it's much more fun to do this with someone else. Zoom Link to sign up for Free Money Mastery Workshop: Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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"Let’s Talk Money” Season 2 Episode 109 What's Your Problem?

Welcome to Money Talks. My name is Lynn Kitchen. And I’m a money mentor and an investment consultant passionate about helping women and couples achieve their dreams for financial security and wealth so they can live the best and happiest life. Go to read the post. I believe that inside, every woman is an ace money manager; you don’t realize it yet. You don’t believe in yourself yet. Many women feel overwhelmed when it comes to investments. They think it’s too hard. One of my clients said, “I’m drowning in data and information overload, and it makes me so scared, I can’t even move.” If you feel that way, you are in the right place because that’s why I am teaching financial workshops for money mentoring programs, bringing my expertise from being a professional money manager for over 34 years and managing not one but two investment advisory firms along the way. I’ve helped countless individuals, couples, and families transform their lives and create lasting legacies By strategically helping them invest correctly. And everyone has the power to do this when they know how. Today, I’m asking this question, what’s your problem? What’s your problem? What’s the big problem that’s holding you back? Are you feeling dissatisfied with the way that your economic life is going? Well, if you are, you are not alone; I came across a very interesting recent Gallup poll that measures how satisfied or dissatisfied Americans are with how things are going in the United States. And it shows that the United States’ mood of Americans is quite glum. They say that only 18% are feeling satisfied. Well, that means that there is another 82% of us that are feeling totally unsatisfied. Next question: what do you think is the most important problem facing this country today? Here is a chart showing all the Most Important Problems as ranked by a Gallup Poll Survey in May 2023. The first one was chosen as the most important problem facing the United States today was the Government. The second one they claimed was the economy. See Chart The top two Important Problems were most interesting to me. Eight out of Ten people are dissatisfied with their life in the United States. And most of them are pointing to the government and the economy. You’re probably wondering and grappling with new things that bother you, like high-interest rates, higher inflation, and recession. It is enough to make people feel they have no control over the situation. But what if it’s a signal and a sign that you feel like you lack control of your own economy? Gallup poll has been doing surveys since 1979. As professional money managers, these Gallup polls are vital for us because we call them sentiment indicators, which is the sentiment of investors as a whole, and we do pay attention to these. Economic Ratings Steady at Lower Level Americans’ confidence in the U.S. economy also remains depressed, with Gallup’s Economic Confidence Index essentially unchanged at -43 in May after dropping in April. See Chart and more... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Friday Live with Lynn Kitchen "Let's Talk Money" S2 Ep108

In this episode, Friday Live with Lynn Kitchen "Let's Talk Money" S2 Ep108 Is Real Estate a Good Investment For Women Over 50? Real estate is a property that comprises land plus the buildings or other structures that rest on it. This can include homes, apartment buildings, commercial properties, and more. The best investment properties tend to increase in value over time. However, real estate investments don’t always make a profit. It can be challenging and risky to invest in real estate. Read more on buying a home, renting a home, Investing in Real Estate, and more... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Friday Live with Lynn Kitchen "Let's Talk Money" S2 Ep107

In this episode live with Lynn on Fridays "Let's Talk Money" Money Worries: Do You Have Them? I experienced firsthand how much women worry about money during my first career as a professional investment advisor. As part of my “getting to know you” questions, I would often ask new clients what their biggest money fear was. It was always interesting to me that the most common response from women, even those with substantial wealth, was the fear that they would outlive their money. Not having enough money to sustain a long lifespan was the #1 worry. Recently, I found a Gallup Survey from 2000 that corroborated this and I think it applies to 2023. It validates the work I am doing at “Money Talks For Women” to support women to become more money savvy. Women's Most Pressing Concerns The survey asked American women the following question: "Thinking about your own life -- what is the biggest challenge you personally face in your daily life today?"** The results show that women have a wide variety of issues that challenge them as they go about their daily lives, but that several -- particularly economic issues and family concerns -- dominate. Additionally, these concerns vary significantly, particularly by age and life situation. The Top Seven Concerns Are: Perhaps not surprisingly, the family is of greatest concern to women with children, while stress and time management are most likely to be mentioned by women who work outside the home, whether or not they have children. Concerns over one's job and career are generally equally likely to be mentioned by working women whether or not they have children. Health concerns are most important to women who neither work nor have children, primarily because they tend to be older. Chart: Most Pressing Personal Concern by Life Situation More... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Friday Live with Lynn Kitchen "Let's Talk Money" S2 Ep106

Wealth management for women is essential now more than ever. A growing number of women want and need to take charge of their own finances. They want a successful financial journey for a lifetime of wealth, including saving for retirement, putting their family’s finances in order, or helping children manage their financial futures. It is common for women to rely on advisors to help them navigate complex wealth issues, which are critical to ensuring their financial futures are well-protected and secure. Yet women need to understand more about finances so they can be less dependent on “experts” and more empowered to think critically. Historically, there still exist many barriers for women to build and maintain real wealth. Pay differences, career breaks, and a need to work flexibly for childcare can all inhibit their ability to accumulate or preserve assets. Bias in the workplace and lack of advancement opportunities are impediments. Women also tend to have different needs and priorities when it comes to wealth management and require a different type of service than men. For instance, they often need to define specific objectives and then design an investment portfolio that helps them achieve those goals. The key to success is educating women about the importance of wealth management and investing so they can make informed decisions that align with their unique circumstances and needs. The best way to start is finding a Money Mentor who not only understands financial planning and wealth management but specifically as it applies to women. Investing is integral to building wealth, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the available options. By defining your goals and creating a plan that supports them, you can gain the confidence to save and invest for the long term. To do this, it’s important to have a purpose-driven advisory process that helps you clearly identify your objectives and create a portfolio designed for you. This allows you to focus on what matters most to you while leaving your financial adviser with the tools they need to deliver advice that is appropriate for you. What about Longevity? When it comes to wealth management, longevity is a key consideration. Not only does longevity impact an individual’s current lifestyle, but it also affects how much they’ll be able to save in retirement. Women tend to have a longer life expectancy than men. It is vital that they can enjoy that long life with Financial Freedom. More... Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.


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Friday Live with Lynn Kitchen "Let's Talk Money" Season 2 Episode 105

How Do Women Define Financial Freedom? The word financial freedom is often used to describe having enough money in the bank to live a lifestyle you desire. For some, that may include a house, vacations and retirement savings. For others, it may be the ability to work when and how you want. Financial independence is the ability to support oneself without relying on others. The idea of being financially independent can be intimidating for some, but it’s a crucial step for everyone to take. Women define financial freedom differently, but they all have the same goal in mind: to have the money they need to live the life they want, ideally on their own terms. It’s all about knowing what you own and owing, living below your means, saving and investing and planning for your future goals. For many, this might mean buying their dream home, sending their children to college or traveling the world. It might also mean paying off debt, saving for retirement and establishing contingency funds in case of emergencies. Read More Join Us Live: Every Friday @3PM EST Facebook Linkedin Sign-up Now for our Free 5-Day Workshop Starting February 20th! Register Here! Receive when you register: Lynn’s Free “Money Starter Guide” Schedule of “Money Talks” Courses, Webinars, and Special Events Invite to Café of Dreams Events Links to Videos Podcast/Radio Notices Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME. Money Mentoring Programs for Women. Sign Up Here for My Newsletter and Receive: Personalized Q&A, plus what you learn here helps you make smarter money decisions for a LIFETIME.
